Shoto's Twin Sister

By Glitter_Crazy

198K 6.8K 5.5K

NOT AN X READER AND NOT INCEST Might be a bit of an OC x Katsuki Make sure to check out the Scenarios book I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Eimi Todoroki
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Clarification Chapter
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 31

2.1K 83 39
By Glitter_Crazy

Eimi's POV

After Shoto and I had our little talk and sibling moment he had to get up to go to the bathroom. He quietly got up and left to the small room connected to our room that I figured was the bathroom. I pulled myself up and moved my pillows so my back wasn't in pain. I pulled the hospital blanket over my lap and closed my eyes.

I sighed and let my mind start running through all the actions and situations I was in the past couple of days. Now that I think about it, I really should have gotten hurt way worse than I did, possibly even dead. I guess I'm just lucky, nothing I can really say other than that. As I was thinking my eyes shot open and I frantically started looking around the room.

"What are you doing?"

"Ahhhhh!" I yelped and covered my face with my hands. I opened my fingers and looked through the crack, only to see Shoto looking at my with a bit of confusion in his eyes. My hands fell down and I gasped for air.

"Shoto... you scared me." I found my hand resting over my heart and it was thumping like crazy. The room fell into an awkward silence until I remembered what I was doing and I looked to Shoto.

"Hey, have you seen my phone? I promised someone I would text them last night after patrol but... you know what happened..." I awkwardly laughed and Shoto's eyes softened. He then bent down and pulled a bag out from no where and handed it to me.

"The old man brought a bag of things for you since you most likely won't get out of here for a couple of days. It should have your new phone and charger in it, also some clothes and other necessities." Shoto said with his monotone voice. I looked up at him with a thankful smile.

"Thanks Sho."

"No problem." Shoto said as I opened the small bag. It was just as Shoto said, I found clothes, my charger, my phone and some bathroom supplies. I snickered a bit when I found some pads and tampons. I didn't pack any because I just finished that week, but they probably didn't know that, I'm also guessing dad had one of his sidekicks make this care package for me, since he wouldn't know what to put in here.

I carefully took out my phone and charger from the bag then realized what Shoto said. I looked up and at Shoto who was sitting on his bed with his phone in his hand.

"Wait, so did my phone not make it? Is this why I have this new one now?" I asked with slight sadness. Without looking up from his phone Shoto nodded and replied.

"Yeah, though he had someone transfer all of your data and photos onto the new one so you don't have to worry about setting it up or that you don't have any of your contacts."

"I see..." My voice trailed off and I looked at the phone in my hands before gasping. "This is the newest model of smart phone!"

I glanced over to where Shoto was sitting and all he had was a small smile on his face. I looked back at the phone in my hands and turned it on. When the screen flashed I saw a couple of text messages. I quickly opened the texting app and was about to text someone but stopped when I saw a text from someone I didn't have in my contacts before this.

Dad? I thought as I tapped on his message then read it.

Enji Todoroki: When I got you your new phone I had them add my number into your contacts. You'll be in the hospital for a couple of days, no questions asked, you stay until your healed. No coming back to your internship, I'll have Shoto inform you of what happens on the daily so you can at least learn something from him. If there is something I missed while gathering things for your bag you can just tell one of the nurses and they will get it for you.

My eyes widened and I stared at my phone in shock. So he was the one to pack my bag. Well, I guess it makes sense, he has been around Fuyumi. I decided to text him back, saying that I was awake and felt somewhat better.

I wasn't planning on leaving right away, though I'm sad I can't come back to my internship. But I'll listen to your words and stay here until I'm healed. The new phone was quite a surprise on the other hand. Thanks Dad.

I pressed send then immediately blushed and slapped my face.

"Was saying that too soon? After all I did just basically meet him." I mumbled then the door opened. My eyes trailed over to the door and saw Tenya walking in.

"Tenya! How was the check up?" I asked with eagerness.

"Thanks for the optimism, but it wasn't the best." He said as he made his way to his bed. Shoto looked up from his phone as well and looked to Tenya.

"What happened?" Shoto asked and I nodded. Tenya opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by the door opening again. All of us watched Izuku hobble his way in with a slight blush on his face.

"Oh, hey, Iida. I just got off the phone with Uraraka." He started but was soon silenced by Shoto.

"Midoriya. Iida just got his test results back."

Izuku's face sunk a bit before looking to Tenya. We waited for him to say something and he finally spoke.

"My left hand might have damage that is permanent."

My eyes widened for the ten thousandths time today and looked at Tenya in worry.

"What? Permanent?" Izuku called out with a gasp. Izuku had a very shocked and worried face on while Tenya continued to look down at his arms.

"My arms were pretty torn up, both of them, but my left arm was especially worse. There was damage to my brachial plexus. Which just means.. I'll have trouble moving my fingers. And my hand might have some numbness." Tenya smiled reassuringly with sad looking eyes while looking at the worried Izuku.

"Can you get it fixed?" I asked, pulling the attention over to me for a second.

