Blue Angel (Mystreet Fanfic)

By The_Amber_Fist

5K 136 18

After Katelyn is killed during the battle against Michael, it seems things will never be the same. But when s... More

Chapter 1: Loss
Chapter 2: Hold My Hand
Chapter 3: The Gut Feeling
Chapter 4: Different
Chapter 5: FC
Chapter 6: She's Alive
Chapter 7: Different Pt.2
Chapter 8: Answers
Chapter 9: Testing
Chapter 10: Tea
Chapter 11: Sisters
Chapter 12: Memories
Chapter 13: The Cannon
Chapter 14: Hugs
Chapter 15: Compromised
Chapter 16: The Sunrise
Chapter 17: Into the Basement
Chapter 18: Escape
Chapter 19: Nana
Chapter 20: Into the Jungle
Chapter 21: Garte
Chapter 23: Picture This
Chapter 24: The Past
Chapter 25: The Past Pt. 2
Announcement 2
Chapter 26: Home
Chapter 27: Relics
Chapter 28: Her Wings
Chapter 29: The Demon
Chapter 30: Aftermath
Epilogue: Snow

Chapter 22: Senior Year

97 3 0
By The_Amber_Fist

Katelyn had been walking for hours, and it was now night time. A very tired Stella slept on her back as she carried her through the jungle. She'd stopped hearing shouts a long time ago, but didn't dare rest, knowing they could track her.

Finally, she reached the town area and found the square. She could see the workshop, but she could also see the guides out and about. They seemed to be patrolling, waiting for them. She set Stella down gently and woke her up.

"We're here," She told her, "How do we get inside?"

"I've got it," Stella replied, "I used to help with the wood working classes here." She led Katelyn to the back door which, surprisingly, was left unlocked. They stepped inside and were now at the back of the shop.

There were lots of different saws. Katelyn selected one she thought would do the job and held it in her hands.

She was slightly nervous, having never used a saw to cut a collar off her neck before, but she didn't want to show it.

"We have to hurry, they're everywhere outside and it won't take long for them to find us," Stella told her. She nodded and took a deep breath.

Quickly and carefully, she cut the collar off her neck. If fell into her hands and she clenched it in her fists. Finally, she was free. It felt so good not to have that stupid thing on anymore.

She helped Stella cut hers off next. Once it was gone, she could see tan lines around where the collar used to be.

"How long have you had that thing on?" She asked.

"As long as I've lived here..." Stella replied, holding the collar, "So, ten years, I guess." Katelyn nodded. Suddenly there was shouting outside. They needed to go.

As they ran outside, Katelyn searched for a place they could hide. She looked around and saw a group of stores; perfect. Taking Stella's hand, she led her into a clothes store called Cove Clothing.

She just hoped no one thought to look for them there.


When Aphmau and Garte arrived home, her mom and Eric were already asleep. She went up to her room and got ready to go to bed while Garte got situated in a guest room. As she did so, she thought about the others.

They'd decided to split up to look for Katelyn and Stella. Lucinda and Garroth would search the jungle while Travis looked in the town area. Sylvana and Eric would stay at the house in case they came back, and Aphmau was to search the area around the house, while Garte came back with her to rest and recover.

She'd done so without luck so far, and was finally retiring for the day. She'd look again tomorrow, she decided.

That was when she got a call. It was from Melissa, Aaron's sister. Had she found out what she told Aaron? Was she angry with her? Aphmau sighed and answered.

"Hello?" She said.

"Aphmau! I have something very important to tell you!" Melissa exclaimed. So she wasn't mad after all...

"What's up?" Aphmau asked.

"It's Aaron," The werewolf replied, "He's...Remembering...He remembers his senior year of high school, and meeting you."

"H-he does?" Aphmau asked.

"Yes! He does! It's coming back!" Melissa cried.

"Can I talk to him?" She requested.

"Of course!" Melissa replied. There was shuffling before Aaron spoke.

"Aphmau?" He asked.

"Aaron!" She cried, "Is it true? You remember senior year?"

"Y-yeah, I do," He told her, "And things are starting to come back, but, Aph...I'm sorry. You're really important to me, I know that. I'm sorry I can't remember everything right now..."

"Aaron, it's okay!" Aphmau assured him, "It's not your fault. It's just good to have you back, even if you can only remember some things."

"Aph, I just want you to know, I care about you..." Aaron told her, "A lot."

"I care about you a lot too, Aaron." She replied, "And even if you're never able to remember the rest, I'm glad I told you. I'm glad I got to talk to you again..." She was crying now, out of happiness.

"I'm glad you did, too." Aaron replied, "A-and I'm sure I'll remember...We just have to give it time..." He sounded like he was crying too. "I have to go now, but thank you, really."

"Of course," Aphmau told him, "Goodbye..." With that, he hung up. She sighed deeply. Everything was starting to feel better. Aaron was starting to remember, and it made her happy to have him back again.


Katelyn sat in a cramped closet in the Cove Clothing store. After they broke in, she and Stella had had to hide quickly because a guide had come in to check the store. She had ducked into this small closet and Stella was hiding behind a rack full of long dresses.

There was a small gap between the door and the wall, letting in a tiny bit of light. If Katelyn put her eye up to it, she could look out and see exactly which rack her sister was behind. Neither of them were in the best hiding spots, but they'd been rushed.

Katelyn took a deep breath, trying to calm her quickening heart. It was beating so loudly she worried it might give her away. That was when the guide patrolling the store came up to the door.

She could see him right outside, and put her hand to her mouth to hold back her gasp. Please, she thought, please don't see me. And he didn't. He simply moved on, shining his flashlight around the room.

He began walking towards the exit, and she hoped he was leaving. But then a light came on and she knew this wasn't the case.

With the lights now on, he started searching more thoroughly. He was checking every clothing rack, and Katelyn worried he might find Stella soon if she didn't do something.

Just as she was about to come out of the closet (hehe) and try to distract him, he snapped his head to something outside. Katelyn wasn't sure what it was, but it was enough to make him leave. After a few minutes, she carefully opened the door and stepped out.

"Stella!" She whispered, "Let's get out of here while we can." Stella came out from behind the clothing rack and nodded. She followed Katelyn out of the store before they stopped. "We need somewhere to go, somewhere they won't find us. That way, we can finally give you first aid and come up with a plan." Stella nodded.

"I know where we can go." She said, "he'll let us stay and won't tell anyone we're there." Katelyn smiled at her.

"Then lead the way."

As Stella led Katelyn through the town, avoiding guards and trying to be as silent as possible, Katelyn couldn't help but wonder what had made the guide in the store leave so suddenly.

She decided to put it out of her mind and continue on. They needed to get somewhere safe. She would just have to worry about it later.

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