Sonic Railgun

By Heroman23

3.4K 94 769

Ever wonder if there are other worlds out there that have life on them? Ever wonder if we might ever come int... More

The Blue Blur
Sonic Little Night Adventure
Anti-Esper Ambush!
The Long Waited Truth
Esper Killer
Academy City Fate Part One!
Academy City Fate Part Two!
Academy City Fate Part Three!
Miles 'Tails' Prower
To Sonic World!
Dr. Eggman!
Angel Island
Egg Hydra!
Chaos Emeralds
Tempest the Dolphin
Egg Warrior!
Meet The Freedom Fighters
Empire City Part One
Empire City Part Two
Mushroom Forest
Egg Lion!

The Chemical Plant!

67 3 41
By Heroman23

Last Time on Sonic Railgun..............

"The Master Emerald must have been showing a warning of what will happen if Eggman gets his hands on all the Chaos Emeralds." Said Knuckles.

"And.... there was one last vision. It was hard to see but I saw two figures begin surrounded by the Chaos Emeralds and then they were surrounded by a golden aura and I saw that their eyes have become red colored." Said Mikoto.

"Then we need to go find them before Egghead finds them." Said Sonic.

"Whoa whoa... what's this we business?" asked Knuckles.

"UM.... I mean everyone in this group." Said Sonic.

"Sorry but I can't go. "Said Knuckles.

"Why not?" Asked Sonic.

"I have to stay here and guard the Master Emerald." Said Knuckles as he pointe dour his mission.

Mikoto grabbed him by his back and lifted him up in the air. "Didn't you say that Eggman tricked you to learn about the Chaos Emeralds?" Asked Mikoto.

"Yeah but...." Said Knuckles.

"And isn't this technically your fault that Eggman is going out of his way to find those Chaos Emeralds no matter what it takes?" asked Mikoto.

"Um... Well.... I... I mean.... I guess...." Said Knuckles as he begins to sweat nervously.

"Then you are coming with us Knuckles. Back to the Tornado guys." Said Mikoto as she begins to walk back to the Tornado with carrying Knuckles in her hand.

"No wait! Stop! I have to guard the Master Emerald! Stop! Let me go!" Said Knuckles as he tries to wiggle out of Mikoto grasp but no luck.

"Not gonna happen Knuckles. This is technically your mess and you are going to help us clean up your mess." Said Mikoto.

The others watched Mikoto carrying Knuckles back to the Tornado without any trouble. They can't help but feel a little bit nervous.

"Alan, your sister can be scary sometimes." Said a nervous Tails.

"Trust me Tails..... Sis can get scary if only someone gets on her bad side." Said Alan before they begin to catch up with Mikoto on the way back to the Tornado.

The secret of the Chaos Emeralds was announced to the group. Knuckles also explained of how Eggman knows so much of the Chaos Emeralds. The Master Emerald showed Mikoto a possible outcome of what would happen if Eggman gets his hands on all of the Chaos Emeralds. Mikoto is now dragging Knuckles back to the Tornado to go find the other Chaos Emeralds. Can they find them all and stop Eggman and who were those two shadowy figures in that other vision that Mikoto had?


In the Air..........

"I can't believe you dragged me into this." Said Knuckles with a angry look on his face.

At the moment, everyone was back on the Tornado with a extra member on board. Knuckles was standing on the Tornado wings right next to Mikoto. 

Oh! And if you are wondering where the two Chaos Emeralds they have already, they are safely placed in Sonic quills. Surprising, anything Sonic place in there, they don't fall out easily.

"Hey, this is your fault that Eggman is after those Chaos Emeralds. So you have to clean up your mistake." Said Mikoto.

"She has a point there Knuckles. You have to take responsibility for your actions and have to somehow make right for you mistake of letting Eggman know about the Chaos Emeralds." Said Sonic. 

"Yep." Said Alan.

"Its true." Said Tails.

"But... I....oh...." said Knuckles. Knuckles just grumbles as he knows he can't win this argument. Everyone just laughs at Knuckles for a bit.

As Tails continue to fly the Tornado, he notice something was off with the clouds. Like they were a bit more thick and red.

"Hey guys, what is going on with the clouds?" asked Tails.

"I don't know but.....*sniffs* What is that awful smell?" asked Sonic as he holds his nose from smelling something bad.

