Boarding School for the Rejec...

By everetet

63.6K 705 143


Boarding School for the Rejected -1-
Boarding School for the Rejected -2-
Boarding School for the Rejected -3-
Boarding School for the Rejected -4-
Boarding School for the Rejected -5-
Boarding School for the Rejected
Boarding School for the rejected -7-
Boarding School for the Rejected -8-
Boarding School for the Rejected -9-
Boarding School for the Rejected -10-
boarding School for the Rejected -11-
Boarding School For the Rejcted -12-
Boarding School for the Rejected -14-
Boarding School for the Rejected -15(preview)-
Boarding School for the Rejected -15- (Full)
Boarding School for the Rejected -16-
Boarding School for the Rejected -17-
Boarding School for the Rejected -18-

Boarding School for the Rejected -13-

2.3K 26 5
By everetet

Recap: "You are a Fallidrah. Your kind comes around once every thousand years. The only other Fallidrah alive today is Desmond Draemond. Your kind has an immense amount of power, but it matures over the years. I am a part of an organization that has been trying to get expose creatures to the humans, but we can't do it on our own or we will be killed by our government for 'treason'," he said rolling his eyes. "Really, we just want to stop having to hide. We don't want to control the humans like so many others do, but live among them. I realize this could cause problems, but we have ideas for every different problem that might come up. Why we need you is so that first to quicken up your maturity, and show it to the world and then to help us fight whoever will come after us after that. Yeah, so I'll just let the sink in for now." He said coldly as he walked away from me. I stared after him sadly. "I really wish you would have just loved me..." He whispered as he unlocked all of the locks and then walked out locking them behind again. I was on the edge of tears, and now just wished I was out of this chair.


After everything had been said and I was left alone I didn't know what to do. I was overwhelmed by everything, and I was simply so confused. I didn't know who I liked anymore, and really I didn't even think I wanted to like anyone period.

The ropes were truly starting to annoy me and then thought about the shadows. I had only been able to control them when I had been worked up, but I wanted to see if I could try to do it on my own now. I stared at a corner that had a mixed amount of shadows and stared at them. I didn't know what to do so I simply tried really concentrating on them, and moving my fingers which were behind my back around a bit. I watched as the shadows danced up from the ground swirled around a bit and then fell once more.

I let out a frustrated sigh. I tried again, and decided to try and figure out how to get them in a way that could help get these ropes off. I pictured a dagger in my mind and continued staring at the shadows watching it slowly take a shape. I managed to make it vaguely take shape of a blade and tried to pull it towards me with my mind. When it reached within a foot of me I tried bringing it to the ropes. I jumped as it cut my shirt. I pulled it back and then quickly made it slash the ropes.

I let out a breath of relief as I was able to move my limbs around again. I felt weary from my attempts with the shadows and made my way over to a corner of the room curling up wanting to fall asleep, but honestly too scared to do that. I may have had my random bursts of anger where I acted strong, but I really was and always had been scared and weak. I didn't know how they expected me to do anything, I was pathetic.

I suddenly felt strong arms wrap around me. I looked up and saw Aiden holding me close to him. I wanted to push him away, but I didn't have the will to do it, and honestly, as much as I hated admitting it to myself it felt lovely in his arms. "Go away," I muttered at him not even bothering to look up at him. "You're not pathetic, and you're not weak. We're going to make you strong." He whispered in my ear. I didn't understand why he was being so gentle and kind with me after how he was acting earlier. I felt him shake his head, "Oh, you silly girl. I wish you would understand how much I love you," he told me squeezing me tightly.

"I'm sorry, but I really don't know what to tell you. You say I love Damien, but I don't think I love anyone. I don't think I'm capable of love," I whispered to him.

"I know this will most likely be hard for you to do considering everything I've done, but I need to ask you to trust me. If you tell me you will then I can post long everything just a bit longer, and I promise you there will be no more lies." I finally looked up at him wondering what he was planning on doing.

"No more lies?" I asked him weakly. That was something I truly wanted gone more than anything.

"No more lies." He reassured me.

