The Cruel World (completed)

By mattdrei07

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How will Bai LouYin live in a world full of sufferings? Family make Bai LouYin strong but it is also his weak... More

Chapter 1: How it all starts
What to expect? What to do?
Chapter 2: Why did it happened
Chapter 3: Congratulations
Chapter 4: In the eyes of the tiger
Chapter 5: Who is the tiger?
Chapter 6: Meeting the tiger 1
Chapter 7: Meeting the tiger 2
Chapter 9: The beauty is taken
Chapter 10: At the tiger's den
Chapter 11: The bathroom
Chapter 12: The underwear
Chapter 13: He really likes me
Chapter 14: Kisses... hug
Chapter 15: The battle
Chapter 16: Keeping up with the Bais
Chapter 17: An impostor among us
Chapter 18: Tell me the truth
Chapter 19: Wordly-things
Chapter 20: No hickeys
Chapter 21: Want some wine??
Chapter 22: Alive
Chapter 23: Eaten alive (Rated R)
Chapter 24: Eaten alive 2 (Rated R)
Getting near the Finale
Chapter 25: You're ban for now, a new chapter
Chapter 26: A new chapter begins
Chapter 27: The Investors Gala
Chapter 28: Mr. Jiang
Chapter 29: Flashback to Yinzi's disappearance
Chapter 30: Welcome S*x (Rated R)
Chapter Special: The Life of Assistants (Rated R)
Chapter 31: Questions???
Chapter 32: Trust, love and respect
Chapter 33: I say NO! (steamy)
Chapter 34: I said YES!
Chapter 35: F*ck you two!!
Chapter 36: Uncle... dad, real quick
Chapter Guides
Chapter 37: A look back at Yinzi's whereabouts
Chapter 38: A bunch of useless things
Chapter 39: On the way to the party
Chapter 40: Bai LouYin is missing
Chapter 41: Finding the culprit
Chapter 42: Reasons
Chapter 43: Finding Yinzi
Chapter 44: Rescuing Yinzi
Chapter 45: Rescuing Yinzi 2
Chapter 46: I have to be strong
Chapter 47: Back to his life again
Chapter 48: Eager to go back to work (R)
Chapter Special: Life after the kidnapping
Chapter Special: Life after the kidnapping 2 (R)
Chapter 49: The new assistant
Chapter 50: Glorious
Chapter 51: Will be killed together
Chapter 52: The video call (steamy)
Chapter FINALE 1: Happiness
Chapter FINALE 2: Happiness

Chapter 8: Lured prey

687 44 17
By mattdrei07



:happy reading sweeties.


Upon realizing Bai LouYin's state, he takes off his jacket so he can put it on Bai LouYin but he got a different response.

"What do you think you're doing? You take me out of the red room but here you are..." Bai LouYin cannot complete his sentence when Gu Hai put the jacket on him.

"You're overthinking babe. I just want to cover your sexy body." Gu Hai then winked to Bai LouYin.



Gu Hai's phone is ringing. It is the one he talked with a while ago. "Excuse me for a while babe." Gu Hai went out of the room and answer the call. After a few minutes he went back inside with a smile. "I already made arrangements for your grandparents. My assistant is currently transferring them into a bigger hospital. Your grandparents will have all the necessary check-ups and tests tomorrow and will be staying in a private room together. Then, the rest will also be taken care of tomorrow."

"Who do you think you are to do this thing?" Bai LouYin got angry to Gu Hai. "You know that I can't pay since my family is poor. Staying in that hospital is what we can manage and now you're transferring them to a bigger one. Where do you think we'll get the money to pay all the medical expenses?" Bai LouYin sighs in anger over Gu Hai.

"Don't worry Bai LouYin, I will take care of all the expenses." Gu Hai assured Bai LouYin.

"Then what? Then you're gonna take me too like your cousin? I know what's on your mind since same blood runs in your body too. You're clearly using this weakness of mine right now so you can have me in your palm too." Bai LouYin cannot take it knowing that what he assumes might be for real.

"Don't worry I will not take you now. Not now my babe. But remember that I will be taking you later on to work for me or be mine too. Whether with money but most probably because you like me too. Always keep that in your mind. My assistant will visit you from time to time to check on you."