"Hold on, I am going to get us out of the clouds." Said Tails as he piloted the Tornado to dive out of the clouds.

When the Tornado was able to get out of the clouds and is flying over the ocean. That is what they see infront of them. There was a small island up ahead with a massive metal structures on it and tons of large chemical containers. The Chemical Plant

(This was the only best picture I could find of Chemical Plant.)

"What is that?" asked Sonic.

"I don't know....... It looks like some kind of factory." Said Mikoto.

"Tails, can you land the Tornado?" asked Alan.

"On that weird location? I could try." Said Tails as he begins to fly the Tornado to the Chemical Plant.

"Well please try your best. I have a feeling this isn't a normal area for tourist." Said Alan as the Tornado approaches the mysterious factory.


Chemical Plant..........

The Tornado begins to slow down and landed on a large landing platform. The platform is connected to a large pathway that seems to go deeper into the place.

Sonic jumped off the Tornado first. He looks at the place to see all the chemical containers. He then leaned over the landing platform railing to see a pool of spilled chemicals a few meters down on the ocean surface.

"This is has tons of safety hazards." Said Sonic as he made a little joke.

"Just tons of safety hazards? Sonic?" asked Mikoto as she hops off the Tornado wing.

"Sorry. My mistake Mikoto." Sonic sarcastically said. "I meant to say 'a million of safety hazards'."

"I don't remember seeing this place before." Said Tails as he hops out of the Tornado.

"I have a feeling I have a hunch of who owns this place." Said Knuckles.

"Yeah.... A certain person who likes to have his face on his logos." Said Sonic as he points to something. On one of the chemical containers their was a familiar logo on it. A certain Eggman logo.

"Eggman......" Said Mikoto.

"So this entire chemical factory, it belongs to Eggman?" asked Alan.

"Seems like it." Said Tails.

"No wonder their is no signs of life here. Eggman must have turn this original land into his own chemical factory." Said Mikoto as she notice the lack of plant life or animal life in the area.

"So what do we do about this factory? We can't just leave it knowing that it belongs to Eggman." asked Knuckles.

"Simple...... Why don't I do some little.......... 'renovation' to this place." Said Sonic with a smirk on his face.


A few minutes later........................

Sonic was runing on some tracks that goes around the Chemical Plant. Along the pathway their was some Egg Pawns blocking his path.

"Oh.... Oh how sweet. Their trying stop me from runing. Too bad that won't work on me." Said Sonic before dashing right through the Egg Pawns blockade. The Egg Pawns got blown up into pieces.

"Hehe.... That was to easy." Sonic laughed a little.

He notice a single Egg Pawn just up ahead. And right next to the pathway was a chemical container. A idea just came into Sonic head. He speed towards the Egg Pawn.

Once he was closed to it, he kicked the robot straight into the chemical container. The chemical container exploded the moment the robot crashed right into it.

"Let that be a lesson for you all. Robots and chemicals don't mix." Said Sonic as he stopped to look at his little handy work on that chemical container before continuing running again.

"What is going on? I am getting an alert on my security at my Chemical Plant!? Who is making a ruckus on my Chemical Plant?!" Said a familiar voice on the speakers everywhere in the Chemical Plant.

One of the security cameras begin to move left and right to find who is responsible. One them then shaked a little as something landed on it. It was Sonic.

Sonic leaned down to stare into the security cameras lens. "Hello Eggman. Like what I done so far to your little place?" Asked a smirking Sonic.

"SONIC!!!! Why are you here?" asked Eggman.

"Simple, I liked breaking something that you own Eggman. Making sure that you never use it to hurt anyone else." Said Sonic before spin dashing on the security camera before runing back on the pathway.

Sonic then reached to the end of it which was a ramp. Sonic run up into the air. He did some air tricks. He then landed on some large Rails. He begin to grind on them with style as he was heading further into the place.

"Grr..... Your gonna pay for this Sonic!" Said Eggman over the speakers.

"Yeah, if you can catch me that is." Said Sonic as he begins to run along some chemical yellow pipes with a yellow metal surface on it.

Suddenly, when Sonic continue to run on it, one of the sections of the pipes just flipped a 180 degrees. Sonic was then failing straight down into a chemical container with a pink liquid. A Chemical called Mega Mack.

