Kissing My Ex ✔


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Guardians of Freecaster High #1 "That doesn't make any sense. You were the one who left me. You didn't care a... Еще

Author's Note
Character Banners
Story Playlist
1)Can't F*cking Wait
2)Teenage Tetris
3)Only Doing it Once
4)Taking One for the Team
5)Motorcycle Riding Models
6)Bad Timing
7)Tipsy Lexi
8)I'll Haunt Your Ass
9)Stupid Sh*t for Good Reasons
11)Just The Four Of Us
12)Fish and Frostbite
13)Creating a Monster
15)No Doubt In His Abilities
16)Wound Tight
17)The Promise of Bloodshed
18)Nauseating PDA
19)A Permanent Mark
20)Drunken Words, Sober Thoughts
21) Heart-Stopping Offers
22) Ground Rules
23)A Helpful Touch
24)Enjoy The Moment
25)The Hideaway
26)Who are you?
27)Shattered and Sliced
28)The Party Planning Committee
29)Birthday Dinner
31)Surprise Party
32)Perfect Explosions
35)The Gauntlet
36)Let Me Keep You
37)Just Do it
38)Damn Good Look
39)Truths and Apologies
40)Thanksgiving Drama
42)Good Men
43)The Setup
44)Spelling It Out
45)Close Call
46)Locker Room Confession
47)A Show of Power
48)Love, Leverage, & Loose Ends
AN & Future Plans

34)Trust Issues

17.6K 343 328

Something's shifted with us. I was too tired to notice yesterday, but waking up this morning, it's clear that this thing between me and Jace has changed. It's grown in the most complicatedly wonderful way.

While we dress for school and eat breakfast, I catch Jace watching me with an intense warmth that fills my stomach with butterflies. Every time it happens my face heats up and then he flashes me one of those gorgeously crooked smiles. Maybe it's from the wicked things we did to each other at the party, but I get a sense it goes deeper than that. We weren't just open physically but emotionally. I've never felt something so intimate in my life.

That has to be it.

Jace helps carry my backpack downstairs for me and tosses it in the back of my car.

"You gonna pick up Marcel?"

Opening the driver's side door, I nod. "Yeah. It's gonna be a little while before he can get a new set of wheels, so now I get to drive him. I don't mind though, he always gave me a ride when I needed it."

Jace wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me against him. Brushing his lips against mine, he grins. "I wish you were riding with me."

Me too.

"No, you wish I was riding you," I correct teasingly.

His eyes become hooded as a sinful groan rumbles in his chest. "I think I've been a bad influence on you, sweetheart. You're starting to sound like me."

"You love it," I whisper.

"Fuck yeah, I do." Jace grabs the back of my neck and captures my mouth with his.

It's a heated kiss that has fire licking across my skin, but it doesn't last long.

Pulling away, I step towards my car again. "I'll see you at school, baby."

His sapphire eyes flash with desire at the term of endearment, reminding me how much he enjoys hearing me call him that. "I'll be waiting for you out front. Don't take too long and make me come looking for you."

Sitting behind the steering wheel, I smirk at him and slip my sunglasses on. "You know I love a good chase."

Groaning again, Jace throws his head back and sulks to his bike. Teasing him is so much fun. I'm starting to get why he does it to me all the time.

"So, did your mom freak out?" I ask as I turn into the school parking lot.

Our ride to school has been lighthearted and fun, but that also means Marcel hasn't spoken much about his Jeep. That vehicle was like his baby and it took a lot of saving up for him to buy it. I can't even imagine how pissed MaMa Booker got.

Marcel snorts. "Are you kidding? She lost her fucking mind. You would've thought it was her money that caught fire instead of mine."

"She was probably just upset for you. We all know how hard you worked for that Jeep."

"I know." He takes a deep breath and forces a smile. "Good news is, my Aunt's ex wants to help me get a new one."

I shoot him a confused look from the corner of my eyes.

"I know, I know," he says holding his hands up. "But he's a good guy and has stayed close to the family even after the split."

