Sonic Railgun

By Heroman23

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Ever wonder if there are other worlds out there that have life on them? Ever wonder if we might ever come int... More

The Blue Blur
Sonic Little Night Adventure
Anti-Esper Ambush!
The Long Waited Truth
Esper Killer
Academy City Fate Part One!
Academy City Fate Part Two!
Academy City Fate Part Three!
Miles 'Tails' Prower
To Sonic World!
Dr. Eggman!
Angel Island
Egg Hydra!
Chaos Emeralds
The Chemical Plant!
Egg Warrior!
Meet The Freedom Fighters
Empire City Part One
Empire City Part Two
Mushroom Forest
Egg Lion!

Tempest the Dolphin

106 3 53
By Heroman23

Last Time on Sonic Railgun...........

Mikoto looked at the Chemical Plant far ahead. She sees tons of smoke coming from different parts of the Chemical Factory. "I think you might have gone overboard." Said Mikoto.

"Maybe just a little." Said Sonic as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Eggman is sure going to be upset once his little factory is up in smoke. Hehehe." Said Knuckles as he can imagine Eggman angry face for seeing his little factory all damaged up.

"Oh trust me Knuckles, he already is. I betting Eggman is already planning on how to get back at me. I can dish out any robots he sends at me." Said Sonic as he had a thumbs up with a cool pose as well.

"Then lets get going before that happens. We need to go find the rest of the Chaos Emeralds." Said Alan as he gets into the passenger seat of the Tornado.

"I believe there might be a main land just a bit of a few miles from of here. We might be able to ask the locals around and see if they seen a Chaos Emerald before." Said Tails.

"Right. To the main land we go." Said Sonic. Everyone hops back onto the Tornado and Tails begins to fly the biplane away from the damage Chemical Factory.


Meanwhile...... At a Unknown Location..........

" Cursed that blasted Hedgehog........" Said Eggman as he was walking in his secret base hallway. He had a extremely mad look on his face.

"Not only he destroyed my Egg Hydra but he also has took my Chaos Emerald! And now he has caused damages to my Chemical Plant!" Said Eggman.

"AHHH! It is enough to make me lose my anger at that little speedy rodent!" Said Eggman. He stops infront of metal door. Eggman pressed some buttons on a computer pad on the wall and the door opened up.

"But that will all change soon enough!" Said Eggman with a evil smile. He walked into the room to look at to stare at something in the shadow part of the room. There was some kind of shadow being hanging the air by some cables.

"Soon, my greatest masterpiece will wipe out not only that little blue hedgehog but everyone else that stands in my path for my dream to come true! The Eggman Empire will become a reality! Oh HOHOHOHOHO!" Said Eggman as he laughed out loud all evil like.

The shadow being twitched its arms and hands. It closed its right hand into a fist. It raised its head up ad a red glowing eyes appeared in the shadow.

Sonic and the others has arrived to the Chemical Factory. Sonic has begin to run through the plant to cause some destruction. Along the way, Eggman tried to catch Sonic in his Mega Mack but Sonic was able to escape and destroy more parts of the factory. Now Eggman plans to get back at Sonic, while Sonic and his friends are heading to a nearby main land to find another Chaos Emerald.


On The Tornado..............

"So Tails, so you are sure that their is a main land up ahead?" Asked Alan.

The Tornado left the damaged Chemical Plant about a few minutes ago. Thanks to Sonic little...... 'renovations', that place is good as toast. As they left that toxic area, Tails has been piloting the Tornado to a possible new location.

"Yep. It is a popular city and has a beach. Their is bound to be someone there that might have seen a Chaos Emerald." Said Tails.

"What is this city called?" Asked Mikoto.

"It called Station Square." Said Tails.

"Station Square....... I see." Said Alan.

"Hey, is that Station Square?" Asked Knuckles as he pointed straight ahead.

