The Maze Runner -Flare In Fla...

By PerryladyIsDaBomb

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•Third and Final book to The Maze Runner Series• Y/N and the others live happily ever after on the safe haven... More

Chapter 2~Her Speech~
Chapter 3~I'm Not Ready~
Chapter 4~I Am Here~
Chapter 5~Her Blank Expression~
Chapter 6~The Unwelcomed Visitor~
Chapter 7~Tentions Rising~
Chapter 8~Goodbye Safe Haven~
Chapter 9~Stowaway~
Chapter 10~Lights~
Chapter 11~Risks~
Chapter 12~The Agreement~
Chapter 13~It Doesn't Hurt Anymore~
Chapter 14~First Day On The Job~
Chapter 15~A Days End~
Chapter 16~An Act of Hope~
Chapter 17~Ryan Davis~
Chapter 18~To Let Him Go~
Chapter 19~Recruiting Day Pt. 1~
Chapter 20~Recruiting Day Pt. 2~
Chapter 21~Come Back For Me~
Chapter 22~It's Normal~
Chapter 23~Settling In~
Chapter 24~The Warehouse~
Chapter 25~Temporary Solution~
Chapter 26~The Opportunity~
Chapter 27~A Way Out~
Chapter 28~Pawns~
Chapter 29~Unexpected Guests~

Chapter 1~The Safe Haven~

2K 24 1
By PerryladyIsDaBomb

"All that has happened up to this point. Wicked, the Maze, deaths... it is all your fault." Janson whispers into my ear as I stand in a void filled with absolute darkness. "You helped put all of your friends in the Maze. You hold the cure to the plague that is wiping out the human race. All of this is because of you." He blames walking around me in the emptiness of space. I am unable to move. Unable to speak. My breath heavily pushing out of my chest. "And what are you doing?" Janson continues, "Stowed away on an island. Shredding any chance of humanity we have left. You are as selfish as I am." Janson stares at me, disbelief splattered across his ugly face. "Like father like daughter." He adds. A moment of silence fills the air around us. Quite frankly, I'd pick the quiet over his voice any day. "Don't think this is over Y/N. The Flare is still out there. Still airborne... it's only a matter of time before it engulfs the 'safe haven'." Janson uses finger quotations around the phrase safe haven. "Soon all of your friends will be infected. And you know what's even better?" Janson starts to laugh uncontrollably, unable to catch his breath. Spit from his chuckle episode flies around us. It is all too real. His laughing slows as he tries to catch his breath. "There isn't one person on the island who can create an antiviral. And even if they could, they don't have the resources... the equipment, I should say... to create it. All you are doing is... delaying the inevitable." Janson finishes his last statement with a mocking tone. Thomas and I use to say the same about Wicked... delaying the inevitable.

