A Heart of Gold A Heart of St...

By XoWinterScorpioxo

925 56 102

Disney Academy, where all your Dreams Come True. The children of Disney's Legends prepare themselves for thei... More

Welcome to Disney Academy
Thank You's
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72

Chapter 51

5 0 0
By XoWinterScorpioxo

Author's note: Enjoy!

Soon enough the sun shone across the land. The students and staff began to awaken from their slumbers to start a new day. Coral rolled over and sighed, it was her first full day back, she flung her legs over the side of the bed however stopped.
"How did I get to my room?" She said, she thought back to the night before and remembered "Hans brought me here." There was a light tap at the door and she looked up.
"Coral? Time to go to lesson."
She nodded at the door and smiled a little before getting up.
"Coming." She headed towards the door and opened it; Hans stood smiling a little at her. She gestured to her room and Hans stepped in. "I'll be five minutes." She grabbed some clothes from her wardrobe and headed towards her bathroom.
"Did you sleep alright?" Hans asked absently staring around the room, Coral slowly started taking off clothes as she walked towards the bathroom.
"Yes. You?"
He hummed a response trying his hardest not to look towards the bathroom. The shower turned on and he fell onto the bed sighing loudly.
"Sounds like you didn't sleep."
"I did, just still tired. Come on we have science first and its experiment week."
"Joy..." Coral responded.
"Come on girl, you're taking ages in there!" Hans exclaimed after ten minutes. He heard the shower turn off and quickly averted his gaze as Coral walked out halfway through wrapping her towel around her chest and folding it over at the top so that it held itself on her body.
"I'm done now, besides its only 'little Professor Porter', what does he ever do?" Coral said matter of factly.
"Yeah, but I like science..." Hans whispered to himself under his breath.
"Hmm? What was that?" Coral called from behind her shoji screen.
"Oh, nothing. Just hurry up yeah?" Hans mumbled as Coral emerged in her usual clothes. "Erm, Coral? You... er... forgot a button." Hans laughed as he pointed to her chest.
"Ah ha, yeah, thanks." Coral replied, turning away and doing it up, she turned back to Hans. "Better?" she asked.
"Sure, we'll go with that." Hans nearly cracked up with laughter as he noticed every button on her shirt was one lower than it was meant to be. Coral looked down and cursed before she started to laugh with Hans.
"Screw it all." She said as she unbuttoned her shirt in the middle of the room, being careful not to let anything slip out while Hans was there as her corset only went up to the top of her stomach. Once she had buttoned back up they left the room and headed for science. 

Adelaide, Elsa and Kida walked down the corridor and headed towards the science room.
"Elsa are you okay?" Kida asked concern evident in her voice as they made it to the door.
"Yes..." She said quietly, Adelaide raised an eyebrow and placed her hand on Elsa's forehead.
"She feels a little hot."
Kida giggled
"She does look a little paler, are you not feeling well?"
"I feel fine." Elsa opened the door and greeted Professor Porter with a smile "good morning Sir."
He looked up and smiled at the three girls.
"Welcome girls, take a seat we have lot's to do this hour. Now then, everyone find a partner to do the experiment with." Porter addressed to the class. The students began dashing together to get into pairs. Slowly everyone had found someone, Adelaide and Elsa stood next to one another in an awkward silence.
"Right, shall we set up?" Elsa said quickly. "I'll get the ingredients, you get the apparatus." Adelaide just nodded and walked off to the store room at the back of the room. Coral walked in with Hans and they walked to a table at the back of the room. Professor Porter walked over to them.
"Hello there Coral, Hans. Welcome back Coral, Mister Frost over there does not have a partner and Hans I know you've done this experiment a million times before so you can do it alone." Hans nodded. "Coral? Would you please...?" Professor Porter said gesturing over to Jack who was freezing the water in the flask on the table.
"Erm, sure..." she said, she looked up at Hans.
"See you later champ." He said smiling.
"Okay." She said reluctantly, she walked over to Jack and stood next to him.
"Hi." He said.
"Hi there."
"How you been?"
"Good, you?"
"Yeah... good." Jack turned and looked at Coral, a hot feeling rushed up his body, he hated being hot. Coral turned and looked him in the eye, the two held the stare for a few moments before Coral broke off.
"So, do you know what we're doing here?" she said.
"Doing where?" Jack said confused. "oh the experiment? Yeah we need to titrate some of this to find out how much of this is needed for our potion" he said holding up two beakers, each full with a different liquid.
"Erm, okay, and how do we do that?" Coral replied.