Guess I can't really judge. From what I understand, Carl pitched in a little for my car when it turned out the money Mom and I saved wasn't enough. So, if Marcel's...ex-almost-step-uncle wants to help him get a new car then so be it. Worse things could happen.

Driving up and down the rows of parked cars, I search for an empty space when I spot Caleb's truck. He's not in it or near it but just seeing the blue pick-up is enough to cause a stab of pain in my chest.

"Have you talked to him?" Marcel softly asks.

"No. I don't know what to say. I can't even get up the nerve to call Ava either."

He sighs heavily, sounding as weighted down with guilt as I do. "Ava might take a little while to come around but she'll get over it...eventually."

"And Caleb?" I ask, trying to hold back the pain in my voice.

"That might be a little harder. Dude's been crazy about you for years."

I jerk my head back and almost slam on the breaks. "You knew?"

"Lex, everyone knew."


I must be the blindest fucking idiot in town. How could everyone see it but me?

Shame twists me up even more than before. My friend had feelings for me and I had no clue. That had to have been so frustrating for him. Of course, Ava was going through the same thing. The two people closest to me were in pain and I didn't know...I didn't do anything to help them.

Pain slices through me again as my heart rips for those I love. It hurts enough to make my breath catch in my throat.

Focus, Lex. You're behind the wheel. Get your shit together.

"Lexi," Marcel softly calls to me through my anxiety. "Don't beat yourself up. If Caleb wanted you to know, he should've said something, but he didn't. So, that's on him. It shouldn't have taken Jace coming around for him to finally grow some balls, and as far as I'm concerned, the fucker better watch his back. He had no right getting in bed with Ava when he knows he doesn't feel that way about her."

I shake my head and chew on the inside of my cheek. "You know as well as I do how convincing Ava can be. Add alcohol to the mix and the whole damn situation was a disaster. But they're both to blame for that one. Not just Caleb."

"Whatever," Marcel huffs. "I still think he should've known better."

"They both should've."

Neither one of them was clear-headed enough to get into bed together. They both had drunk a lot before things went to hell. But despite the alcohol running in their veins, Ava shouldn't have suggested the idea and Caleb shouldn't have agreed to it. So, in my opinion, they're both to blame. But I guess that goes to show how people can make stupid decisions when hurt feelings and liquor mix.

Dropping the conversation, for now, I turn onto the first row of cars closest to the school and spot a group of familiar bikes. Jace and the guys are hanging around in the empty parking space next to it, practically daring anyone who wants the spot to ask them to move. Clearly, no one's been ballsy enough to actually do that. It almost reminds me of Ava saving us a parking spot, though the only one I could imagine sitting in a lawn chair with a magazine and sunglasses is Josie...or Wild. Pretty sure both of them are gutsy enough to pull it off.

Pulling up to the empty spot, they all move off to the side, hanging by their bikes as I park. Before I can even shoulder the driver's side door open, Jace has already made his way over and holds it ajar with enough space for me to get but not without brushing against him to do so.

Shutting the door behind me, Jace pulls me against his chest and runs his nose along mine. "Took you long enough."

"Bet you already had a search party planned, huh?"

"Damn near close," he rasps, tightening his hold on my waist.

I can't help but laugh as he huffs out an exaggerated breath. Reaching up on my tip-toes I give him a quick kiss. "We should go. Class is gonna start soon and I need to stop at our locker."

Reluctantly, Jace lets me go but I don't get far before he's walking alongside me and throws his arm over my shoulders. When we round the car, Josie's the first to notice our new little bubble of happiness. A knowing smirk quirks her ruby lips but the second her eyes skate over to Kade, her smile drops like a hammer.

Jo's been there for me a lot lately and knowing how shitty of a friend I can be after the whole Caleb and Ava debacle, I'm determined not to make those same mistakes again. I'm going to be a better friend. Even to my new friends. But talking to Jo about what's bothering her in front of everyone isn't the best idea. So, I pocket my questions for later.

