Ben 10 Alien Vampire

By Qchronicles

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Ben Tennyson's gone through it all: Aliens, Magic, Warlords, and such. Now he's facing a new challenge: Hi... More

Chapter 1: And Then There Were Ten... Again
Chapter 2: Sucs to B-Us and Flies; Breakfast or Friend?
Chapter 4: Attack of the Fan Boys; Is this Farewell?
Chapter 5: Revenge of the Fan Girls; Songs of Love, Destruction, and Protection
Chapter 6: Club Hunting; Out of the Water
Chapter 7: The Peeping Howler; Wolf vs. Wolf
Chapter 8: Tests of Friendships; Kurumu's Slimy Stalker
Chapter 9: Time Alone with the Stars; Pier Pressure pt.1
Chapter 10: Time Alone with the Stars; Pier Pressure pt.2
Chapter 11: Arts and Crafters; Happy Birthday... or Modeling Day
Chapter 12: The Girl of Snow; Loneliness Lifted by an Angel
Chapter 13: Strengths to the Test; The Rath of Ben
Chapter 14: Attack of the Cousins; Security Committee's A'Snoopin'
Chapter 15: The Enemy of My Enemy; Old Grudges Settled With
Chapter 16:Settling Old Scores; An Uneasy Alliance
Chapter 17: Interrogations of the Heinous Sort; the Secret's Out...
Chapter 18: Who's the Hero; Stand Alone... or Together
Chapter 20: Fire vs Omnitrix; the Power of Friendship pt2
Chapter 21: Fire vs Omnitrix; the Power of Friendship pt3
Chapter 22: A Jolt From the Past; Who Can You Trust?
Chapter 22: A Jolt from the Past; Who do you Trust? Pt.2

Chapter 3: Love's a Real Witch; the Borders Between Beings

2.6K 42 6
By Qchronicles

Chapter 3: Love's a Real Witch; the Borders Between Beings

Boys Dorm

Ben's Room

Ben was at his desk in his dorm bed room, writing a letter for his Grandpa Max, explaining to him about the events that had taken the first three weeks on campus. Not to mention the two girls that were now in his life, Moka Akashiya and Kurumu Kurono. However, this one would be the unedited version, as he would be sending another one to his parents. Though he would still mention of the friends that he had made; if he had ever come home and the girls had followed him there, he'd have to explain it in great detail. So this way, he could give them a heads up as to what to expect in the future. The problem was that he wasn't sure what to write about, and there was a lot to write about. After all, it wasn't everyday a kid who could change into over ten different aliens ended up in a school of monsters.

Tapping his pencil on his desk, he then started to write,

Dear Grandpa Max,

Thanks for telling me about Youkai Academy. You were able to get me ready for what I was going to face. And, thanks to the Omnitrix, I was able to hide my human status, just like you and Gwen said it would. I have to admit, a lot of stuff has been going on here. I've made some pretty good friends. They may be monsters, but they are good people. Their names are Moka Akashiya and Kurumu Kurono. Let's just say life isn't really dull with them around…

Ben continued to write, mostly about how he'd met both girls. He chuckled at how his parents, and Grandpa would react if they had ever met them.

The first official friend I made was, well… perhaps the cutest girl that's on campus, Moka Akashiya. To put her in terms, I think they would be, in a lack of a better set of words: the Perfect Girl. She's pretty, kind, thoughtful of others, sort of the Girl Next Door. That's one half of her, the other half is a calm and collected and classy lady. A warrior through and through, with a tough exterior, though just as hauntingly beautiful as the other side of her. Though she won't admit it, but she's got a big heart, and cares deeply about others. If only that prideful side of hers didn't get in the way. But the big thing about her, is that she's the only one on campus that knows my secret, and doesn't seem to care that I'm a human. Plus, she seems to have the hots… for my blood. Apparently, it's like catnip to her.

And then there's Kurumu Kurono, the second beauty queen of the whole academy, rivaling that of Moka. That, and she's the only girl with the biggest… assets there are. She may act seductive most of the time, but in honesty, she's pretty innocent, and deeply believes in love in all its purest forms. At first, I thought she was kind of pig-headed, but she's actually pretty kind-hearted. And she doesn't make it a secret in that she's got a massive crush on me. I should know, whenever she says hi to me every morning, she smothers me with her marshmallow chest.

It's been interesting to say the least but I'm dealing with it like a Tennyson. You'll be proud of me, Grandpa. Oh, and tell Gwen I said hi.

Hope you're both doing OK.

Ben stretched and tapped his pencil against his chin. "OK, now how am I gonna get this letter delivered?" Despite the fact that this school was up to date in computers and equipment, there wasn't a phoneline internet service, email, phoneline, not even postage mail at all. He even tried to use his cellphone to call home, but because of the barrier protecting the school, the signal couldn't get through. And in truth, he didn't know when they would get these things, or if there were ever going to be such a time when it would happen.

He hadn't thought this thing through.

The Next Day

A new day had arrived at Youkai Academy, and Ben was just heading downstairs. He could see some of his dorm mates just waking up, and some of them had accidentally assumed their true forms. One had a pig's head, another guy looked like Two-Face from Batman, while another had an elongated neck. Shaking his head, Ben headed for the exit. He was thankful that his dorm room had a shower.

He walked out of the dorm building and took in his surroundings. "Still feels like I'm in the middle of a horror movie set." He chuckled, expecting a monster to jump out from the bushes and attack. Well, one monster in particular. Moka would definitely show up and give her one of her good morning kisses/bites.

He'd seen vampires in movies, and in full honesty, Moka was definitely not like them. Nowhere close to Gary Oldman's Dracula, Twilight's Edward, the Queen of the Damned Akasha, not even Jerry from that new Fright Night film. She wasn't undead, she didn't transform into some kind of hellbat monster like in Van Helsing, and she wasn't affected by sunlight. She did even get sun burnt. To Ben, she just looked like a hot and average girl with that girl-next-door charm.

Kurumu, of course, would throw herself at him and suffocate him with her breasts. 'Wouldn't be a bad way to die, though,' he grinned perversely.

Shaking his head, Ben continued on his way to school. To most people who'd heard the rumors, Ben was in truth a western monster who was ten feet tall, with red skin and four arms with the strength to match. They didn't know the Omnitrix and it would stay that way. Only Moka knew and Ben trusted her. Kurumu, or anyone else, well… he figured that the less people knew about the truth, the better. In retrospect, if he had been found out, he could probably go XLR8, and speed out of there, taking Moka with him. Though what to do afterwards… he sighed, knowing full well that the idea was an option, but he didn't know what Moka would do afterwards if she had known and didn't have anywhere else to go.

Whistling a tune, Ben walked through the gate, only to have Moka suddenly appear at his side. "And a good morning to you, Moka!" he greeted.

"Good morning, Ben," she smiled softly, twiddling her fingers together and asked shyly, "Um, may I…?"

Ben sighed. "Fine," he stopped walking and pulled down his collar, once again exposing his neck to her. "Breakfast is served." He'd grown used to Moka's habit of biting him in the morning and drinking his blood. Luckily, she didn't take more than she needed. He didn't want to pass out in the middle of school due to loss of blood, let alone die from it.

