mafia's bunny boy

Oleh vkookieforever0613

250K 9K 2.1K

A story about two boys, met accidently in unusual time period, spending handful days together, experiencing l... Lebih Banyak

childhood memories (1)
childhood memories (4)
one and together
simple day
baby kookie
shopping (1)
shopping (2)
helpful and pure
the secrets
new friends
happy to have them
not an update
reveal to all
innocent bean jungkook
the meeting
vkook meeting
vkook meeting 2
purple hyung....
back to home
a little tease
sweet moment
funny moment
family time...
last day of 2020
lil meow meow hyungie
everyone's new name.
beautiful morning.
high school graduation.
graudation (2)
grad. speech..
grad. proposal
surprise 😜
officially mine
day 1
telling anna..
incident explanation
lil punishments (I)
lil punishment (II)
hard to control~
moving in....
house tour
ending of house tour
drama at kim's place
agreements (1)
agreements (2)
agreement (3)
The Kim's
little moment
r &j?
long day
a moment
new project

hate us or not?

2.9K 119 19
Oleh vkookieforever0613

3rd person pov

When bambam was consoling everyone, then suddenly doctor exit the door of the jungkook's room in which he was admitted.

"Mr. kim he is alright and would wake up anytime. There is nothing serious to worry but he is a little weak. He fainted due to weakness and stress on his brain all at a time but everything is fine. Just please take care of Mr. jeon's health and diet. So I will excuse myself, you can meet him after 15 mins. When he will wake up, then he is ready to go home. Take care of him. Okay then see you Mr. kim."

All bowed at the doctor.

"thankyou doctor!" tae replied.

Doctor bowed at them back and took his leave.

When the doctor left, all looked at each other in relief that jungkook is alright now and hugged each other. Then they decided to explain everything to jungkook and are ready to face all the result and consequences.

In the room~

Jungkook pov

I slowly opened my eyes but soon regretted due to the brightness in the room and headache that is killing me. I blink my eyes to adjust my eyesight to the light. Then I noticed where I am- 'hospital!?'

I was confused then reality hit me like a train.

'The truth'



Then most importantly- my eyes widen

'Mr. Kim aka my pur-'then suddenly my train of thoughts was stopped but the noise that was of opening of door. I heard some footsteps coming near me. I looked up to see my hyungs, noona and at last 'taehyung hyung' who is near the door.

Their faces were stain with tears and sadness as well as quilt was clearly written on their faces. Really I felt bad for running away and not hearing their explanation but still they shouldn't have done that , also I know everyone have their own reasons so we should understand each other. I was confused I didn't know what to do.....

My inner debating was disturbed by the voice of bambam hyung.

"Kook..." but I turned my face opposite to them.

"Bun.... We are gi-give us a ch-chance t-to ex-explain." This time lisa noona state and I can listen that their voices are breaking in the midway of speaking.

I sighed heavily and turned my face to them, but I sight hurt me. Hyung's and noona's eyes were beamed with tears. I really hate tears in my loved one's eyes who were always there for me, I was sad, happy and broken also help me many times.

But I was broken too, I don't want anything just an explanation that is enough for me.

"Why? Hyung, noona I shouldn't know, right?" I said in a low voice with a sore throat due to all crying. They shook their head instantly.

"No. it's not that-um." lisa noona tried to explain.

I was in an uncomfortable position and knowing it would take them time so I decided to sit on bed.

"Then why?" I asked while sitting with a sudden pain due to weakness and spinning head. I sat in a comfortable position

"Bun, we were strictly ordered not to tell you the truth....yet! we were aware of the fact that you will be sad but bun... I... we have so many enemies and can't risk your life. We were also afraid but it was for safety. We just want to wait till your graduation and till everything settle so that you can be more safe and may listen more calmly. Today also we were afraid when you suddenly run away what if any of our enemy know about. We can't let others know about yet. Also you are new in CEO work so we just want not to stress you... we know our way was wrong but there was no other way." Bambam explained.

I listened everything carefully, I was kind of happy that it was only due to my safety and also they have been protecting me all these years also I should also understand them. But still a question was disturbing me the most. So I decided to ask them.

"So......hyung, noona was all love and care forced-?" I asked hesitantly as I know it will hurt but I just want to know the answer. They all instantly startled and tears were flowing from their eyes. They all shook their head, while jennie noona answered.

"N-no b-bun.... W-we really l-love yo-you-" she stopped and tried to compose herself so that she can tell more clearly which worked as her sobs stopped but tears were still flowing.

"- we are sorry that we didn't tell you before but our care and love are all real. Please don't think this that it was all acts and forced. We really love you with all our heart. In fact we were the happiest when we got to meet you although we were strangers but having you completed our lives bun." She added

I was relieved by the answer but deep down I already knew that they really love me. I smiled at them widely this time.

"you don't hate us , do you?" Yugyeom hesitantly asked me, "

"hyung, I have already forgiven you. I know everyone have their own reasons so I understand you guys."

They all become happy and tears were still flowing but I can tell that were of relief. I also decided to play with them. I internally smirked at my thoughts.

"but-" I said with a serious face , they all panicked.

'sometimes it is fun to tease them' I thought whiling laughing inside but still able to remain in same poker face.

I continued.

" I am still mad at you guys soooo........ you all will have punishment." They all relieved once again and nodded their head.

"okay kook! We are ready, so what is our punishment?" bambam hyung asked. I smirked lowly. They raised their eyesbrows at bit so I cleared my throat.

"so, you all have to buy me soft pushies-" they all nodded their head

"-and I will be allowed to eat ice creams and cake 2 times a day for 1 week." They all gasped.

"but-" lisa noona tried to object but I cut her off and shook my head.

"no but, otherwise I won't talk to all for forever." They sighed and hesitantly nodded their head.

I smiled cheekily at them.

Lisa noona pinched my cheeks.

"you brat we know you are taking advantage of the situation."

I smiled innocently yet playfully at them.

They all shook their head in disbelief and chuckled at me.

We all sighed together and laughed a bit. I am happy that everything becomes normal.

They all hugged me tightly.

"We are happy kookie. Thankyou for giving us chance." Yugyeom hyung whispered.

"no hyung, thankyou for always being there for me and thinking about me. I am lucky to meet you all."

Smiles were dancing on our face when I remembered something.

I asked from my hyungs and noonas.

" the way hyung and noona may I ask who ordered you and sent you here?" I was so eager and curious to know about that person. All of them tensed and pulled from the hug.

Lisa noona cleared her throat.

"ahmm...emmm...we think you should ask that person yourself."


hello armies! 

here is an update! i hope you all will enjoy it! please give me your views and opinion.

also guys it is fun to read your comments😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

it is glad to know you are happy to read the book and i am very thankful for it.

so guys take of yourself and your family as well as friends.

and always remember guys that.....



so guys please always stay healthy, happy and safe.

then see you soon in next update or surprise update😏😏😏😏😏😉

take care...


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