Dorbyn one shots

By AlexRiderrr

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One shots of Corbyn and Daniel. *finished?* More

Ghost of you
Is this a dream?
8 Letters
The best hugs
Car radio
Morning cuddles
New book
The big day
Zoom call
Live stream
Please believe me
I can't carry this anymore
Movie night
You the one
Only you
Lotus Inn
Idk you yet
The cover up
Panic attack
Happy Christmas
New years

Corbyn, I'm sorry

823 19 6
By AlexRiderrr


Famous: Yes

-Third Person P.O.V- 

Franny Arrieta had always had a crush on Daniel Seavey, Daniel himself never knew this, but Corbyn, his boyfriend did. 

He was always shocked when Daniel wouldn't notice the flirtatious looks Franny would give Daniel, or how obviously she flirted with him. But Corbyn never let it get to him, sure, Daniel was bisexual, so he could like girls. But Corbyn never saw Daniel even glance at a girl in that way since they started dating, and whenever Daniel and Franny are together, Corbyn is always with them and the others. 


Corbyn is woken from his slumber by someone running their hand through his hair and lightly calling his name. 

Corbyn opens his eyes and sees Daniel looking down at him with a smile on his face. 

"Morning babe." Daniel says, leaning down to kiss Corbyn's forehead in a loving way. 

Corbyn smiles tiredly, while stifling a yawn. 

"Morning Dani, why'd you wake me?" Corbyn asks as they have a week off of work; his fists curling and coming to rub away the tiredness that resides in his eyes. Daniel nearly coos at the sight, finding it adorable. 

"Franny called me earlier this morning and said she wanted to hang out with me. I hope you don't mind, and I wanted to wake you because I wanted to say goodbye, and that I love you." Daniel said, smiling at his boyfriend, wondering how he was so lucky to have someone so cute as his boyfriend. 

Fear and worry crawl into Corbyn's veins, but nonetheless he pushes it away, knowing it'll only be today and Daniel loves him. So, he forces a smile onto his face and says, "okay baby, have fun. Let me know when you're on your way back." 

Daniel nods and smiles, pecking Corbyn on the lips before leaving, completely oblivious of the fear that the now brunette haired boy feels. 


Franny smiled when she saw Daniel walking towards her with a small smile on his face. She was thankful this time he was actually alone. 

Don't get her wrong, she did like Corbyn, she just didn't like that he was with Daniel and she wasn't. And sometimes, jealousy can cloud the right way of thinking. 

As soon as Daniel was in arms reach of Franny he was pulled into a tight embrace. Her lips linger slightly longer on his cheek then seen as friendly, as her grip wanders slightly. Yet Daniel thinks nothing of it, knowing they're just friends, and he has Corbyn at home. 

"Hi Dani." Franny says, her voice a little higher than usual as her hand plays mindlessly with her hair, as the other hand latches onto Daniels hand. 

"Hey Fran." Daniel greets, once again, thinking nothing more then two friends hanging out. 

As they walked down the road hand in hand Franny smiled at a thought that crossed her mind. "Daniel, would you like to stay at mine tonight so we can hang out more tomorrow. I just feel like we hardly spend time together anymore." She says, trying to sound casual. 

Daniel frowns a little before replying, "i'm not sure. I don't want to leave Corbyn on his own." 

Franny frowns sadly before saying, "it's okay. I get it." 

Daniel felt guilt crawl up his spine as he said, "alright, i'll stay. But i'll need to let Corbyn know." 

Franny nods, trying to keep the grin from slipping onto her face. 


It was beginning to get dark when they decided to head back to Franny's house. 

Daniel was looking out the window as Franny drove when he suddenly remembered Corbyn, he was going to call him and tell him straight away, but he got pulled by Franny and they ended up going to a carnival and just having fun around there until it got dark. 

"Shit." Daniel mumbled under his breath as he pulled out his phone. 


Corbyn frowned at the darkening sky, Daniel was still nowhere to be seen, and Corbyn couldn't help but feel sad. 