"Thank you," Moka beamed before leaping at him in a close embrace, and then biting. "CHU!"

Ben shivered. Was he turning into a masochist because the bites were starting to feel good rather than painful? After drinking her fill, Ben rubbed the spot she'd bitten. "Another hickey, huh?"

"Hickey?" Moka blinked, unfamiliar with the term.

"Oh, that means-"Ben began, before he was glomped from behind. The softness pressing against him gave away his attacker's identity. "Hi, Kurumu."

"Hello, sweetie," she purred. "So, about my offer…"

"No," Ben sighed. "I don't want to go to your room late at night, and sleep with you."

"Kurumu!" Moka scolded her for such a perverted suggestion.

"Phooey," Kurumu pouted, reluctantly detaching herself from Ben's back and walking in stride with Moka and Ben. "I'll get you eventually though. You can't fight fate."

"Watch me," Ben commented under his breath, "I fought worse fates than that one."

And she blew a raspberry as she taunted, "And don't try to deny it, Moka. I know you wanna get under the covers with Ben as well."

Blushing at that thought, both Moka and Ben looked to each other for a split second, but turned their gazes away to avoid any further embarrassment. "I think they're posting the midterm results today," Moka commented, making conversation and hoping to avoid the earlier topic brought up by Kurumu. She looked to the two and asked, "How do you think you did?"

"Don't remind me," Kurumu grimaced.

"I…try not to think of such things," Ben chuckled nervously. He had studied of course, but he didn't have much confidence in his academics.

"Well, I hope I do well," Moka smiled. "Do you want to go with me to see the scores later during lunch, Ben?"

"Uh…sure," Ben nodded. It was getting increasingly hard to say no to Moka for anything these days.

"I'm going too!" Kurumu quickly spoke up. She instantly latched onto Ben's arm, practically laying claim on him.

"I invited Ben, not you!" Moka huffed as she grabbed Ben's remaining arm.

"I'm not leaving my Destined One alone with you!" Kurumu snapped back. "Considering how I always noticed, you'd probably drain him dry at the first chance!"

"I would not!" Moka retorted. "Ben's my friend, not a food substitute!"

"Can we just go please?" Ben groaned. This was getting to be the usual morning for him.

Later On

Schoolyard Plaza

Ben, Kurumu and Moka stood among the students looking at the midterm results that were posted on the wall. Ben was trying to look for his score. He hoped he did well. He didn't want to fail, but he wasn't the best student. The only reason he could do his homework was because of Grey Matter, and he couldn't very well change in the middle of an exam, could he? Here it would probably be seen as a form of grand-scale cheating. He was gonna have to pull it together and do his homework better without the use of his Galvan form eventually.

"I'm number 13!" Moka cried in surprise. "Yay! I knew that extra studying paid off!"

"Congratulations Moka," Ben chuckled before he turned to see where he had ended up. It took him a while to recognize his name in Japanese figures, but he found it. "Oh, 128. Well, I suppose that it could be worse."

"I'm sure you'll do better next time," Moka said encouragingly, as she patted him on the shoulder. She then whispered a bit, making sure that Kurumu wouldn't hear her, "Well, if you want, maybe after the school days... we could go to my room and study together."

Ben was a bit taken by that; never once in his life did a girl ever ask him a question with the words 'Room' or 'Together'. Not wasting the chance, Ben nodded silently, "Sounds like a plan."

"288?!" Kurumu screeched from where she was looking at her test scored. "Awwwww!"

"I guess Kurumu didn't do so well," Ben chuckled.

"I suppose not," Moka sweat dropped.

"Though for others, I think the grading goes a bit different for everyone else," he grimaced, as he looked at three ogre-looking students… who looked to be complete morons.

"Yeah, I came in 221," a purple skinned ogre cheered.

"I'm 222, all deuces. Alright," a darker purple skinned ogre.

The last one was a green skinned ogre, with his tongue sticking out, looking all moronic, "Oh, man, I'm so jealous!"

Both Moka and Ben chuckled at the awkward differences between the joys and sorrows of this grading, as Ben half smirked in worry, "Oh well, I suppose it could've been worse." Speaking of worse, he had remembered the slash scars that Moka had gotten from Kurumu from their first battle, and asked, "Um, Moka? I forgot to ask, but are you okay from, well… I mean, does your back still hurt?"

Moka was a bit taken by surprise, but shook her head as she smiled, "Oh, don't worry, Ben. Don't forget, I'm a vampire; my wounds will be all healed quickly, and won't leave a single scar. You shouldn't worry so much."

Ben shook his head, as he smiled to her, "Just because I shouldn't, doesn't mean I should shouldn't." a long pause went through that grammar error, and Ben slapped himself in the head, "Yeah, that didn't make any sense either."

Moka couldn't help but giggle, but smiled warmly, touched by his ever growing conern for her, "But still… I'm glad that you worry so much."

Ben smirked, "No problem, Moka."

"Ben…" Moka whispered warmly.

"Moka…" someone from afar whispered, going completely unnoticed as they gazed at the pink haired vampire. "Oh, she's so amazing."

As they were talking and while Kurumu jumped in to keep the two from going all lovey dovey, a younger girl made her way up to the test score board. She was around the age of eleven with a slim figure and clear skin; a petite frame considering she was just eleven years old. She had brown short hair that reached down on her chin, and brownish violet eyes. She wore the school uniform plaid skirt, but had yellow stockings with garter belts on them and brown shoes. She also had an electric pink sleeveless turtleneck shirt on with a brown corset, yellow bowtie, a small brown cape that went down to her ankles, wrist couplings, and a witch's had on her head. She seemed a little nervous, but still she looked at the board.

"Yukari Sendou…number 1," she read with a growing smile. "Great!"

"Well, well," a gravelly voice spoke up from behind the younger girl. "Looks like you got the top score again. Looks like you really did deserve to skip grades."

The girl, Yukari, turned around. In front of her was a teenage boy who was in the Youkai Academy uniform. He was missing the jacket and tie though. His skin was dark, as if it was tanned, and his eyes were slightly sunken in while his hair was almost white. His two cronies were pale and had sunken eyes with greasy hair. The leader also had an armband on that designated him as a class representative.

"Don't get a swelled head though," the Class rep hissed. "To me, you're just a little brat who is still stuck to mommy and daddy."

Yukari frowned. Before she could say anything, the class rep swatted her head.

"What is with your uniform anyway?" he growled. "I hate people who stick out!"

One of the chubby followers, eyed her down, and chuckled pervertedly, "That uniform's against school rules. You should take it off."

"Well, yeah, but this was a gift from my parents," Yukari defended nervously.

The Class rep shook his head disapprovingly as he mocked out, "AS your Class representative, the fact that you're even here is enough to give me a headache. So save me the sob story."

The Class rep and his goons all laughed together, irking the heck out of the little girl. From behind her, a pink heart-shaped wand with a blue pentagram was present, as the star glowed when she twitched the wand, even for a second. Then suddenly, from out of the air, three bath pans crashed right onto their heads. The three of them fell to the ground, groaning in pain at such a thing.

But Yukari laughed aloud, as she pointed to them, "HAHAHAHA! Serves you right, you stupid jerks."

