Catching Feelings (Robert Vil...

By AmyVillanBabe

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He Has My Heart But Do i Have His? He Said He Loves Me But Do I Love Him. More

Catching Feelings
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 22

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By AmyVillanBabe

*A week Before the wedding* Austins POV - I still haven't told Amy how I feel and Gina Won't look at me when we see each other " Austin I need your help!" Amy said I look up to see Amy in Her dress she tried on "Not that one it doesn't look like something you would wear." You told her "Thanks I need the truth!" She said She walked out In a White silk dress that Made a Heart shape over her chest and looked like a ball room dress down her body "What about this one?" She asked I didn't have to say nothing just For her to know I was speechless "You Look Perfect!" You said "So we found the one?" She asked "Yes Amy You Look like A Princess!" You said "Thanks Austin! We have a dress!" She said she looked more then perfect.

Amys POV - I found my dress! Next I'm taking Austin for a tux fitting and then I'm gonna get the girls their dresses. "Amy can I tell you something?" Austin said "Yea? Anything?" You said "I..uh..I think..I still..Uhmm Love You!" He said stuttering then saying the last part fast "Austin I Uhmm...I love you too but not In a Relationship way. I Love Rob and You Love Gina. But you will always be my tiger!" You said in shock. He still has feelings for me! Is that why He Left Gina? I hope not couse then that's on me not him! "Austin? Is that why you and Gina Broke up?" You asked "Yea she told me to call her when I know what I want.." he said upset "Austin You let me go. But you still want me?" You asked "I don't know.. I think its old feelings just coming up from the Engagement." He said "Yea.. your still my best friend tho!" You said "Always and forever!" He said "And a life time more!" You said I felt better know how he felt and we are still us.

Roberts POV - The wedding was just a week away I'm staying in Amys and I apartment while she stays with Dave until the wedding "Hey man!" Alex said "Hey bro! Was up?" You asked "Well I was Talking to Alli and she has the honeymoon planed for you guys!" He said "Really where are we going?" You asked "Well she wants to make your trip Amazing so she's flying you guys to Hawaii!" He said "Sweet! Amys gonna love this!" You said "You can't tell Amy it has to be a surprise!" He said "Can do! But Amy hates surprises." You said "Well she's bot gonna hate this one!" He said Just a few more days till I'm Married!

Paulas POV - I was getting all the girls together for Amys Bridal Party "Paula Amy said she'll be here in 30!" Anaee said "Thanks! Have you seen Gina?" You asked "Not Lately no I haven't ." She said "Is everyone almost here?" You asked "Roll Call!" Anaee said "Emily,Rebekah,Maya,Anthony,Alli,Paula H,Me,Anaee,! All were missing is Dayleen and Gina!" You said "Ginas Coming! She's late leaving campus!" Emily said "What about Dayleen?" You asked "What about me?" Dayleen said "You made it!" Everyone said "I wouldn't miss Amys wedding!" She said Amys gonna be so Surprised!

Amys POV- *Day Of The Wedding* I woke up to a beautiful day in Miami "Morning Kiddo!" Dave said walking threw the house "Morning Dave!" You called back " Amy!" I hear from my door way " Hey girls!" You said as all the girls walked in to my room " So I already called doing your hair!" Paula H said "And I have The Necklaces and bracelets!" Paula O said " I have makeup!" Gina said "And we have to do the rest of the girls!" Emily said nudging Rebekahs arm " Don't for get the best man!" Austin said walking in the room " hey your early!" You said "Best mans Gotta be on time!" He said with a chuckle I seen him looking at Gina but she was looking out the window "Okai! Austin Gina You two go out of here and work things out! Now!" You told them "Amy.-" " Don't Amy me its my wedding day and I don't want awkward I want calm and sweet from everyone!" You said cutting Austin off "Fine I'll go." Gina said "Good!" You said Sometimes people need a kick in the ass to see they need each other! As I got ready I couldn't help but imagine How Robert will look!

Roberts POV - I woke up and started getting ready for today I went and got my hair cut and picked up my groomsmen then headed to get ready at the church! *Two Hours Before the wedding* "Is Everyone ready!!" I hear Emily Yelling "Were still missing The flower girl!" Maya said "Hey man! Nervous yet?" Asked Jake asked "More like I'm Gonna shit myself!" You said even more nervous "Don't be Just remember she's Gonna be in white and Soon Yours forever!" Jake said "Dude you look like your gonna puke!" Zach said "I need to sit down!" You said feeling weak "someone bring water!" Alex called out "What's going on?" Asked Alli "Robs gonna be sick!" Zach said "Okai Robert Its just nerves! Breathe in and out! Count to ten to catch your breath!" She said I felt like my head was gonna explode "Count out load! Count with me!" She said "1..2..3..4..5.." ect we said together "10! How do you feel?" She asked "Better just still alil dizzy." You said I Just need to be strong!

