A Knight Secret (Shidge)

By VoltronMoon

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{Discontinued} Pidge becomes a knight got the Garrison kingdom but Pidge has a secret, one she has to make su... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 21.

Chapter 20.

139 7 6
By VoltronMoon



"Shit ... oh shit ... oh shit, I'm late" Pidge cursed under her breath as she ran as fast as she could, her sword hitting the side of her leg as she ran. Her sweaty tunic and trousers sticking to her a little and showing her womanly shape since she wasn't binding anything as she was meant to be Katie now. 

Sliding rounder a corner before running into the rumoured meeting room that a long table with chairs already inside. Lotor and Matt turning to her in relief fearing she would miss the main important meeting .. it would be the first meeting between the three kingdoms.

"Didn't we agree train later and meeting first" Lotor huffed back as he lifted up a posh but simple burglary coloured dress. Long sleeves and would end at the floor, a mini turtle neck as well. 

"I lost track of time, sorry" Pidge huffed back, throwing her brown man boots off, letting them land in the corner beside the bag that Matt and Lotor carried with the dress and fancy shoes inside.

"Sword" Matt ordered while Lotor walked over with the dress that would slide over the boyish clothes she was wearing right now. It was the perfect cover since they had a feeling she would try training a little.

"Arms up" Lotor ordered as he threw the dress over her arms, helping her wiggle in once Matt held her belt and sword, stepping back to place them in the bag with her boots.

"Did uncle notice" Pidge asked with worry, stepping over and sliding her feet in the fancy shoes with a tiny square heel, Lotor doing the zip to the dress for her. 

"He hasn't arrived yet thankfully" Lotor answered with a thankfully look.

"Look down below" Matt called out before throwing the bag out the window, letting it fall into a bush under for them to pick up later. For now, it was important to hide up the evidence that Pidge was playing with her sword instead of greeting others.

"Hair" Pidge asked as she tilted her head a little before Lotor pulled out a brush from his pocket and started brushing her hair before putting it up in a slight bun thankful he carried a spare hairband after he tied his up today.

"Fan" Lotor called out making Matt pull out the ladies hand held fan and pass to his sister.

"Thanks guys" Pidge smiled sweetly as she stepped back once Lotor was done, dressed and looked as a real lady of a household. 

"No worries, just next time lets there not be a next time" Matt grinned and patted his sister cheek. 

"Or at least let us be the ones late for once" Lotor teased making Pidge giggle.

"So, did you do this a lot before becoming Pidge" Hunk nervously asked making the two siblings and Lotor freeze up since they forgot about the Garrison kingdom knights and prince's were already in the room waiting for Alfor, Zarkon and Allura.

"If my memory serves me right, Lord Matthew and Lady Katie would train together in secret with Prince Lotor help. So, I'm sure this isn't the first time they had to rush over and change" Kuro spoke up from where he already sat at the table.

"Please don't tell uncle or King Alfor and mostly please don't tell Allura ... I do not want to live threw that shipwreck again" Matt begged slightly as Pidge and Lotor shared an worried look.

"Don't worry, we won't tell but it was amusing to watch what just happened" Shiro grinned, giving a slight chuckle as he remembered how in sink the three were to it. 

"It comes with years of not following rules" Lotor answered with a small smile.

"Well, I'm happy to see that you haven't given up sword fighting" Keith smiled slightly making Pidge smile back.

"Still the best sword fighter in all of Daibazaal" Pidge proudly answered with a thumbs up.

"Even out doing the king and prince" Lance asked amazed.

"She can easily defeat me, sure my father puts up a longer fight but she can beat him" Lotor answered as he rubbed his neck a little.

"She clearly the best swordsmen in all Daibazaal" Matt smugly smiled as he nudged his smiling sister. 

"Who the best swordsmen in Daibazaal" Alfor asked as he, Zarkon and Allura stepped inside making the rest in the room freeze up.

"I am, after my father" Lotor answered quickly, a clear lie to those who seen Pidge skills. 

"Makes sense, Lotor the best swordsmen and Matthew the smarted to live" Alfor replied and Pidge just raised an eyebrow.

"What am I, chop liver" Pidge grumbled under her breath making her brother nudge her. 

"Well shall we start this meeting" Allura asked sweetly turning her back to the three young adults born in Daibazaal giving them the optionality to stick their tongues out at her before acting innocent as Alfor when to turn to them, Those from the Garrison kingdom just smiling as they watched. 

"Lets" Lotor smiled innocently while Matt and Pidge just nodded.

"Why not sit down children" Zarkon smiled with care and the three nodded before sitting at the right end at the bottom, Zarkon sitting in the middle beside his son while Allura and Alfor sat opposite  beside Kuro who had shiro opposite him. The three knights standing by the wall that their two prince's sat at.

The meeting went just as Matt, Pidge and Lotor expected. None clearly or fully trusted Zarkon, while Kuro and Shiro was willing to go slow for a friendship to be made. Allura and Alfor wouldn't just allow it, they wanted real safety measures in controlling Zarkon before a truce treaty was ever signed. It wasn't just putting a guard on him or watching over his acts, no they wanted full take over. Most of his kingdom and to put a hold of most of his king actions making him unable to hold any power at all. He would be a puppet under their control and Zarkon didn't agree. 

