The Untold Story Of The Seco...

By immalilbaby

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Honey L. Snape grew up rather sheltered, and although she was raised on Hogwarts property, she had barely eve... More

The Beginning
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Character Art!
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fiffteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Nine

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By immalilbaby

It had taken Honey a few weeks to fully collect herself, and thanks to headmaster Dumbledore she was given two weeks of in-home learning, away from the rest of the school.

Severus had suggested that letting Honey rest and take time to regain a hold on herself would be best in this situation, so that she wouldn't accidentally tell Harry or anyone else what she knew and so Dumbledore made it happen, for the safety of their plan.

During that time Honey made sure she was keeping up with the rest of her class even if she couldn't physically attend classes.

Her friends would send her letters to make sure she was okay, and her father taught her all about her real parents, even though it clearly hurt him.

After two weeks she returned to normal classes and was able to be herself to the fullest extent.

She got dressed early and made her way to the great hall.

She had one goal for the day, to figure out why Harry was avoiding her, and to fix it.

She wanted to be as close to Harry as she could be that way when he found out it would hopefully be less awkward between them.

She quickly straightened her jumper and then pulled open one of the large doors to the Great hall.

She quickly scanned over the Gryffindor table until she spotted a very specific Weasley.

She smirked at the sight before carefully skipping forward to the seat next to him.

"Hi, Ronald!" She said cheerfully as she gathered herself a small plate of food.

Harry stiffened slightly as he watched the girl sit down next to Ron.

Ron on the other hand had been stuffing his face so contently that he had no idea the girl was next to him until she spoke.

"Bloody hell Honey!" Ron exclaimed. "You snuck up on me," he finished his sentence by shoving another forkful of food into his mouth and turning away from the girl.

"I'm sorry," Honey giggled as she copied Ron and put a forkful of her own food in her mouth.

"So Honey where have you been? You have been missing all of your classes," Hermione said in her usually snarky know-it-all tone that always made Honey feel like giggling, but right then at that moment, it struck fear into her heart.

Her father never discussed what she should say to students or even fellow students when they questioned her absence.

"Oh, I was uhhh....practicing a spell at home and ended up cursing myself. Took me quite a bit to heal," Honey laughed nervously, normally she would have created a much better lie but Honey wasn't as good with improv as she was with practiced lines.

Hermione eyed the girl suspiciously but seemed to know better than to ask any more questions.

Honey looked over at Harry and as expected he looked tense, but not as tense as usual.

She thought for a moment, she wanted to say something that would gain their trust because at that moment she was sure she had not only lost some of Harry's, but Ron and Hermione also seemed to be being more cautious around her than normal.

She fought her brain to think of the last time they all seemed to trust her last, and that's when she remembered. She had been trying so hard to forget the night of the troll attack that she had completely forgotten that they had all helped her greatly that night.

"Oh Harry, Ron, I never got the chance to thank you for going and helping Hermione for me, I wish I could have been a bit more useful but I know I wouldn't have been able to take on a troll, but in the end, I was so scared that something would happen to you and it would all be my fault but I was wrong you guys are all truly amazing." Honey said sincerely.

All three children stared at Honey for a moment in shock.

Honey suddenly felt more awkward than before, had she offended them somehow? She panicked, fighting for her words she suddenly stood from the table.

"I'm so-sorry I probably shouldn't have- I am so sorry," Honey could feel her face heating up as she tried to step away from the table the embarrassment was far too much for her at the moment.

"Wait! Honey!" She heard Hermione call from behind her.

Honey stopped suddenly and turned ever so slightly to face the trio once again.

"I need to thank you as well, if it weren't for you being with me that day, or for you alerting the Harry and Ron things may have gone much worse," Hermione said uncomfortably.

Honey felt herself smile slightly as she fully turned her body back towards the group.

She looked down at Ron who gave her back an awkward sweet smile and then to Harry who gave her a slight nod, and suddenly it was like a large weight had lifted off her shoulders.

She slowly moved to sit back next to Ron.

"So Harry what was it like winning your first match of Quidditch!" Honey asked excitedly, forgetting instantly and discomfort she had felt before.

"Oh well-" Harry began but before he could finish professor McGonagall came up from behind Honey, resting a hand on the girl's shoulder.

"Excuse me mister Potter but I must star miss Snape away from you now, you see she has been absent for quite a while." The woman said calmly to the children.

Honey smiled at them all before she stood from the table.