Everyone looked to the direction that Knuckles is pointing to. Their was a massive city straight ahead. Massive skyscrapers and tons of boats in the ocean water. And their looks like a beach area near the coast of the city. Station Square.

"There it is guys. Thats Station Square up ahead." Said Tails.

"Wow.......... it looks like a combination of the famous cities from Planet Earth." Said Mikoto.

"Indeed." Said Alan.

"So....... how are we going to land the Tornado?" asked Knuckles.

"Um....." Said Tails.

"Tails........ Please tell me you know a place somewhere in this city where you can land this plane?" asked a nervous Alan.

"No...." Said Tails.

"Don't worry. I can't handle that. Just wait for my signal." Said Sonic as he jumped off the plane and dives straight to the beach area of the Station Square.

"Sonic!" Said Alan as he watches Sonic jumps off the plane.


Station Square Beach...............

Sonic landed on a public beach near the city. There was tons of people on the beach, having fun, hanging out and making good lunch. He can see tons of Mobians and humans getting along with each other on the beach.

Sonic runs up a to a male human adult. "Excuse me..." Said Sonic.

The male human looked down to see Sonic. "Oh hi there little guy. Is their something I can help you with something?" Asked the male human.

"Yeah, my friends are trying to find a place to land the Tornado. Is their a open area on this beach where it is okay for the locals?" asked Sonic.

"Tornado?" Asked the male human.

Sonic pointed up in the sky. The male human looks up to see the Tornado flying in the skies. "Oh I see. About five yards to the left of me, their should be a open area for your pals to have a safe landing." Said the male human.

"Thank you sir." Said Sonic as he shakes the mans hand before runing extremely fast to that direction. The man was surprised of how fast Sonic to that direction.

"Wow........ That hedgehog is fast." Said the male human.


A Few Seconds later................

Sonic made it to the open area on the beach in a matter of seconds. He looked up in the air to see the Tornado still flying. He begins to wave to Tails to get his attention.

From the Tornado, Tails look at the beach to see Sonic waving to them. Tails noticed that Sonic is in a open area of the beach. Tails begin to fly the Tornado to that open area. The Tornado slowly slows down and lands right infront of Sonic.

"Nice job finding this open area Sonic." Said Tails as he hops out of the Tornado pilot seat.

"Your welcome." Said Sonic as he bows to Tails in a proudful way.

"So, where should we start first?" Asked Mikoto as she hops down from the Tornado wing and on to the sandy ground.

"Ask anyone you see that if they seen a Chaos Emerald." Said Alan.

"Lets hope someone at least seen something similar to it." Said Knuckles.

"Alright gang, lets spilt up and begin our search!" Said Sonic before dashing back to the popular area of the beach.

"There he goes again without our say....." Said Mikoto as she sweatdrop on the back of her head.

"He doesn't wait for us to get over there as well huh?" asked Knuckles.

"No..... I am afraid he doesn't" Said Alan as he let out a stressful sigh.


A Few Minutes Later........

After a few minutes of searching, they begin to ask anyone they could trust the most. They try to ask them if they seen a Chaos Emerald.  While Sonic showed the two he has in his quills the people he ask, the others had to be extremely detailed of what a Chaos Emerald looks like to others.

Sadly, nothing. The locals all politely told them they never seen one of them before or even heard of it. Later the group return to each other.

"Did you guys manage to get any kind of info?" asked Sonic.

"Nope." Said Alan.

"No." Said Knuckles.

"Nuh-uh." Said Tails.

"Zero results." Said Mikoto.

"Well that didn't go well. And before you ask, I got nothing as well." Said Sonic as he summarizes of how bad they didn't get any information.

"Its not their fault Sonic." Said Tails.

"Its just they never heard of the Chaos Emeralds before. To be honest, we were just holding onto a miracle if they did at least heard of it." Said Alan.

"Argh! I am so mad at we didn't turn up with anything." Said Mikoto as she rubs her hair in a frustration way.

"Hehe......." Said Sonic as he laughed nervously at Mikoto being a little mad.

