Chapter 9: Time Alone with the Stars; Pier Pressure pt.1

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Uh hi guys sorry I was a little late with the update I was reading other stories spell checking my other one and then I found my self procrastinating....

Chapter 9: Time Alone with the Stars; Pier Pressure pt.1

The Human World

Earth's Orbit

The orbit of Earth lay quiet in its tranquil state of daytime in the atmosphere. It's as almost nothing could disturb it, and then suddenly, as if God himself was parting the Red Sea with his hands, a portal-like rift tore itself open between the space of Mars and of Earth. Out of the rift came a ship shaped like a trident's spearhead, and following it, was another ship shaped almost like a dumbbell but with the end where the rocket engines are a little bigger than the front. They were both firing at each other heading almost straight to Earth.

The second ship pushed closer in pursuit of the first ship, each dodging the others firepower and passing a nearby moon. Completely unaware of the fact that both were moving closer to the Earth' atmosphere, they continued their dogfight.

The second ship fired its secondary engines and moves aside to get right next to it. As the first ship vessel got close into range, three hydraulic cannons pop out of the second's main hull and fired at point blank range of the First's side, hitting the hull. The ship was tossed around violently like salad due to the impact of the cannon fire, and the control room was going haywire, sirens go off indicating of the danger.

The first ship's cannons locked on to the second ship, warming up for one final shot. The cannons were building up to critical mass, any longer and they might have overloaded and blown up. The cannons roar out with two beams of pure yellow energy blasting towards the enemy ship. The first beam struck at the right wing of the ship, shattering it off the warship completely clean off. The final power blast smashed through the enemy's shields and impact thunderously against the warships' main drive.

The two ships, both rocking with internal explosions, veer helplessly away from each other as they begin to flamingly enter the outer atmosphere of the mysterious planet below. Their meteoric trails streak downward in streaming arcs...

Countryside of Tokyo, Japan


The two ships streaked downward in flaming arcs and vanish behind the horizons. The enemy ship vanished in the ocean somewhere off the coast of the Tokyo harbor. A distant flash and a slow pillar of smoke appear in the place to where the enemy ship was heading. The ship that had been pursued streaked down towards where the forests of Tokyo, which was only about five miles away from the gateway to Youkai Academy was located. The damaged ship, now crushingly wedged in the thick forest, suspended near a waterfall that flowed from there to a lake nearly eighty yards below.

The ship would obviously never fly again, not for a long time. But as those who would see it that nothing would survive from the crash. Until from a crack, a small black and green circuitry patterened blob oozed out of it. It suddenly then formed into a one foot creature with two little stubby arms and a stubby tail of sorts, giving a sort of three-legged look. It had a thick stock for a head, with a green circular green circuitry pattern to act as an eye. In truth, it appeared to be a Galvan Mechamorph, but it seemed smaller, less evolved, much more like a puppy of sorts.

It looked around, slowly wandering around the area, looking for something. until finally, it hopped or scurried on over to a located path, leading out of the forest. After a while of wandering around, it spotted a road going in both directions, and completely dead to the world. Until it spotted a downed truck, with its driver out of the car fixing the engine.

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