Steel Rose

By just_autumn46

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Isabelle Nornus, a swift, the youngest child out of four older brothers, never expected anything truly specia... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 part 1
Chapter 17 part 2
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83

Chapter 71

150 7 2
By just_autumn46

Isabelle Pov

"And this one," Mr. White gestures to the third house we've stopped by. "Was build 50 years ago. Older than the rest, yes, but still in great condition. This house has two bedrooms and a bathroom. Small kitchen and living room, and washer and dryer. Also, a decent sized fenced backyard. It's basically a smaller version of the one we just looked at. About a 30 minute walk from Ken's and Mo's, while also a 45 minute walk to the restaurant. But you're a swift so," he shrugs. "I'm sure that means little to nothing to you."

"And you would be right," I reply.

He smiles at me while unscrewing the to his cup container, "Plenty of room for you and your son." He adds, looking at Darcy who sleeps in his stroller. "And most definitely in your price range."

I nod, writing it down in the small booklet I brought a long with me, "Okay."

"Wanna go inside?"

I nod, "Please."

I angle Darcy's stroller to roll up the narrow thin pathway. Overgrown weeds and plants line the path, although nothing Carmadon can't handle, if I asked him. The porch is darkened with dead leaves, although nothing a broom couldn't handle and it could not hurt to have a of fresh coat of light blue paint. To my right a wide bay window, that would let in plenty of natural light. Keys dangle in Mr. White's hand as he quickly plugs the correct one into the white door, pushing it open. Hinges could use some grease.

By the looks of it, we step directly into the sitting room, smaller than what I've ever had, but otherwise doable. It's carpeted and leads directly into the wood floor kitchen. The kitchen has cabinets placed above the stove and sink, the dark counter curving like a boxy U. On the back wall of the house, next to the fridge, another door, which I can only assume leads to the backyard.

"Follow me," Mr. White says as we walks into the home. "Like I said small." He leads me past the empty sitting area, stopping where the carpet and wood meet. To my left, a hallway, which he leads me down. "Bedrooms are here," he points to the two first doors positioned across from each other. "Main bed on the left. The small one, the nursery, on the right." He walks a down a few more steps. "Next to the small bedroom is a small storage closet, and further down is the washing machine and dryer. The door next to the main bed leads to the bathroom."

I push open the main bedroom door, noting the wide clear window on the far wall, "This house gets plenty of natural light, huh?" Already, I can envision the bed I would push up against the left wall and the dresser I could put against the right. The clothes I would fill my closet with and the color of the curtains I would hang.

He hums in confirmation, "Plenty."

I nod an excited smile forming on my face as I continue to move around the house. Its perfect for me and Darcy. I can almost close my eyes and see the life that we could have in these walls. The hours I could spend in the kitchen perfecting the recipes that I learned from Carmadon. The days I could spend with Darcy in the garden, watching him run and grow. The hours long conversations that I could engage in on the front porch with Mora and Ken. The walks that I could take to their house, to the lake.

"So," Mr. White smiles kindly at me. "What do you think?"

I turn to him, "I love it. It's perfect."

"I had a feeling you would. Its the perfect place for you and your son to start your lives."

I nod, "Yes it is. So when can I move in?"

"Whenever you are ready really. I have all the paperwork ready for you, you give me the first month's rent, and I'd say you'll be moving in in no time."

I grin, "Okay. That sounds easy."

"Mora and Kenneth will be very excited that you're moving in," Mr. White says as he leads me to the front door. "Especially Kenneth."

I blush, "I'm excited too."


"No, no. I cannot allow you to do that. I can't." I say shaking my head as I lift Darcy's bottle to his lips. He eagerly reaches for it and begins to eat happily, his dark orbs shinning in the light.

"It's truly no trouble at all, Ms. Belle. It's a gift really." Carmadon counters as he slices a piece of broccoli in half.

"The first two months in nothing. And besides, officially its a sort of allowance that some get when they migrate to Monfort." He says. "It is not like I'm paying out of my own pocket." He concludes with a smirk.

"I still feel so awkward taking the money."

"Isabelle. You've only been in Monfort for about three months now. You have a baby and full time job-,"

"Exactly," I interrupt him. "I have a full time job. I can pay for the first two months myself."

"And you have a baby," he adds. "There really is no need for you to go rushing off to buy a home. You know that you are no burden here."

I smile softly at him. "I know. And I do like it here with you."

He smiles, "Naturally."

"How about this, Carm. I'll stay for another month. It will be the very end of October, and Darcy will be four months old on the 25th of October. At that time, I will officially begin to move out and you can pay the first two month's rent on the cottage, okay?"

He puckers his lips, "Fine," he squeezes out. "One more month."

