Avengers Oneshots

By Fried_Radish

26.8K 366 244

This is going to be a variety of different ships, but also the avengers just hanging out together and doing a... More

Bleeding Magic #Ironstrange
Redheaded Theif #Natasha
Flower Shop AU #Stucky
Pancakes #Ironstrange
Electric Love #Ironstrange
It's A Trip! #Avengers
It's A Trip! P2 #Avengers
It's A Trip! P3 #Avengers
It's A Trip! P4 #Avengers
It's A Trip P5 #Avengers
Boredom #Sam and Bucky
Magical University AU #Spideypool
Magical University AU #Shorts
Solsbury Hill #Stucky
Stealth #IronStrange
Manic Depressive #Natasha
Talking Helps #Ironstrange
Art #Avengers
The Science Museum #Ironstrange
The Science Museum P2 #Ironstrange
Eventually #FrostSilver
A/N - Sorry
Poison #ScarlettWidow
Bohemian Like You #Stucky
I Smell Secrets #FrostSilver
The Necromantica (AU) #Ironstrange

Starry Skies #Frostsilver

1.1K 19 2
By Fried_Radish

A/N I can't find any examples of this ship here at all - though I'm probably not the first to have thought of it - and I hope this isn't terrible. It's just fluffy, and I want to see how it turns out. Please comment if you have any suggestions. The art further down is my own - it's on lined paper because I drew it at school. The album cover above is the song that was the inspiration for this. Happy reading <3


Pietro was panicking. He had sweatpants, hoodies and t-shirts. Nothing even vaguely smart. He'd been going through his wardrobe for half an hour now. This was the 3rd time. He knew he wouldn't find anything new, but he was also desperate and clinging to the hope that he had something wedged in at the back, maybe behind an old shoe box or something? Nothing. He ended up borrowing some clothes from Stephen - they were roughly the same size, and Stephen dressed a lot smarter.

He was now dressed in blue jeans, a shirt and a matching jacket. Stephen had suggested a tie, but Pietro had a burning hatred for ties. He was feeling slightly calmer now. It was more of a fussy flutter in his stomach than the messy panic he'd been in earlier.

Loki, on the other hand, was in more of a cool panic. The kind where you nervously sit on a chair tapping your leg, feeling like if you stood up you might fall over, and you don't want to chance it. He'd never been on a date like this before. He'd never cared about someone this much before (other than his mother, and sometimes Thor.) He was used to sarcasm and being dramatic and pushing others away.

He was dressed in his all black suit. For once he wasn't trying to be dramatic, he just didn't trust his foggy mind to put together an outfit with coordinating colours. His hair had been combed within an inch of its life and he was now pacing the hallway at the front of the Avengers' compound.

Pietro turned up 15 minutes late, after not being able to find his left shoe. His hair was slightly fuzzy from frantically digging through the closet and his trousers were wrinkled. Loki looked instantly relieved, and offered an arm to his charmingly disheveled date.

"Sorry I'm late," Pietro said, an apologetic grin on his face, as he took Loki's arm.

"You're supposed to be fast!" Loki said in fake exasperation, "you can break the sound barrier - it should be physically impossible for you to be late."

Rolling his eyes, "where are we going?" Pietro asked, as they walked out of the building.

"Firstly, it's a suprise, and secondly, I'm making a portal there right now."


"Yes, I had an idea, but it requires a portal." Loki unhooked his arm from Pietro and waved them in an upwards motion. A swirling, blue mass coalesced, and vaguely, through the middle, Pietro could see a night sky with far more stars than he'd ever seen before.

In the middle of it stood Loki, arm outstretched. He looked breathtaking in the moonlight, Pietro thought, and couldn't stop the smile that lit up his face as he took Loki's hand.


The other side of the portal wasn't what Pietro had expected. He'd thought there'd be a restaurant, or maybe a play - something fancy. Instead he was greeted with a deep purple sky, whispering trees, and his feet sinking into sand.

He took a few steps away from Loki to admire the surroundings. Waves crept up and down the sand and the shore was lined with palm trees. There was no wind, however the trees rustled occasionally as animals ran through them. The sand was soft like cushions near the trees, and firm under his feet as he got closer to the sea, before it gave way again. Sand covered his shoes, and Pietro jumped back a little.