All of us head into school together like a united front, even Marcel is sticking around walking between Wilder and Travis as they laugh about something on Marcel's phone. The scene around both warms and breaks my heart. For the most part, mine and Jace's friends have blended together. They get along. The only thing that could make it better is if Caleb and Ava were here too. Hell, even as we turn down the hall towards our lockers we see Kellen with a few guys. He doesn't join us but he nods our way in greeting as we pass.

"Aye, we'll catch you guys later," Kade says as he, Jo, Wild, and Travis break off in the other direction.

Jace gives him a two-finger salute before pulling me close to his side again. But when Jo waves goodbye, I make sure to give her a look that says "I saw that and we're gonna talk later." The corners of her mouth tip down but she nods, message received.

At our locker, I unload a few books and lessen the weight of my bag. But doing so is harder than expected with Jace still glued to my back. His nimble hands distract me, teasing the skin just below the hem of my shirt. When a shudder shakes me to my toes, he smiles against my neck.

"I'm so fucking tempted to carry you out of here and take you back home," he confesses low enough that no one can hear.

With shaking hands, I set my last book on a shelf. "Why's that?"

He doesn't answer, opting to leave a trail of soft kisses along my neck. But as soon as I shut the locker door and secure the lock, he's spinning me around and caging me against the cool metal. His blue eyes seem brighter, flaring to life with taunting mischief.

"I only have you for a few more days, and I wanna spend that time alone. Just you, me, and my bed." He brushes his mouth along my jaw. "I don't wanna be here and I sure as hell don't wanna fucking share you right now. Not when you're gonna be leaving me."

Closing my eyes, I try to focus on my words and not the overwhelming feelings flooding my body. "I-I'm not leaving you."

Mom and Carl are coming home on Thursday. I'm excited to see them. I've missed my mom like crazy. But the idea of sleeping alone again, of not being with Jace every morning and night, it makes my stomach sink to the floor. I've gotten so used to this new normal of sharing space with him and I'm not sure I'm gonna be happy to go back to the way things were before.

At the same time, how much I'm dreading moving out of his apartment is also scary. I'm in too deep, completely invested, and we're not even officially together. I shouldn't feel this intensely about him but when I open my eyes and connect with his stormy gaze I'm reminded that at least I'm not the only one consumed by this connection.

"Leave with me," Jace says, pushing his strong hard body against me. "Fuck this place and let's just go. I can take you somewhere fun and afterward," leaning down, his mouth hovers by my ear. "I'll throw you in my bed and dive my head between those sweet thighs again. I'm dying to get another taste of you and hear you scream my fucking name."

If words could kill, I'd be dead right now. The doctors would call it cardiac arrest, I'm sure, but the real cause would be Jace's dirty mouth and how the delicious things he says can make my heart stop.

I'd love nothing more than to throw caution to the wind and run out of here with Jace, but I know skipping again would be a bad idea. Especially this far into the semester.

"We skipped on Friday," I remind him, already seeing the defeat in his eyes. "I can't. I'm sorry."

Jace huffs but nods. "Had to try."

Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip, I fist the collar of his shirt and pull him close. "But that doesn't mean we can't still do some of that stuff after school."

His eyes light up again as his cocky smirk is restored to his lips. "Oh, yeah?"

Grinning, I nod before Jace swoops down and kisses me. Grabbing the back of my neck, he plunges his tongue into my mouth, tasting me in a different way than the one he mentioned just moments ago. But it's no less pleasurable. I don't think I could ever get tired of kissing Jace. I'm like an alcoholic and he's my favorite drink. Enough will never be enough.

Jace presses me harder against the cold lockers, his hand skimming down my back towards my ass. Only his wandering fingers never reach their destination as someone close clears their throat.

Turning my head to look, I find Marcel standing next to us with an amused raise of one eyebrow.

"Hate to interrupt you two from getting down and dirty in the middle of school, but thought you might wanna know you got an audience," Marcel informs me, his eyes scanning the hall.

I look around as much as I can while Jace focuses his attention on my neck, kissing and sucking on my skin with enough strength to leave marks.