Satisfied, I smile at him as Darcy turns his head away from the bottle, finished with his dinner. I place the empty bottle on the table and pick up my own glass of chilled water to sip. "Besides," I tell him. "You can always stop by and help me on the garden."

Ptolemus Pov

The sun is rising as we are lead through the pathway towards what I can only assume is the Premier's home. Government. Prison. The uncertainty makes me uncomfortable. I don't know what we're walking into. If not for Eve's reassurance, although shaky, my own thirst to find Isabelle, and the pain that runs through my feet with every step, perhaps I would have turned back a long time ago. Right now, the idea of a chair and a hot meal are enough to drive me to keep moving.

My stomach roars with hunger at my own thoughts and I try to direct them away from food. The smell of pine here is annoying. Evangeline's braid is coming apart. Wren accidently ripped her healer's uniform. My feet hurt. The guard that leads us through this territory keeps his hand on his gun, as if it will do him any good.

Twisting vines run up and down the length of the walls as we approach the building, and I can only assume they're done by the touch of a greenwarden. Green flags with a mountain centered on them flap in the morning air, as more guards greet us. The hairs on my arms rise when I notice the red hue under some of them, and they narrow their eyes at us.

I feel Wren's steady hand on my bicep, and she passes it off as she slips her arm through mine. "Calm down," she hisses at me. We pass through a garden, flourishing, despite it being the autumn season. No hint of red or yellow in the leaves. The morning dew makes the green of the grass glitter in the morning sunlight, and Wren shivers from a gust of a cool air.

I nearly sigh when I step inside the palace, a coat of warmth covering my limbs. Now all I can ask for is a hot shower, a meal, and a warm bed. A man dressed in all white enhancing his midnight skin, greets us with a wide smile and open arms. I immediately distrust him. "Lady Evangeline," he starts, the kindness in his eyes brightening upon laying eyes on my sister. "We've been expecting you."

"Lord Carmadon," Eve replies. She nods her head towards him in the most polite way that she can manage with sore feet and an empty stomach.

"I see you have brought some companions," Carmadon continues his dark eyes falling on each and every one of us, taking us in. When his eyes move to me, he hesitates. "Not a problem." He gestures to the guards. "Please show out guests to their respective rooms and present them with meals." He looks back at us. "I believe that is all that will be in order for today." He scurries away with a kind smile and another hesitant glance in my direction.


Elane raises an eyebrow at me behind her water glass, as I wipe away a stray drop of water dripping down my temple, from my shower. Eve has taken my place in the bathroom, and Wren sleeps soundly in one of the beds. As she sets it down her glass, next to her cleaned plate she smirks at me. "Don't think I missed the way Lord Carmadon looked at you today Tolly."

I can't help it when I feel heat rise to my cheeks, "I don't know what you mean."

"Sure you do," she retorts. "Eve told me he is sensitive to men. Davidson's husband." She drops her teasing tone. "She is free here."

Suddenly Eve's lack of resistance to coming to Monfort makes more sense. She has a freedom that Norta, that our parents would have never allowed her to have. To some extend, let me have. With Isabelle. And whatever family we could have had. Although I know I can't blame the entirety of my situation on them.

"His husband," I mutter to myself. "Speaking of husbands and marriage."

Elane's smile drops, "Speaking of freedoms."

"Our own," I say quietly. Elane doesn't move, and I begin to think that she didn't hear me, until she nods in agreement. "This is a different country, different laws. But I'm sure that we can somehow get our marriage voided."

She nods her head in agreement. "The sooner the better hopefully."


Elane hesitates, "I just...I just wanted to say thank you. I know this marriage is not what you wanted. I know you had other ideas for a bride in mind." She glances towards the room where Wren sleeps, and I almost speak up to tell her that that has never crossed my mind. Taking Wren's hand in marriage wasn't a possibility. "And I praise you for your selflessness. I know you married me for your sister."

I nod, not sure how else to respond. We all made our choices, and we have to live with the outcomes of them. I'm not sure why we need to talk about it. But I let Elane do so anyway. I guess the practice with Isabelle was helpful for now. Isabelle loved to tell me about herself. About what made her sad, made her happy. What she loved. Who she was as a child. How she saw things. How she saw me. And I loved listening to her. I loved her voice. The way is rose and fell.

"So, just thank you for that." Elane concludes and I realize that I've missed whatever she just said.

"Of course," I answer her and she sits back satisfied.

The door opens and Eve steps out in her pajamas, a puff of scented steam following her. Her hair is braided down her back, ready for bed. "Did I just miss a heart to heart."

I smirk, "No."

"Good. Goodnight." She and Elane leave me alone to my thoughts and cleaned empty dinner plates for the night, left later for the servants to clean up.

I turn my gaze to the bedroom that Wren and I are supposed to share. I can see her silhouette, sprawled on the bed in a deep slumber. With a heavy sigh, I make my way to the couch.

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