Maiden of the Forest

By DuchessScarlet

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Prince Kit of the Kingdom of Aritess entered the deeper part of the wood only with the intention of hunting... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - The Mysterious Maiden from the Forest
Chapter 2 - Preparations for the Ball
Chapter 3 - A Distracted Prince
Chapter 4 - Was it missing?
Chapter 5 - Beginning of the Room Scene
Chapter 6 - Ball Scene
Chapter 7 - After effects of the Ball
Chapter 8 - Death of the King and Coronation of Kit
Chapter 9 - The King is Missing
Chapter 10 - The time of Mourning has passed
Chapter 11 - Counseling from a Fairy godmother
Chapter 12 - His Secret Venture
Chapter 13 - Who are you?
Chapter 14 - Welcome to the Castle
Chapter 15 - She's missing, Your Majesty
Chapter 16 - Why would she hate you?
Chapter 17 - Alistair, what have you managed to find?
Chapter 18 - Ella's reaction to her stepmother's cruelty
Chapter 19 - Sour Mood
Chapter 20 - The Next Grand Duke
Chapter 21 - Adventure into the Royal Guards' chambers
Chapter 22 - Meeting Sir Peter and the Grand Duke's Trial
Chapter 23 - Lunch with the Royal Guards
Chapter 24 - Fury of the Royal Housekeeper
Chapter 25 - Why did you run that night, Lady Ella?
Chapter 26 - The Ezzell Estate
Chapter 27 - Reminiscing
Chapter 28 - Drama with a hint of Poison Tasters
Chapter 29 - Dearest Ella, today begins the weekend
Chapter 30 - Seaside Cottage
Chapter 31 - Unexpected Friends
Chapter 32 - Proper Communication
Chapter 33 - Expected the Unexpected
Chapter 34 - Highest Act of Treason
Chapter 35 - You left her alone
Chapter 36 - Wedding Jitters
Chapter 37 - Wedding Night

Chapter 38 - A Courageous and Kind Queen

1.4K 20 6
By DuchessScarlet

It had been five days since the wedding night and it was understandable that no one had seen hide nor hair of either the King or new Queen, as both were positively content to remain in their chamber the entire time. Knowing smirks rested on all who were in the castle and happiness reigned through the kingdom as the people continued to celebrate the union, all still overjoyed that their king had married one of their own.

As the dawning of the sixth day lit the inner chamber of the royal's dwelling, Kit actually found himself the first to rise. This was quite the surprise since normally it was Ella, her dark eyes being the first thing to greet him in the morning. Kit's arms were still wrapped securely around her thin torso, her bare skin comfortably warm under his touch. Kit smiled as he leaned in close and kissed her forehead.

"Hmmm," Ella sighed, cuddling closer into his chest.

Kit smiled tenderly, his thumb and forefinger lightly playing with one of her locks of hair. The past five days had been remarkable and Kit honestly couldn't believe the complete and utter bliss he had to fortune of experiencing with the woman of his dreams.

Unfortunately, today was to mark the end of their uninterrupted bliss. Well, mostly uninterrupted – the servants came in to bring them food and quickly straighten the room, hastening for the exit right after doing so.

Kit sighed.

"I don't want to get up either," a soft, melodious voice muttered against his chest.

Kit grinned. He should have known she would wake when he wasn't looking. Staring down, he found her gorgeous brown eyes peering up at him, a contented smile gracing her lips.

"Hi," he greeted down at her.

"Hello," she sighed, stretching slightly.

"How are you feeling?" Kit asked.

"Not so sore today," she soothed, kissing his shoulder, "and definitely not as much the first time we made love."

He kissed her hair. "That's good."

The two lay in comfortable silence for a moment longer before Ella decided it was time to get out of bed. Kit filled with pleasure as he watched his wife's bare form slip out from under the sheets to bend over to pick up her robe. He couldn't stop the small frown as her body disappeared behind it.

Catching his eye, Ella laughed. "This won't be the last time you see me like this you know."

Kit smirked, climbing out of bed to hug her from behind. "I should hope not," he muttered, kissing her neck where several love marks rested.

Ella shivered happily. "Kit, if you don't stop, I fear I just might push you onto the bed."

"Would that be such a bad thing?" he asked, his lips brushing against her skin.

Ella gently took his hands and stepped away from him, eyeing him in amusement before bending down to throw his robe at his chest. Kit sighed, knowing that for now he'd have to wait until later to satisfy his love for her. He just finished tying the stings of his robe together when Ella pulled the rope to summon the servants.

Kit stared at her, remembering how far she'd come since the first day he'd brought her to the palace. Back then, Ella had been terrified to summon another servant but just now she'd pulled the cord without a second thought. She'd had to stand up and face her fears, her insecurities, and shine forth her courage and kindess in every situation and challenge placed before her. What was remarkable to Kit was that through everything, she'd still remained the good honest country girl he'd fallen in love with.

She turned and stared at him curiously. "What are you smiling about?" she questioned taking his hands.

