It All Started at a Meet & Gr...

By Simplee

727K 2.9K 859

Tansy (you) and Kate got free tickets to a Justin Bieber Meet & Greet. There was a bit of fun harmless flirti... More

It All Started at a Meet & Greet ...
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 44

10.8K 35 49
By Simplee

TheYoungWritersVoice - Im handing out some dedications and this one goes to you! Thankyou for your comments! =D

WOW! I cannot tell you how many times im sorry for the late upload. Its been one hell of a week. First it was my mums birthday, then my sister announced that shes pregnant!

Also, thankyou to EVERYONE whos commented on my story. I have just about hit 40,000 views... like what the hell? HA.

heatsjb123 - Thankyou for your advice on the Kindle, i have order one and its on its way! Excited!!

lovehasitscons - I have gone through the Niki conversation and try to figure out were i went wrong. I think i missed a few things out. Awfully sorry. Thanks for pointing it out though, i want to learn from my mistakes! =) I hope to hear more pointers etc.

A HUGE shoutout to xjustinbieberxo21 and XdreamerXwithXwingsX for dedicating their chapters to me!! Cant wait to check them out =D

















THANKYOU! Reading your comments and smiling... it never gets old! ;)

Chapter 44

Eventually, Patrick pulled up on your drive in his shiny limo, at quarter to one in the morning. You, Eliza, Kate and Chris, said your goodbyes to Ryan and Chaz. Justin had stayed behind at the party, with a few 'deeds' he said he had to sort out.

You: See you soon boys.

They both gave a tired smile in your direction as you made to shut the door.

Chaz: You miserable sodd. Pull yourself together -

You only just caught the sight of Chaz rounding on Ryan, before the door was fully closed and the sound of their conversation was cut off. Heading for the door, you joined the other three in being questioned by your excited mum. Kate had informed all of you in the limo, that she took an open oppurtunity to persuade mum into letting Chris stop the night.

Mum: Ohh. How nice. I wish i was 16 again.

Kate: Oh mum, believe me your missing out on so much.

Mum: I saw you walking along the red carpet on that streaming thing. Tansy, who was the blonde haired women?

You groaned slightly, thinking of your bed.

Tansy: That wasn't on there was it?

Mum: Yes it was! She wouldn't give you chance to speak, would she? Oh honey, you looked so nervous.

Tansy: Oh great. I bet thats gonna be all over Popstar Magazine now.

'Stupid Ashley', you thought to yourself.

Mum: Anyway, we can disscuss this in the morning, you all looked shattered. Oh and Kate, where are you intending Chris sleeps?

Kate: In my room, on a blow up bed.

Mum: Hmm, do you think thats a good idea?

Kate: Oh please mum, were sensible enough not to do anything stupid, arnt we?

She nudges Chris in the arm as he stood alongside her, at loss for what to say. He looked extremely embarrassed.

Chris: Yeh.

Mum: Ok... but im going to be checking on you.

Kate rolled her eyes, sighing heavily and knowing that is was pointless arguing, she made her way upstairs with Chris on her tail.

After getting into your comfortable pjs, taking off all your make-up and brushing your teeth, you finally got wrapped up inside your quilt, clutching the teddy Justin gave you very tightly. Eliza was laid in the spare bed, your mum had got out of the attic, next to you. As your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you could make out that she was still awake.

Eliza: How come right, when your up and doing something, your really tired and cant wait to get to bed. But then when your in bed, your wide awake? Its so blooderly annoying. 

You smiled at your ceiling then turned your body over, to face her.

You: Its because your not doing anything.

Silence fell between you both. You could litterally hear both your minds buzzing with thoughts about tonight. Though, through the silence Kate's and Chris's voices could be heard from the room next door, talking loudly. A beeping noise suddenly replaced this, however.

Eliza: Its mum. She landed in seattle and hopes im ok. Wait till she finds out where i've just been.