"Bye guys! I'll find you guys later so I can hear your answer, Harry!" Honey said as she began to walk from the table.

Honey quickly followed after the Professor as she rounded the school hallways swiftly.

Honey began to feel the anxiety side within her.

All sorts of horrible possibilities came into Honey's mind. Such as if she had let professor McGonagall down by missing so many classes until finally, they reached the large Transfigurations classroom.

Honey remainder silent as they entered her anxiety finally reaching its peak as the teacher carefully set her glasses down on the table.

"No need to worry Mrs.Snape, you are not in trouble," McGonagall said kindly and calmly to the girl as she rumored to face her. "Quite the opposite in fact, after all, I am aware of your reasons for missing your lessons." She assured the girl.

Honey unconsciously let out a loud sigh of relief.

Honey watched as Minerva smilled just a bit at the girl, which greatly helped Honey calm her nerves much faster.

"Well if you don't mind me asking Professor if I'm not in trouble then why exactly did you need to see me? Not that I don't enjoy your presence, I just don't wish to waste your time." Honey said trying her best to seem confident.

"Well many reasons I suppose dear, please take a seat for now," McGonagall said as she gently pulled a chair out so that Honey may sit across from her at her desk.

"I was hoping we could perhaps test a bit more of your magical abilities, after our last meeting I found myself quite curious," McGonagall said smiling over at the girl.

Honey shifted in her chair awkwardly, was her magic in need of better training to be at par with her classmates? Did she really need more training to be at level with them?

She nodded her head slowly before pulling her wand from her pocket.

"What's first?" Honey asked eager to learn. Eager to be normal.

McGonagall was impressed by the girl's eagerness.

"Would you mind performing Lumos for me?" The woman asked calmly.

"But professor we have already learned that spell this year?" Honey questioned.

"Yes, therefore it's an easy starting point, wouldn't you say?" McGonagall mused to the girl.

Honey smiled weekly before pointing her wand into the air above her.

"Lumos!" She called waving her wand ever so slightly, and imminently a bright light emerged from the top of her wand.

"Very good." McGonagall nodded.

Honey spilled over to the woman.

"Nox," as soon as the words left Honey's mouth the light coming from her wand began to dull quickly until it was out.

"Now I was saving this assignment for the end of the upcoming term, but I feel you are ready," McGonagall said as she reached into her desk drawer and pulled out a small mouse.

"Oh, he's cute!" Honey said reaching out to stroke the top of its small head.

"Yes well is like you to turn it into a snuffbox," she said with a small challenging smile.

Honey swallowed hard, she knew that was far beyond her reach but she didn't want to let McGonagall down. She wanted desperately to impress the woman.

She pointed the wand at the small mouse and did her best to imagine the mouse transforming into an elegant snuff-box, and suddenly a blue light shot from her wand transforming the small brown mouse into a beautiful wooden snuff-box engraved with beautiful golden details.

Honey gasped at the sight, she never imagined the transformation working, let alone without any instruction.

Minerva was also genuinely impressed with the girl's work. The box was beautiful sure, but the real thing that impressed Mcgonagall was the fact that Honey managed to produce a snuff box without any real struggle or words. The only defect being two small whiskers on the front of the box.

"Very good Ms.Snape," McGonagall said hiding in her true feelings of surprise.

Honey smilled meekly to the woman.

"I have a few more spells id like you to try, don't worry there will be no more transfiguration I think you proved yourself more than capable." Minerva smiled as she gently raised her own wand to transform the box back into its original mouse form.

Honey giggled at the sight of the cute fuzzy creature as it paced the desk in confusion.

"Now I'm not sure if you have ever heard of the charm Flagrate?" McGonagall questioned with a smile.

Honey thought for a moment, she remembered reading about the spell a couple of years back to was a spell to create red sparks giving you the power to write in mid-air.

Honey looked back up to her teacher.

"I'm not sure professor..." Honey said allowed quietly. "But ill give it my best shot."

Honey was suddenly determined to not let McGonagall down, to always be a prize in her mind.

She stood up gently from her chair and pointed her wand into the air.

She drew gently in the air focusing on the burning bright light that was supposed to be emitted from her wand.

Honey focused for a few more seconds, but she was barely able to draw forth a few gentle sparks from her wand.

"It's quite all right Ms.Snape, you have given me light into your abilities and what I can actually teach you. You see it's no use teaching you spells and charms you already know. If you would like we may meet on Sundays for your own personal teachings," McGonagall looked down at the girl with immense pride and it made Honey feel important.

