Aquarius Lily Malfoy-Potter

By acewriter14

22.2K 393 91

One day a girl with blonde hair, emerald green eyes, and round glasses comes to Hogwarts out of nowhere durin... More

Characters & Important Info 1.0
Charaters & Important Info 2.0
Chapter 1: Hello Harry Potter
Chapter 2: Meeting The Slytherins
Chapter 3: Get Along For Me?
Chapter 4: Family & Friends
Chapter 5: Different Dimensions
Chapter 6: Hello Zoey
Chapter 7: Hufflepuffs
Chapter 8: Just Like Papa
Chapter 9: The Call From The Future
Chapter 10: I'm A What!?
Chapter 11: I'm a Vampire
Chapter 12: A Tiny Problem
Chapter 13: Orion and Siren
Chapter 14: Pirates
Chapter 15: Harry and Draco 2.0
Chapter 16: Mermaids
ALMP OCs & Their Clothes Aesthetic
Chapter 17: Talking With Aquarius
Chapter 18: New Years Eve
Chapter 19: The Golden Egg
Chapter 20: Fraternal Twins
Chapter 21: About Sean
Chapter 22: Spirit Dragons
Chapter 23: Ravenclaw in Gryfinndor & Two Hufflepuffs in Slytherin
Chapter 24: Being With The Gryffindors
Chapter 25: Being With The Slytherins
Chapter 26: Professor Moody
Chapter 27: Ginny and Luna Weasley-Lovegood
Chapter 28: Is It Hot in Here or Just Me?
Chapter 29: Scary Mermaids and Giant Squid
Chapter 30: The Call For Dad
Chapter 31: I'm Always Here For You & You Should Know It
ALMP Characters In Gacha Club 1.0
ALMP Characters In Gacha Club 2.0
ALMP Characters In Gacha Club 3.0
Chapter 32: Lucius Malfoy & His Suspicions
Chapter 33: The Story of Lilian Narcissa (Malfoy-)Potter
Chapter 34: Welcome To The Past Lilian
Chapter 35: Finding Out
Chapter 36: Matthew Q. Wilson
Chapter 37: Worried Parents
Chapter 38: Boyfriends and Girlfriends
Chapter 39: Ezra and Elizabeth
Chapter 40: Teddy Going To The Past
Chapter 41: Hugs and Comfort
Chapter 42: Last Conversation
Chapter 43: Zoey's Back
Chapter 44: Why Are You Here!?
Chapter 45: September of 2020 With Lilian
Chapter 46: Hayden Disobeying & The Falling Out
Chapter 47: He's Coming
Chapter 48: The Dead Hufflepuff
Chapter 49: Regulus Black & A Cup of Tea
Chapter 50: We'll Miss You
Thank You!

Epilogue("but is it really?" -Aquarius)

291 3 0
By acewriter14

Traveling is one thing. Anxiety is another thing. Combining the two will cause chaos.

Aquarius Lily Malfoy-Potter was never simple when it came to those things. She can handle almost anything, but her anxiety on certain things can get in the way. She's always one to be free spirited and never one to be the party pooper of the group. She always wants to be the go getter and never pull back. Sometimes people question why she was never put into Gryffindor. It was simple. She just didn't resemble the traits fully. Her Hufflepuff traits took over her fully and there was no way that any other house could take over who she is. Who is to say that you're Hogwarts house defines you though?

Lilian always pointed out to her brother Hayden that he seemed more Gryffindor than Ravenclaw any day of the week. Hayden isn't one to bring out his true Ravenclaw nature towards anyone. He didn't want to be seen as the boring sibling like Darla, so he acts on impulse and tries to stick out more, but also blend in. He's learned to share his true nature though. You don't need to be a Ravenclaw to be boring. You can literally be a Gryffindor and be one of the most boring people on the planet, but nobody would expect that from you.

People identify you as a house and admittedly point out that you're this or that. The Malfoy-Potter kids don't like when they do that. Especially Aquarius.

People always call her, 'Harry Potter's daughter who has gone soft'. There's even, "The Chosen One's teddy bear'. No one would expect a Malfoy-Potter to be sorted into Hufflepuff. No one in their right mind would think a child of Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy could be a Hufflepuff. Heck! Ravenclaw made more sense than Hufflepuff. You can't identify someone based on their parents though. That's highly inappropriate, as Professor McGanagall would say, but on other circumstances.

"I've been one to ignore those people who spoke out against me," Aquarius said. She's breaking the fourth wall. "Damn right I'm breaking the forth wall Kaitlyn." Why are you talking to me when you're supposed to be talking to the readers? Be thankful I'm allowing you to even break the forth wall. "There's literally a reason for this forth wall breaking. And it's because I want to speak to you guys who are reading. I know this is the epilogue and it's supposed to be where Kaitlyn here writes a years later thing or whatever, but this epilogue is different. Different because it's important. You people can't define what and who a person is based on their Hogwarts house. Literally I see the internet and see how you people sexualize my dad. Don't do that. It's weird. Even though this is a non-canon story."