Eliza was holding her phone to her, which was lighting up her face as she looked into the screen. You stared at her smiling and thinking about everything that happened at the party. After you had all finished your food, you, Kate and Eliza headed to the toilet, then met Alicia Keys on the way out. Kate spotted her first and decided to start a conversation as you and Eliza joined in. She was really sweet as she poke to all of you, standing outside the ladies toilets. After you parted from her, you spotted Chris and Chaz helping themselves to some pudding, which was a wide varity of rich cakes and trifle. Justin had wondered of somewhere and unable to locate him, you had joined Ryan back at the table as Kate and Eliza left you, while heading for the boys, piling thier plates. Eventually, you had managed to persuade Ryan to follow you on to the dancefloor and bust some moves. He was quite shy at first, then as he got into the song and realised noone was looking at him, he let loose beside you. Soon after, you were joined by the rest, who had evidentely finished their piles of pudding. When it was rounding on 12 O'clock and the room was half empty as many people had left or were making their way out, Justin swaggered over to you. He pointed to a group of men and spotting DannyRaps amongst them, he told you he was to stay behind to sort out the usual 'deeds' and that he had called Patrick - or in his case Beefy - to inform him that he was going to be taking you home again. After saying the quickest goodbye, ever, to Justin, with nothing but a mere hug, as the men were waiting for him, you reached the now, empty lounge and headed back through the tinted glass doors. Fans and paps were still outside, although they werent as many and it wasn't swarming, like when you had arrived. Sitting comfortably inside the back of Patricks limo, you listened as, Kate, Chris, Eliza and Chaz chatted and shared all the information between themselves and Patrick. Ryan, who was sat next to you, was deadly quiet. He sat looking exhausted as he too, watched and listened to all the others.

As you lay in your bed staring up at the ceiling, after turning onto your back and anaylizing the party, thoughts crossed your mind. These thoughts consisted of, Eliza, Kate and Chris, Justin, Cal, Kayley and Ryan. Fans, rumours, haters and celebritys. All the things that were craking off in your life at the moment, whizzed across your mind like a firework. The only thing you hated most about lying in bed awake, was the fact that you had time to think. Time to think about good things, time to think about bad things. A loud echoey snore came from the left hand side of your bed, swinging your head around quickly, as a natural reaction, you gathered that Eliza had drifted into a deep sleep. Realising you had layed awake for nearly 2 hours, you turned over into a comfy position, wrapped the covers tightly around yourself and still clutching your LA teddy, you joined Eliza in a deep sleep.

Finding the clock through small eyes, after waking up from a comfortable sleep, you found that it was almost 11am. Turning your head over, you glanced at Eliza's empty bed and dragging yourself from yours, you advanced for the stairs, carrying your phone with you. It had become a natural habbit to take your phone with you now, as you didn't want to miss any texts from somebody in particular. While eating your toast at the table with mum and Eliza, you had to share almost every detail, as your mum was dieing with anticipation. Kate and Chris had took their breakfast into the living area, to watch tv. Apparentely everyone had woken up late.

Arriving in the living area, to join Kate and Chris, after getting dressed and leaving Eliza to chat to her mum privately in your bedroom, you took a vacent chair.

Chris: Oh i hate that guy.

Kate: Yeh i know, hes so evil.

You: What you watching?

Kate stared at the tele as she replied.

Kate: Just Law & Order. Only decent thing on at the minute.

It doesn't take any effort in a programme to capture Kates attention. She can be a tele addict at times. Once she's lost inside the screen its hard to get her back.

Chris: Ah, i know what's gonna happen. Its obvious.

Kate: How?

Kate abruptly turns to Chris.

Chris: Well, look at that guy in the green t-shirt. Look at his body language and then use your brain.

Chris smiled swiftly, pointing at the tv.

Kate: Yeh... but it still doesn't justify whats gonna happen.

Chris: Yeah it does.

Kate shook her head, smiling.

Kate: Right then psychic, tell me what you thinks gonna happen and will see if your right then, shall we?

She smiles at him cunningly, her eyebrows raised high. Chris, however looked thoughtful. Just as he was about to reply, you felt your phone vibrate in your hand. You had recieved 3 new messages, 1 that had just come through and two others that had arrived this morning. What fool carries their phone around with them and doesn't even check it? Yes, that would be you. Opening the messages you read the first one that had been sent this morning.


What could he possibly have to say? Another lecture about you using him, maybe?