Hans glanced over at Coral and Jack, he couldn't keep his mind off of her, seeing her wearing next to nothing had made him feel something he hadn't felt before. He returned his attention to his burette and stared at the beaker below it waiting for the liquid in it to turn a bright pink. A scream came from the other side of the room.
"I- I don't know." Said a bewildered Jack, his face black and his hair on end. Professor Porter walked over to the pair and sighed.
"Coral? What happened?" He asked, Coral turned to him before pointing a finger at Jack, Jack whined trying to sort out his hair.
"I have no idea, but he did it."
"Oh shut up Coral." Jack muttered, Coral smirked and raised her hand, the water slowly appeared above Jack's head she smiled before flicking her wrist and the water fell on his hair. He yelped as the cold water splashed over his face. The classed laughed before Professor Porter sighed.
"You two are dreadful and I thought Mr Rider was awful at science." The class laughed, Coral and Jack began to clean up the mess until the end of the lesson.

Clayton stared at the last group who all glared at one another.
"Coral... you may want to see your horse..." Coral snapped to attention.
"What's wrong with Rock-Pool?" She asked before running to the stables, the class slowly followed all talking over one another.
"What the hell?" Coral whispered as everyone gathered around the shocked girl, Hans and Jack sighed and rubbed their foreheads.
"We forgot to tell you, Ariel has spent a lot of time with your horse." Hans muttered in sadness.
Coral didn't utter a word but slowly nodded her head. Ariel ran forward and pushed past Jack Frost and Hans.
"I'm sorry Coral... Just Rock-Pool seemed so lonely without you and the boys were useless."
"Hey!" Jack protested.
"Ariel!" Hans added folding his arms in annoyance. Coral let out a small laugh before turning to the red head behind her, Clayton watched in curiosity, he had expected Coral to freak out however she calmly walked past Ariel and grabbed the grooming equipment.
"Alright my group. Better get working, I hate slackers." She threw a bucket at Jack and a broom at Hans, they stood with their mouths agape, Anastasia ran forward and picked up a brush and blushed at Coral.
"I promise I'll work this time."
"Good." Coral said she tilted her head to the side and placed her hands on her hips. "Got a problem you two?" Both boys shook their heads and moved into the stables.
"Not at all." Hans mumbled before cleaning, Coral laughed a little and settled herself down on the hay. Jack turned to her.
"What? Ariel likes Rock-Pool, which leaves me to do nothing." She lowered her pirate hat over her eyes and dozed as the others began to work.
"Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to..." Hans began.
"Please, just no." moaned Coral from under her hat. Jack Frost sniggered at the fool Hans had made of himself.
"What's so funny Frosty?"
"What me?" Jack asked in sarcastic surprise. "Oh, nothing, just your face Mister Prince!" He burst out laughing at his own joke.
"Both of you! Get back to work on my Rock-Pool!!!" Coral shouted out. "I need to rest."
Clayton had been eavesdropping through the stable wall,
"Ah, I'm glad she's back at last, that little mermaid does get on my nerves with her cuteness and her catchy songs." He glared at the thought but smiled again when he heard Anastasia scream.
"Jack! What did you do that for?!?"
"I was aiming for Hans, I swear!" said Jack defensively.
"Well now I'm covered head to toe in ice and snow!" Anastasia stormed out of the stables and Hans gave Jack a soft punch in the shoulder.
"Great, now we'll have a pissed off Coral and one less worker..." said Hans in disappointment.
"Your fault." Jack grunted, Hans just grunted in response.
"Erm, Coral? In case you didn't notice, Anastasia has left us." Said Hans. Coral looked up from under her hat, glared at Hans and stood up.
"Yes I know, and now it time to go." She said looking up at the clock on the wall. Ariel whined and gave Rock-Pool a small kiss on the nose. "Erm, Ariel? That was weird, please don't ever do that again." Said Coral in disgust, Ariel took no notice and skipped out of the stables to her next lesson. "You two can come back later and finish her off, okay?"
"Fine, we'll come back at lunch." Said Hans.
"Fine." Jack sighed and strutted out of the stables, Coral followed him out to magic class and Hans said goodbye before heading to history class.