The Class rep snarled, glaring daggers at the girl, his eyes slowly becoming yellow, and his fingernails becoming black and sharp. "Why you…" and charged right at her, as she just stood there, frozen as he attacked, "I'll teach you to mess with me, you prepubescent Brat!"


At the last second, and much to both the Class Rep and Yukari's surprise, Ben had run up, coming to the young girl's defense. Before the Class Rep had swiped at her, Ben ran towards them, slid forward like he was playing baseball and sliding to Home Base, scooped up one of the bathing pans, and smashed it right into the Class Rep's hand. The Class Rep doubled back in pain, stepping back as he shook his nearly crushed digits.

"Hey!" Ben shouted when the Class Rep focused enough from the pain. "Lay off her!" He stood up in front of Yukari, as she blinked at the boy who came in her defense.

"Stay out of this, Gaijin," hissed the student. "It's none of your business."

"When someone's in trouble, I make it my business," said Ben, reaching for the Omnitrix, should the need rise to go and use it. And this time, he knew what to choose.

"You know what she is?" hissed the student. "A filthy little witch!"

Ben glanced at Yukari and shrugged. "So what? I don't care if she's a witch or not, picking on a kid's just despicable!"

The student growled and two more boys stood behind him. "Looks like we need to show a witch sympathizer like you your place," he hissed.

"Ben!" Moka called, and the three students blinked when they saw the famous Moka Akashiya and Kurumu Kurono run up to the 'Gaijin'. "What's going on?"

"Just business as usual," said Ben, and glared at the Class Rep and his goons, "These slimeballs were picking on this girl, and one of them nearly transformed to take a swipe at her."

"That's so cruel," Moka cried out, and glared at the Class Rep.

"Well, let us in on it," said Kurumu, holding his arm.

The students' eyes narrowed. Even if they could beat up the 'Gaijin', each of them could get in trouble for beating on the Academy's most popular girls. "Let's go. It reeks," the Class Rep said to his cronies before they walked away. But not before the Class Rep snorted, "Filthy witch, and filthy witch sympathizer."

Ben watched them go, snorting in annoyance. Once they were far enough, he turned to see the younger girl.

"Are you okay?" Ben asked Yukari.

"That's so cool!" Yukari shot forward… hugging Moka, and ignoring Ben and Kurumu. "You saved my life, Moka Akashiya! Just you being around caused those guys to walk with their tails between their legs! You're my hero!"

Ben just stood there, feeling left out in the shadows, as his eye twitched, "And what am I? Chopped liver?"

Later On


"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Yukari Sendou. It's nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too," Ben nodded. "My name's Ben Tennyson. These are my friends Moka Akashiya and Kurumu Kuruno."

"I've heard of all of you," Yukari nodded, as she looked to Ben and Kurumu. "One out of Two of the prettiest girls in the school and the American monster who doesn't belong to any known kind. To think I could meet you of all people!"

"Well, I know we're just that popular," Kurumu smirked as she ran her fingers proudly through her hair.

"I meant Moka," Yukari frowned. Kurumu face faulted.

"Oh," Ben chuckled. "I'm flattered. Say, how about we take these introductions to somewhere else? Say, a table or something?"

"Okay!" Yukari smiled. She grabbed Ben's hand and beamed brightly.

In the cafeteria, the trio learned quite a lot about Yukari. "So, you're a genius, huh?" Moka asked, rather impressed as she smiled, "That's very impressive for a girl your age."

"Sure am! Skipped up from four grades," she boasted. "The smartest girl in this school!" But she blushed as she looked to Moka, "But compared to you, Moka, I'm nothing that special."

"Four grades, eh? Guess that would make you about ten or eleven," Ben pointed out. "Well, it must be lonely without kids your own age here."

"It is," she frowned sadly, "Especially if you're a witch."

"What's wrong with that?" Ben asked, not sure of what she meant by that.

"You wouldn't understand," she looked away, not too happy openly about explaining it. But for some odd reason, she didn't want to explain it to him, for she seemed rather irked that he was talking to her.

"Try me," he said, insisting.

"Well, it's because…" she began to speak, but luckily she hastily changed the subject. She eyed the object on Ben's wrist and pointed at it quickly, "Hey, what's what?"

Ben looked down at the Omnitrix, and quickly covered it with his other hand. "Oh, just a watch. It's nothing special."

Yukari was suspicious. She'd caught Ben's surprised expression when she mentioned that watch. It looked similar to a Holy Lock, or Moka's Rosario, only a bit more high tech. But for some odd reason, he seemed to be a bit more overprotective about it. And apparently, Moka seemed a bit worried as well. Why was that?

Moka and Kurumu sat a bit farther away. "That girl is gonna be trouble," muttered Kurumu.

"What makes you say that?" asked Moka.

"She has a crush on Ben. I can tell," Kurumu pointed out. "Watch."

"So, Moka, are you dating anybody?" asked Yukari, smiling and blushing as she looked towards Moka, "Maybe… a girlfriend?"

"Well…" Moka rubbed her hands together on her lap, uncomfortably at the abrupt question. She glanced at Ben, but tried to avoid Kurumu, seeing that she'd split her in half. "I have friends who are girls, if that counts." Fearing about what Kurumu said before, she asked, "Um, why do you ask?"

For a moment, Yukari seemed to shy away a bit, and gulped, "Well, you see, I um…" Until finally, she proclaimed as she pounced right at Moka, knocking them both on the floor, "I'M TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH YOU, MOKA!" much to the shock of both girls, and even Ben, Yukari began groping Moka's chest as she smiled, "Every day I pass you in the hallway, I drew more and more attracted to you. And since you stood up for me from my Class Rep, I think you might be the one!"

Trying to think clearly from all the fondling, Moka asked, "Huh? Wait, what do you mean 'the one'?"

"Well… I want you to be my girlfriend!" Yukari proclaimed, drawing attention from the other students present.

"What!?" Ben exclaimed, holding his nose as blood trinkled out at the thoughts of a girl-on-girl relationship.

"What!?" both Moka and Kurumu shouted in shock.

Not wanting to break her feelings, Moka gulped, "W-Well, I think, um… I can be a girl, and I could be a friend."

"Yipeee!" Yukari cheered, as she nuzzled her cheek to Moka's chest, smiling and blushing uncontrollably, "I can tell you, I'm really excited about this."

"Yeah," mumbled Ben, as he continued to hold his nose, "I can tell."

Later that Day

It wasn't to be the last of Yukari Sendou that Ben, Kurumu, and Moka would see. Wherever Moka went, Yukari was always there. She would grip Moka's chest and start fondling her boobs. This in turn caused any students who were watching them to blush and just stare in embarrassment. For Moka, she was getting weak from all the squeezing and fondling, making her a bit dizzy. However, Yukari just seemed to not notice, as she was having a blast to grab and squeeze, probably out of sheer envy.

And she wasn't the only one who noticed, as one of the male students shouted out in envy, "Oh, man! Just look at her squeezing Moka's fun balloons. IT'S GOTTA BE ILLEGAL!"

Yukari giggled as her invasion plan of fondling continued, "Has anyone ever told you that your boobs are bigger than they look? I'm flat as a pancake myself, so it's a real honor to be squeezing a pair like yours."