He has sent the message twice. Hoping to god, that the third one wasn't the same message, sent again, you clicked the open button


Your smile broadened as your read through your last text. Amy and Natalie - Nat for short - were like Chaz and Ryan. Completely inseperable. They had been your 'hobby mates' as both of them were in your singing classes and were part of your dance group. Infact, it wasn't long ago since you slept at Amy's house with a bunch of your fellow dance mates. Amy had been doing dancing ever since she was little, so she was slightly more advanced than you. However, you felt enlightened at the fact that you will soon be busy again, as the day ahead seemed to be another lazy, lounging around, kind of day. Feeling glad that the replacement vocalist had been replaced, as she was no good at all. He vocals were bad and off tune. Thats why almost everyone had stopped attending, until the original one Mrs May, who had left to have a baby, had returned. But hearing that the bad vocalists had been replaced and Mrs May would be back in a month, meant singing lessons were on the mend!

Eliza: Hey, what you watching?

Eliza had just entered the living area and sat herself beside you.

You: Law & Order.

Eliza: Oh. Hey, i was wondering if you wanted to come to the shops with me? Erm i need to get a few bitsy bobs and well, i don't really know my way around here.

You: Ok, sure. When do you wanna go?

Eliza: Anytime, excpet after 10pm.

You let a heavy laugh escape.

You: I doubt it will even be open at 10.

Kate: Oh, if your going, can you get me some sour patch kids, please? Oh and Chris aswell.

You: Alright.

Sighing heavily, you raised yourself from your chair and waved your hand for Eliza to follow.

You: We'll go now.

Following your normal route to the shops, 15 minutes later, Eliza being her usual chatty self and talking about nothing in particular, was springing along by your side. As you rounded the corner of the street in which the shops were located, your phone buzzed and vibrated, again.

Eliza: Oh Miss Popular. Whos that?

You: Erm.. Oh its only Cal.

Eliza: You still friends with him? I can remember him.

You: Well hes not like he used to be, i can tell you that now!

You read through his third text today.


You: Hes says its urgent.

You rolled your eyes, while replying.

You: I guess i better go see whats up. The parks not far from here, why dont you go and get what you need and i'll go and quickly see what he wants.

Eliza: Cant i come?

You: To be honest, it would be better if you didn't. Cal's at an awkward stage at the minute, but i'll explain everything later. Persides, i want an excuse to leave.

You smiled her way, as she gave you a considering expression.

Eliza: I still dont see why i cant come. Anyway, which shop am i going in?

You: Eliza. Seriously?

Eliza: Oh, that one there. I think i need to pop into the options on my way out.

She laughed while glancing at your smirk.

You: Here, could you get Kate and Chris those sweets for me, please?

You handed her some notes and she takes them from you.

Eliza: Will do. Ok, i'll text you when im done.

You: Alright.

As the park came into view, you spotted a familar figure sitting on the climbing frame. His head was down and his body looked slumped. Pushing the gate open you advance on him slowly, taking a deep breath for whatever was in store. Dusk was starting to set in and the park was completely empty. Infact, there was nobody around. As you got nearer, he didn't look around, he barely moved.

You: Hi.

You spoke quite forcefully, but he continued staring at the floor.

You: So, whats the urgent news?

A sniffle could be heard as he raised his hand to his face.

You: Cal... Cal, are you crying?

He raised his head a fracture as you leant forward to get a better look.

You: Cal? What's the matter? What happened? ... Are you Alright?

His head lifted as he caught your eye. His face was wet from tears and an unreadable look was plastered in his eyes. He looked sad and lost.

Cal: I cant do this anymore.

You: Do what?

Cal: Pretend like everythings ok.

His voice shook, with anger and meaning.

You: What do you mean?

Cal: Us Tansy, US!

You stared at him, wondering where the hell this was coming from? Had you pushed him too far?

You: What about us?

Cal: I have known you for years. I have waited and waited. You were made for me. No one else Tansy. ME!

He was now speaking through clenched teeth.

You: Cal... We've been through this. Im not -

Cal: We'll go through it again.

You: Cal, i dont have time. My cousin is waiting for me at the shops, ok. I dont have time to stand here and talk about this.

Cal: No, you never have time for me, do you? Well, now you do because your not going anywhere until im finished with you.

He climbed off the frame and stood steadily in front of you, his eyes were scarring you with such a powerful gaze.