Marcel's right, nearly everyone in the hall openly gawks at us as they walk by. It's not like this school is a stranger to PDA but most prefer to find a secluded area of the campus to get their rocks off. Whereas mine and Jace's make-out session is a little more heated and public. It's not a huge deal, but it's gossip-worthy enough in an ocean full of bored students with nothing better to do.

"Jace," I whisper, placing my hands on his shoulders and lightly nudging him.

Grunting, he doesn't budge, continuing his assault on my throat. "Fuck them."

Marcel chuckles and walks off, leaving us be with our decision. Or, in this case, Jace's decision. I know I need to tell him to stop, remind him we need to get to class, but the words die on the tip of my tongue when his lips hit the sweet spot under my ear. A breathy sound escapes me and my eyes threaten to flutter close until Jace's phone dings in his pocket. He ignores it but then it goes off again, and again.

"Son of a bitch!" He yanks himself away and shoves his hand in his pocket. Pulling out his phone, Jace looks at the screen and grumbles incoherently before slipping it back into his jeans. "It's T. Forgot to hand him so notes for class.

"Alright." Catching my breath, I straighten the wrinkles out of my shirt. "Well, go. Get those to him before the bell rings."

Jace nods with clear disappointment on his face. "I'll see you in class, babe."

With that and a quick kiss, Jace rushes off down the hall. I watch him push through the sea of bodies until he's gone from sight.

Alright, Lex, time to focus. School first. Then sexy time with Jace.

I almost laugh at my own thoughts before double checking my bag to make sure I didn't forget anything.

"You for real right now?" A familiar voice asks, their words laced with venom.

Lifting my head, I connect with dark irritated eyes.


I haven't seen him since Halloween but that's not unusual during football season. Most of the players spend every extra minute they have at practice or in the weight room.

Still, I didn't expect to get this kind of treatment from him. Our last talk at the party was cordial, friendly even. Before I ran off.

"Excuse me?" I ask with a bit more attitude than intended.

Derek laughs but there's no humor in his eyes. "Caleb told me you're seeing that prick of an ex."

Caleb? What the fuck is going on? Caleb doesn't even like Derek.

Shocked and lost for words, I just stand with my feet glued to the ground like a child being scolded by their parents.

"I believed you, Lex," Derek looks pissed but there's also a flash of pain in his eyes. "You ended things and swore it had nothing to do with him. Yet here you are, letting that scumbag practically fuck you in front of everyone. You're a lot of things, Lexi, but I never pegged you for a liar...or a slut."


His words are like a punch to the gut. It sends me reeling, making my blood boil in my veins. It's not even the disgusting things he's just called me that ignite my anger, not entirely. It's the way he talks about Jace. The way he makes it sound as if being with him and doing things that normal couples would do is somehow wrong or dirty. I have half a mind to slap him across the face but bury that temptation down deep. Instead, my hands ball into fists at my sides. My nails biting into my palms as I step forward.

"First off, there was nothing to end. We were never together, Derek, and the only one who lied to you is yourself. I was always upfront with you about what I wanted. No relationship. No strings attached. So, it's not my fault you started wanting something more."

I'm so sick and tired of hearing crap about Jace and me. Between Caleb and Derek, I. Am. Done. It's none of their business and yet for weeks on end I've had to listen to their judgmental opinions.

Narrowing my eyes on Derek, I don't even notice the small crowd stopping to watch me lose my shit. "When I told you Jace had nothing to do with my feelings towards you, I wasn't lying. Even if he wasn't here, I still wouldn't wanna be with you. I'm sorry your feelings are hurt and I'm sorry that I'm the one who hurt them. That was never my intention, but you need to move on. It's been weeks, Derek. Get over it."

Derek jerks back before looking around at the curious stares of our peers. Embarrassment washes over his face with a shade of red. I almost feel bad until his furious eyes turn on me as his top lip curls over his teeth.

"Move on? What like you did with that piece of West Side shit?"

"Derek," I warn.