If Moka could, she could compliment, but the more Yukari squeezed her boobs, the more weak she was getting, as she moaned, "Yukari… maybe, you can… stop squeezing, please? I'm… feeling a little… weak around…."

"HEY, WAIT UP!" Ben shouted, as he ran around the corner in front of the two girls. Stopping in their tracks, Moka who was thankful that Ben had shown up, sighed in relief. Ben decided to speak up, for Moka' sake, considering she was ready to pass out, "Look, I don't care about the whole girl-on-girl relationship thing. I mean, what I'm trying to say is I don't have anything against that. I sort of, well… " He shook his head as he cleared his thoughts, "No, wait! That's not the point!"

"Oh, Ben…" Moka whined with a sweat drop.

Even the Rosario glowed for a moment, as Inner Moka groaned, 'What the hell are you trying to do here, Tennyson?'

"Benjamin Tennyson. I might have known you'd pop up," Yukari announced, but didn't look too impressed by him, as she spoke out his stats, "Age: Fifteen, Small build befitting that of a soccer player. Grades, Athletic Skills, Social Skills: Average. And aside from the various monster forms, which are obviously limited in selection and accessible by activating your limiter, the watch you wear, you have no amazing or useful skills whatsoever."

Ben groaned as he felt insulted by this girl, and mumbled "No amazing useful skills? Tell that to the kid who saved the planet more than five times. Or the guy whose blood's catnip to vampires, cute and scary."

She didn't hear what he said, but Yukari then shoved the nail in further, as she amusingly finished, "All in all… I couldn't imagine a more half-baked guy, Tennyson."

Ben paled at that, cupping his face, as those last three words rang into his head, crushing his soul, 'Half-baked guy… half-baked guy… half-baked guy…'

"Now you listen here, Tennyson," Yukari shot out, as she let go of a much relieved Moka, and stood up, glaring at the American boy, "I won't allow my beautiful Moka to be sullied by an American creep like you." She drew out her wand and pointed it right in Ben's face, as she shouted, "So… I'M DECLARING WAR ON YOU!" But before Ben or Moka could protest or defend the other, Yukari began to chant out, with the wand's pentagram glowing, "MAGIC WAND, BROOMS AND BUCKETS. MAGIC WAND, BROOMS AND BUCKETS… ABRA KADABRA!"

Then suddenly, from out of the janitor's gear locker room, the cleaning supplies came to life, and charged at an unsuspecting Ben. Before he could act, they began to swat and beat the living daylights out of him. He tried to run away but the supplies didn't give him a chance to do so. He tried to swat them away as he cried out, "These cleaning supplies have been possessed!"

"They're not possessed, it's magic, you dummy," Yukari shouted.

"Magic?" both Ben and Moka asked.

Yukari stopped the assault, with a bathing pan to Ben's head finishing off the job. Once that was done, the two looked to the young girl, standing victorious as she announced amusingly in Ben's face, "I'm a witch, it's sort of my thing. And as long as me and my magic wand are around, I won't let you, or any of your forms' dirty paws on my darling Moka, Benjamin Tennyson."

And as Yukari dragged a concerned Moka away from a recovering bend, the little announcement of Yukari's monster form didn't go unnoticed by the trio. From behind a corner, the Class Rep and his goons had heard the whole thing. The Chubby one mumbled, "She just revealed her form; that's against the school rules."

"That witch is really pissing me off," the scrawny manic one clawed at the wall.

The Class Rep was more calm on this, as he crossed his arms, and smirked viciously, "I think it's high time… we got rid of this nuisance."


Ben was taken to the infirmary by Kurumu to get the cuts and bruises treated right away. Once again they were all alone, like they were the first time; Ben had to wonder if there really was any working staff to treat injuries, or if the place was just for show. While they were there, Kurumu treated the minor cuts rather nicely. He had to admit that aside from her cooking skills, and obviously aggressive show of affection, Kurumu was pretty gentle with taking care of injured people. He complimented her on a good job and suggested she'd be a nurse, which earned another face-smothering with her boobs.

Once she ahd let him go, she raised an eyebrow as he mentioned one name, "Yukari Sendou?"

Ben nodded as he sat on the bed, "I tell ya, I didn't think she'd be such a pain in the butt. She wont even let me near Moka anymore."

When she heard that last part, Kurumu had to fist pump, "YAHOOHOO! Yukari, you're the best!" An opportunity had come for her to make Ben her Destined One, and she wasn't gonna let this slip out. She gently made her way to him, as she crawled on the bed, on all fours, looking at him rather seductive, "You know, I've heard a lot of things about her."

"Oh, really…?" Ben asked, turning towards Kurumu… and paled as he saw her on all fours, crawling towards him on the bed. He scooted back, hitting his back on a dead end, as she was inching herself closer to him.

"I've heard that she skipped a few grades, because she's a regular child prodigy," Kurumu spoke up seductively, while inching closer to Ben, allowing her boobs to jiggle hanging, "But she's kind of a childish brat, pulling foolish pranks with her classmates." And then she stopped, as she stopped at his waist, and traced a finger on his chest, "Everyone in her classroom hates her; I guess that's what to expect from a child genius."

Ben gulped, "Eheh, you don't say…"

Outside the infirmary, ducking away from sight, Yukari simmered with determination. It wasn't the scene that got her, it was because of something from before. Apparently Moka was trying to see him, despite Yukari's attempts to say he wasn't worth her time. But she was firm in saying he was her dearest friend, and went off to see him. So she beat her there first, and was preparing to launch all out war on Benjamin Tennyson.

"Benjamin Tennyson, my most hated rival for Moka's heart," Yukari hissed out as she pulled out a voodoo doll, and placed a single strand of hair from Ben, as she snickered evilly, "I'm gonna beat you so hard, that you'll never walk with Moka again." She then made the doll's left arm punch itself

Back inside, Ben suddenly unleashed a mean left hook to his face, nearly knocking himself out. Kurumu paled at this as she asked him, "Ben, are you alright?"

Yukari chuckled as she continued to pummel him through the voodoo doll, "An average foreign dork like you doesn't even deserve a perfect pair of boobs like Moka's." She then smirked evilly, "So why don't we let you get all grabby with Miss Titty Pie there."

Back inside, Moka had finally found her way to the Infirmary, and opened the door, sighing, "Whew. Hey guys. I finally got away from Yukari for a while." She rubbed her sore chest as she groaned, "She would not let up on…" But then paled at what she saw. There on the bed, Ben was fondling Kururmu's boobs… and it looked like she was enjoying it, while Ben wasn't. blushing from the sight, Moka turned away, and accused out loud, "Kurumu, what are you doing? You used your Allure Charm on him again, didn't you?"

Kurumu heard that and forgot how good that felt as she stood up, with Ben still gripped on. "No, I didn't! for some odd reason, Ben's…"

"Ha ha ha! I showed you!" Yukari laughed as she popped up from her spot.

"Yukari," Moka called out.

Seeing Moka was there, the little witch paled as she was caught red-handed.