Yes, Zarkon wanted to prove himself and he wanted to gain trust but he won't just let Alfor take over his kingdom. He won't just follow Alfor orders like he was a mere servant and like hell he'll put his people lives in the Altea King hands, not when its clear his people won't be able to live as well by the new laws they came up with. Daibazaal would be starved and barely paid for those still within the kingdom and they would have no respect, Zarkon won't just sit back and watch it happen.

Then it came to Lotor as well, he would hold no name to the throne if Zarkon did die or give up the crown. The thrown would fall straight to Allura who was already heir to Altea. Lotor would lose his title as a prince and hold no power at all, no money or name as soon as the true treaty be signed giving him no way of living since he'll lose it all at once even his own money earned as a knight. They would strip him of his knight title as Daibazaal wouldn't be needing any knights.

Matthew was slightly lucky, he'll keep his own earned money as a knight since he worked under Altea kingdom but he would lose his title of Lord. The Holt name was be placed down and forgotten making the father good name sound like nothing but filth.

"Sam Holt was a good man, he was a doctor who saved many lives. Enemy or friend, rich or poor he saved their lives fairly. He did nothing wrong and would never be shameful in our eyes, don't even dare making our family name sound like we criminals .. I won't allow it" Matt snapped back, glaring to Alfor while his sister quickly placing her hand on his shoulder, shaking her head knowing now wasn't the time to lose their cool.

"My brother speaks the truth, our father was a great man and ask any within any kingdom and they'll say the same. His home was in Daibazaal but he left for any town or kingdom if the sick or injured needed his help. He is an honourable and respectable man, one I believe even you can't shame" Pidge spoke calmly and held pride in her voice as she looked to Alfor while her brother sat back down to calm himself.

"Something his children clearly didn't follow in, I wouldn't shame your father name becuase you two clearly already have" Alfor spat back making Pidge glare and her hands turn into fists but she still stayed sitting and biting he tongue to stop herself from snapping back.

"I understand you may not trust my father but why make those who live within the kingdom suffer as well. My father has came to prove himself, he willing to take time to earn trust within the kingdoms and yet your clearly not even going to let him try. Of course, our kingdom have done wrong doings back in the day but what kingdom hasn't at least once in the history. At least we trying to make amends before this awful air sticks between our kingdoms forever" Lotor spoke up, staying chilled and peaceful even if his hand was in a fist under the table.

"Don't make us seem like the enemy, your the ones who brought this trouble for yourselves. You really think we could trust the throne to a man like that. We've agreed our terms, its not our fault if your too selfish to accept them" Allura huffed back, earning a killer glare from all three children of Daibazaal until they glanced away as Zarkon coughed.

"Then I must apologize, I will not form a truce treaty with Altea Kingdom. I want the best for my kingdom and will not just let you make my people life a mystery for my actions. I'm happy to pass my crown to my son but I was hoping that forgiveness for the kingdom it self could be earned. Clearly you chose your own selfish feelings over this and I will not let you have control for your revenge. We'll leave in the morning, It wasn't a pleasure to meet with you again Alfor but it was a great pleasure to finally meet with you Prince Kuro and Prince Shir-Takashi" Zarkon finally spoke up, standing as he glared slightly before calming down and giving a friendly smile to the two princes of Garrison, changing the name for shiro as Pidge gave a slight cough since Shiro was a nickname not his real name.

"Children, Why don't we do some sword practicing in the training area. I'm sure you'll like to cool off" Zarkon offered as he looked to his son and adopted children.

"As you wish" Lotor mumbled out still trying to keep his clam.

"We'll meet you there" Matt smiled and grabbing his sister hand before leaving first knowing she'll explode from her anger if she opened her mouth.

"Still the same as ever" Zarkon smiled as he walked out with his son, still finding the Holt siblings as amusing as ever.

The meeting room stayed a tensed silence even after those from Daibazaal left. Shiro and Kuro looking to each other with worried looks and slight anger themselves over how the first meeting went. Neither of them really got a word in and they were willing to take the chance of holding a hand of friendship out not to Zarkon but to Lotor. A way where the future kings and queens could trust one another and live in peace letting their parents past not taint the future.

The three knights stayed still, acting unbothered but all of them was a mess on the inside. The friend, they watched as their friend get talked over like a criminal and looked down on so easily without having to step in and cover her back. It wasn't just Pidge name in danger but her future as well and they hated leaving her to fight alone while they watched. 

"Did you really need to bring Sam Holt into this, he was a good man who saved many lives during the war even before the war. That man was a hero and you want to shame him while he dead. Yes, you might not approve over his children actions but getting your revenge on them by attacking their dead father was not the way to go. Its more shameful then anything else I've ever seen or heard" Kuro spoke up, a slight hiss in his voice, keeping his eyes glued to the  table.

"Its clear to us that you were never here to make a truce treaty with anyone from Daibazaal. If its all the same to you, I think we may leave tomorrow as well after we spoke with King Zarkon. Sometimes someone only needs a second chance, Zarkon was once a good man and his children are still good, we can still save our kingdoms from a future war. A war that would only start by Daibazaal being mistreated .. At least Zarkon knew his mistakes when he entered this war and was willing to fix them, that something more honourable then you both" Shiro sighed as he pushed himself to stand, not even wanting to look at Alfor or Allura right now knowing he couldn't play nice with them.

"Sir" Keith asked, nodding his head over where they should head.

"I think its time for you knights to train a little, shall we" Shiro smirked slightly as he raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, my prince" Lance, Keith and Hunk called back with grins.

"Lets go then" Kuro smiled and the five left the room not giving Allura or Alfor a single glance, not even when Allura called out to Shiro.

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