"Coral it's so wonderful to have you back." Jafar drawled sarcastically, Coral took her seat and smirked.
"Good to be back in your dull class." Coral smiled at him as the class giggled a little. Jafar rolled his eyes and turned his attention to the board.
"I take it you didn't do the work sent to you."
"Of course why would you." Jafar sighed.
"Why Jafar did you forget I was out for a week, I barely remember the lessons you had been teaching me to begin with." Coral said sweetly. Jafar lowered his hand from the board and craned his neck to the pirate, she waited for his response however nothing came.
Elsa sighed and began to write down the date in her book. Jafar began to talk about the lessons Coral missed and went on about the art of magic and how to use in the correct manner. He went on and on Elsa continued with note making however Jack and Coral were amidst in playing with their powers, entertaining the class, they both continued to make snowflakes each one getting bigger and bigger than the other. Jafar stopped for a moment and there was a loud thunder clap. The students snapped out of their thoughts and turned away from Coral and Jack. The duo stared up at Jafar who glared at them both, the flakes turned to snow and slowly settled around them.
"What are you two doing? Are my lectures boring you."
"No." Jack began,
"Yes." Coral said smiling, "what are we doing this week? I don't need to learn the stuff from the previous week." Jafar folded his arms and sighed.
"Oh Coral. You are so difficult."
"Why thank you." She frowned Jafar turned his attention to the class and flicked his wrist a blank piece of paper appeared in his hand and he smirked at the confused looks of the students.
"This is a magical piece of paper."
"No really Jafar?" Jack Frost said sarcastically the class laughed and Coral pursed her lips together shaking her head slightly. Jafar closed his eyes and turned to his parrot.
"Iago be a dear." The bird flapped his wings and zoomed towards Jack Frost.
"Oh come on!" He jumped up out of his seat and flew backwards landing on Coral's table, the class became a loud uproar of screaming students and a squawking parrot. Jack Frost stayed still and Coral stared down at her ice covered desk.
"Jack you idiot!" She yelped before placing her hands on the table. Her palms began to glow red and the ice began to melt. Iago raced towards Jack Frost, he frowned for a moment before he howled loudly, his feet burning he jumped up and the bird flew straight into Coral's face, she screamed and fell backwards out of the seat. Causing half the class to laugh louder as Jack had fallen into Elsa's lap. She stared at him in disgust.
"Oh Frost..."
He smiled at her before he turned his attention to the pirate sprawled out on the floor.
"Get off of me Frost." Elsa said pushing him off her lap and onto the floor. Jack got up, walked over to Coral and offered her a hand. Coral looked up at him and took it reluctantly, he pulled her to her feet and smiled at her. She glared back and walked over to her seat. The class was still giggling as Frost took his seat once again.
"Well. Now that's over, may I continue?"
"You don't need to ask permission to start." Coral smirked, Jafar rolled his eyes before continuing with the lesson.
Coral looked at the card but it was still blank.
"That card, will show you one word, it will be the most important word to you at that specific point in time. However, there are two requirements that must be fulfilled; one, it needs the exact amount of magic flowing through the users hands, and two, you must be holding hands with the person who cares most about you." Jafar said to the class. The whole class stared in awe at the cards that had been placed in front of them by Iago as the teacher was giving his speech on the cards. "Also, sometimes two or three cards can work in unison to achieve a common goal." Coral stared at her blank card and popped it in her pocket.
"Your homework for next lesson is to try and recover the word on the card and report back to me with it, before you ask, I do know what word will show up and it is different for each and every one of you. Class dismissed."

Winter here!
See you next time!

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