Bai LouYin cannot speak anymore upon hearing what Gu Hai uttered and left him alone inside the room alone.

The next day, Bai LouYin went to visit his grandparents together with his dad. Bai HanQi feels something is wrong when the taxi takes a different turn and not heading to the hospital. "I think we're in a wrong direction."

"No Pa, we are heading to the right direction." Bai LouYin responds.

Bai HanQi cannot talk right away upon realizing what just had happened. His parents transferred in a big private hospital and having all the special treatments like a vip.

Then his phone suddenly starts to ring. He answered the call and cannot believe what he just heard from other side of the phone. "What?? Are you telling me that our house mortgage is now fully paid?"

"Yes sir. Someone came early this morning and pay every single cent you owe our company. They did not divulge their identity but they clearly said that you can ask your son if you have other questions." The voice from the other side of the phone.

After dropping the call Bai HanQi received a message from the school accounting stating that Bai LouYin's school fees are now paid for the whole school year. Everything went fast and he is in deep shock. He went back inside the room and called his son to talk to him outside. "Yinzi, son, what did you do?"

"What do you mean Pa?" Yinzi answered with another question.

"Son, you don't need to lie to me. I received a call that our house is now fully paid then, your school sent me a message that your fees are also fully paid for the rest of your stay in college. Where did you get all that money? Your grandparents also got transferred into this big hospital and being treated like a vip. Do you think I will not think of these as unusual things happening to our family? So tell me, what you just did?" Bai HanQi calmly talks with Bai LouYin. He knows that this is the best way he can get a real answer from his son.

Bai LouYin felt nervous knowing that Gu Hai made his move now. "Ahm.. Pa one of my boss has offered his help when he knew my situation and I accepted it for grandpa and grandma's sake but I never thought that he will extend his help by paying our house mortgage and my tuition fees.

After that Bai HanQi didn't asked any further after being interrupted by few nurses who came to check on Grandpa and Grandma Bai.


Bai HanQi cannot believe everything that had happened. He is still in doubt how someone is willing to pay everything for their family. The generosity showed to them is highly appreciated but he has this inkling feeling in his heart that it has to do something with his son.

As a father it hurts him that he can't give his son a good life. If only his wife did not leave them and did not disowned them maybe, he can give Bai LouYin to her and his son might have a better life.


One afternoon, Bai LouYin is about to go out of the school gate when he noticed a luxuriously looking car parked in front of their school. When he stepped out of the gate, a guy in suit also went out of the car and walked to him. "My boss sent me today to check on you. I will be sending you back to your house today." The guy said.

Upon hearing what the guy in suit said, Bai LouYin finally come to senses that it is the assistant that Gu Hai told him before. "No need to send me back home I have work this afternoon I will be going there straight." He replied.

"Then I will be sending you to your work today."

Bai LouYin cannot believe the perseverance of this guy like his boss. "You don't need to as I can manage myself to commute going there."

"If I didn't send you today he might fire me today too. Please beg me your mercy Sir."

Because of that, Bai LouYin agreed. Once a week, the assistant will have sent him back home or in his work. One time they went in a restaurant and talk about the conditions of Gu Hai.

"Isn't that too cruel of a conditions?" Bai LouYin's reaction upon hearing all the conditions.

"I cannot do anything about these. My boss just sent me here to tell you all his conditions."

"How can I meet your boss? He helped me but I haven't meet him yet all this time." Bai LouYin asked him.

"You will meet him only during the time that you will be paying with your money or with your body. Remember also that he will be collecting his interest."

"What the heck!!! Do you really think I can pay him unless I surrendered myself to him now?" Bai LouYin felt helpless.

Conditions: Pay in full within the 2years contract or live with me until you pay completely. Don't even think of running away or committing suicide.


After 1 year, Bai LouYin talks at the back of his mind upon seeing Gu Hai again. "The f*ck he's my boss?? I'm screwed."

When the meeting ended, he received a message and chills run on his body as he reads the text: "It's nice seeing you again baobei."

*****let's spice things up in the coming chapters*****




:stay safe everyone

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