He started to doubt, his and Daniels relationship; thinking maybe Daniel doesn't like him anymore, and Franny took him. 

Just as he thought that his phone began to ring, and he picked it up to see it was Daniel. 

Corbyn wiped the tears that he unknowingly let fall as he answers. 

"Corbs, babe, I am so sorry I didn't call you sooner." Daniel says as soon as Corbyn presses accept. 

Corbyn wipes his falling tears, and takes a small breath. "It's okay Dani, I understand." Corbyn says, his voice betraying him as his voice cracks slightly with emotion. 

Daniel frowned deeply knowing something is wrong with Corbyn. 

"Corbs, what's wrong?" Daniel asks, worried something might have happened. 

Corbyn thinks about telling Daniel the truth, but then his thoughts cloud his mind, so instead he lets out a small laugh and says, "oh I just stubbed my toe before you called." 

Daniel frowns, wondering if he was telling the truth but decided not to push him.

"When are you coming back?" Corbyn asks, a slight edge to his voice. 

Daniel clears his throat before saying, "about that. Franny said I should stay the night, and then we were going to hang out tomorrow as well. You don't mind right? I can always come back tonight if you would prefer." 

With every word that was said Corbyn felt as though it was a stab to his heart, maybe his thoughts were right. Maybe Daniel really did like Franny and he didn't like Corbyn anymore. 

And yet, Corbyn couldn't find it in himself to speak what was on his mind. The fears and worry that clouded him mind and made him feel worse and worse with every second. No. Instead he said, "Okay Dani. It's okay, I understand, have fun." 

Daniel frowned, Corbyn didn't sound like himself and it scared Daniel. He always wanted Corbyn to be happy, he never wanted to hurt him in anyway, and yet he couldn't help but think- no, know something was wrong. 

"Corbyn, are you sure you're okay?" Daniel asks, wanting to know the truth. 

Yet Corbyn doesn't tell the truth, instead he smiles a little, tears hazing his eyes as he says, "I'm okay Daniel. Have fun with Franny, I love you." 

And with that, he hung up and let a sob escape his throat. 

He couldn't help it, he just felt so alone here. The house that normally was full of light and happiness, was now cold and dark. Without Daniel beside him Corbyn didn't feel right. 

He wasn't like this when Daniel went with other friends, but the fact it was Franny, the person Corbyn knows who has a crush on his boyfriend made the fear and loneliness ever more present. 

Corbyn stood up and got something to eat before heading up to bed. 

Without Daniel beside him he felt as though he couldn't sleep, the bed was cold and unwelcoming, he was so used to Daniel pulling him close to his chest and keeping him warm, that he now felt empty and cold without him beside him. 


When Corbyn hung up, Daniel knew something was wrong. Yet he didn't want to seem rude and leave Franny after what she had said earlier about them not spending much time together anymore. 

So, that night they ordered food and watched films. 

While Franny tried desperately to gain Daniels attention, and make him fall for her. Daniel was in a world of his own, every passing second worrying more and more about Corbyn, and questioning his decision to stay here and not go home to the boy he loved. 


As soon as morning rolled around Daniel knew he had to go home. 

He missed Corbyn with every fibre of his beings and he needed to make sure he was okay and safe. 

"Are you ready for today?" Franny asked as she walked into the kitchen. 

Daniel frowned and said, "i'm sorry Fran, I really am. But I need to get back to Corbs." 

Franny frowned and said, "Why do you need to go back to him so bad. Why can't you just spend time with me?" 

"He's my boyfriend Franny, I love him that's why I need to go back to him." Daniel says, feeling defensive towards Corbyn. 

She shakes her head before saying, "so what, why can't you just leave him and be with me instead. I would be better." As soon as she said it she regretted it, she didn't mean for it to come out so harshly. She really did like Corbyn and she knew Daniel and him loved each other a lot. 

She just wished she had Daniel. 

As soon as Daniel heard that he stood up shaking his head. 