You: Cal... dont do this.

Cal: Do what?

He shrugged his shoulders in an agressive tone.

Cal: You know, i always thought you were gonna be mine. It was just a matter of time.

You: Cal...

Cal: We were like, Bill and Ben the flower pot men. Always together. When Justin came along, i knew it wouldn't last. He's a teen satsation, what would he want with a girl like you?

You: What are you getting at?

His body language was so agressive, that it was almost as if you were being confronted by a yob. Panick was tickling your insides.

Cal: Well he's denied the rumours, so your mine now.

He stated this as more of a fact, than a comment.

You: No. He denied the rumours for the fans benefit. Cal, forgodsake, im not going through this.

Cal: Well leave the park as my girlfriend and you wont have to. Otherwise, your not leaving.

A mixure of anger and worry was filling you. Would he really not let you leave the park?

You: Cal, let me go.

Cal: Have you never pictured us together, even tried to imagine us?

You: Of course i have! How many times i have i told that it doesn't feel right?

He continued staring at you.

Cal: What about Justin?

You: I thought this was about us? Dont bring Justin into this!

Cal: Ring him and tell him its off.

Your eyes widened in outrage.

You: No way! You can't stand there and decide whos Mr Right for me Cal! No way. Im not ringing him. Leave him out of this.

Cal: But you were made for me. Noone else. Im not waiting around any longer, your mine.

You: Jesus Cal. Would you think about what your saying! How can you except me to drop everything for you? How can i be your girlfriend, when i hardly wanna be your mate, right now!

Cal: I've dropped everything for you.

Clenching your teeth you turned away. He was the most, frustrating, the most obnoxious. Why was he saying all this?

Cal: I've always been there for you, always looked out for you. I dont wanna see you get hurt.

You: Really? Well your going the right way for it!

Cal: Will you just listen to me?

He snatched at your wrist, gripping it tightly. Your eyes flickered to the Park gate, considering whether or not to make a run for it. Cal was much faster than you, so it would be extremely difficult.

Cal: I'll start at the beggining, shall i? ... When we were close at school, we had a right laugh. Always doing things together.

You: Different things.

You snarled at him.

Cal: Then as you started growing up, i saw you as a young women. Not the stupid little 13 year old that you used to be. You were 15 and matture. I fell for you, big time. I thought i'd have it easy, seen as we were already friends. So i asked you out, remember?

You: How could i forget?

You rolled your eyes, sighing heavily.

Cal: Then when you said that you only thought of us as friends and nothing more. Well, i weren't happy. But, i figured it was only a matter of time. Then you met that Aaron guy.

You: My first proper boyfriend. Yeh, thanks for messing up that relationship!

Cal: I didn't mess it up! I only told him that if he hurt you, i'd break his neck. I was looking out for you!

You: No Cal. You scared him away. You knew how shy he was!

He gave another agressive shrug and carried on.

Cal: After he left, and you graduated from school, you then started working for your Uncle at the station.

You: Yeh. You followed me there aswell, didn't you? Thats another thing. I told you that Ben was looking for someone to work alongside me and you persuaded me to put a word in for you. Then what a surprise, you got the job!

Cal: I liked you. I wanted to be with you! Can you blame me for that?

You: There's a difference between, being with someone and being someones shadow!

Cal: Yeh, then it was just me and you. I thought you were bound to come round. That night, when we were supposed to go cinemas? Well, i made sure everyone bailed out so it would just be us two. Then ...

You: I bailed out on you too. I told you i was hanging with Justin.

You suppressed a cold, fake laugh.

Cal: Yeh, but i thought it wouldn't last long.

You: But it has.

Cal: Its so frustrating. I have waited. I have been patient. Then that stupid little Bieber kid comes along and takes it all away. I feel like i've lost ...

You frowned at him, suspicously.

You: This isen't a game Cal. Your not messing with cute little bunny rabbits. Your messing around with people, friends, that have feelings.

Cal: I know that, dammit! ...

You: Now its mine turn to tell the story.

He locked eyes with you. They were sad, deep and lost.