But it's too late, he's too far gone. Derek leans down until he's almost nose to nose with me, his hot breath fanning my face as he sneers. "He's using you. Jace Hall is gonna take what he wants and when he's done, he'll break you. He'll kick you to the curb. That's how West Siders are, and when it happens, you'll come crawling back to me. Who knows, maybe I'll let you suck my dick if you beg me enough."

A smack rings out in the hall, ricocheting off the walls and shocking every bystander. But no one's more shocked than me, even as my fingers tingle from the aftershocks.

I didn't mean to slap him. I don't even remember raising my hand. But a red handprint the size of my own is clear as day on the side of Derek's face. With his wide eyes locked on me, I step back, waiting for him to react.

Deathly slow, a grin tips Derek's mouth. "You're gonna regret that, Lex," he darkly says so low that I doubt anyone other than me can hear over the growing chatter in the hall.

Derek starts backing away, schooling his face into a look of calm contempt. Our peers part for him but continue to watch like it's a car crash they can't look away from. Before turning and walking off, Derek smiles wide and yells over the crowd, "Why don't you ask your boyfriend who the Guardians are?"

Derek's words lodge themselves in my mind and burrow deep.

The Guardians.

Like Jace's tattoos. Like the letters across his knuckles.

I'm dying to do as Derek said and ask Jace about it, but I don't. All-day long I bite my tongue and try to ignore the nagging voice in the back of my head. The same one that feeds into my self-doubt, telling me I'm being stupid.

What about Kade's text? What about that initiation? There's still so much you don't know. Don't be a dumbass, Lexi.

Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.

At lunch and in every class we have together, Jace can sense something's off. But when he asks me about it, I shrug and tell him I'm fine or just tired. I'm honestly surprised word hasn't already gotten to him about the argument between me and Derek. Maybe I should consider myself lucky that he hasn't heard yet. Knowing Jace, he'd take off to go teach Derek a lesson, and I don't need that. Not after the already rough day I'm having.

The few glimpses of Ava and Caleb throughout the day don't make me feel any better. Ava won't look at me and when Caleb does, all I see is the pain I've caused. I don't have the nerve to talk to either of them, not after my nerves were chipped away this morning.

After school, I grab Marcel and rush to my car in hopes of avoiding Jace and his observant penetrating gaze. I luck out for once and jet out of the parking lot to take Marcel home. Unlike Jace, I'm positive Marcel heard about what happened. The looks he shoots my way on the drive make bile rise in my throat.

I don't need anyone's pity.


"Don't," I say harsher than I want and instantly regret it. "Sorry. I just...just please don't look at me like that, Marcel. I can take it from anyone else, but not you."

Marcel shifts in his seat to face me. "Like what?"

"Like you feel bad for me. I know you heard and I don't need you feeling sorry for me."

"And why would I feel sorry for you?" He tips his head to the side, his curious gaze burning into the side of my head. "From what I heard, you put Derek in his place. He had no right coming after you like that."

I don't feel like I put Derek in his place. If anything, he blindsided me with a mystery that's been eating at me all day. The first piece to the puzzle that is Jace, and I'm struggling to handle it.

Will I be able to handle it once I have all the other pieces?

"What's going through your head, Lex?"

I open my mouth only to quickly shut it. After a couple of deep breaths, I try again. "Have you ever heard of the Guardians?"

From the corner of my eye, I see Marcel tense. The smallest sign of shock plays across his face.


He shifts to face forward again, his eyes watching the road in front of us through the windshield. "Lex, it''s not my place to tell you about this."

My hands tighten on the steering wheel. "Then whose place is it?"

Marcel's head drops. "Jace's."

"But you know?"

"I do." He nods.

I bite my tongue the rest of the way to Marcel's place. I get why he won't tell me. It's not his business to reveal. But that doesn't stop me from feeling like my best friend is being more loyal to Jace than he is to me. I realize I'm probably being unreasonable right now, but knowing that and being able to control it are two different things. At least for now.

Marcel gets out of the car when I pull up outside his house. But before walking away, he holds onto the passenger's door and leans down. "Talk to Jace, Lex, but...also try to understand that people do dumb shit when they're trying to look out for the people they care about."

