Just Feeling Better

By HowlersArchives

98.5K 2.5K 2.5K

After a long break Izuku returns changed and feeling better than ever. What will the class think of their cin... More

[]Chapter 1[]
[] Chapter 2[]
[]Chapter 3[]
[]Chapter 4[]
[]Chapter 6[]
[]Chapter 7[]
[]Chapter 8[]
[]Chapter 9[]
[]Chapter 10[]

[]Chapter 5[]

9.5K 239 150
By HowlersArchives

A party. That's where Izuku and Katsuki were. And that's where shit was about to go down.

Some dude's parents were out of town for some time so he thought, 'Why the fuck not' you know. Almost every teen's ideaology.

Anyways, they weren't the only ones at the party from UA. Suprisingly most of 1A and B came, including a lot of upperclassman and people from other schools. The house was packed. But that didn't matter. The house wasn't a house. No sweetie it was a FUCKING MANSION! Practically a castle- point is the place was huge!!!

"Deku!", Izuku looked around for the voice that called him. He looked toward a brunette that was squeezing her way through a few groups of people, he slightly grimaced at his friend, imagining how uncomfortable that might be for her.

"Hey Uraraka" He greeted when the brunette had reached them. She wore a black tight fit dress with noodle straps and a zipper infront. He's best friend looked amazing. "Dang Ura! Who'd you get all dresseed up for?" He asked with a chuckle.

Uraraka seemed to stop in thought as her face burst into flames thinking about that one face. She was so lost in thought she hadn't notice Izuku waving his hand infront of her. "Uraraka!" Izuku shouted, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"U-uh n-no one at a-all" She stuttered. Izuku and Bakugou looked at each other before smirking her way. "Surrre" They said in union.

She shook her head and decided to lead the two to where some of their class were hanging. Which was outside on the grass. They had blankets and beanbags on the floor. Oh yeah, this was going to be a fun night.

"Oi let's play a game!"

Everyone turned their heads towards the voice.'BAKUGOU!'. Everyone was hesitant to say yes. mean who wouldn't the hot-head of the class had suggested it. With dangerous smirk on his face and his boyfriend seeming giggling uncontrollably beside him. Oh yeah, this was definitely going to be fun.

"What are we playing?" Jiro asked.

"Well my dear classmates" Bakugou smirked at the class. The class staring wide eyed at the blonde. What the hell did he have in mind? That sentence alone was slowly making them want to back out of the game.

(A/N: Game 'Baby do you love me' it took me 15 minutes to find a suitable game that a lot of people haven't heard of. ehehe~! anyways! Sit in a circle and designate one person as "It." "It" picks someone in the circle, sits on his lap and says, "Baby, if you love me, smile." The other person has to respond, "I love you, baby, but I just can't smile!" If he cracks a smile when he says it, he becomes "It." If he doesn't smile, the person in the center has to pick a new lap to sit on and try again.)

"Mhm, glad you asked Earphones. It's simple really your going to play a game called 'Baby do you love me' hehe." Bakugou smirks at the group of classmates.

(After explanation caz no-)

"Denki your it!" Mina squeals as the rest chuckle.

"Baby if you love me, buy me coffee tomorrow morning cause I might need it after tonight." Denki says and smirks at a now blushing Kirishima beneath him.

"Oh? I love you too", Kirishima smirks, winking and chuckling at Denki. Now it was Denki's turn to blush as others whistled and chuckled at the pair.

Kirishima got up and sat in Momo's lap.
"Baby, if you love me, please make me a secret pair of earplugs for present mics lesson", He says.
This had people doubling over in laughter. Yeah, definitely unexpected.

It was nearly midnight when the group of high schoolers stopped playing. They had been playing different games like never have I ever and some were slightly tipsy or wasted.

Others like Uraraka and Tsu were cuddling on the bean bags and other pairs were rolled up in blankets chatting idly with one another. Momo created a small portable projector so they could watch a movie outside on one of the mansion walls. This definitely drew attention from others and they had different people from other school, friends and couples, watching along.

Izuku and Katsuki on the other hand were tipsy as hell. Not bad tipsy but manageable. They were flirting constantly. Izuku's face was red as a tomato from the words Katsuki kept whispering in his ear. He would giggle every now and than from the more sweet things Katsuki would say and blush from the more, well other things.

"Hey Bakubro I need your help now!" Kirishima whispered argently, whilst tugging at Katsuki's shirt.

"Shitty hair I'm busy" Katsuki growled back.

"NO! Now now now!" Kirishima whined.

"I'll meet you at the door, go ahead Kacchan" Izuku cooed into his ear, kissing his boyfriend's cheek. He got up and watched as Kirishima dragged Katsuki somewhere. He gathered his things and put on his jacket and folded the blankets onto the beanbag that they sat on.

Izuku made his way into the house but stopped at the kitchen to grab a some water and sober up abit while he waited for Katsuki. He had his back turned so his front faced the kitchen sink.

After some time he felt most of the alchol had left his system and set the cup of water down about to leave and go to the front door. As he was about to turn , he felt a presence behind him. Though that presence pressed themselves onto him leaving Izuku pressing uncomfortably against the sink.

"Well hey there, I didn't see you there whoops" The person spoke. Izuku could smell the alchol rippinig off them. He nearly wanted to puke from how close this person was to hi and oh god he's breath. Izuku practically gagged from the smell since he could smell it seeing the guys was breathing down his neck. He desperately wanted to escape but the guy put all his way onto Izuku and started roughly grinding on him.

