Julie and the Phantoms texts

By KrazyKat945

165K 4.5K 8.3K

What if Flynn and Julie got the boys cell phones? More

Reggie and Abbreviations
Insta P1
Where's Alex???
Carrie & Reggie
Luke and Alex Get Nosy
Insta P2
Band Chat
I'm Back
Heart Attack
She Said I Was Hot
Justin Bieber
Home Is Where My Horse Is
Alex and Reggie??
Insta P3
Ranking the Songs
Ranking the Characters
So Now What
Ranking the Ships
Has He Come Yet???
Flynn Gets Annoyed
We're Back(Insta part ??)
Luke vs Nick
Star Wars
Ray and Reggie
Our Next Gig
I'm Bored
Requests Part 2
One Shot Book
Juke Fight
You Idiots
Exposed Pt 2
Make Out Monday
More Juke Drama
Parental Control
Ranking the Ships Pt2
Insta Part ????
Bye Bye Bye
You can't handle when other people cry
Happy Thanksgiving
Requests Pt3
Wrong Number
I Have A Question
Christmas Prep
The Night Before The Night Before Christmas
Christmas Eve
Coming A Little Later...
Should I End It
New Years
What If???
You Just Got Pranked!!!!
I'm Gonna Rant For A Second
Instagram Part ????
How Could You
Take Down Your Pillow Fort
Juke Song Lyric Prank
Valentine's Day
Reggie and Carrie?????
Where Are You Two
Why We're Called Sunset Curve
More Adventures Of Reggie and Carrie
Now Or Never
What Do They Even Think About?
Even More Adventures Of Reggie and Carrie

Never Have I Ever

1.4K 55 59
By KrazyKat945

For - LottaLightwood

Julie - So I'm bored

Luke - When are you not bored?

Julie - Idk I'm pretty much always bored

Reggie - So what do you want to do

Flynn - Let's play Never Have I Ever

Alex - What's that??

Carrie - Basically someone asks you something and you say whether you have or haven't done that thing

Reggie - Alright I'm in

Luke - Let's do it

Julie - Alright....

Julie - Never have I ever...kissed the same gender and who

Reggie - I have..Alex

Luke - I have to...Alex

Alex - I'm straight up gay so obviously. Reggie, Luke, Willie, and like nine or ten others

Flynn - I have..but I'm not telling you who

Julie - I have and same as Flynn

Carrie - I haven't

Julie - Yes you have you liar 😂😂

Flynn - Do you remember Marissa from the fourth grade

Carrie - Oh yeah I totally have 😂😂

Alex - I wanna go next

Alex - Never have I ever sang lead in a song

Julie - I have

Luke - I have

Flynn - Nope

Carrie - Yup I have

Reggie - I don't know if I have

Luke - Yes you have

Alex - The number on the beach remember

Reggie - Oh yeah okay I have

Flynn - I wanna go next

Flynn - Never have I ever smoked or some drugs

Luke - I have

Alex - I haven't

Reggie - Oh yeah. Both of them

Carrie - Yeah

Julie - No

Flynn - No

Julie - Wait hold on a second Reggie, Luke, Carrie, explain yourselves

Luke - I've smoked cigarettes, but come on. I lived in the nineties everyone did it

Alex - I didn't

Luke - That's because you were a goodie two shoes Alex

Julie - Carrie go

Carrie - I'm popular. I'm the one who pressured people. I don't anymore of course, but yeah

Reggie - I guess it's my turn right

Flynn - Yup

Reggie - Well before I had officially joined the band I was friends with Luke and Alex, but we hadn't hung out in a while. So I was one of those kids who used to smoke and get high under the bleachers. I was a total addict. Alex and Luke made me quit

Alex - Heck yeah we did

Luke - For good reason too

Reggie - Okay can I go next

Julie - Go ahead

Reggie - Okay never have I ever watched Golden Girls

Julie - I have

Flynn - I have

Carrie - Yes I have

Luke - Uh huh I have

Alex - Nope

Reggie - Luke???

Luke - Julie made me

Julie - Yes I did 😁😁

Carrie - Okay never have I ever dated two people at the same time

Flynn - No

Julie - Nope

Reggie - Why would you do that

Luke - No that's kinda cruel

Alex - I haven't done that

Carrie - Good I was going to drop you guys for a minute there

Luke - Alright Never have I ever kissed Alex 😂😂

Reggie - Many many times

Luke - I have

Julie - No

Flynn - No

Carrie - No

Luke - I already knew the answer I just wanted to ask it anyway

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