Where have I heard that before?

Clenching my jaw, I nod without looking his way. Marcel sighs and shuts the door, giving me the go-ahead to leave.

I try my best to chill out on the way to Jace's. But halfway to his place, I catch sight of a familiar black motorcycle.

Son of a bitch.

Jace passes me on the opposite side of the road and quickly pulls a u-turn. He follows me the rest of the way. I'm willing to bet Marcel called him. Told him I was losing my shit and he needed to find me.

Thanks, brother.

As soon as I pull into the parking lot of the West Garden Apartments, Jace is off his bike and heading my way. I get out of the car, shut the door, and turn around to come face to face with him.

"What the fuck happened at school today?" Jace's deep blue eyes flare with concern, searching my face for any signs.

"I got into it with Derek. That's all."

Jace steps forward, caging me against my car, and pinning me with an intense stare. "What did he say?"

I try not to show how affected I am by his proximity. Even angry and confused, all it takes is Jace getting close to me, touching me, and it all starts to melt away. But I don't want it to melt away this time. I'm tired of everyone knowing what's going on around me while I walk alone in the dark, blind and clueless.

I roll my eyes. "Just stupid shit about you and me."

"I heard there was some name-calling," Jace says, his voice dropping low.

"Yeah...apparently I'm a liar and a slut who you're using until you get tired of me and kick me to the curb." The next words fall from my mouth without thinking. "According to Derek, when you're done with me I'll come crawling back to him, begging him to let me suck his cock."

Fire fills Jace's eyes, making me realize I fucked up a second too late.

"I'm gonna fucking kill him." Jace shoves away, storming in the direction of his bike as anger rolls off of him in waves.


"Wait!" I run after him, catching his arm before he can reach his bike. "Just wait."

Jace spins around, his handsome face twisted with a dark seeded rage. It's a look I've never seen on his face. Not when he argued with Caleb. Not when he found me at the club. Not even when he fought in the cage. It's the kind of look that strikes fear in people.

Good job, Lex.

"No one fucking talks to my girl like that," Jace seethes. "I've given that bastard too many chances. Not this time. He's gonna get his."

As he climbs onto his bike, I try to ignore the way my heart melts at being called his girl and grasp for the last thing I can think of.

"Who are the Guardians?"

Jace freezes with his arms in the air, helmet poised above his head. Still as a statue, he drops his head and focuses his eyes on his bike. Slowly, he hangs his helmet on the handlebars but doesn't get off.

My stomach twists with the uneasy look in those night sky eyes, but I step forward and press again. "Who are the Guardians, Jace?

"Where'd you hear that?" Jace asks, his voice just over a whisper.

"Derek told me to ask you."

His jaw pops and I worry if I've just dug Derek's grave a little deeper.

Without another word, Jace gets off his bike and starts walking towards the apartments. His silence only adds to my already growing irritation. I've struck a nerve but I'm dying to know why.


He continues inside, leaving me to follow after him. I don't say another word until we reach his place. The second the door shuts behind me, I turn to find Jace striding towards his room.


Unlike outside, he stops in his tracks but keeps his back to me.

"Are we going to talk about this?" I ask, holding my ground.

"Not right now."

"Why the hell not?"

Jace turns around, all the anger over Derek has drained away and in its place is a raw vulnerability that takes my breath away. "You said you'd wait until I was ready...I'm not ready, Lex."

I slowly make my way over to him as desperation grips my heart. "So that's your other secret? These Guardians? What are they...some kind of gang or something?"

"Lexi!" Jace barks. "Stop."

"Why?" My voice cracks as tears sting my eyes. "Why am I the last to know?"

The truth hits me like a bolt of lightning. I told Jace I'd wait, but not knowing has been slowly eating at me. Finding out that everyone else in my life already knows is the final straw. It's the last crack in my shield before it finally crumbles away.

Pain washes over his face. Stepping towards me, Jace reaches out for me. "Baby, it's not like that."