"Yes that would be lovely, thank you so much, Professor!" Honey said with a bright smile before pulling the woman into a surprise hug.

Minerva gasped at the sudden movement but as soon as she realized what the child was doing she gently placed her hand onto her shoulders returning the girl's hug.

Honey pulled away slightly just to look up at the woman's face.

"I can't wait to learn everything you have to teach me!" She proclaimed happily up to the taller woman

McGonagall smiled down to the girl "I feel exactly the same dear," Minerva gently let Honey go and straightened out her clothes.

"Now I suppose you should get going, don't want to waste your first day back," McGonagall said to Honey.

Honey smiled and then gave the woman a kind smile before she exited the classroom.

She gently closed the doors behind her.

As soon as she had firmly closed the doors she let a big sigh of relief washout of her body.

She quickly turned from the door, not quite sure what to do with herself at that moment.

Then she suddenly remembered, Harry never got to tell her about Quidditch.

With a new light lit inside her, she took off at high-speed racing around the halls of the school and rapidly turning corners until she smacked right into a group of people.

"What do yo-" she heard a particular voice call angrily.


"Oh, Honey it's you," the boy stopped to correct himself, the tone in his voice instantly changing from one of anger to one of worry.

"Hi Draco," Honey laughed out nervously.

"Crabbe, Goyle, bugger off will you," Draco called over to his two goons.

Both boys look at each other in confusion before shrugging and taking off.

Draco waited until both Slytherin boys were out of earshot before he turned back to Honey, grabbing her arms.

"Where have you been!" He called angrily shaking her slightly.

"I just got a little sick that's all Draco, I'm sorry I worried you," Honey soothed carefully gently moving her arms so she was holding the boy's hand.

Draco stayed in her grasp for just a moment loving the warmth she emitted, the safety he provided her, but quickly pulled away from her hold, scared to melt into her touch.

"You could have told me, or even wrote me a letter," Draco said crossing his arms.

Honey sighed. She never intended to hurt Draco she just assumed he didn't care all that much, but now it was clear to her that he did care. That she had hurt him.

Another thing she needed to fix as soon as possible, another person she never wanted to hurt again.

"Well?" Draco stared at her waiting for her response.

"I'm sorry Draco, your right I should have written to you, but I'm back now and we can spend the rest of the day together! Doesn't that sound fun? Just us?"  Honey held her hand out to the boy as an open invitation. Her smile big and true.

Draco looked down at her small hand and swallowed.

'Alone? Just the two of us?' He thought to himself, and if he was, to be honest with himself, he quite liked the sound of that.

He reluctantly placed his hand into Honey's and as soon his hand was firmly in hers Honey pulled him away.

Honey gently pulled the boy down the halls of the school smiling and giggling as she pulled along the confused blonde.

She dragged him outside into the cold lively air.

"Where are we going?" Draco asked as he struggled to pull his arm away from the girl.

Honey simply turned to wink at the boy and smile.

"Be patient!" She giggled as she continued to pull him towards a large tree.

Honey stopped just in front of the tree, releasing Draco from her grasp.

"Why stop us here at this stupid tree?" Draco called over to the girl as she looked up at the tree still smiling.

"This one looked like the best for climbing!" She giggled over to the boy.

"What!" Draco cried in confusion. "Do you even know how to climb a bloody tree?" He questioned the girl who had already moved to hold the tree within her hands.

"No, but how hard could it be really? Besides you could teach me." Honey said simply as she moved her hand up to grip onto a grove in the trunk of the tree just barely a foot over her head.

Draco was silent, how could he teach her how to climb a tree when he himself had never dared to try.

He watched her for a moment as she began to climb the tree, but it was clear that she was struggling.

"I'm going to laugh when you fall!" Draco cried as he watched her arms start to give.

He quickly took a few subtle steps towards her in case she really did fall, but there was no need, Honey had managed to regain her strength and moved so that she held a better grip on the tree.

She looked down at Draco and laughed.

"What's a matter Malfoy? You scared?" She jokingly teased the boy.

It wasnt much of a taught but none the less Draco turned a light shade or angry pink. She knew that was all the Draco needed to climb the tree.

"Me? Scared? Ha, I bet I can climb that tree faster than you can Snape!" Draco called with a pop as he immediately moved to climb beside her.

Honey smiled to herself, she knew that he was a prideful boy, and it really amused her to watch his reactions.