       My eyes flutter open at a slow rate. Half of me confused as to if I am actually awake. If I actually escaped my own mind. If I actually escaped the haunting of Janson.
       I lay there, no clue as to what time it actually is. Because I still hear the light and heavy snores of the people around me, it must be early. I rise up from my swinging hammock in a sitting position. My head pounding as the blood starts to circulate better in my body. My assumption was right. All the people inside my tent sleep on their hammocks, and in their sleeping bags. I close my eyes again, trying to fall back asleep but it's no use. I set up again, slipping on my shoes.
Thomas, Minho, Gally, Brenda, Jorge, Aris, Harriet, Sonya, Matt, and Landon all sound asleep. I guess Frypan is already up preparing breakfast for the island. I push up to my feet, stomach grumbling but no appetite. I use the hair tie on my wrist to pull back my h/c hair into a low bun. With that, I step out of the entrance. The sun barely peaks over the horizon, too early for most people to be awake. Everything is exactly as it was the day I woke up here, besides the new additions down the beach. This place has only grown, becoming more and more of a home. At least that is what everyone else calls it. But it hasn't felt that way with me, quite frankly I don't think it ever will... not without him anyway.
       I walk towards the kitchen, as I do every morning, asking Frypan if he needs assistance. Most of the time he says no, but it doesn't hurt to ask. The stick hut comes into sight, a hut much like ones our group would build in the glade. Tables and chairs set out outside. This place is much like the glade... only we have nothing to worry about. We're safe away from the dangers of Wicked and the Flare. I step through the propped open door seeing Fry and a few others preparing breakfast. I still don't know the names of everyone on the island. The amount of time we've been here, I imagine I should have learned at least most of them. "Now there's that face I love to see every morning." Frypan kindly smiles as he sets the plate mounded of bacon on the buffet table. "Good morning Fry." I answer with a smile. The hut is set up as if it was a school cafeteria. The door on the left is the entrance. You walk through grabbing the food you want, then exit out the right door. "Need any help this morning?" I question to not only the head cook, but to all of them. "I think we'll be alright." Frypan wipes his hands on a rag with a smile. I turn to walk out when someone calls out. "Actually Miss Y/N." A younger voice from the kitchen hollers. I turn around to a boy just a few years younger than me. "You can just call me Y/N." I suggest smiling. "Right... Y/N." The brown haired boy who seems to be new to the job. "Would you mind escorting Violet to Day Care this morning? I usually take her but today's my first day in the kitchen." The boy asks walking around the counter to stand in front of me. Violet is the young immune that we saved from Wicked. She's the one who asked me where... "Of course I will." I answer with a warming smile. "Thank you so much Y/N!" He excitedly states turning around. I make my way out of the kitchen heading in the direction of the sleeping tents.
       The sun is up a little more now as I arrive at the tents. I hear the giggles of the little girls, probably getting ready for Day Care. Day care is the closet thing we can substitute for a school. Most of the younger immunes we took from Wicked attend there for the day. I open the flap of the tent seeing the girls laughing and jumping up and down. "Look it's Y/N!" Violet smiles running up to give me a hug. Just like her and those other girls did the day I woke up here. "Are you taking me to Day Care today? Jonas said he wouldn't be able to." I smile starring down at the brown headed girl in low pigtails. "Yes I am. Jonas," I'm guessing is the name of the initiate, "started working the kitchen today." She nods holding her small hand out. She has to be about 6 years old. One of the youngest we have here. I gently take her hand and start heading in that direction. Everyone starting to wake up now, familiar faces start to exit their sleeping quarters. I see a glimpse of Vince's face through the small crowd of people. "Y/N! Just the person I was looking for." Vince laughs walking toward me. "Vince, you were looking for me? Actually can this conversation wait? I gotta get this little one to day care." I motion down to the little Violet still grasped onto my hand. "Oh sure thing! We will have a meeting after breakfast. Just me and you though. Not a full leaders meeting. I have to speak with you separately." Vince nods letting me by him. The leaders. Basically the people on the island who are in charge. Remember when I said it was like the glade... yea. That's how things are around here. It's the only way we know how to survive. We have the cooks, caretakers, doctors, builders, gardeners, hunters, and leaders. Each one of those names are self explanatory. The cooks make the food, caretakers work at the daycare, the doctors help the sick or injured, the builders build, the gardeners plant the food, the hunters kill the animals, and the leaders help any way that they can. It's a big system. Everyone does their part, and that's why we're still alive.
       We arrive at the medium sized tent known as the daycare. Tons of children run inside there like maniacs. I've helped out in the daycare before... that is one hard job. "Okay Violet, this is your stop." I say as she lets go of my hand. "Thank you Y/N!" She smiles running inside the tent shouting, "I got dibs on the sand box!" I can't help but smile at the fact. "Y/N." A familiar voice speaks behind me. I spin around to see Minho walking up. A smile is brought to my face as he returns it. "Yes Minho?" I question the Asian. "Vince wishes to speak to you. Privately." He informs, my eyes brows furrowing. "But Vince just said it could wait until after breakfast." I argue with a small bit of sass in my tone. "I don't know. He told me it was urgent. I will save you a plate. Go to him." Minho smiles as I hurry past him. What could be so urgent that he had to change is mind? So urgent that I can't even go to breakfast?

A/N: these first few chapters will be slow so bare with me! i promise it's worth the read :)

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