You: Cal ... I used to love it when we were close. We got on like a house on fire. We always knew how to have fun, even when it seemed impossible. Like, during the roasting maths classes, when we sat at the back and brought in those, cute miny water pistols. We'd fill them with water and squirt each other, until we'd get sent out because we accidentely kept ruining the 'hot' girls fashionable hairstyle. Its a shame she had to sit in front of us. 

You smiled sadly at the memory.

You: But as we started growing up, i needed to be around more girls and you needed your boys. We kinda of grew apart slightly. But when you asked me out, i remembered thinking that you were playing some kind of joke on me. I cringed at the thought of kissing you. You were like my brother, how could i go out with you? Then ever since, you have just been on my case. You were overprotective of me and kept getting all touchy. You were always, THERE. You still are.

Cal's expression turned miserable.

You: Cal. Do you love me?

He suddenly looked up wide eyed.

Cal: Of course i love you.

You: No, i mean. Do you really love me?

You stared eachother out, like you were in a mental staring competition, until he bowed his head.

Cal: I dont know. I dont know how i feel, anymore. All, i know is i want you to be mine.

You: Why? Why do you want me to be yours, if you don't know how you feel?

Cal: Because...

He looked as if he was losing strenght as his body slumped while he stood.

You: Cal, it sounds to me, like your fighting a losing battle.

Cal: No. No. I came all this way, so you could be mine. Im not giving up until you are mine.

You: Cal, forgodsake im not YOURS! Get a bloody grip. Cal, listen to me. Your too focused on me. Its like your mind is having this constant battle about getting me to be yours, that its turned into some stupid game inside your head. Cal your torturing yourself. You need to get out there and meet other girls because i am NOT yours! Got it?

Cal: But all this time..

You: Forget about the time, the past. Its about now and the future. You need to move on. I have. You need to let go of me. You need to get over me. Would you rather me be your forced girlfriend and be really unhappy? Or would you rather see me happy, doing things i love and being with people i love? 

Cal: So if i let you go. You just walk away, while i suffer the pain?

You: If you got the message the first time i said 'no', you wouldn't have to face any pain.

He sighed moving his gaze to the ground.

You: What about that Ava? You switched numbers at the fair. If you just tell yourself that me and you are way over. Cause to be perfectly honest, i think we've been drifting apart for weeks now. All we ever do is argue, dont you agree?

He continued looking at the ground, while giving a small nod of the head. You sighed heavily, preparing yourself for what you had been thinking for the past couple of weeks.

You: Cal. I think its time we went our seperate ways. I've got a new life now and well, no offense but your not really part of it anymore. We are in the past.

He stared you in the eye. You could tell he agreed, but he obviously found it very difficult to respond.

You: Call up Ava and get to know her. Trust me Cal, you dont need me. I dont even think you want me anymore. Its your mind, you've had it stuck in your head that im your girl and you've completely ignored everything around you. Please, for both of us, can we just call it quits and move on? All this isen't good for either of us.

He looked mournful and shocked. It looked as though, you had just confirmed everything his heart had been telling him.

Cal: Can i have a goodbye kiss?

Your eyes widened. Was he seriously just going to let you go?

You: Um... Cal, i dont -

He was already advancing on you. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you close, as you leant your head as far back as possible, while trying to push him off.

You: Cal, stop it. Please...

Cal: Just a goodbye kiss, thats all.

You: CAL!

- OI! What do you think your doing?

He let go of you instantly, as the familar figure jogged over to you. His face looked angry and disgusted. What was he doing here?

Cam: What do you think your playing at Cal? I always knew you were a disgrace, but forcing yourself on Tans. Now thats out of order mate! ... Are you alright?

You stared at him, slightly shocked at his sudden arrival.

You: Im fine. What are you doing here? I thought you lived on the other side of town?

Cam: Cal texted me. Asked me to come over. Whats going on?

You looked bewildered, from Cal to Cam.

You: Why do i get the feeling, that you two have known each other for a long time?

Cal stood quietly, staring fixidely back at the ground, whereas Cam leaned against the climbing frame, sighing heavily, with a expression that read 'you've caught me'.

Cam: Are you going to tell her Cal? Or shall i?

A frown replaced your look of bewilderment, as you glanced from one to the other.

You: Tell me what?

Your voice shook as it spoke.

Cam: Meeting me was no accident, Tans.