Later On

Class 4-A

They had finally gotten around, bringing Yukari with them. The classroom was empty, so they had a chance to talk together and alone. Yukari hid behind Moka, which was probably a good thing for the little witch. Ben was getting fed up with all of this; right now, he didn't really care if the little ungrateful girl didn't thank him for saving her earlier, she was going too far with these pranks. And they had to set things right. However, Moka had to at least act as her defense.

Ben crossed his arms, as he looked at the hiding witchling, "Now, I want you to apologize to Kurumu and me for what you did."

Kurumu blushed a bit, remembering what had happened a while ago, "Well, she's not bothering me at all."

"Look, Ben I know you're angry at her," Moka defended, despite Yukari giving him a raspberry in front of him, "But you have to remember, she's just a little girl."

"I know that, Moka. But that's not what I'm trying to get at," Ben said sternly, as he did his best to explain to her and Yukari, to better help reason with the little witchling. "My Grandpa Max always said if you have a powerful gift, you should use it responsibly. All these pranks, not just on me, but on everyone you're targeting, it isn't a responsible use of your gift," he explained. He then sighed deeply, allowing his anger to flush out, as he calmly finished, "Yukari, please. If you keep this up, all this will come and bite back at you. And there won't be anyone to help you out in the end."

However, Yukari waved it off as she scoffed, "Who cares? I'm a genius anyway, if others aren't at my level of intelligence, then why should I waste my time with them anyway." She then finally calmed down and looked to Ben, almost saddened as she finished, "And besides… what's the big deal? I've been alone from the very beginning. That's the fate of being a Border Being, anyway."

"Huh?" Ben asked, looking rather confused, "Border Being?"

She waved her wand and this time another pail came crashing down on Ben. Yukari then ran off in the opposite direction, laughing aloud, "AHAHAHAHA! I can't believe a moron like you totally fell for that!" And disappeared down the hallway.

"Yukari!" Moka called out, chasing after her.

"What is her deal?" Ben rubbed his head. Having taken harder hits to the head, he recovered quickly.


Yukari continued to laugh at the last prank she had on Ben as she ran. However, what Ben had mentioned about her being alone echoed through her head. So as she ran, all she could hear in her head, was whispers of disgust and revulsion from her classmates.

So she's a witch, eh?

How can this be? What's a filthy Border Being doing in our school, much less in our town?

Isn't the witches main trick is to ensnare males?

All she does is read books and cast spells. She's nuthin' but a freak.

Speaking of which, aren't witches more human than monster or demon?

There's no need for her to even be in this school, right?

Yeah, no need for her at all.

I'll bet she uses her magic to get good grades.

Her dashing alone the back of the school suddenly slowed down, and came to a stop. After hearing and remembering all those voices, she sniffled a bit, and a single tear dropped from her cheek. She then muttered to herself as she tried to dry away her tears, "Even if I'm alone… I'm… I'm fine with it. Who needs friends anyway? Stupid Ben Tennyson."

Suddenly, a body collided with her, knocking her to the ground. Shaking her head, she looked up to see who had collided with as she shouted, "Hey, you idiot! Watch where you're going!" Her eyes widened and her heart sank when she saw the face of the Class Rep, and his crony friends.

"Well, I suppose anyone with lower intelligence would be compared an idiot by you," the Rep snorted out.

"You've been a bad girl, Sendou," Manic cackled.

"Revealing your true form out loud like you did," Fatty glared at the girl, "By breaking the rules, you've made the Rep pretty pissed off."

Yukari flailed her arms in angers as she spat out, "Well, that's none of your concern now, is it? So just leave me alone!"

"Oh, but it does," the Class Rep spat out, as he grabbed Yukari by her wrist, holding her up and off the ground. The little witch struggled to break free, due to the fact that the boy was putting a lot of pressure on her wrist, making it hurt a lot. As she whimpered, he glared at her and explained the details as viciously as he could to her, "You see, whenever a student does something that disrupts class discipline, it's my job to bring about fair play punishment."

Yukari's eyes widened with fear, as she paled as to what would soon come.

Back Inside

"Border beings?" Ben repeated, "What does she mean by that?"

"You mean you don't know?" Kurumu asked, as Ben shook his head in a negative. "Witches are considered outcasts since they are neither human nor monster. A long time ago, they were considered the link between Monsters and Humans. But as time went on, that was long forgotten, and just considered half monsters. They're not even well liked in the human world," said Kurumu. Ben had to feel a bit guilty on that, considering that what Kurumu meant was the Salem Witch trials back in the late 1600s. "In fact, Yukari's being harassed by her classmates because of that. It's worse because she's a lot smarter than them, and she's only 11. When that happened, she started playing pranks to get back at her classmates," added Kurumu. She then looked out the window, feeling sorry for her, "I guess she's felt this way since the way beginning, with no one to relate to her, and always being alone just for what she is."

"So…that's what she meant," Ben mumbled, remembering what Yukari had said about her being alone.

He knew what it meant to be outside the group in that case. And he also knew how hard it was for Gwen to try and find others that shared the same interests in witchcraft, as well as knowing that her parents wouldn't have understand her if they found out about it. It probably would've been the same, had his mom found out about the Omnitrix; his dad was pretty cool with it, considering he, Grandpa Max, and himself teamed up to beat Vilgax finally after he had followed him back to Bellwood, and forced him to reveal his secret to his dad when he threatened him.

"Aw, Ben, why so depressed? You've always got me, right?" Kurumu shined out as she was about to glomp on him. However, he stepped forward, causing her to miss, as she looked at him puzzled, "Ben?"

"Okay, now we have to go find her," Ben sighed. "Where do you go when you want to be alone out here so you can mend hurt feelings?"

Kurumu had to sigh at that; she knew full well he would go and play hero, all for a girl. But she had to blush, knowing full well it was that heroic attitude that made her fall in love with him in the first place. "There's plenty of space in the woods," Kurumu offered, lending her hand… and her wings… in this endeavor.

"Let's try there then," Ben nodded. "You shouldn't be alone for this kind of thing, especially when you've been alone as long as Yukari has."

A Little Later

In the Forest

"You'd think that since the trees are so thick we'd see farther," Ben frowned as he and Kurumu tried to search for Yukari. Seeing that Moka had run out after her, they figured the pink haired vampire was looking for her as well. They just hoped they all found her together.

"Yeah," Kurumu huffed. "That brat had better appreciate us helping her like this."

"Well, I really didn't help things," Ben frowned. "Me and my big mouth. I should have tried to understand her better."

"How could you understand her better. She beat you up senselessly when she hung around Moka," Kurumu asked, putting her hand on her hips. "You're not even a witch."

Ben shook his head, and answered, "Yeah, I know. I'm not… but my cousin Gwen is."

Kurumu nearly blinked in surprise, as she asked, "Your cousin's a witch?"

Ben nodded as he sighed, "Yeah, but she prefers the term Sorceress. And if she was here, she'd use a tracking spell that could find her." He looked at his watch, and smirked as he suddenly remembered a specific form that could help, "Hmm… I think I know a way to track her. Hold on." He activated his Omnitrix and the holographic display showed up. He scrolled through his alien forms until he found the one he needed. "This is a job for a bloodhound." He then slammed down his hand onto the Omnitrix.