A girl with this cocoa looking hair with pink highlights and blue eyes with green spots walks out. Her eyes are just like the earth. "How do you know that this is a non-canon story?" The girl asked.

"What the hell Kaitlyn!?" Aquarius yelled. "Why are you even here? Aren't you supposed to be wherever you are?"

"And not be here and coming in and ruin your fourth wall breaking moment? I know this isn't my story and I shouldn't really be here because I don't belong here because I'm the author of this story, but you literally have to stop whatever you're playing at and get on with your speech thing. Stop getting off topic with everything."

Aquarius just blinks at me. "I literally don't know what is even going on anymore," she started to laugh like a mad woman. Or just a mad teenager.

"What the hell?"

"How about you just go back to where you're supposed to be and we can write whatever is you write?" Aquarius chuckled.

"Rude," I mumbled to my fellow Hufflepuff. I left her, Aquarius, to do whatever she was going to do, but at this point I just might let her do whatever Aquarius does best. Or I can just share an embarrassing moment about the blonde.

"You wouldn't dare Kaitlyn," she pointed out her figure at me. Oh, but I would. Plus, it's not like you're going to be the only one getting embarrassed. "I love how we went to 'don't let people judge you because of whatever the hell you are' to 'embarrassing stories about me'."

It's what I do best Aquarius. Going off topic all the time.


February 8th, 2020

This literally happened like a day ago and I'm not afraid to share this. Nor does she know I'm sharing this moment with you guys.

The February air was nipping at the Hufflepuff's cheek. It was one of the coldest days Aquarius has ever experienced in her life, but there has been colder. She was out with her Papa, Harry, and her best friend and partner in crime, Zoey.

"What are we doing exactly Papa?" Aquarius questioned.

"Yeah Uncle Harry. What are we doing here?" Zoey this time asked.

They were at a store. Outside of the store. It was called Walmart? Seems like an interesting enough of a name in her opinion. They were in America visiting Charity's dad and his husband and Harry took the Liberty in taking the girls to Walmart.

"I still don't understand why we're here Papa," Aquarius told him. "Don't we have enough supplies and food at the moment? Why get more?"

"Oh we're not here for the food nor supplies my dear daughter," Harry said. "We're here for the shopping cart."

"You don't mean?" Zoey was very scared for what was about to happen.

"Oh yes my dear Zoey. We are going to steal Walmart's shopping cart.

"And we're going to jail," Zoey sighed.

"Be positive Zoey," Aquarius tried to encourage her. "Remember how your dad did this with Papa, Uncle Seamus, Neville, and Dean?"

"Yes I do remember," she stated. "And they ended up in the lake in the end!"

"Details!" Both Malfoy-Potters exclaimed.

"Let's just go get this shopping cart and make a run for it," Harry whispered yelled behind his hand into both girls' ears. "We'll deal with the trouble later."

"I swear we're not even going to make it past the parking lot," the chocolate colored girl told them.

Both of the idiots shrugged and made their way towards a free shopping cart. Let's just say it didn't end well.

They got the shopping cart, Zoey and Aquarius hopping in and Harry was the one pushing it.

"Ready. Set. GO!" Harry shouted and made a sprint for it. Surprisingly no one was trying to stop him, but he realized why. The shopping cart went on a break and stopped fully. Harry went flying and landed into the cart on top of both the girls.

"Papa!" Aquarius shrieked.

"I knew this was a bad idea," Zoey groaned.


"I can't believe you shared that Kaitlyn," Aquarius turning red in embarrassment and covering her face.

"Aquarius!" Harry yelled out into the distance.

"Yeah Papa!?" She yelled back.

"We're on the internet!" Harry came walking into the room. "Says 'Idiot man lands on kids thinking that he can escape with a shopping cart'."

"No it doesn't."

"There's even a video," he told her. He pulled up the video and showed his daughter exactly what had happened yesterday and Aquarius groaned in frustration.

"I hate life."

"You'll get used to it." No shit she will. "Is that Kaitlyn?" The Gryffindor asked.

"The one and only."

"Thank you for making me so out of character. Really appreciate it!" Harry made a face that said 'boi'. He didn't seem too out of character in the story. "If they met me out of the story they would see how out of character you get me." Oh yeah one hundred percent. "I want to say one last thing," Harry raised his voice louder. "This is the end of the story. I bet you a good amount that Kaitlyn here will definitely show more of our lives in the future, so you should say thank you to her, but I'd rather give her the middle finger for that because we're just too embarrassing for our own good."

"You're Welcome Harry and Aquarius," I walk out to them and smile. "It was nice telling a whole story about you guys and the different worlds that exist. Especially 2.0's. He's a version of you that I thought I would never make in my life."

"Yeah. And you made him try and kill me for most of that time," Harry glared.

"Yeah. Yeah," I chuckled.

***Harry, Aquarius, and I(I also want to add that I don't look like that what so ever- the description of my eyes were correct though, but not my hair)***

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