Fatal Attraction

By lovelykokowrites

47.2K 2.9K 1.3K

From the looks of it, Ivory Renee Carter has the life that any grown woman could ask for. She has a successfu... More

Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.

Chapter 1.

4.3K 163 177
By lovelykokowrites

New York City, New York.
7:45 pm

" Mhm." Lance said in a low tone. He had his hands glued to her thighs, holding her up as he pinned her against the shower wall.

" This pussy is mine." Thrusting deeper into her, Ivory felt herself wanting to cum. She held onto him,tightly wrapping her arms around Lance's broad shoulders. He looked into her eyes, grinning as he saw her slowly start to lose herself.

" tell me you love me baby." he says sternly. Ivory bit her lip, not having the energy to say anything. He managed to grab her throat, making her face him. She gasped, water welling from her tears from the pressure.

" I love you Lance...I—oh my god!" She came even closer to her climax, as he pounded harshly into her. She dragged her moans as she finally hit her high, and he followed her as he hit his as well. Her legs went numb as he lowered her from the position, holding onto the rail for balance.

" Someone's tired." he says as he grinned. Ivory smiled small, holding on to the hand he held for her. After helping her get dressed and oiled up, Lance helped Ivory into their king size bed, throwing the plush covers over her. He stood over her, smiling as he looked at her and limp body.

" Aren't you going to lay down?"

" I can't. Not right now at least."

" Why not?"

" Javier hit me up a couple minutes ago. There's a late night session at the studio, and I can't miss it." Lance explains.

" Why am I just now knowing?"

" Completely forgot about it. And I was very much distracted." he says, making her grin a little.

" Look, I should be back by 10. Ight? he says. Lance kisses her cheek.

" I'll make sure to get that foundation you wanted for your face." he adds on. Ivory nodded, waving as she watches him exit the door. Once she heard the other door out in the hallway close, she exhaled. She wanted to go and look at the mark that was on her face, but her body was too tired. She lightly touched it, wincing as she felt it.

A tear fell from her eyes as she prayed, asking the lord for strength. Strength to help her through what how she was mentally feeling at the moment. She needed it right now, just to make it through the next day.


next day...

I woke up fairly early, it seemed. After rubbing my eyes and letting them adjust to the sunlight, I felt around on my bed, hoping that Lance was there on the other side. But like usual, he wasn't. I should be used to by now, shouldn't I? He never comes home when there's a late night studio session.

After moving around, getting my hygiene together, I went to the kitchen, fixing myself some coffee. I turned on the TV, listening to the early morning podcast and radio mix that was on. My phone rang suddenly, and I went to get. ' Oh..' I say rolling my eyes as I grinned. Instead of seeing Lance's contact pull up, it was actually my best friend, Sharon that was calling me. She always did.

" Hello?"

" Well good morning girly. I wasn't expecting you to actually answer the phone this early in the morning."

" I got to...I'm starting to take your advice. Besides, I got to up to the office in an hour or two."

" Ou...alrighty then businesswoman. Will you time to spare to come and spend some time with your friend?"

" Oh, I don't know...I have to check in with Lance."

" What do you mean check in with Lance? You're a grown ass woman girl...you shouldn't need permission from his ass."

" I'm not asking for his permission. I'm just...just—"

" Like I said...you don't need his permission Ivy. I'll pick you up at 2. All you need to do is leave him message and make sure you look like bad bitch. Although you are."

" Alright, alright. See you later."

I hung up the phone, putting it on the counter. Then went to find the remainder of the makeup that I had. I needed to it to cover up this mark that was underneath my eye. I could not let anyone see that on my face, cause I didn't want any suspicion to grow. After doing all that, I made sure to turn on the ringer on my phone just so I could hear if I get any notifications. Hopefully they would be from Lance, cause I am starting to get a little worried about him.

" Hey, that's how they got Ryan that job!" Sharon says as she smiles and laughs in realization, making me chuckle.

We were at Tropical Cafe, sitting out as we sipped on our fruit smoothies. Before that, we took a nice walk along the trail at the national park in here New York, and before that we went to look around and shop at the mall. I was having quite the time, considering I don't do this as much as I like like I used to.

" So...what new artist is Lance working with this time? You know?"

" Nope...haven't asked, but I should. Since that's where he tells me he's at all the time."

" All the time?" Sharon says. " Oh yeah, his ass is lying."

" And what makes you say that?"

" Ivy, I ain't forgot about the time that man got caught up, messing with them chicks from the club. And then tried to cover it all up when they exposed his ass about having an STD."

" It was all false accusations Sharon...you know how the media gets."

" Yeah, I know how it gets...but he practically embarrassed you. Shit, it couldn't be me." Sharon says as she scoffs.

" Look, that was in the past Sharon. We've both moved on from that, and we're growing...at least we're trying." I say.

" He's got to really earn your trust Ivy. Don't just give it to him because he says a few nice words to you...if I was you, I'd be trying to go some of the ' studio sessions ' he says he always at....but that's just me." Sharon says. I nod, taking a sip of my smoothie. Maybe she was right...maybe I should go to visit him while he works...maybe I should really make him work for my trust as a wife back. Because I'm not going to say that I wasn't a little easy when it came to that.