I looked within his purple orbs one more time before weakly agreeing, "But if you're lying to me right now you'll be sorry," I said narrowing my eyes at him although there was nearly no malice in it. He smiled softly as he pulled me up into a sitting position and stared at me. I looked back confused until I felt his mouth over mine. I gasped from surprise and felt our mouths moving together. I didn't understand what was going on, but I closed my eyes enjoying it until I felt his tongue enter my mouth wrestling with mine. I suddenly felt Aiden's cut my tongue. I then felt something dripping in a rush over my tongue. 'Drink it,' I heard in my head. I opened my eyes looking at his and saw them telling me to. I ended up doing as he said.

It tasted sweet, but metallic at the same time, but I suddenly felt a rush hit me and stared at him in awe as I was so overloaded with information. A rush of images and thoughts poured into my mind. They were all about Aiden. I found out his whole real name was Aiden Aleksander Illiam, that he was four hundred and twenty-seven years old, everything about what he had been through, his family, and that he somehow honestly did love me. I looked at him curiously. I now understand why he continuously answered my unasked questions, it was so easy too with this bond, but really I don't think we would have even needed to speak. 'No, we don't.' I heard him think. He was smiling with so much joy in it.

A thought suddenly hit me, and I watched him frown. He let out a sad sigh, "Yes, if this doesn't work out we have five days to break the bond. It's extremely difficult though and it can be painful, but can we please not talk about this now?" He asked me desperately. I nodded my head giving him a small smile. The only thing I got from his thoughts was simply how happy he was and I couldn't help, but smile lightly. Some part of me told me I should hate him for lying to me, for ending up having all of this happen to me if I don't love him, and for taking me away from the school, because from what I got from him until they were sure I loved him I wasn't leaving this place, and yet I just couldn't.

I squealed as while I was lost in my own thoughts I didn't notice Aiden planning on picking me up as suddenly as he did. I looked at him giggling as he was spinning me around until he just stopped and held me close to him. I smiled as I listened to his heart beat and hugged him. I felt confused by everything beyond belief, but I was content at the same time.

I looked up at him, "So, how long have I been away? How long will I be here?" I asked him. I couldn't help it, but the curiosity was killing me. I watched his mind search through the thoughts trying to count. I gasped when he got it all together. I had been here for about four days, but he didn't know how much longer I would be here. "Oh my, four days?" I asked his surprised.

He nodded. "Apparently forcing you unconscious makes you remain it for a while," he added with a chuckle. I scratched the back of my head sheepishly. I felt his calm happy emotions being passed to me as I felt simply more relaxed. I hadn't felt this at peace since... I stopped the thought, but I felt Aiden stiffen.

"When did all of that happen?" He asked me although his tone had gotten more uneasy and colder. I looked up at him to see him staring straight ahead. I felt bad. Fucking bastard. I hate him. I need to kill him. All of those thoughts running through his head made me feel worse. I hugged him tightly."It was before I had even met you." I told him letting the images of everything that had happened pass through my mind. He gripped me tightly after he saw them, but as soon as he started hurting me it seemed he felt it because he relaxed his grip. "Relax darling, relax." I whispered to him.

My stomach grumbled a bit, and I saw and felt him brighten up dramatically. "C'mon dear let's go get you some food." He said as he took my hand and led me towards the large door. He stopped in front of it and then turned to me. "Open it."

I looked at him dumbfounded, "I can't, I don't have the keys." I saw what he wanted me to try and do run through his mind. It was an odd sign that looked familiar. I then thought about the magical sciences class. Around the room there had been a ton of them that looked similar to this.

I could feel his smile, "Yes, it is a rune. Remember, that was the only thing you said you truly even knew about magic?" I nodded my head, as I thought about the rune.

It was suddenly like a page just turned in my head as everything about runes rushed through my mind. How to make them and how to activate them. It was just like a week or two ago after my birthday, but no pain. I suddenly reached into my pocket for the sharpie that was normally always there to find it empty. I snapped out of my daze of making the rune and stared at Zeke, "My marker please? Or even better a pen."

He looked so excited I could even feel the child inside him wanting to simply jump up and down. He nodded his head going into his pocket and pulling out a fine point pen, but it was thick enough to write well enough upon the door. He thrust his hand out to me with the pen and I took it from him nodding my thanks as I visualized the rune that he had showed me again. Suddenly my hand was moving on the door creating it. As soon as I finished I turned the pen stabbing my finger with it. It bled a bit, but enough that I needed. It had hurt a bit, but I was too focused on finishing the rune to notice.

