Chapter 38: A bunch of useless things

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A bunch of useless things

*****Still some part of the dinner.

Gu Hai almost choke on his food after hearing what his uncle Bai just uttered. "Uncle...."

"Pa..." Yinzi exclaims realizing what his father is referring to.

"Wahahahah!!" Everyone laughs on Bai HanQi's humor.

"Hahaha!!" Bai HanQi lift his glass of wine. "Let us cheer for our Gu Hai and Yinzi's marriage."

Everyone lift their glasses and said: "Cheers!!!" They happily sip their wine with some holding their juice and some with water. The dinner ended with a happy atmosphere after discussing the upcoming wedding of Gu Hai and Bai LouYin to be held within a month.

******Now driving on their way home.

That night, Gu Hai and Bai LouYin headed to Bai LouYin's own mansion in an exclusive village. Gu Hai cannot keep his excitement as he tries pinching Bai LouYin's legs while driving.

"Baaabe!! What are you doing?" Bai LouYin calls Gu Hai's attention every time the latter's attention is on him. "Keep your eyes on the road and keep your hands on the stirring wheel."

"I'm sorry baobei... I cannot help but to get so excited after seeing your hot photos."

"What do you mean I have hot pictures?"

"YouQi and YangMeng sent me your pictures looking so hot during your vacations together. F*ck!! Baobei you're so damn hot!"

"Sh*t!! Those two, I will kill them when I saw them again. That's why you're like this getting perverted again in the middle of driving."

Gu Hai pinches his left leg again. "Yup my baobei... yeaahh!!"

"Stop it Gu Hai... do you want us to get into an accident?'

"Of course not." Gu Hai focuses on driving. "I'm sorry Yinzi."

"Good." Bai LouYin added.

As they are half-way their destination, Gu Hai and Bai LouYin hums to the tune of the song playing on the radio. They are a picture of a happy couple until... "Beeeep!! Beeeepp!!" A continuous sounds of car horns can be heard.

"Baaabe!! Loook!!" Bai LouYin pointed out a car in the opposite direction which seemingly lost control is about to crash to them.

"Waaait!! AHHHH!!" Gu Hai pulled the car fast to the other side so as they will not crash into the car.

Luckily, with Gu Hai's reflex they did not crash with the car. They we're able to breathe again after defying the danger.

"Thanks God!!" They both exclaimed.

Gu Hai stop the car on the side of the road and hugs Yinzi tight. "Thank God you're safe baobei." He checks Yinzi's body. "Did you get hurt?"

"Noo.." Bai LouYin answers.

"We can go to the hospital if there's something wrong. I'm afraid baobei."

"Don't be... we're safe. Just drive slowly and we can be safe going home."

When they reached Bai LouYin's mansion it is bigger than Gu Hai's. "Baobei... I cannot believe you have your own house now."

"This is actually the ancestral house of my mom's parents and they give it to me as their way of asking forgiveness for what they have done to my mom and to us, my Pa and me. I don't actually want this but they wished for me to have it so they can leave this world peacefully."

"How about your parents? Don't you want to be with them?"

"Can't you see my mother bought her own house too for them so they can be together until they grow old. They want me to enjoy my freedom. They want me to choose my own source of happiness and I chose you." Then Bai LouYin left Gu Hai and walks inside the house.

Gu Hai is speechless after hearing the last sentence that Bai LouYin uttered. He follows Bai LouYin inside the house where maids welcome them inside. They totally forgot what happened on their way home. They reached the master's bedroom at the second floor with a whooping huge bed. But instead of feeling the excitement being alone Gu Hai pouts his lips in disappointment.

Bai LouYin noticed the state of Gu Hai's face. "Why? Aren't you happy with the room's interior?"

Gu Hai shakes his head as he makes face.

"Is there a problem? Do you want me to ask the maids to change the mattress or the curtains?" Bai LouYin asks.

"Nope... everything's fine." Gu Hai answers.

"Then, why does it feels like the sky fell on your face?"

"That!!" Gu Hai points on the bed.

"wahhahha!!!" Bai LouYin laughs on Gu Hai.

"Let's check the other room. I don't want to sleep here." Gu Hai walks closer to Bai LouYin and holds his hands so they can go out of the room.

"Hahah!! Bai LouYin laughs again. "Aren't you being childish babe??"

Gu Hai looks at Bai LouYin seriously. "Aren't you the done being childish here?"

"How can you say that?" Bai LouYin face his palms upward.

"Look at that bunch of pillows piling up on the bed. You know I hate them but I think you personally put all these here."

"Wahahahah!" Bai LouYin laughs to his heart's content seeing the reaction on Gu Hai's face when the latter found out the bunch of pillows on the bed. 




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