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By durkioswifeee_

131K 2.9K 829

a hood love story.๐Ÿ’• - BOOK 2 COMING SOON. More

part 1: intro.
part 2: girl its your bithday lets turn up.
part 3: home sweet home.
part 4: hoes, just hoes.
part 5: traumatized..
part 6: thank you being, you.
part 7: baby..
part 8: oh brother..
part 9: done.
part 10: well nice to meet you..
part 11: abor-SHAWN
part 12: single? never heard of her.
part 13: i should just-
part 14: fast forward.
part 15: single bitches!!
part 17: gender reveal.
part 18: rip..
part 19: free me till its backwards.
part 20: fuck this shit im out.
part 21: all good.
part 23: breaking boundaries..
part 24: fair.
part 25: im thankful for you.
part 26: oh baby..
part 27: ok...
part 28: iLOVEyou.๐Ÿ’“
part 29: moving time.
part 30: here's the plan..
part 31: happy mf birthdayy!!
part 32: wow..
part 33: bora bora bitches!!
part 34: arrival:)
part 35: day 2..
part 36: new plan:)
part 37: home again.
part 38: one more thing..
part 39: sorry, im not jolly
part 40: merry christmas bitches!!
new book!

part 22: done bitch, DONE.

1.9K 45 3
By durkioswifeee_

nai'lani pov
november 23rd, 2020
8:56 am

- at the hospital -
"sorry to see you back here ms.davis. but, I'm happy to say you and your baby are ok. you'll have a few bruises, but other than that you and your child should be fine." the doctor said.

"here, this is some pain medication for you. we're also bringing in police. you've been in the hospital twice in the past month, both with injuries inflicted by the same person, and seeming that he's the father of your child, it looks like domestic violence to me.. if you would like to press charges you can let them know when they arrive." he said and I nodded. then he walked out and I grabbed my phone.

"lani?!" kamari said running in the room with a little boy.

"fuck, you ok? I'm sorry- I shouldn't have left." he said hugging me.

"don't be sorry, you had shit to do, this ain't yo fault." I said chuckling.

he looked at me and then I looked at his son.

"he's cute." I said waving. his son looked at me and then at kamari.

"say hi gino." he said chuckling.

"hii." gino said waving.l and hugging kamari's leg.

I laughed and looked at kamari.

"thanks for being here, now go. enjoy your time with your son. khloe's gonna be back soon and we're leaving so I'll be fine." I said getting up and pushing him out the door.

"ight. but lani, he'll come back. you need to press charges." he said.

"I know, I am."

"and what about his homeboys. what if they try to come for you when they find out you got him put him in jail." kamari said picking up his son.

"I don't know, I was thinking about moving anyways though, just so I could have more space for the baby." I said slowly pushing him out the room.

"just be careful ight." he said looking at me.

"okk." I said laughing and he left. I went back to the bed and laid down, then khloe came in about 5 minutes later.

"okk, you ready?" she said trying to help me up out the bed.

"bitch I got it." I said and then there was a knock at the door.

"hi, are you nai'lani davis?" one of the officers asked.


"we want to ask you a few questions about trey phillips. ok?" he said.

I nodded and sat down on the bed next to khloe.

"you were shot recently.. was it him who shot you ma'am?"

"yes." I said playing with my fingers.

"and now, when this young lady found you on the floor in your home, was it trey phillips who had beat you this badly while you're pregnant with his child?"

"yes." I said as a tear fell down my face.

"would you like to press charges?" the second officer said walking in.

"yes.." I said to her and she nodded.

"ok, well they're discharging you soon. we recommend staying the night at a friends house or at a hotel so you're safe. we know his friends can be a little violent as well, so we'll make sure to watch out for that too ok." she said and they walked out.

"you ready to go?" khloe said standing up. I nodded. I'm tired of hospitals and police and shit. I'm tired of all this shit tj done brought into my life. he's caused me so much pain, and right now, I'm holding onto this baby since it's one of the three things that actually makes me happy.
heyy!!💕 sorry this chapter was short and boring asf, it's gon be good next chapter.. k bye!! make sure y'all vote and comment and follow me.ALSO THANKS FOR 1K READS!!💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

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