Ben got on all fours as orange fur began to cover all over his body. His forearms and back enlarged to resemble a gorilla of sorts, but his legs became foredigited, directly into canine hind legs. His canines sharpened as his arms became bigger and more muscular. His clothes vanished save for a white and black shoulder plate which held the Omnitrix symbol. He was on all fours, and his eyes, nose, and ears disappeared, save for only had a mouth for facial features, as well as a pair of functioning gills on the sides of the neck. When the change was complete, Ben was now a slobbering gorilla/hound-like beast.

"Awooooor (Wildmutt)!" the new alien howled loudly.

Omnitrix Encyclopedia

Wildmutt A.K.A. Vulpimancer

This species comes from the garbage planet of Vulpin. They have no organs that we can consider to be eyes. Instead, they use the gills on their neck and the quills on their back to convey scent and a radar sense. They are very strong and able to grapple and climb quiet easily. However, if their radar sense or nostrils are tampered with, like say clogged up with snot from suffering a common cold, the Vulpimancer can be rendered incapacitated and unable to see its surroundings. They can shoot the quills off their back, but Ben's form of Wildmutt was still too young to develop this ability. However, now as Ben is fifteen, the Wildmutt Vulpimancer might have developed it.

Kurumu observed that Wildmutt was a large orange furred dog-like alien with orange fur, gills and no eyes. The alien was built more like a gorilla than a canine but it did act like the latter more than the former. Unfortunately, Ben was unable to communicate in this form. The only way this creature could talk for Ben was with grunts, roars, and growls. But luckily, his intelligence was still human, as he found a way to communicate through the creature, despite its beastly growls and roars.

Wildmutt sniffed the air for Yukari's scent through the gills, and the quills on its back began to flex around, almost sensing the air for sounds. He did this for about a few seconds, until he picked up a scent, as well as shouting. Or rather… screaming…

"Nooooo! Lemme go!"

Before barking to Kurumu who was stunned by his latest transformation.

"Ben, what are you saying?" whispered Kurumu. Wildmutt slumped for a moment, until it scribbled something on the ground. It was an arrow pointing towards the Northern West portion of the forest. He was telling her that Yukari was in that direction.

The Succubus girl didn't need any more hints before she flew off after the racing Wildmutt.

Deep in the Forest

The trio had dragged Yukari out near the lake area of the school. The place was far from the campus, so no one could hear anything that went on. And the area was thick with fog, so not one soul could see them. Plus, they were off school grounds, meaning that they didn't have to wear their human disguises. And for the little witch, that would mean trouble.

"Ow!" Yukari cried as she was thrown against a tree. "What's your problem, you stupid jerks? That hurt!"

"That hurt, that hurt," Manic taunted out loud, and then snarled, "Why don't you go cry to your mommy!"

"That voice of yours is really annoying!" Fatty shouted out.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for this," the Class Rep hissed as he cracked his knuckles. "A little freak like you has no place here!"

Before Yukari's terrified eyes, the skin of the three boys cracked and turned green as their faces elongated. Their hands turned to claws while their eyes turned yellow and slitted, along with long powerful reptilian legs shooting out from behind. Yukari recognized what these three were. They were Lizardmen! A sub-human species that resembled lizards; tough skin, sharp fangs and claws, tails powerful to whip at people. And the worst yet, like Velociraptors, they were pack hunters.

"Now what do we do to you?" the Class Rep growled.

"Back off!" Yukari cried as she drew her wand, swinging it around as she chanted, "MAGIC WAND ATTACK, MAGIC WAND ATTACK, MAGIC WA…!"

"Oh, shut your filthy witch mouth!" the Class Rep shouted as he charged at her. Before she could complete her spell, the Class rep grabbed the wand and chomped the top off.

"Oh, I'm sorry," he laughed. "Did I break your little toy? Whoops!" He then spat out the remains, as he glared at the now helpless girl, "Now where were we?"

"Hey boss!" hissed Lizardman Two. "Let's eat her! The fog around the lake area's thick enough for no one to see, and we're far enough not to be heard."

"Good idea," the Class Rep laughed. And looked her down, head to toe, with his lips watering with saliva, giving Yukari feared shivers. "I'll bite her head off! Bet her brains alone will be filling! Not to mention it'll get rid of the taste from that wand!"

The Class Rep leapt forward with his jaws wide open. Yukari could see every single one of his sharp teeth and the back of his throat. Yukari couldn't hold back and she screamed in terror, "PLEASE, SOMEBODY HELP ME!"

"Get away from her right now!"

The trio stopped as they turned around, and they and Yukari saw that it was Moka. She had tried to find Yukari for some time when she ran away from the classroom. She had nearly given up until she heard Yukari scream for help from being dragged into the forest. She immediately caught up to them, and stopped them in time before they would attack and eat her.

The lizard men looked at Moka and then they each thought the same thing, as the Rep smirked, "Hey, guys. Seeing as how Miss Perfect Moka popped up, what say we eat her too?"

"Yeah," Manic smirked as he licked his chops with his reptilian tongue, "She's gotta be more juicier than the witch."

Fatty nodded as he pointed to Moka's breasts, hips, and butt, "Not to mention she's got all those! It's a virtual smorgesboard!"

Moka nearly sweatdropped at the ideas they had, but stopped as Yukari shouted, "Moka, just get out of here! I can handle these numbskulls myself! Just run!"

"You've got to stop doing that, Yukari," Moka shouted, getting Yukari's attention. And surprisingly, she walked past the Lizardmen calmly, almost not noticing them at all, as she smiled to the young witch calmly, "If you're scared then there's nothing wrong with asking others for help." She then stopped as she was near Yukari, only inches away, as she knelt down to be almost to Yukari's eyelevel, "You're still a little kid, so don't push yourself too hard."

Yukari protested, "I'm not a little kid."

"I know, but the truth is, you were lonely before me, Ben, and Kururmu showed up," Moka guessed, which caused the little witch to look back in her direction. Moka then smiled as she told her, "And you don't have to be so defensive around Ben either. After all, he knows what you're going through."

"No, he doesn't," Yukari nearly whined out, feeling irritated that Moka was still defending him, "He doesn't know anything! He's got it easy; he's got so many forms, and he's not a witch or a magic user at all!"

"It's true he's not a magic user," Moka confessed, placing a hand on Yukari's shoulder, telling her what Ben had once told her about his family, "But… his cousin, Gwen's, a sorceress, so he understands what it's like to be in the middle. That, and he was lonely once, just like I was. But then we met and became friends, along with Kurumu." And then pulled Yukari into a hug as she silently shed a tear, "That's why he was the first to rush to your rescue earlier. Because he can't help but protect others, just like he does with all of us."

At that thought, Yukari remembered it was Moka that had come to the rescue at first, but Ben. And back in the classroom, he didn't say what he said to her to be mean, it showed he was just concerned about how she treated others and what het outcome for her would have been. The sudden realization about his actions around her, and how she had treated him… it all came flooding out to her in tears. Until finally, she buried her face in Moka's chest, and started to sob out, with Moka holding her to let it all out.

However, it wasn't an emotional trip for everyone, as the three Lizardmen just stood there, their scaly eyebrows twitching. The Manic one shouted out, "What the hell? When did this become a Soap Opera?"