He'd never been to a beach before. He'd never gotten the chance. His childhood had been filled with dusty streets lined with cream coloured buildings - their plaster cracking in the midday sun. The crumbling flats were interspersed with old, copper-roofed buildings. They were beautifully ornate and the stark green roofs stood out against the haze that passed for a sky. It was the epitome of urban sprawl: grey buildings cobbled together in months to house a growing population crawled away from the city centre to take over the landscape. It was home though; nothing even remotely close to a beach.

The sky above them now looked blank at first glance. An empty canvas with a few accidental white splatters. As Pietro focused though, he could see clusters of pinpricks. Some with a blue tinge, others orangy or red. There were no clouds at all. Infront if him was empty sea. This would normally be frightening: the sea leading off into nothing and the trees rustling ominously. However, the soft chattering from the trees and the wash of the sea was strangely calming.

Something was out of place. It took Pietro a moment to notice that the surf sneaking up the beach was glowing. It was full of little blue lights like pearls, or maybe moonstones. It was beautiful. Magical.

Pietro had been silent for a while now and Loki was starting to lose confidence. He walked over quietly to Pietro's side and gingerly put an arm around his waist.

"Why does it glow?" Pietro whispered.

"It's bioluminescent algae. It glows in the dark," Loki replied, gently rubbing his thumb up and down Pietro's side. "We're at the Sea of Stars in the Maldives."

Pietro relaxed into his arm at the soothing motion and leant in towards Loki's body, wrapping his own arm around Loki's waist. At this point Loki had lost all ability to move his legs. There were no words to describe what he was feeling.

There was a word to describe the next feeling. Several in fact. These words would be soggy, suprising, and cold. A small wave had come up the sand further than the rest of them and had washed carefully over Pietro and Loki's shoes. Pietro had jolted back at the sudden feeling, with his arm still twined with Loki's. They tumbled down on the sand next to eachother, laughing. Pietro was leaning on his side with one arm half dug into the sand, while Loki rested back on his forearms and stared up at the stars.

"Thank you," Pietro said with a soft smile, "it's not everyday someone does something like this for me."

"My pleasure," Loki smiled in return.

Pietro rested his hand on Loki's, who turned his head at the sudden touch. Pietro took this opportunity to kiss him softly on the cheek, which Loki returned with a longer one on the lips. Then another. Pietro slipped an arm back around Loki as the kisses continued.

"You're cold," Pietro mumbled inbetween kisses.

"Warm me up then, darling?" Loki smirked against Pietro's lips.

Then Loki remembered the food. Both were slightly breathless and Loki was feeling significantly warmer. Grazing a hand across Pietro's cheek Loki pulled away slowly, savouring the last of the moment.

"The food will get cold dear," he said gently.

"You should have told me sooner," Pietro replied, grinning. He gingerly removed his fingers from Loki's hair and climbed off him, offering a hand. Loki stood up gracefully and clasped Pietro hand, guiding him to a small glow near the trees.


Layed out at the border between the trees and the sand was a thick cotton blanket. It was mostly white, but had bands of colour streaked across it, and it was covered with cushions. Candles surrounded a bottle of Pinot Grigio. And 2 boxes of pizza.

"I did not have you pegged as a pizza guy," Pietro laughed.

Loki looked a little pink, "suprise...," then adding jazz hands, "I can't cook, and there's a good pizza place down the road from the compound," he said, a little sheepishly.

"There's no pizza pla- wait, you mean Bernie's?"

Bernie's was on the outskirts of New York, where the suburbs met the inner city. It was a small, back-alley pizza shop that probably didn't make its profits entirely off pizza, and it was a hotspot for people with names like Bob and Larry in orange visablility jackets and paint-covered trousers. It also happened to be a secret favourite haunt of Loki's, who knew Bernie, Bernie's wife, and their two kids. He also happened to be on good terms with the two waiters Linda and Dan, who would come over to the compound with free pizza when the other Avengers were out.

"Uh, yeah, Bernie's, that's the one," Loki rambled a little, "I don't go there much but a friend told me the pizza wasn't bad, and I mean, everyone likes pizza..."

"If you're friends with the manager and his family that's fine - what ones have you got?" Pietro asked, semi-joking, already getting comfy and opening the boxes. "You get the veggie pizzas?"

"The vegetables balance out the fat. Or at least, I like to think they do. That way I don't feel as bad when I stress eat" Loki replied.