"You," Kit replied. "I'm just reveling in how my Queen has been able to stay the good honest country girl I love more than life itself." He studied her a moment more. "Ella, are you sure you are ready to do this?"

Her lovely brown eyes filled with determination. "I'm sure," she said. "We can delay it no longer."

"Very well," Kit sighed, kissing her, "but when this is over, I'm stealing you out of the palace for a while."

She quirked an eyebrow at him but said no more for two servants appeared, Henry for Kit and Daphne for Ella. Both paid their respects, curtsying and bowing to them.

"What can we do for Your Majesties?" Henry grinned. This was the first time the royals had summoned the servants and the news was already spreading throughout the castle.

Kit smiled. "Would you send for Alistair and Peter, Henry?"

"And could you fetch a few other servants to draw up some water, Daphne?" Ella added.

"Of course, Your Majesty," Daphne said to her while Henry nodded to Kit.

The two disappeared through the door, leaving Ella and Kit alone. The king took the few extra minutes to lovingly kiss his wife until the Grand Duke and Captain of the Guard arrived. The two walked in with huge grins, eyeing the young couple humorously.

"Word is that Your Majesties are ready to join the rest of the world again," Alistair greeted while Peter laughed.

"Then the word would be partially true," Kit admitted while Ella blushed a little.

"What can we do for Your Majesties?" Alistair asked.

"The matter concerning Lord Duherst must be settled before time slips farther away from the incident," Ella said before Kit could. "Peter, would you please bring Lord Duherst to the throne room in an hour? Alistair, kindly ensure that Count Welling is also accounted for."

Kit stared at his wife, impressed. She'd taken command of the men with ease, her face set in a determined expression. Alistair and Peter, though surprised, happily bowed and assured they would see that the orders were carried out at once.


An hour later, a crowd of nobles had gathered in the throne room, this being their right to see the business concerning their own. However, the reason that there were more of the nobility present than normal was because it had been voiced that their new queen was going to be handling the trial of Lord Andrew Duherst and they were curious to see how she would pass judgment; the incident at the masquerade having traveled through the land despite the attempt to keep it discrete.

The doors to the hall opened and a hush fell over the crowd as the King and Queen entered, hands clasped together, their steps evenly synchronized as they walked up to their thrones. Ella wore a remarkable purple dress, a color reserved only for royalty, the fabric embroidered with lovely white flowers. Her hair was piled partially on her head, several tendrils falling loosely about her face over her shoulders. The crown on her hair was made of silver, the metalwork looped in several circular patterns containing the finest diamonds the land had to offer.

Kit was dressed in a white jacket with purple accents, white breeches, and black boots, a long sword slightly bumping into his right hip as he walked side by side with his wife passed the nobles to the front of the room. Once both were seated, Kit nodded his head towards Peter, who had slipped through the doors, signifying Lord Duherst and Count Welling were ready for whatever judgment the Queen saw fit to bestow.

Kit discretely turned his gaze at his wife and marveled. Her shoulders were squared, her head erect, and her gaze fixed forward looking every ounce a queen. Smiling with love as well as pride, Kit turned to the front of the room just as the door opened revealing the accused. Count Welling and Lord Duherst looked much the same as the night Kit had them arrested save the fact that both men looked in need of sleep. Despite the mutterings and several disgusted looks from their former peers, the Count and lord made their way to the thrones with their heads held high.

Stopping at the base of the stairs, Count Welling bowed but Lord Duherst did not. Several people gasped in outrage but Kit raised his hand, silencing them. Forgetting the others were in the room, he turned to the two men before him and spoke in a clear, commanding voice, "Lord Duherst and Count Welling, you have been brought forward to the Queen of Aritess to be tried and sentenced for the crimes you personally committed against her. As members of the nobility, it is your duty to speak honestly when addressed. I now turn the time over to the Queen. Keep in mind that what you say of her, you say of me."

The last bit was a warning directed towards Lord Duherst, seeing as Count Welling held no ill will concerning Ella's background. The man stared up at Kit without comment but his eyes narrowed a little as a frown graced his handsome face.

Kit glanced at Ella and saw her head was bowed slightly. "Have courage and be kind," she whispered so quietly that he more saw her lips move than hear her speak. Raising her head, Ella looked upon the two men before her without malice or even anger. Kit felt another surge of pride.

"Count Welling," she addressed, looking to the young man.

"M-My lady," he said, inclining his head to her.

"Is it true that under Lord Duherst's orders you neglected the people under your charge, allowed mercenaries to taint the women of the town, taxed the people beyond the law, and banished families from Durington to live in the woods?"

Count Welling winced as all of his actions were thrown one after the other into the air for all to hear. Several nobles cried out in disgust but most remained silent, their anger written on their faces.

"It is true, Your Majesty," he said, hanging his head.

Ella then stood up, to the surprise of all, and walked down the steps to stand in front of the Count. Resting her hands on his shoulders, she looked deeply into his eyes. "If given the chance, you would return to Durington and repent of all your past faults."