"Don't ever say that, you don't know what's good for me. You're just my friend, and i'm sorry, but you will be nothing more than that. I love Corbyn, and it will always be him, no matter what happens it will always be him, he makes me who I am; so don't you dare say you would be better." He seethes, feeling angry towards not only her but himself. 

He should have known she liked him, all the hand holding, her shoulder always seeming to brush against his, the looks  she would give him. Corbyn probably knew, and that's why he seemed so upset, Daniel scolded himself for allowing this to happen. 

"Daniel i'm sorry I didn't mean that. Corbyn is great for you, I know he is. I just- I wish it was me and not him." She whispered the last part, making Daniel look up at her. 

He shakes his head once more before saying, "I need to go. I'm sorry." 

And before she can get another word in he is gone. 


As soon as Daniel gets home, and sees Corbyn nowhere in sight he races up the stairs to their bedroom. 

He opens the door and sees Corbyn wrapped in the blankets, his eyes shut and his chest rising with even breaths. He can see the dried tear stains on his cheeks, and how he seems sad even in his sleep. 

Daniel slides into bed and runs his hand through Corbyn's hair, wanting to wake him up to talk to him.

Corbyn opens his eyes and sees Daniel laying beside him, he sniffles slightly and turns away from him, not wanting to talk to him after leaving him alone for the night. 

He usually wasn't like this, but he was hurt. Daniel knows that sometimes Corbyn can be insecure, and worry that maybe he isn't good enough for Daniel, so when he said out of the blue he was staying at Franny's house. Corbyn thought, maybe he would be better with her, after all she already likes him, and maybe he likes her. 

Daniel feels his heart being tugged as Corbyn turns away from him. 

"Please don't ignore me bubs, please let me explain." Daniel pleads, knowing he messed up. 

When Corbyn stays quiet, Daniel decides to talk. 

"I'm so sorry for leaving you alone all day and night. And I know you know Franny had a thing for me, I swear I didn't know, and when I did I told her it would never happen. Because you're the love of my life Corbyn. You make me, me, and without you I wouldn't be able to function. Please forgive me, I love you so so much." Daniel says,hoping Corbyn will understand. 

Corbyn sniffles, tears falling down his face. He knew he might be over the top, but he couldn't help it, he had always been like this. He turns around to face Daniel and sits up, gaining a soft smile from Daniel. 

"Promise you won't leave me." Corbyn whispers, wanting to know Daniel won't choose someone else over him. 

"I promise Corbs. I will never leave you, it's you, and it always will be you. I love you so much." Daniel says, lightly grabbing Corbyns face in his hands, allowing Corbyn to keep eye contact and see the truth in his eyes. 

Corbyn smiles and nods while saying, "I love you too Dani, so much. And I'm sorry if I over reacted, I just don't want to lose you." 

Daniel smiles lightly and nods, knowing Corbyn is just worried. It doesn't annoy Daniel, it makes him love Corbyn even more, because he knows how much Corbyn loves him. 

Daniel moves forward, his hands still softly holding Corbyn's head as their lips collide together, allowing all the emotion to flood through it. 

A minute or so later they pull apart and Corbyn lays his head against Daniels chest, while Daniel holds him closely to himself.

"I love you so so much Corbs, I always will, no matter what." Daniel says, knowing he means every single word he says. 

Corbyn smiles up at him and whispers, "I missed you." 

Daniels heart flutters slightly within his chest, Corbyn was perfect, and he knows he would never, ever throw that away. If he had to pick between being in the band and being with Corbyn, he would pick Corbyn within a heartbeat. After all, Corbyn is the reason he loves music, Corbyn is the reason he loves life. 

Without Corbyn, he wouldn't be able to love anything. 


Daniel and Franny stayed friends, and Franny decided to move on from Daniel, knowing it could ruin their friendship and knowing it would never happen. 

They also never hung out alone together, Daniel deciding he didn't want any false rumours; and honestly, he didn't want to be away from Corbyn. 




A/N- I hope that was okay :) 

- M xx

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