Pushing his hands away, I step back. "Then what's it like, Jace? What are you waiting for? Why does everyone get to know you better than I do? Why won't you just talk to me? Why don't you trust me?"

"I don't want you to stop me!"

Jace's eyes shoot open wide, but his shock is nothing compared to my own.

I'm in his way.

A sharp pain stabs me in the center of the chest, making me wince and rub at the invisible wound with the tips of my fingers.

"I didn't mean it like that." Jace shakes his head, reaching out for me again. "I-I just...there's something I have to do this weekend and I don't want you to talk me out of it. After that, I'll tell you everything. I fucking swear."

"Why would I talk you out of it?" I croak, my voice hoarse and tired.

Jace's face pinches together as he tilts his head to the side. "Come on, Lex. I heard the judgment in your voice."

"I wasn't judging you."

He doesn't look convinced.

Wow, he really doesn't trust me.

That thought hurts worst of all. Like a vice gripping my heart, twisting it, ripping the bloody flesh with hit's claws. It's a searing kind of pain. One that burns deep down to my soul and digs up questions I don't want the answers to.

"I don't care what you're involved in." Tears swell in my eyes with how true it is. I don't care what demons Jace has or the dangerous things he's wrapped up in. Maybe that's a bad thing but it's the truth nonetheless. "I just wanted you to let me in. I can accept a lot of things, Jace, but if you don't trust me...there's nothing I can do about that."

My damaged heart falls to the pit of my stomach as my words hit Jace. Understanding flashes in his eyes, followed immediately by regret.

"I...I didn't realize." His voice is laced with torment, his features contorting with agony.

It's enough to make me forget everything and crave to pull him close...but I can't. Not this time.

My throat tightens. "That's 'cause you didn't give me a chance."

I need to get out of here.

Swallowing my tears, I shoulder pass Jace on my way to the bedroom.

"Wait...Baby, wait," Jace calls as he becomes the desperate one, his voice gripped with panic. "I'll tell you. Right now. I'll tell you everything."

I grab one of my bags from the closet and start shoving clothes in it. "It's too late for that, Jace."

"No!" He rushes to stand beside me, his chest rising and falling rapidly with each frenzied breath. "Come on, Lex. What are you doing? Where are you going?"

I zip up the bag. It's not everything I brought with me but I can get the rest later. "Home. I'm going home, Jace."

"You said you weren't leaving me," Jace reminds me of my words from this morning.

God, it feels like it's been ages since then. From complete and total bliss to crushed and heartbroken in less than twelve hours. It has to be a record.

But I also know that as upset as I am, the idea of really leaving Jace hurts more than anything.

"I'm not leaving you." I shake my head and lift my gaze to meet his. "I'm just going home early. I need some space."

"Alexis," he says my name like it's a prayer, soft on his lips and ripping at my resolve.

Hold it together, girl.

"You wanted to wait to tell me your secrets. So we're gonna wait. You do whatever it is you need to do and when you're done, you know where I'll be. But until then, I need some time to myself."

Jace traces his hand down the side of my face and it takes everything I have not to lean into his touch. "Why?"

Fighting down the bite of tears in the back of my throat, I step away. "Cause I need to be clear-headed when you're ready to talk. And being here with you makes it hard for me to think."

Jace doesn't reach for me again. He doesn't even say anything. He doesn't have to with the lost look swimming in his eyes.

"I'll see you later," I finally say before doing the hardest thing I've ever had to do, and walk away.


Hey lovelies, Happy Halloween!

Alright, I'm a few hours late for Halloween but still, I'd love to hear how you all celebrated. Also, what did you think of this chapter? 

Did you enjoy lovey-dovey Jace and Lexi? How do you feel about Derek's behavior? Are you surprised Caleb told him anything? What about Jace and Lexi's argument? Think either of them handled that well? What do you think will happen next?

Let me know what you think in the comments and if you like what you read, please hit that star button!

As usual, the teaser for chapter 35 will be posted on my Instagram and Twitter in a day or two. Keep an eye out for it and go enjoy some candy! 🍫🍬🍭 

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