"How'd they change the mood of this scene so quickly?" Fatty questioned. "And they forgot about us completely!"

The Class Rep shook iwht anger at this scene, until finally he shouted, getting the girls' attention, "Hey, you! We're not gonna let this go unfinished!" He charged right at the girls, claws and teeth exposed as he roared, "LET'S CHOW DOWN, BOYS!"

Moka held Yukari close, as he cried out, "NO! BEN!"

"ROOOOAAAAAAAWWWRRR!" a beastly roar bellowed.

The Class Rep was suddenly tackled by a large orange beast. Moka, Yukari and the other two Lizardmen could only watch as the Class Rep and the beast were in the midst of a snarling and bellowing grudge match. The class Rep tried to get a good fix on this beast, but its claws and teeth were pretty good, not to mention the sharp quills on its forearms were sharp enough to scratch his scaly body. After a couple moments of fighting, the two combatants separated. The orange beast known as Wildmutt retreated to stand in front of the girls, while the Lizardmen regrouped.

"Yukari! Moka!" Kurumu cried from above, as she flew down and landed next to them.

"Kurumu?" Yukari gasped. "Where's Ben?"

Moka smiled as she pointed to Wildmutt, "He came in the nick of time."

Wildmutt suddenly flashed green before he returned into the form of Ben Tennyson. He had a solid glare trained on the three Lizardmen who looked ready to kill.

"Get out of our way!" the Class Rep growled at the group of two girls and one boy who were defending the little witch, who so richly deserved punishment by her. He hten pointed to Ben, "I don't care if the rumors say you have powerful forms, you honestly think you can interfere with us defending the school rules?"

"Fat chance, Scale Butt," Ben frowned, "And frankly, I don't care if I'm breaking the rules; you're a control freak! I'm not going to let some punks beat up a young girl! Even if she's a witch!"

"Yeah, well why do you care?" Fatty shouted out.

"Because my cousin's a Sorceress; that's just as much as a witch," Ben shouted angrily, "And if you insult and assault Yukari, then it's the same as if it were my cousin!"

"Ben?" asked Yukari with some surprise. He was coming to her defense, even after all the things she had done? Even after how he had scolded her at school? Furthermore, how did he change into that orange monster? Wasn't his true form a 10 foot tall four-armed red monster, or that green smelly flying humanoid insect?

"And what do you think you can do about it?" the Class Rep hissed.

"Anything I can!" Ben frowned as he revealed the Omnitrix. Activating it, he scrolled to the image of an old favorite that he liked to use, "But right now, this'll do." Pressing down the face, his change began.

Ben's body immediately swelled like a balloon. His entire body turned white as his head was pulled into his torso. Yellow plating appeared on his back while his arms and legs turned trunk-like. His mouth filled with short but sharp teeth. His eyes turned completely yellow and it was obvious his muscles became quite advanced. On his forehead was the mark of the Omnitrix.

"Cannonbolt!" the new alien bellowed as he flexed his arms.

Omnitrix Encyclopedia

Cannonbolt A.K.A. Arburian Pelarota

This alien hails from the planet Arubia. Although the planet was destroyed by a cosmic entity in the past, Ben's form is possibly the last one. Its body is covered with near unbreakable plating which can resist heat, laser, and even acid. They can coil themselves into a ball and roll themselves into their opponents. However, they aren't the fastest species in the universe, due to their stubby legs, and cannot turn quickly, giving fast opponents an advantage in agility. However, this alien is a mean opponent to deal with; like getting hit by a cannonball at a such a velocity.

"Whoa," Yukari gasped as she took in the sight of Cannonbolt.

"What the-?!" Manic of the Lizardmen gasped in shock.

"I thought that Gaijin monster could transform into a Four Armed red Monster, or that Green insectoid monster," Fatty complained as he pointed to Cannonbot, "Since when could he transform into an orange eyeless Gorilla Dog beast, or… or… or this?"

"I don't know, but having too many forms is against school rules," Class Rep shouted out, pointing to Cannonbolt demanding answers, "Just what the hell are you?!"

"Your worst nightmare," Cannonbolt smirked, as he pointed to all the Lizardmen. "And you scale butts are my scaly new bowling pins!"

Rolling himself into a ball, Cannonbolt began to spin rapidly. Kicking up dust, Cannonbolt fired at the Lizardmen at a rapid pace. None of them could move quickly enough before being bowled down like bowling pins. They cried in pain as they were knocked to the sides and over the ground. Spinning to a stop, Cannonbolt got back on his feet as he turned to face the recovering Lizardmen.

"Bet that's gotta hurt," he smirked. "Had enough?"

"Not even close!" the Class Rep growled as he and his buddies got back to their feet. "I dare you to try that again!"

"You asked for it!" Cannonbolt laughed, before he started stomping towards the three Lizardmen, despite how unbalanced his footing was.

One of the Lizardmen, Fatty, charged with a snarling mouth fool of teeth. His claws were raised and ready to cut him open. Leaping forward, he slashed at Cannonbot's wide body and bit at him as well. The large bodied alien simply raised his arm as the Lizardman's claws scraped across the yellow body armor, breaking the nails and teeth on contact.

"Aaugh!" the Lizardman cried as his claws shattered like glass.

"Oops, you got a boo-boo," Cannonbolt chuckled deeply. "Let me PUNCH it better!"

Rearing back his trunk-thick fist, Cannonbolt laid one into the Lizardman's jaw. Ben had learned that even though the Aburian Palerota wasn't fast on his feet, if he stood his ground just well, he could deliver a punch pretty well. The Palerota wasn't strong or anything, but the armor plating that made up his body was durable and strong enough to enforce a punch pretty well. The underling flew back with a resounding crack and landed at the feet of his boss and fellow minion.

"Time to make like a Sumo Slammer!" Cannobolt chuckled before he took a flying leap into the air. He was aiming to put a belly flop onto the three bullies.

"Ahhh!" the three Lizardmen cried, before they ran out from under the descending alien.

"Ah man. Missed," Cannonbolt grumbled as he got up.

"Ben!" Moka cried out, as she ran over to the rising alien. "Ben…I want to fight too!"

"Huh?" Cannonbolt blinked.

"Me too!" Kurumu frowned, flying to her true form. "I may not like the kid, but I don't like guys who would hurt others for no reason."

"Makes sense," Cannonbolt nodded. He reached over and gently took Moka's rosario into his short fingers. "Here goes." He then tugged the rosario off, unsealing Moka's true form.

The Lizardmen shivered as they felt the rise of demonic power. Moka-sama's appearance was both sexy and intimidating. Even Yukari thought that as well once she saw Moka's true form. The Lizardmen gulped at this, as Class Rep whimpered, "That demonic aura and power! It's nearly soul crushing." But he shook his head, as he pointed to Moka-sama's hair, bust and skirt, "B-But still! You dyed your hair! And that shirt's too tight, as well as that skirt! Those are against the Rules!"

"She didn't dye her hair, that's what it's supposed to be, you morons!" Cannonbolt yelled out.

Her crimson eyes gazed arrogantly at the three Lizardmen, before she turned her attention towards Cannonbolt. She eyed the Aburian Pelarota's body from head to toe, and cocked an eyebrow, giving a small smirk, "Once again, Ben Tennyson, you are full of surprises."