Honey picked up her speed as she climbed the tree determined to beat the boy.

Honey reached up to grasp t
large branch she detirmed was the finishing line and slowly she started to pull herself up until finally, she sat atop of the branch. She looked down at Draco as he pulled himself just behind her and she laughed slightly to herself.

"Hey, your lucky I let you get here first with your head start and everything." Draco puffed ashe climbed past her to sit down on the branch just above hers. Honey laughed again, but this time Draco laughed with her.

"So how has everything been going? How were classes without me?" She said almost joking. Draco smirked down at the girl.

"Nothing new really, it was all the same. Well except for defense against the dark arts it was so much more fun without me having to explain everything to you." Draco said devilishly.

"You wish you blonde troll!" Honey cried gently kicking the boy's branch from underneath.

"Me the troll? Have you seen yourself lately?" Draco joked in response as he secretly gripped the tree tighter in secret fear.

"You wish you looked half as good as this 'troll'" Honey replied boldly. Both children haughed again and  slowly they drifted off into blissful silence.
Draco stared down at the girl as she sat with her eyes closed enjoying the fresh air. She moved slightly feeling his eyes on her.

"It's been so long since I've been outside like this, it feels so nice," she hummed to herself, her eyes still closed as she listened to the sounds of the wind. Draco watched the girl for a moment longer before he too closed his eyes and listened to the wind.
Honey opened her eyes after a few minutes and looked back up at the boy, his eyes shut and a gentle smile gracing his pale face. He had the tiniest bit of blush from where the cold had nipped at him.

"It feels nice doesn't it?" Honey questioned absently. Draco looked down to meet her eyes in confusion.

"It feels good to just be a kid for once," she hummed softly with a smile as she looked down at the ground.

"Perhaps we should start climbing down, lunch will be served eventually I'm sure," Honey smiled back up at Draco offering her hand to help him down. Draco grabbed her hand slowly and climbed down the tree before her. Honey looked down at the ground once Draco was once again strongly on his feet, and she thought for a moment.

'The ground doesnt look as far down as it felt when climbing,' she pondered to herself, and without another thought, Honey jumped straight out of the tree. She langed on her feet only for a moment before quickly falling onto her back.

"Merlin's pants Honey!" Draco yelled at her as he helped her up. She quickly dusted herself off, and smiled proudly.

"Sorry I felt a bit daring, it was rather exciting though perhaps you should try it sometime!" Honey smilled to Draco.

"Your bloody mad!" Draco called at the girl with a slight laugh.

"Probably, but even mad I'm still smarter than you!" Honey said sticking her tongue out at the boy.
Draco laughed back at her and together they started slowly walking to the Great hall enjoying their short-lived time together before Draco would inevitably go bad to being, well, Draco. They walked down the corridor in silence for a few moments as Draco fought to find his words, and luckily he did.

"Would you like to eat lunch with me at the Slytherin table?" He asked trying his best to sound sure of himself.

"And sit with you and your girl counterpart, Draco number two? I think not, I would prefer your girlfriend not make fun of me all lunch," Honey said rolling her eyes. Draco instantly blushed.

"She's not my g-girlfriend!" Draco called embarrassed. Honey laughed at the boy poking him in his pinkish cheek.

"You better tell her that then," Honey giggled out as they reached the doors of the Great hall. They stood there together in silence both afraid to go forward.

"I think we better go in separately," Draco said quickly, his shame clear in his voice. Honey looked over to the boy wide-eyed and shocked.

"I-" Honey began to protest but she gave up before could start. She looked back to the door and smiled sadly. "You're right," was all Honey said before she opened the door just far enough for herself to squeeze through never looking back at Draco before she slid through the door.

Honey walked quickly over to the Gryffindor table where not only her friends were sitting but also Harry, Hermione, and about half of the Weasley clan.

She quickly sat down next to Hermione and Jemina who both stopped their discussion when the girl arrived.

"You okay Honey?" Jemina whispered over to Honey sensing the girl's feelings. Honey instantly pushed her emotions back and pulled forth the best smile she could manage.

"I'm fine! Was just thinking about the upcoming charms test that's all," She said cheerfully over to Jemina. Just then Draco came strutting into the Great hall, unfazed and perfect as usual.

Honey looked away from the boy and instead turned to Harry who seemed lost in thought as he stared down into his mashed potatoes.

"Hey, Harry!" Honey said smiling. Harry looked up at the girl in surprise.

"You never told me about that Quidditch game,"

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