"AHHHHHH!" Said Sonic before crashing into the chemical container.

"HA! How's that for catching you, you little blue rodent?" asked Eggman over the speakers.

Sonic begins to sink the bottom of the container. He knows he can't hold his breath forever, so he needs to get out and fast. And this pink chemical gunk will be slowing him down. He notice some platforms in the container. 

Moving as fast as he could in the chemical, he leaped on platform to platform until he nearly reaches the surface. He then leaps out of the chemical and landed on a new pathway. 

"Phew.... that was a close one." Said Sonic as he shakes off any pink chemical that was still on him. Before going anywhere, Sonic spin dashed a the container, making it leaked out the chemical liquid.

"You were saying Eggman?" asked Sonic with a confident smirk.

"NOOO! Not my Mega Mack! Curse you Sonic!!!!" Said Eggman.

"Hehe..... Oh what is the matter? All out of tricks Egghead?" asked Sonic.

"EggMAN! You know my name is Dr. Eggman. Your doing that on purpose!" Said Eggman.

"Do what Egghead?" asked Sonic.

"Grr! Don't think this will go unpunished Sonic! I will created a robot that will not only defeat you but pay you back for every humiliation you have given me so far a hundred fold!" Said Eggman.

"Bring it on Egghead! I can dish out any robots you send at me!" Said Sonic.

"Why you..." Said Eggman before turning off his speakers.

"Hehe.... time to continue 'improving' this place." said Sonic before dashing off to cause more damage to the Chemical Plant.


About 30 minutes later............

Sonic has run back to the others as he was done 'renovating' this place. He pretended to yawn a she returned to the others.

"Oh boy, I am sooooo tired..." Said Sonic as he made a fake yawn gesture.

"So how did it go?" Asked Alan.

"Hmm.... what do you think?" asked Sonic.

Mikoto looked at the Chemical Plant far ahead. She sees tons of smoke coming from different parts of the Chemical Factory. "I think you might have gone overboard." Said Mikoto.

"Maybe just a little." Said Sonic as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Eggman is sure going to be upset once his little factory is up in smoke. Hehehe." Said Knuckles as he can imagine Eggman angry face for seeing his little factory all damaged up.

"Oh trust me Knuckles, he already is. I betting Eggman is already planning on how to get back at me. I can dish out any robots he sends at me." Said Sonic as he had a thumbs up with a cool pose as well.

"Then lets get going before that happens. We need to go find the rest of the Chaos Emeralds." Said Alan as he gets into the passenger seat of the Tornado.

"I believe there might be a main land just a bit of a few miles from of here. We might be able to ask the locals around and see if they seen a Chaos Emerald before." Said Tails.

"Right. To the main land we go." Said Sonic. Everyone hops back onto the Tornado and Tails begins to fly the biplane away from the damage Chemical Factory.


Meanwhile...... At a Unknown Location..........

" Cursed that blasted Hedgehog........" Said Eggman as he was walking in his secret base hallway. He had a extremely mad look on his face.

"Not only he destroyed my Egg Hydra but he also has took my Chaos Emerald! And now he has caused damages to my Chemical Plant!" Said Eggman.

"AHHH! It is enough to make me lose my anger at that little speedy rodent!" Said Eggman. He stops infront of metal door. Eggman pressed some buttons on a computer pad on the wall and the door opened up.

"But that will all change soon enough!" Said Eggman with a evil smile. He walked into the room to look at to stare at something in the shadow part of the room. There was some kind of shadow being hanging the air by some cables.

"Soon, my greatest masterpiece will wipe out not only that little blue hedgehog but everyone else that stands in my path for my dream to come true! The Eggman Empire will become a reality! Oh HOHOHOHOHO!" Said Eggman as he laughed out loud all evil like.

The shadow being twitched its arms and hands. It closed its right hand into a fist. It raised its head up ad a red glowing eyes appeared in the shadow.

Sonic and the others has arrived to the Chemical Factory. Sonic has begin to run through the plant to cause some destruction. Along the way, Eggman tried to catch Sonic in his Mega Mack but Sonic was able to escape and destroy more parts of the factory. Now Eggman plans to get back at Sonic, while Sonic and his friends are heading to a nearby main land to find another Chaos Emerald.


To be Continued...........

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