"Fair," Pietro shrugged, opening the second box. Loki sat down next to him and tore off one of the box lids to use as a plate - he'd forgotten them while he'd been panicking earlier. Pietro didn't seem to notice, eating straight from the box. Loki breathed an internal sigh of relief.


Pietro was a suprisingly slow eater. He did everything else so fast that he liked to savour his food. Loki was lying on his back starring at the stars as he waited for Pietro to finish. It was a beautiful, clear evening, and the gentle wish-wash of the waves made him feel slightly sleepy. He was brought back to reality though, by a shuffle and a sudden weight on his middle. Pietro had finished eating and had rested his head on Loki's stomach, twisting their hands together.

Loki smiled to himself, taking the time to just appreciate the moment. Pietro's fluffy, blonde hair was spread out over his chest, and he could feel how soft his skin was as he ran his thumb over their intertwined hands.

"It's beautiful," Pietro sighed.

"Indeed you are," Loki mumbled to himself.


"Indeed it is," Loki said, slightly louder, brushing his other hand through Pietro's hair. "Really amazing," he said, quietening again, fixing his eyes on the top of Pietro's head.

"Can we explore?" Pietro asked, sitting up.

Loki missed the warmth from him, but sat up too. "I don't see why not." He stood up, brushing sand off the back of his jacket. "This way, m'lady," Loki grinned.

Pietro gave a hmmf, but took the offered arm with a smile.


It was much quieter beneath the trees. The surf from the sea sounded much further away than it actually was, and there was no other noise. Pietro gripped Loki's hand slightly harder.

There was a cool breeze flowing over the trees, and it occasionally came down to dance within the trunks. It would swirl around the two occasionally, making Pietro shiver. Loki barely noticed, until he felt Pietro huddle into his side a little more.

"Darling, it's almost 30 degrees - how are you cold?" Loki asked.

"I'm not cold," Pietro replied shortly.

"You're clutching my arm and you shiver every so often...."

Silence - apart from the whispering trees above. Pietro looked a little whiter in the pale moonlight though.

"What's wrong, dear?" Loki said gently.

"I don't like the dark, it brings back bad memories."

Loki though for a moment, before he turned to face Pietro and took both his hands.  "Close your eyes for a moment."

Pietro looked a little stunned at first, and then slightly terrified. He pursed his lips and shook his head briefly. Loki could see a slight dip under his bottom lip where he must be biting it.

"Do you trust me?" Loki questioned, then added "the answer doesn't have to be yes," with a sort of sad smile.

"Of course I trust you," Pietro said, breathing a little sigh - like he was trying to breathe out his apprehension. He slowly closed his eyes, flinching as he heard someone snap their fingers.

Loki smoothed his thumbs over Pietro's hands and whispered, "you can open them now, darling."


Tiny, bright points floated through the gloom of the trees, swirling like a Van Gogh painting. A few flickered every so often as they wove between the trees. The blue black night that swooped in from the sea and over the trees was replaced by a golden glow from thousands of sparks - some orange, some yellow, some so bright they looked close to white. They flowed around Loki and Pietro, like little dancing fairies.

Pietro gazed around in wonder and took a step back to look up into the trees, watching the particles drift through the leaves. He wanted to say something, but he could think of any words to express just how beautiful it was. 

"Any better?" Loki asked. He was actually blown away with the effect too - he hadn't expected it to look quite so amazing.

Pietro turned back and threw himself at Loki, wrapping his arms around him tightly. "Thank you," he said quietly.

Loki returned the gesture, moving his arms to Pietro's waist, swaying gently to silent music.

The slow dance became faster as fingers tangled with hair and their lips collided. It was sweet and slow, but with an underlying passion that made Loki go a little weak. He could feel himself leaning into Pietro slightly for support. His arms curled around Pietro's shoulders and he sighed into the kiss. He finally got to touch that beautiful, fluffy hair again. Carding his fingers through it. Pietro's arms circled Loki's waist, supporting him easily.

Each gave shallow breaths between kisses, trying to keep the moment going as long as possible. They could each feel the other's heart racing through their pressed-together chests. Loki brought a hand up the cup Pietro's cheek and traced a finger across his cheek bones.

"So, would you do this again?" Loki asked innocently, his heavy breathing telling a different story, though.

Pietro nodded, grinning.

"In that case, do you have any plans for Friday?"

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