Cal stood still, not breathing a word.

You: What are you going on about? Will you just spit it out!

You found yourself getting hot and irritated. They had been hiding something from you. Something deep was going on here. Cam snatched a sideways glance at Cal and knowing he wasn't going to say a word, Cam continued. 

Cam: Cal's been paying me to follow you around and talk to you.

It took a while for his words to sink in. It couldn't be possible? Why would Cal do that? You heart was pumping as you felt betrayed, hurt, angry and completely shocked.

Your voice seemed to have vanished as you let a small whisper escape.

You: What?

Cam: Pretty hard to believe, huh? Well its true.

He took a deep breath, then carried on.

Cam: Look, i needed the money. I got a flash Mercedes, i got bills to pay and a house to pay for. All i've got is a Hotel job. So how could i refuse some easy extra cash?

You: But...

Cam: All he asked me to do was talk to you and stuff. I thought it was pretty easy, for how much Cal was offering.

You: But, why?

Cal didn't budge, infact he didn't do anything apart from stand there.

Cam: Its all becuase of Bieber. Justin was a thret to Cal, because you were 'Cal's girl'

Cam's voice gave a scarcastic impression of Cal on his last sentance.

Cam: He didn't want to lose you. He was adament that you were gonna be his girlfriend, so thats why we've been following you around.

Looking perplexed from one to the other, you thought it through.

Cam: That first time we met at the beach. Well, Cal had rung you up and you told him that you were out with Bieber again. So he came straight over to yours and waited up your street. When you all came out in the beach buggies, he followed you. One of his skaters mates, had offered to drive him. Anyway, you know when you wondered off by yourself along the beach?

You: Yeh...

Cam: Well, he called me up. He knew that if he went over to you, himself, to see if you were alright, you would of got the hump. So i met up with him and thats when the deal started. He wanted to see what you were thinking, he wanted to know how you felt about Justin. I tried to find out as much as i could, but well, i was a stranger to you, so...

You: Is that why you were horrible to Justin?

Cam: Not really. No offence or anything, cause i dont know the kid, but i find his songs extremely annoying. I mean, hes proberly nice and that, but i'd rather just keep my distance.

You: Right. But why would Cal call you? I mean, are you close?

Cam: Nah not really. We met through our parents. We meet up the odd couple of times cause i get on well with all the skaters. Cal had heard that i was tight for money, so i guess the plan just formed in his demented brain.

He shrugged his shoulders.

Cam: In all fairness, i was expecting you to be some, mad drama queen, before i actually met you. When we parted at the beach, i told Cal he was off his head, stalking you. I mean, i personally think you really didn't deserve that. And if i hadn't of needed the money so bad, i would of refused the whole thing!

You: Dont try and suck up to me. The damage is done Cam. I cant believe either of you would do this to me!

You raised your voice slightly, forgeting where you were or what time it was.

Cam: I ain't sucking up to you, because i know what i did was wrong. I dont lick people arses like this one.

He shoved a thumb in Cals direction.

Cam: Im much prouder than that.

He gave a disgusted face at Cal, before turning back to you.

Cam: Anyway, we next met at the beach. You had told Cal that you weren't coming out, so again he followed you. He got me to drive him around that time. We followed the bus, in the car and then Cal got out and followed you at long distance, all the way to the beach. I just drove home, until Cal called me again, telling me that he wanted me to go over to you, as you sat on the beach. At this point, i was starting to think this whole thing was getting ridiculous. The more i got to know you, the more i respected you and disliked Cal. I wanted to tell you, but the thought of getting more money, overpowered me. Anyway, i didn't want you walking home in the dark with Cal still tracing your steps, so i offered you a lift. Remember when i walked of my drive and behind some bushes?

You let a small gasp escape as it all sunk in.

You: There was someone standing behind the bush! I couldn't see their face as we pulled off. It was Cal.

Cam: Yep. He was furious that i was driving you home, cause that meant he had to walk.

You: I dont believe this. I really dont believe it!

Cam: I know. I hate myself for it. But its done now, init?

You: So when i saw you at the beach, like, two days ago?

Cam: Oh. Well, i was just on the beach, doing some deeds and i spotted you. Thought i'd come say hi. Not through Cal though.