It then suddenly got dark over them. "Hey, who turned off the lights?" Asked Sonic.

"It is still day time...." Said Mikoto.

"Um.... guys....... you might want to look up." Said Tails as he nervously backs up a few steps.

Sonic and Mikoto look into the skies. The reason it suddenly got dark is because of something was in the air blocking the sun light over them. It was a massive flying futuristic ship that has red color on it. And a all too familiar logo on it.

"Oh great......" Said Mikoto.

"Eggman. What is he up to this time?" Asked Sonic.

"Nothing good I assure you." Asked Knuckles.

The bottom of this ship open up. And what came out of it was tons of small red pods. They crashed all over the beach coast. The civilians  had to move out of the way.

The small pods begin to slowly open up. What came out of it surprised Sonic and the others. IT was tons of new kind of robots that resembles animals, with one that just looks like a different version of a Egg Pawn. The Badniks.

The Badniks then started to charge  and attack at the Mobian and humans. They begin to destroy anything they see that gets in their way.

"Eggman is attacking Station Square!" Said Tails.

"But why is he doing this? These people are no threat to him." asked Alan.

"He must have wanting to get rid of his frustration for the humiliation defeats I have been giving him." Said Sonic.

"And possibly turn this city into a part of his twisted empire." Said Mikoto as she narrowed her eyes in anger.

"What do we do?!" asked a scared Alan.

"Tails, Alan. You go help out the people. Help them get away from the beach as fast as they can." Said Sonic.

"Okay.... but what are you going to do?" asked Tails.

"Me, Mikoto and Knuckles are going to buy you and Tails to get everyone safely evacuated." Said Sonic with a cool hero pose.

"Are you sure? You may have defeated a small army of Eggman robots....... but this is way more than you can handle. And that is even with some backup." Said Alan.

"Don't worry. Did you forget who I am already? I am Sonic The Hedgehog. I don't fear anything anymore. Not ever since that whole Anti-Esper attack on Academy City." Said Sonic with a smile.

Alan was speechless at the moment. He then smile with a happy look on his face. "Don't get too full of your self okay Sonic?" Asked Alan.

"Don't worry. I won't........ too much." Said Sonic.


With the Badniks............

The Badnik continue to destroy and cause mayhem on the beach. Once they finished destroying all the beach belongings and items, they slowly begin to turn their sights on the Mobians and humans. 

"*Whistle* Oh yoo-hoo!" Said a all too familiar voice. 

The Badniks then turn around to see Sonic, Mikoto and Knuckles about five miles away from them. Knuckles and Mikoto had a confidant smirk on their faces. Knuckles punch his namesake together and Mikoto hair bangs begin to spark electricity as they were ready for a upcoming fight.

"Why you robots want to target the innocent people? Why not us? We can give a challenge..... unless, you robots are too chicken." Said Sonic. He then closed his right eye and pull down his left eye skin and sticking out his tongue.

If the robots could show a red face, it would be red as a volcano of anger at the moment. Changing their targets to the three heroes. At that same moment, Tails and Alan are help the people get away from the beach as far as they can.

"I call first dips on a the first smashable robot!" Said Knuckles as he charged at the snail Badnik. His punched his fist right through it before it could attack. The Snail Badnik exploded into pieces. A small pod came out of it. The pod opened up to reveal........

"A bunny?" asked Mikoto as she noticed the bunny that came out of the pod.

"What? These robots have animals inside of them?" asked Sonic as he was confused at the moment.

"Eggman must be using some animals to power some of his robots." Said Knuckles.

"Looks like we will have to save the animals without accidently hurting them in the process." Said Mikoto. She had her left hand out and she used her Electromaster powers to gather some Iron Sand from the beach to form a Iron Sand Sword.

"Hehe....... Must be having a hard tome finding a good power source so the man resorted to use animals as his robot power supply. Can Eggman sink any lower than that?" asked Sonic.