"I aim to please," grinned Cannonbolt. "Now let's teach these walking handbags a lesson!" He rolled up into a ball before rolling straight towards them. Moka ran nearly and blinding speed alongside the alien, as Kurumu flew through the air.

Cannonbolt ran over one of them and flattened him to the ground with a bouncing ball slam, almost like a heavy basketball. Kurumu showed that her claws weren't just decorative as she slashed the Lizardman with her claws repeatedly before using a roundhouse to finally put him down. Looking up, she could see Cannonbolt dropping in and she flew out of the way for him to crush the Lizardman.

Moka-sama was left to face off the lead Lizardman and snorted, "Pretty pathetic. Ganging up on a child. You must be weak if you need three of you to bully one little girl."

"You bitch!" the Lizardman hissed, as he jumped back. He opened a rule book, pointing to all three opponents as he shouted, "All of you being this strong! You especially, Vampire!" he pointed to Kurumu's chest, shouting, "Those boobs are beyond normal size!" And he aslo pointed to Ben, "And you! Having so many forms… " before charging at Moka-sama with his claws. "THAT'S ALL AGAINST SCHOOL RULES! I'LL RIP YOU ALL APART!"

He didn't get to do what he intended, as Moka-sama drew back her leg before swinging it. "Know you place!" she announced. The impact hit with a crack, smashing all his teeth, and sent the Lizardman flying into several trees. He groaned in pain as he and the others slowly got up, but the Class Rep stopped when he and the others looked ahead; their eyes widened in horror.

"Hey, Moka, ever played soccer?" asked Cannonbolt as he stood in front of the vampire before rolling into a ball.

"No, but I'm a quick study," she said with a fanged smile.

She drew her leg back and kicked Cannonbolt across the ground. The alien ball shot across the ground towards the Lizardmen, who could only scream frantically, as Cannonbolt smashed right into all three of them. The three skidded across the lake's water, until finally, they crashed into it, and sank like a trio of stones. As they sank, the Class Rep bubbled out, "We won't forget this. Somehow, we'll get you, Tennyson…"

"Ha!" Cannonbolt laughed as he bounced away from the strike. "Cannonbolt and Moka: 1. Lizardmen: 0."

After all was said and done, Cannonbolt rolled up to Yukari before he flashed green and turned back to Ben. He rubbed his back, "Ease up on those kicks, Moka. Even in human form, I can still feel the impact."

"It was your idea," Moka-sama snickered before she retrieved her rosario. But before she changed back, she looked to Yukari, who was safely standing by from the fight.

"Anyway," Ben sighed. He turned to see Yukari. "You okay? You didn't get in the crossfire, did you?"

"Wh…why?" asked Yukari. "Why did you come and help me?"

"Are you dumb or something?" Kurumu sighed. "We may not have gotten off on the right foot, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends."

"Yeah," Ben smiled. "I am pretty much the odd guy out being American out here. I really wouldn't mind being friends again. I thought we got along pretty well."

Yukari looked to Moka seeing if the Inner Moka had anything to say. But all she did was cross her arms, looking sideways, averting the little witch's gaze. But she didn't show an annoyed look on her face. It was more of a relaxed calm, ensuring she had no malice to be shown at all.

Yukari blinked, then started sniffling, then broke out crying loudly. She ran up to Ben and hugged him around the waist, as he lightly returned the hug. The tiny witch continued to cry loudly. She was so happy at this point. She wouldn't be alone or lonely anymore. She finally had friends who liked her. Even if one of them wasn't a witch, and omnifarious to boot.

A Few Days Later

It was a couple of days since the incident with Yukari and the Lizardmen. Presently, Moka and Kurumu were carrying boxes to their classroom for Miss Nekonome. Ben was in the classroom, helping out by organizing a few of the boxes that were presently in there. So it gave the girls a chance to talk with one another.

"So Yukari is getting along with her class now?" asked Kurumu curiously.

"Yes," Moka nodded happily. "She apologized for pulling so many pranks on her classmates and she's been doing better. When she apologized, her classmates all felt guilty about what they said about her or how they treated her. Though, I think the Class Rep hasn't changed at all."

"That's good," Kurumu nodded. "At least she won't be bullied anymore. We probably took care of that. And if the Class Rep does decide to start it off, Ben'll pound them into a pulp!"

"Hmm," Moka smiled, and slightly sweatdropped at that last part.

However, that moment of calm and happiness was over with, when the girls opened the door to the classroom. Once they were in, they both paled at what they saw. There, to their surprise, Yukari was there, pressing herself to Ben in a one-sided hug. The poor boy was a bit confused as to how to deal with the situation, and once he saw Moka and Kurumu come in… Well, he pretty much knew it was gonna be a bloodbath.

"Oh, Ben!" the young witchling called in a sing-song tone, "I just love you to death."

"Huh?" Both vampire and succubus just stood there, with their boxes dropped suddenly at the scene.

"Hi!" the tiny witch smiled, taking notice of the girls. "I didn't get a chance to tell you, but my class is just next door from yours. That means I can come over, and we can play together."

HUH!?" Kurumu and Moka exclaimed, dumfounded by Yukari's proclamation.

"Well," Yukari admitted shyly, looking to Moka and Ben. "Ever since I saw you both in action, I just couldn't bear to be away from you both. In other words, I'M IN LOVE WITH BOTH OF YOU!"

"Now hold on a second!" Ben gaped. "How…how can you be in love with both of us?"

"Love knows no age, nor does it have any bounds!" Yukari announced, as she explained, "I'm in love with Moka's kind, beautiful, and big-hearted self, as well as the Inner Moka. She's brave, calm and collected, and she may not show it, but she shares Moka's caring heart as well." She then blushed at Ben, cupping her cheek as she cooed, "And when Ben held me in that hug or shielded me, I didn't feel like such a little kid anymore." She hugged Ben as she smiled affectionately, "What I'm trying to say is, if Moka and Ben decide to get into a Ménage A Trios with me, I want him to push and hold me down more and more."

"Oh no, you don't," Kurumu shouted, dropping the boxes as she latched on to Ben's arm, pulling him away, "Ben's my Destined One; he's mine!"

"No, Ben's mine," Yukari cried out, grabbing his other arm, putting the girls in a tug-of-war, "Besides, Ben and I are connected by Witch lineage through his cousin, even if he isn't a magic user himself!"

"Ooooohh!" Moka nearly fumed later, but gulped first. She didn't know what to say in this situation. Yukari seemed downright determined to keeping a relationship with her and Ben. How an eleven-year old wanted a three-way relationship was beyond her. However, she grumbled loud enough as she muttered, "Both of you are wasting your time."

The girls looked at the vampire slightly confused, as did Ben. But he paled as suddenly, she pounced right at him, shouting her declaration, "BECAUSE BEN BELONGS TO ME!" And then bit him on the neck, getting her daily blood, "CHU!"

Ben grimaced at the forced act, "Ugh! Not again! Moka, two pints! TAKE ONLY TWO PINTS!" It seemed like another day at Youkai Academy.

End of chapter

Next Chapter: Fan Club Stalkers; Is this Farewell?

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