You: Oh arnt i special, you said hi to me off your own back!

He gave an slight smirk.

Cam: Me and Cal were at breaking point by then. Your mum saw us having an argument.

You: Yeh, bet you both thought i'd figured out what was going on.

Cam: Well i didn't think it would be long before you found out. Your not exactly dumb.

You stared at the pair of them, your mind buzzing. You couldn't believe what had been going on behind your back. Cal, your so called friend had been stalking you. It was absurd.

You: Hold on a minute... That time at this park. I was sat on this very climbing frame and i watched as Cal was trying to hold somebody back, through that allyway. It was you, wasn't it?

He frowned then smiled as it dawned on him.

Cam: Yeh. The skater dudes invited me over for some skateboarding. I phoned Cal to tell him i was on my way over and so he ran to try and stop me. I am much stronger than him, but he told me that you were there and we couldn't be seen together in front of you. So he held me back and threatened to call off the deal. I went home, furious. All i wanted do was to skateboard.

You turned to Cal.

You: How much was you paying him?

Cal finally glanced up. His face was distraught.

Cal: Enough.

His voice was barely audible.

You: Forgodsake Cal. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. How much is enough?

Cam: 300 dollars.

Your head swung in the direction of Cam.

You: 300... Your joking?

Quickly looking back at Cal, you rounded on him.

You: Where the hell did you get money like that?

Cal: Radio station.

You: Oh come on. I know how much you earn because i have the same wage and by the time you have paid for Cam, you must hardly have much left! Especially the amount of cinema trips.

Cam seemed to find all this rather funny.

You: Whats your problem?

Cam: Nothing, but let me say this. Im so glad im not Cal.

You frowned while turning back to look at Cal.

You: What does he mean by that, Cal?

Cal: Nothing.

You: Dont tell me its nothing. Dont start lieing now!

Cam: You know that neighbour of yours?

You met Cam's gaze as he spoke.

You: Wil?

Cam: Yeh him. Well, Cal knew he lost his job, because Wil worked in the same company as his mum. Cal knew he was in need of cash. He managed to persuade Wil to sell you to the papers. Cal took the photo of you and Justin and Wil gave the information to the magazines. They split the cash they got for it, between them. The cash Cal got, went to me and the cash Wil got went towards his trip to see his mum. Apprentely shes ill, so hes gone to look after her for a while.

You: Here's me thinking he was to cowardice to show his face.

You scowled at the night air.

You: This is unreal. You said you didn't want to see me get hurt, Cal! You bloody, arrogant, pathetic, ugly, selfish, tw** faced, tos***!

You didn't care that you were shouting. You hated him. Look what he had done to you? After calming down, the pair of them standing watching, as you let all your anger out. You had only just realised how dark it was. Everything that had been said and told, made you forget the world was still moving. You still couldn't take in everything that had been revealed, but know you knew what was really going on, you didn't want to hear anymore.

You: Well i dont have anything to say to either of you. Your both disgraceful. Infact, i never want to see either of you again. Cam, i thought you were at the least, a decent guy. To find out this is just... horrifying. And you Cal. Well, we already know that we need to go our seprate ways and i think all this has just comfirmed that, further more. You both dissapoint me.

You gave them both a meaningful look as they stood quietly gazing back at you. Cam looked dissapionted as his body lent against the climbing frame. However, Cal looked as if his worst nightmare had come true. His eyes were watery and lost as he stood limply next to Cam. You shook your head at the pair of them. Powerful hurt was starting to sting you as everything was sinking in. You turned around, wiping your eyes in the proccess as a tear leaked from your eye. Shutting the park gate behind you whilst giving them one last tearful look, you wiped your eyes along your sleeve and walked away, not looking back. Following the path back to the shops, your face wet with tears, it felt as if you were letting go of your past. For the first time ever, it felt as if you were moving on, heading somewhere in your life. Justin and this whole new world you had stepped into with him, was all that you needed to concentrate on now. That is the future. No matter how devastating it was, to find out the things that had just been revealed. It was not something you could dwell on, because its the past. Even so, there was something that Justin had said which was now, so evidentally true. You cant trust anyone.


Everythings being revealed now.

Justin finds out about the bet in the next chapter... *gasp*


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