Amys Moms POV - Today my baby girl is a bride she looks amazing in her dress "Mom! Don't cry!" Amy said "I can't help it you look Amazing!" You said "She really does!" Brittany said (Amys sister) "She really looks Amazing!" You said "Okay guys get ready its almost time!" Emily said "Mom we gotta go." Brittany said " Alright.." you said holding in tears in just a few minutes my baby girl will be married.

Daves POV - Okay Dave you can do this don't be nervous she's happy and that's all you need " Okai Dave I'm ready!" Amy said "Oh Man Kiddo! You look like a princess!" You said " Dave Don't get Mooshy I Need you to man up till after I walk or I'll brake down!" She said "Sure thing Kiddo!" You said I hear the bride maids walking music "Come on let's take are spots!" You said " Dave I'm glad its you giving me away! It means a lot!" She said "Anything kiddo!" You reply just as the music plays for her to walk it wasn't the bride song she would've walked down like regular she wanted something new "Dave Thanks for everything!" She whisper/says as we walked down to Christina Perri A Thousand Years. "Who Give this bride Away?" The Paster asked "I and her Family!" You answer "I'm always here kiddo!" You say before sitting down this is a great day.

Amys POV - "As I stand here before this man I look in to his eyes and see nothing but endless love, as I say theses words to say I look back on the days we spent together and think why do I need words when are souls feel the love we have and Robert Rene Villanueva My souls says I love you" You Speak your Vows "That Day We meet I knew you were the one I just had to have you near me I needed you near me, that day we first kissed I felt like I was on cloud 9 and I never wanted to leave So with theses word I say to you Amy Elizabeth Brytus I love You" He spoke His vows "Repeat After me Robert. With this ring I the wed" the paster said " With this ring I the wed!" He said with a smile "Amy repeat after me. With this ring I the wed." Paster said "With this ring I the wed!" You said with the most stupidest smile you had but all you seen was Robert Smiling big right back at you "By the power vested in me I now Present Mr and Mrs Robert Villanueva!" At once I hear Clapping and cheering as me and My new husband walked down the isle and to the back rooms "How does it feel to be Mrs. Villanueva!?" He asked "Amazing! I'm finally your!" You said "Hey guys let's take some after wedding pictures and the move to the reception!" Emily said "alright!" We said together We arrive at the hall to the reception holding hands I looked at my Husband his soft face was smiling his sweet Kind smile I didn't want to take my eyes off him when he saw I was Staring his smile got bigger and he looked like my Angel god sent for me "Ready for the start of forever My Wife?" He said smiling "And a Life Time After My Husband!" You said we leaned in and pressed are soft lips together before stepping out of the car and walking hand in hand threw the crowed of our Friends and Family. The night ended with A song I thought would be perfect for our special day "Fall Can you play that for me please?" You asked the Dj "Sure I'll play it right now!" He said "Great!" You said walking away I went to find Robert he was talking with Austin "Hey I have a song for us playing wanna Dance?" You asked Robert "Instead may I have this dance?" Austin asked I looked at Robert and he nodded with Agreement "it'd be my Pleasure!" You said taking his hand "I'm gonna make you Falllllll in love!" The song played Me And Austin Danced back in forth "Monkey?" Austin said "Yes Tiger!" You said while you had your head on his shoulder "Let's never Let anything in between us ever!" He said "Never in a Million Years!" You said "You mean everything to me I know what I'm saying now your my Monkey and I'm gonna Protect you as much as I can your my family and I love you!" He said "Austin Your my Tiger and I don't ever want it to change! Us forever!" You said the song ended and it was time for me to change for my mystery Honeymoon! I walked to the back room and pulled out my Rose Dress that fanned out at the bottom but was tight around the upper half with a built in bra and classy high heels "Amy You looked Amazing and you still do! I can't wait to find out how everything went when you come back!" Emily said "Me either I'll be back in a month!" You said hugging her "Alright My bride we have a plane to catch!" Robert said walking in dressed Fancy "Let's go!" You said walking over to him and inter locking your fingers with his they fit perfect together! We walked out with flower petals thrown into the air above us and cheering it was like a dream.

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