"Yeah, apparently there's a chance it could be healed with nerve transplant surgery." He said to me with the sad look in his eyes. I tilted my head to the side.

"Isn't that a good thing?" I asked again, this time with my eyebrows furrowed. Tenya looked down at his arms again.

"When I came across the Hero Killer, I stopped thinking rationally."

I noticed.

"The first thing I should've done was call Manual. But I got lost in my own anger." He looked up but not at anyone in particular.

"I hate him so much, but I can't deny that he spoke the truth. That's why, until I am able to call myself a real hero, I'll leave my left hand as it is."

"Are you sure?" Shoto asked before I got the chance.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Izuku's face tremble before he held his right hand up.

"Iida, I feel the same way." Izuku said and Tenya looked up at him. Izuku's hand balled into a fist. "Let's get stronger. Together."

I smiled at the boys in front of me as Tenya nodded in determination, soon followed by Izuku doing the same.

"I feel kind of bad." Shoto called out. We all looked over to him with confusion.

"About what?" Izuku and I asked at the same time.

"Whenever I'm involved, someone's hand gets all messed up. Is something wrong with me? Am I cursed?"

We all looked at him with shocked faces before breaking out in laughter.

"Todoroki! I didn't know you had a sense of humor!" Izuku said between laughs. I was wiping the tears from my eyes as Shoto spoke again.

"This isn't a joke. I'm like 'The Hand Crusher' or something." Shoto said with a lost face. I started wheezing and the tears of laughter wouldn't stop.

"The Hand Crusher!" Izuku wheezed out as Tenya laughed even more.

After we calmed down Izuku tried to explain to Shoto about his hand while I leaned back trying to gather my breath, but just as I was going to open my phone again, I felt something. I looked around but didn't see anything out of the ordinary, only Tenya, Shoto and Izuku and our beds.

"Is something the matter, Todo?" I heard Tenya call out to me. I looked at him before laughing it off.

"I'm fine, Tenya. Also, you should call me Eimi, after all there's two Todoroki's in the class now so it would just be confusing."

"I couldn't possible do that-" Tenya started to go on a rant about being respectful and appreciating your friends family legacy and all that. I only smiled nervously before sneezing and effectively shutting him up before he panicked about getting me a tissue, which only made him louder because he had to ask Shoto or Izuku to get one for me because he couldn't with his hands.

Shoto got up and got me a tissue before handing it to me. I thanked him and blew my nose, but before he could go back to his bed, I grabbed his shirt. He looked back at me and waited for me to speak.

"Could, could you help me to the bathroom?" I asked shyly while looking at my hand. Shoto turned around and pet my head, which caused me to look up at him. He had a small smile on his face and he nodded.

"Thank you." I smiled as he picked me up bridal style, making sure to be careful around my sides, and bringing me to the bathroom. Once we got in he set me down softly and I smiled up at him.

"I can handle it from here, thanks Shoto."

"Call me if you need help." He said while ruffling my hair.

"Mhm." I nodded and he left while closing the door. I pulled out my phone that I had in my hospital gown and slowly sat on the closed toilet seat. Just as I was about to open my texting app, my phone started ringing and the called ID was Auntie.

I gulped before pressing accept and putting the phone to my ear.

"Hello-" I tried to say before my ear got yelled into. I quickly pulled the phone from my ear before bring it back.

"Eimi! You didn't call or text me last night and I got worried! You know your grandmother put me in charge of you while she takes care of Dokami." Mitsuki yelled worriedly through the phone.

"I know, and I'm sorry. Something came up, but I'm okay now for the most part! Though I won't be able to go back to my internship." I sighed before dropping the bomb and waiting for it to explode in my ear.

"What happened?! Why can't you go back to your internship?!" She asked super fast with a scared tone in her voice.

I looked down at my hand and sighed.

"It would be easier to tell you in person. Do you think you could come to the Hosu City Hospital?" I asked and held the phone away from my ear, ready for her to scream again.

"Hospital!?! I'm coming right now!" She yelled so loud that I could hear her perfectly fine from how far away my phone was from my ear. Before I could tell her what room we were in she hung up. I turned my phone off and put it on the counter.

"Well, I think that was the best I could've done. Now we wait." I mumbled before actually using the bathroom like I needed to. I finished up and was drying my hands when I heard a knock on the door. I grabbed my phone and opened the door to see Izuku standing there.

"Hey Izu, what's up? Do you need to use the bathroom? I'm sorry I took so long." I apologized while slowly walking out, making sure to stand as straight as I could so my sides wouldn't hurt as much.

"No, I was just checking on you since Todoroki was worried you hurt yourself or something. But before he could check on you he got called out to be checked again."

"Thanks Izuku! But I'm fine, I was just on a call with my Auntie and she's coming to check on me here soon, so be prepared for that." I smiled wide and looked up at him. He smiled back at me and helped me to my bed as best as he could. I thanked him and sat facing Tenya so we could all talk together.