"Sonic! Watch out! Behind you!" Said Knuckles as he sees a bird Badnik right behind Sonic. Sonic turned around to see the bird Badnick about to fire its cannons at close range.

Suddenly, something jumped out of the water and smacked away the Ladybug Badnik with its tail. The being landed infront of Sonic.

"Mind if I join your little party?" Asked the being. The voice sounded female.

The being turned around for Sonic to see who it was that saved him. It was a blue dolphin Mobian. Tempest The Dolphin.

"By all means, you can." Said Mikoto.

"Who are you?" asked Sonic before jumping over her and homing attack at robot sneaking up to her.

"My name is Tempest. Tempest the Dolphin." Said Tempest as she tail slapped a robot into pieces and freed the animal inside of it.

"So what is your story?" asked Mikoto as she used her Iron Sand Sword to cut down a bunch of robots and free the animals powering them.

"I am part of a group that is fighting against the Eggman Empire. I choice to guard this city from any invasions from Eggman. I was about to start attacking the robots when you all suddenly appeared to fight them." Said Tempest as she tail swipe another Badnick.

"I see." Said Knuckles as he bunched some Badniks with his fists.

"Now who are you? You a brave blue hedgehog to stand up against Eggman robots." Said Tempest.

"I am Sonic. Sonic The Hedgehog. The fastest living thing in the world." Said Sonic before spin dashing at a couple of Ladybug Badniks.

"We are on a mission to stop Eggman from getting his hands on some powerful emeralds. We have two already. We will explain more after we stop all of these robots." Said Mikoto as she continues to slash the robots into pieces and free the animals inside of them.

"I see. Now lets reduce these robots to scrap metal!" Said Tempest before charging at more robots to smash.

After a while, they continue battle all the Badniks and freed all the animals inside of them. At the moment, they were kind of out of breath.

"Well.... that takes care of all of those robots..." Said a worn out Tempest.

"I don't think so..... I think.... there might be another one around here somewhere." Said Mikoto.

"And where would that be?" asked Knuckles.

Suddenly, something crashed into the ocean. It created a huge splash that made a wave come to the beach and get everyone soaked. The heroes quickly shake off the water to see something in the water coming to shore. They could see something huge beneath the water as it was heading towards them.

The thing in the water jumped out of the ocean water and landed infront of the heroes.  It was a whole kind of new robot. It was three times bigger than them combined. It has a flaming sword in one hand and a massive cannon hand in the other. It had samurai like armor on its legs and arms. Its head resembles a knight helmet with glowing yellow eyes inside of it. On its chest was a circle glass dome.

"OH HOHOHOHOHOHO!" Said an all to familiar evil laugh. The glass dome slowly slide back into the robot to reveal Eggman in his Eggmoblie, controlling the robot.

"Oh come on....... Really? Him?!" said Mikoto.

"Eggman!" Said Sonic.

"Hello Sonic. I am back!" Said Eggman.

"Grr....... what does it take to get away from this guy?" asked Knuckles.

"So........ that is Eggman?" asked Tempest.

"Yep. He is really becoming a real pain in our butts. He is really hard to get rid of." Said Mikoto.

"So why are you here Eggman?" asked Knuckles.

"It is simple my dear Knuckles. To not only turn this lovely city into a station ground for my Eggman Empire but to finally get rid of Sonic and his friends in the process! And I build this robot to specially handle to eliminate you all. This is my newest robot, I call it the Egg Warrior!" Said Eggman.

Everyone got into a defense stance. The huge robot slashes its sword in the air before pointing its cannon arm at the group.

Sonic and his friends came to a populated area. They were hoping to ask the locals if they seen a Chaos Emerald before. But, no such luck. Then out of nowhere, Eggman Badniks begins to attack Station Square. His robots were being powered by small animals. Tempest the Dolphin came to help the heroes fight the robots. Just when they think it was over, Eggman appeared, in his new robot. Can they defeat Eggman and continue their search for the Chaos Emerald?


To Be Continued.........

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