"Hey do you mind moving, your breath stinks and I don't think you want to see my boyfriend pissed", Izuku cautiously spoke. Oh god Katsuki where are you, Izuku internally screamed. The male started pushing himself even more into Izuku making his body slam harshly against the edge of the table, that would surely leave a bruise later.

"Oh come one, that porcupine! But I can do you better than that little shit. What d'you sa-"

Katsuki had finished his talk with Kirishima who was asking for help on a place to take Denki for their first day, perfect first date. After he'd finished they made their way back to the back where everyone was watching the movie playing on projector.

Katsuki wanted to make sure Izuku had left and made he too made his way to the door. When he made his way to the door he couldn't find him. So he looked around; in the dinning room, the lounge until he was passing the kitchen and his eyes caught sight of a familiar green fluff of hair he knew all too well. But he didn't expect to see what he did.

There on the kitchen sink was his boyfriend being harshly grinded on by some dude who was whispering things into his ear making Izuku's face scrunch up in disgust. Just as he was about to step in he saw Izuku snap and his face swell up in the most terrifying angry face Katsuki has ever since on Izuku, that it sent a chill down his spine.

Izuku grabbed a nearby bottle, quickly turned around bashing the bottle into the person whom he now recognized as the host of this party. All commotion in the kitchen stopped as they all stared at Izuku and back at the now bleeding host on the floor; who was slipping in and out of consciousness, with a half broken bottle in Izuku's hand. Izuku walked up to the body on the floor and put his foot onto the boy's chest slowly digging it in while winding the boy of air.

"Didn't your parents ever teach you how to treat you guests!" Izuku hissed, anger slipping into each and every single word he let out.

With that he and Katsuki left the party, with him having a tight hold on Katsuki's hand. Katsuki stopped in his track on one of the steps outside the door.

"Hold on babe" Katsuki said as he let go of Izuku's hand and vanished inside. Minutes later Katsuki appeared with rolls of toilet paper in his hand, stopping near his neck.

"Let's do some damage first. That'll teach not to mess with what's mine ever again." Katsuki said as he set the rolls down and cupped Izuku's cheeks kissing his forhead, then pressing it against his. Izuku nodded and smiled, bringing Katsuki into a passionate kiss.

"Leave the side where their watching the movie on!" Izuku shouted as he grabbed toilet papers and turned his quirk on, running around the house leaving strings and strings of toilet paper all over the mansion, except the other side. While Katsuki busied himself with part of the mansion and mostly trees since he couldn't use his quirk and risk drawing attention outside.

"Wait one more thing", Izuku said as he ran to the power box and smashed it a couple times, leaving the place in darkness and the music inside went quiet as well as all the house light going black.

Katsuki smiled at his boyfriend giving him a quick kiss before they hoped into the car and drove who knows where. But Katsuki had a destination in mind, he could see that Izuku was slightly on edge and still gave off some hints of anger. He drove and stopped a completely empty parking lot that face the beach; giving them a perfect view of the sea and the stars above it.

He unbuckled his seatbelt and stood outside going to the backseats, motioning for Izuku to follow him. As he sat inside, he grabbed Izuku setting his back against his chest so they could still see the view between the gap in-between the front seats.

"M'sorry I wasn't there" Katsuki said muffled out as he put his head in the crook of Izuku's neck.

"Kacchan it's not your fault alright. Besides I can handle myself." Izuku said, leaning back into Katsuki's chest.

"Shh... Izuku turn around for me" Katsuki whispered into his ear.

Izuku his whole body around; now each of his leg's beside Katsuki straddling him. Katsuki cupped Izuku's chin with his fingers making the boy look up at him. Izuku could see Katsuki red orbes shining from one of the streets light near them but was still further away from the car. Katsuki's eyes showed love and remorse along with something else.

"I promise I'll be there for you, I'm not going to let anyone try and take you away from me. Your mine and mine alone", Katsuki whispered inching his lips closer to the smaller male in his lap. Izuku could feel every word Katsuki said, the heat near his lips making him wanting to just capture Katsuki's lips into a kiss. "So let me make it up to you for not being there tonight" Katsuki finished. Before Izuku could even respond his lips were captured into a loving kiss.

Katsuki pulled off his shirt along with Izuku's as the kiss got more heated. He made his way down Izuku's neck sucking and biting, earning pants and small moans from the boy in his lap. He slowly made his way down Izuku's body making the smaller boy pant and moan louder. He set them down onto the backseat as he continued down the body. When he made his way to Izuku's v-line he could see small bruises starting to form and kissed the smaller male there.

"I'm sorry you got hurt too", Katsuki whispered as he dipped his head down, pulling Izuku into a kiss. Izuku smiled into the kiss but abruptly stopped and released a moan as Katsuki roughly against him, making Katsuki chuckle.

"I'm gonna make it up to you see", He whispered huskily into Izuku's ear, making the male shiver in response.

That night was a night both boys would never forget, especially Izuku since he could hardly move in the morning. They got lectures from both the parents from staying out late and thankfully they hand't noticed the marks on either boy's necks. What really made their day was a post that was blowing up. A picture of the now thrashed mansion that they 'vandalized' but people had no clue it was them, but if they did no one mentioned it.

Oh yeah, that was definitely a fun night.



Oh my effing gwad!!! thank you all for reading I like REALLLY appreciate it!! sending all my love. im so freaking hyped eeekkkk!! I never thought it would go this far but it did and im over the goddamn ball of a moon!!!>~<

Soory no smut im still trying to get the hang of writing smut heheh~!!! I might do dkbk/bkdk smutshots so I can get help. Who knows!? >~<

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, once again I am really grateful and THANK YOU for reading this far on!!!


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