I seen Sharon's eyes go wide, her eyes narrowing straight at something. I wanted to look to, but I didn't know what it could have been.

" Sharon, what is it? Is it a pitbull? A bulldog?"

" No girl, it's your husband. Looking angry as hell." she says.  I turn around, seeing him walking over to where Sharon and I was at.

" Hey baby-"

" Let's go."

" Where?"

" Going back to the house. Where you belong."

" Lance, I was just hanging out with Sharon. Why is that a proble—"

" Ivory, I ain't gon' repeat myself. Now getcho' ass in the car and let's go." he says firmly. Not wanting to cause a scene, I got out from my chair.

" I-I have to go Sharon...thanks for inviting me out to hang."

" You don't have to go anywhere Ivy....he don't own you."

" Stay that hell out of this Sharon...don't you got better things to do, like visiting the beat up nursing home that you placed your mom in?"

" Lance!!!" I say, shocked that he said such a thing. He looked at Sharon and grinned, as she said nothing.

" Sharon, he didn't mean—"

I couldn't finish my sentence as Lance grabbed me, pulling to the car. He forcefully pushed me inside and got in beside me, telling the chauffeur to go back to the house. I couldn't believe that he spazzed out like that, especially on Sharon. But that thing that baffles me the most was why he spazzed out. What was the reason?

I didn't speak to him the entire car ride, only waiting until we reached home. When we arrived, he took my hand and walked directly inside the house. Closing the door, I looked at him, wanting him to explain himself for his behavior.

" You don't check your fucking phone? I texted you at 2:45, asking you to stop by the PO Box to pick up my shit. And I asked you to have the house straightened up because later on around 7, VIBE was coming over to here to interview me."

" Lance, I was out with Sharon, okay? I wasn't checking my phone...I mean, who would if you were out shopping?"

" Don't give me that bullshit Ivy. 9 times out of 10, you always have your phone ringer on. And you know why? Cause you don't even trust me!" he says, confusing me with the end of his statement.

" Just because it's on doesn't mean I'm gonna be able to hear to it! We were at the mall for god's sake!"

" I don't want you hanging with Sharon anymore. I don't! She slimy ass is probably rubbing off on you in the wrong way...got you up here lying to me and shit.."

" I'm not lying to you Lance!!! I don't have a reason to lie to you..."

".....and who the fuck are you to tell me who I can't hang out with? I'm a grown ass woman."

" I'm your fucking husband Ivory. What the fuck? Did you forget? You're supposed to listen to me!"

" And I'm your fucking wife! Not your servant, your maid, or your pet!" I angrily expressed to him. He sighed, putting his hand on his forehead as I continue to speak and tell him off.

" How bout' now Ivy? You still feeling that fucking way now?!"

His hand being on my neck tightly, making my breaths shorter and shorter. A feeling that I was sadly immune to. He cornered my into the wall, and I could feel his hot breath leeching on to me. I felt the rough texture of the skin on his thumb as he brushed it against my cheek. I didn't even want to look in his eyes, but it's not like I had a choice.

" where's all that talk Ivy? Hm? You a grown ass woman, right?"

" L-Lan—"

" don't try to say my name now baby." he says. He used all his force as he choked me, nearly making cry as he did.

" AGH!!!" he yelled, letting me go. I gasped for air, panting heavily as I try to gain my breath. I felt like I barely had my conscious. I tried to move from the space I was, but he held my waist, his head being down.

" Baby, I'm-I'm sorry—I let my anger ge—"

" LEAVE ME ALONE LANCE!!! FUCK YOU!" I screamed, being fed up and feeling anger rise in me.

" Ivy, stop. STOP. " he said, gripping my face.

" I told you that I was sorry. Okay? I am SORRY. You know I'd never hurt you, right?" he says, gently rubbing my cheek. I looked away, ashamed at myself for even allowing myself to be in this situation for the 50th time.

" I had a few drinks...and I know I shouldn't be doing none of it. But I'm gonna do better baby. I promise. You believe in me? Huh?"

" Y-yes Lance..." I say, feeling his touch on me get rough again.

" See....that's why I love you. I love you Ivory...so let me show you how much I love you." he says, groping on my behind.

" W-wait. What about your interview? Wh-what about the house?"

" you will do your wifely duties when I'm finished with you. Sexy ass." he says, licking his lips. He pulled me down on the couch, stripping of his clothes.

I looked away, ashamed at myself being in this situation again for the 50th time with him. There was no point of trying to fight him off. Nobody would believe me if I said anything about him forcefully having sex with me. He's my husband. You know, at first when he would act like this, it turned me on. He was dominant. A sadist. But now, it has gotten out of control, especially with him and his obvious drinking problem. It made him abusive, physically and verbally.

But I stuck with him, because I love Lance. And I know that these rough patches in our relationship would soon pass us over. I had hope and faith that caring, generous, loving, and goofy guy that I fell in love with and married would come back in full form.


thoughts ?

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