Chapter 17: Interrogations of the Heinous Sort; the Secret's Out...

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Things are starting to get really "fired up"...

Chapter 17: Interrogations of the Heinous Sort; the Secret's Out…

Student Police HQ

The Student Police offices were as oppressive as ever with its heavy air and minimal lighting. In his office, Kuyou was receiving a report from one of the spies he had commissioned to spy on the Tennysons and Levin. The spy was producing results as he had managed to watch the fight between Kaito and the Americans. It had also produced some new information about the mystery that was Ben Tennyson.

"Tennyson's new form, right?" Kuyou murmured as a picture of Spidermonkey was in his hand. He had to admit, he had never seen a spider monster that was part monkey before. Such a contradiction this new form of Tennyson's was.

"Yeah, but it was weird," the spy reported. "Tennyson never planned on changing into this form. At several times, Tennyson attempted to use one form, but then changed into another. But at times like that, he complained that he was going to change nito something else. And at times, he blamed his limiter."


"Yeah, and then there were times when it looked like he had the upper hand. He was really powerful and would soon deliver the final blow on his opponent, but suddenly he changed back to human form," the spy continued.

"Really?" Kuyou sounded interested.

"Yeah. It was as if he was suggesting that the machine forced Tennyson to change back," he also reported.

Kuyou frowned at this. This supported the theory that Tennyson's watch was a limiter much like Akashiya's Rosario was. Still, there were too many unanswered questions about him. Too many for Kuyou's liking. "We need to keep a closer eye on Tennyson."

The more they found out about Ben, the more mysterious he seemed to be.

Kuyou despised not knowing something. "There's something about this Tennyson that grows more suspicious. I don't like it."

"And you shouldn't, for obvious reasons," a mechanical voice spoke out, causing Kuyou and his enforcers to turn towards the darkness. In the dark, red twisted computer chip prints glowed, getting the attention of all the enforcers. Kuyou and his troops were prepared to attack, until the voice spoke out, "Do not be alarmed. I am not your enemy." Then the voice chuckled, "Although, he is very close."

Kuyou's right hand balled into a fist, as his glare grew sharper, as he interrogated for an answer, "And just who are you to enter our sanction of justice and order?"

"I am a creature of order myself, officer. Which is why I've come to you to help procure such a dangerous element to the peace and order to this school," the figure humbly answered.

Kuyou flicked his hand to dissipate the flame, but still retained his sneer, as he asked, "And what dangerous element are you talking about?"

For a moment, the section of a circle to where the face was, twisted into a sinister smile, as two words echoed from his voice, "Ben. Tennyson."

Three Days Later

Newspaper Club

Things had quieted down ever since the attack from Kaito and her little bug girl trio. The false Newspaper Club had been gone for some time, with no show of them at all. Though most of the students missed the three girls; they couldn't get enough of them in sexy outfits or bikinis. But they returned to the fandom of the girls from the original Newspaper Club, and seemed to attract more female attention due to not just Ben, but also Kevin, who didn't officially join the club but rather was around as an unofficial body guard of sorts for the members of the groups who got group-jumped. But at the moment, a meeting was being held in the classroom-made club… with Ben in the middle, and Gin grinding him out.

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