It was more a statement than a question but Count Welling nodded anyway. "I would," he said, just as shocked as everyone else that the Queen of the land was standing before him like an equal instead of sitting on her throne looking down on him.

Ella's face lit with a smile and nodded her head in confirmation. "I know you will. You are free to go. Return to Durington, fix what you have broken, and rebuild the connections of friendships you've lost. Kit and I will come visit in a few months time, if that is agreeable? I would so love to see the town; I've heard wonderful things about it."

Count Welling's mouth dropped open as did half the jaws belonging to the nobility. Kit merely smiled; he was used to Ella's compassion and forgiveness more than the others, having seen her display such to her undeserving stepmother and stepsisters.

Count Welling looked upon Ella in renewed light, his respect and gratitude shining in his eyes as he bowed to her. "I will be looking forward to your visit, Your Majesty."

Ella smiled before stepping away to walk over to Lord Duherst who stared down at her wordlessly. Ella schooled her features as she looked into the eyes of the man who'd tried to assault her a week ago. "Lord Duherst, from Kit I have learned that you are the one who attempted to poison me, killing Thomas – a good and respectable man – in the attempt. You threatened to raze Durington to the ground with an army of mercenaries if Count Welling did not do as you demanded in order to distract Kit so you could lure me away and do with me as you saw fit. Is it true that the reason you have done this is because I rebuffed your affections?"

Lord Duherst kept his head held high, his eyes shining with contempt. "It is."

Kit leaned forward a little. He couldn't deny he was a tad nervous. Ella was standing inches away from the accused man after all. He also had no idea how Lord Duherst would react to Ella's sentence. Would he grab her and threaten to hurt her in anger? Would he simply stand tall and proud and accept whatever was going to come? Kit made a fleeting glance towards Peter who stood nearby with five other guards. Apparently the young Captain held the same anxiety for the Queen as he did.

Ella stared at Lord Duherst for a long time before speaking. "I forgive you."

Lord Duherst stared. "What?"

"I forgive you," Ella repeated, meaning every word. "I hold no malice nor grudge against you for what you attempted to do. Though I may never be able to understand the why behind your actions, I refuse to allow my own soul to be tainted concerning them. However, a man was killed because of you and many people in Durington suffered and for these things I have decided to strip you of your title. The title of Count will die with your father and the estate you now dwell in shall be given to another man who will honorably manage the land."

Lord Duherst looked outraged. "And what of my welfare? You intend to strip me of my livelihood the moment my father dies?"

"No," Ella said simply. "The money belonging to your family will be yours to do with as you will. In matters of livelihood, it is my wish that you will stay at the estate and serve the new Count and the town as a guardsman. You have the skills to do so. However, if this is not to your liking, you may go a different path of your choosing."

Lord Duherst was beside himself with anger. Ella stepped back, observing him silently, her eyes unwavering from his. The entire room held its breath. After an immeasurable amount of time, the accused finally spoke. "Do I have to make a decision concerning my fate at the present time?" he asked in a biting tone.

"No," Ella replied. "You may have time to ponder over what you decide to do with your life. Just know that all actions have consequences, good or bad depending on what we choose. I feel that if you remained as a guardsman, you would be able to see the people you have previously ruled over as more than pawns but gems to be treasured. However, I leave the choice up to you whether to choose this path or not. And I want it made known that I stand by what I first said: I forgive all previous acts of ill intent you have towards me."

And then she turned around, walked up the steps, and sat back in her throne, her head held high, the confidence radiating from her strong and sure. A stunned silence followed, nobody willing to move more out of shock than anything else.

Kit looked upon his darling wife with satisfaction. She was absolutely remarkable and exactly the kind of woman he'd longed to have ruling by his side. Facing the two men nearest to them, Kit said in a loud voice, "The Queen has voiced her judgment. You are both free to go."

Lord Duherst left without so much as a bow, storming from the room as fast as he could go. He did, however, pause to glance briefly back at Ella –who sat still, watching him– before disappearing from the hall. Count Welling bowed first to Kit and then to Ella before leaving as well, his expression one of determination to fix his past transgressions.

The rest of the nobles in the hall began chatting immediately but Kit paid them no mind. He turned to Ella who looked over at him at the same time. "Did I do well?" she whispered.

Kit smiled at her. "You were exemplary, my darling."

Ella beamed. Standing, she went to mingle with several women of the nobility and Kit was pleased to see that each of them was looking at her with respect and slight awe, any previous silent judgments of prejudice gone from their faces. Kit also got up from his throne and walked down the steps. Alistair was waiting at the bottom, his face filled with pride.

"She handled herself quite well," he commented, staring at Ella with just as much admiration as everyone else.

"She did," Kit agreed with similar feeling. "With Ella at my side we will rule the land as it meant to be."

"How?" Alistair asked.

A surge of happiness, of hope, and of love sprouted from Kit's heart as he looked at his wife, answering his best friend, "With courage and with kindness, my friend. With courage and kindness."

o0o0oThe End oOoOo

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