I took my blood dripping finger and smeared it across the rune. It glowed and I stepped back as I heard the locks undo themselves and then the door swing open. I stared at the open door and then turned to look at Aiden who was grinning widely. "You see! I told you you aren't weak or pathetic, you just need training." He said smiling to me. "Come on now let's go get you some food, we don't want you to starve." I felt uncomfortable then when he said that, and I knew he could feel it, but he acted like he didn't notice as he grabbed my hand and led me down the hall.

The hallway alone looked much nicer than the room I had been stuck in, and walking into the next room the room I had been in seemed like a dungeon compared, but I suppose that was what it was. Everything around was very neat, tidy, ornate, and richly done. Bright contrasts were thrown all around, the most common being black and white. The room thrilled me even though I wasn't exactly even sure what it was supposed to be.

"It is basically everyone who works here space. They each have their own sections which are filled with different things, but Miriam does not allow disorder which is why everything still looks so nice. I nodded my head understanding. I realized then that Aiden must constantly have his mind connected with mine, because I never really noticed his thoughts unless they were pushed in like he wanted me to hear or if I was just directly paying attention to them. I felt him squeeze my hand, "That's because I am always paying attention to them." That sounded sweet and at the same time I couldn't help but feel a bit bothered by those words.

"Come on darling, this way," he said turning us down another corridor and into another room. The room was painted warm rich colors and it made me feel at ease. "What would you like?" He asked as his large warm hands let go of mine and walk towards the stove.

I shook my head, "Just a piece of fruit is fine. I'm not too hungry." He frowned as I said that.

"I knew you would probably say that, but I was hoping you would change your mind. You don't need to lie to me. Just sit down, I'll make you something and you are going to eat it all. Understand?" I frowned, but nodded my head walking over to the table sitting down at it and waiting for him to finish.

He came back with a plate of macaroni and cheese with broccoli and a fork which he placed in front of me. "I know what you like, but I wasn't sure what to make you so I decided to go with this." I giggled at the simplicity of what he decided to make. He sat down diagonally from me.

I stared down at it. Even though this was such an easy thing to make it looked and smelled so amazing, and honestly I was starving. I picked up the fork and took a small bite and my eyes widened. It tasted so much butter then it smelled. "This is bloody amazing!" I exclaimed shoving another forkful of it in my mouth. I hadn't ate so much or so quickly in ages.

"Thank you for the food." I told him after I had finished and I could see he was just smiling contently at the fact that I had ate it all and liked it so much.

"You are very welcome. We need to start feeding you more regularly," he said chuckling. "Well then now I suppose I shall take you to the room that we have made for you. I think it will be much nicer then sleeping in the interrogation chamber, don't you agree? But you also have to agree not to try to escape or honestly even leave the room unless accompanied by me or Miriam, understand? This place is filled with too many dangerous people, which I know you have the power to take on, but you simply aren't ready to take on. And I'm really not worried about you trying to escape though, but okay?"

I nodded my head, and just realized that even though he had talked about the others I had yet to see them, although it seemed that maybe I didn't want to. I stood up after he did as we walked out of the kitchen and up a set of purely white stairs. When we reached the top I noticed many hallways and that about ten doors went down each in the same fashion. I followed Aiden to the hallway at the right end and we went down it till we reached the last door on the left side. He opened the door and I gasped.

Everything in the room was gray or black. The walls were a light shade of gray, the bed spread a mixture of dark gray and black spreadsheets and the room was simply lovely. I also noticed on the bed was a stuffed bunny and my sketchpad. I stared in awe and then turned to look up at Aiden. "Did you... Did you do this?" He simply smiled and kissed the top of my head.

"I did just for you, and I'd like to ask you to please get some sleep I'll be back later." He said and I looked into his deep purple eyes right before he closed the door. I let out a deep breath I hadn't realized and then went over to the bed grabbing the bunny curling up and trying to fall asleep.

Well then, there is chapter 13 guys. Hope you enjoyed. Rate, comment, and all that stuffles. :3 <3

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