Just as we were getting into the conversation the door slammed open and I almost got whiplash for how fast my head snapped over to look at who it was, but when I did that, my sides screamed out in pain and I winced. The person ran over to me and grabbed my face.

"Where are you hurt?!" She said loudly with worry and I smiled. I held her hands that held my face and closed my eyes in a smile, happy that my second mother figure was here.

"Auntie Mitsuki?" Izuku called out with surprise and I remembered that Izuku was also childhood friends with Katsuki. I opened my eyes in time to see Mitsuki's eyes move over to where Izuku was sitting and watch her gasp.

"Izuku? You got hurt too?" She gasped while still holding my face. I smiled again and found myself looking at the confused Tenya. I laughed, which got Mitsuki's attention and she looked directly in my eyes.

"You okay?" She asked again and I just pulled her hands down and motioned for her to sit beside me. She did so reluctantly, and I cleared my throat.

"You must be confused Tenya, sorry I didn't say it earlier but my auntie came to see me since she's in charge of me right now. You also might be confused as to why both Izuku and I call her auntie, well that's because we've known her since we were babies." I explained as he listened and Mitsuki tapped her foot on the ground impatiently, but still with better manners than her son.

"She's Kacchan's mom." Izuku added and I nodded. Tenya's mind seemed to connect the dots between the two people and nodded.

"That's why she looks so much like him." Tenya said.

"The name's Mitsuki Bakugo." She introduced herself in the traditional Bakugo way, or well how her and Katsuki do anyway, Uncle Masaru couldn't act like that if his life depended on it.

"Did I hear Bakugo?" The monotone voice of my older twin brother called out from behind us.

"Oh, hey Shoto! Back already?" I called back to him and he made his way over to his bed and sat down. Mitsuki gasped and stood before quickly going over to him.

"You must be Shoto!" She exclaimed while grabbing his hand and shaking it vigorously. Shoto sat there with a confused face and mouth gaped open.

"Uhh, yes?" He said, though it sounded like more of a question. I just laughed at his socially awkward and clueless self before introducing him to Mitsuki.

"Shoto, this is Mitsuki, my auntie as well as Katsuki's mother."

Something in his mind just clicked and he looked a little less confused.

"So that's why Bakugo was mentioned." He looked up at the blonde women shaking his hand. "Bakugo looks like a carbon copy of you, but male."

Mitsuku just laughed and gave him a hardy slap on the shoulder.

"I like this kid, good job on finding him, Eimi." She called back to me while Shoto was questioning what just happened.

Mitsuki quickly turned to Izuku and grabbed his face and started looking at it as well.

"Now where are you hurt." Mitsuki stated and Izuku tried to pry her off but gave up halfway.

"Just my leg and arm, nothing major, just scratches and bruises." He said, though it was muffled due to Mitsuki grabbing his cheeks.

I rolled my eyes at him because he failed to mention that his whole leg was messed up but whatever. Mitsuki finally let go of his face and Izuku quickly started to rub his cheeks to get rid of the redness. Mitsuki then dramatically turned to me and struck fear into my soul.

"You didn't tell me where you were hurt Eimi? If you won't tell me I'll look for myself." She threatened and I started waving my hands around in panic.

"It's my sides! My sides! That's where my injuries are, I swear!" I quickly yelled as she made her way over to me. Right as she was going to inspect my sides, the door opened and they called for me.

"Eimi Todoroki, it's time for your check up now. Do you need a wheel chair?" A kind sounding nurse asked. I looked over to her and was about to answer but Mitsuki interrupted.

"Would I be able to come with her? I'm looking after her right now and I want to know how her injuries look." She asked with speed and authority.

"I'm sure we can ask the doctor, can you help her to the check up room or do I have to get a wheel chair as well?" The nurse replied in a professional manner and motioned out the door.

"Yes, of course. Come on Eimi, let's get you going." Mitsuki turned to me and carefully helped me up and out the door.

Izuku's POV

We watched as Eimi got dragged out of the room and down the hall with Kacchan's mom. We sat in silence until Todoroki spoke up.

"Now I see where Bakugo get's his personality from."

I laughed nervously and nodded.

"Yeah, she's quite the person."

A/N. I'm sooooo sorry for the lack of updates recently guys! It's just that I have so many idea's for future chapters it's just hard to make those filler ones, yah know? But that doesn't mean I'm ending this book anytime soon! The reason I found myself updating every Friday/Saturday was because I kept getting idea's for what I was going to do for the Stain fight, but afterwards I kinda lost what I was going to do. But I'm back and have idea's that should get me to the chapters I'm really excited to make! Thanks for all the votes and reads! I'm like blown away from all the people who like this story, I couldn't believe it when I hit 1k, let alone 65k like it is now.

Also! Here's Eimi's Halloween costume, I was thinking of making her a vampire like how Shoto was because maybe that's the family costume but I thought I would make her an angel because for some reason there was no one who was an angel in the official Halloween art. And the little pouty Suki happy to get pets from his girlfriend but annoyed with everyone else, especially Izuku.

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