Breaking the Code

By hiddenwriter1028

188K 12.8K 3K

Cover by @theWritersed - they are super amazing!! Sang spent her childhood waiting for the next punishment an... More

Three years ago
The Broken Light
See the Small Things
Help Requested-Author's Note
Breathing the News
No Matter Who Deserves It
Can't Leave You
Friend or Foe
Watching and Waiting
Who Are You Helping?
Just a feeling
What Did I Get Myself Into?
No One
The Final Straw
Useless Hopes
Setting You Free
My Smile
What Are You Hiding?
Caught In My Head
Help Please!!
Full Fucking Force
Smutty Reward
The Flow
The Truth Comes Out
What Do You Know?
Another Way?
Information Session
Life is Dumb-Author Note
Here Goes Nothing
Go With It
Telling All... Most... Okay, Some
I Saw It
That's Where She Lives
I Want to Live
Tell Me
I'm Sorry
For Now
For Hacker
I Can't Let Them
Question For My Readers
I Need To Know
They're Back
No Context Just Choose
You Needed It
Don't Do It
He Won't Leave You... Right?
Seeing Red
I Have To
Book 2

What The?

2.3K 173 44
By hiddenwriter1028

You guys are the sweetest. I love love love reading your comments they make my day. Please comment whenever you can because seriously, LOVE THEM. Please enjoy! Loves!!


Right before lunch I was pulled out of class and sent to the nurses office. Apparently Dr. Green decided it was time to drink my tea. He didn't need to know that my voice was gone after this morning. Maybe I can get some work done over lunch if this works. I doubt it though.

"Miss Sang! I'm glad to see you." I look at him in confusion. Didn't he call me down here? My face must confuse him because he doesn't look as confident after a moment. When I pull out the tea his whole face brightens to a blinding degree. Damn that's actually awesome. It makes his already handsome face insanely so.

When he hands me a coffee mug our hands brush and I feel my cheeks heat slightly. His fingers linger just a little too long for casual so I quickly pull away and refuse to look at him. When I go to make the tea I hesitate, I don't want to use the microwave. Just. No. Dr. Green chuckles lightly and points out a keurig in the corner. "Don't tell anyone. I stole it from Owen." he stage whispers to me with a wink.

The man in question walks in right as he says this. "You didn't steal it Sean. I told you to bring it in here today." Dr. Green pouts exaggeratedly. When he crosses his arms like a petulant child Owen lets a small grin, no wider than a millimeter, play across his face. Dr. Green's eyes twinkle slightly at the sight.

"Party Pooper."

"Ms. Sorenson I was actually the one to call you here." Taking a sip of the tea I nod to him. The warm herbal flavor splashes down my throat and I have to restrain myself from sighing out loud. "I wanted to speak with you about the last few days. I believe myself and my group owe you an apology." Before he can continue I wave his next words away.

They don't owe me anything just as I owe them nothing, well I guess I owe them a bit for the food and for staying the night. Other than that though no one owes anyone. "I assure you we do. We, I, had the wrong impression of you and did not behave in the correct manner. I know you have only been trying to protect us and many others. I apologize for how I acted." Damn dude I said it was cool. I wave off his apology again with a small smile.

Another millimeter smile flashes across his face momentarily. When he nods and starts talking to Dr. Green I drain the last of my mug. Just in time for lunch. With a smile Dr. Green's way I head out to the quad to try and deal with more idiots from yesterday. Dr. Green waves really big with a huge grin on his face. He's so weird but it makes me smile a real smile for a moment.

What the-? Why is Wil stalking the boys? I slip into an alcove to watch him closer. When Nathan stops to go into the bathroom Wil slips down a hallway and waits. What's going on here? I need to take care of stupidity but this seems more pressing. Why is Wil being strange and following people? Especially people not on the list?

Nathan exits typing away on his phone. After he places it back in his pocket I see Wil flip up a hoodie and start walking towards him. Creeping slightly closer I keep both boys in my sight. Wil knocks into Nathan slightly and mumbles an apology before hurrying off. What was that? Do I follow Wil or Nathan? Which is more important right now?

Something is bugging me about Wil so I quietly slip down the halls after him, making sure that my footsteps remain silent and I stay out of view. When Wil reaches one of the hidden cloves he stops and pulls a phone from his pocket. He doesn't have a phone. How did he- Nathan's. I watch as Wil connects the phone to a laptop he pulls from his bag. Where is he getting this technology from?

I assume Wil was able to hack into Nathan's phone by the triumphant smile on his face. Why did he want to? None of this makes any sense. When Wil starts packing up I slip down the and into the computer room. Crawler is in here and looks surprised to see me. Without saying anything I quickly log into one of the computers.

Crawler comes and stands behind me as I access the cameras down that hall I was in. Pulling up a camera set up I follow where Wil goes back to a locker. He places the laptop and Nathan's phone. When Wil is far enough away I race over. I left my bag in the computer room so Crawler knows I'll be back. I take Nathan's phone and get the numbers I need from the laptop to remotely enter it.

When I get back to the computer room I type in all of the information needed and start searching through the laptop Wil was using. What the fuck is all of this? Crawler sucks in a breath behind me and leans closer. "What is all of this?" I don't know. I don't fucking know and I hate it. I save everything I can find to my server and place a tracer into the laptop system. It won't be super accurate but it'll give me a rough idea.

Logging off I pull out the phone to look it over. Did he do anything to the phone? What was so important to steal this for? "Who's phone is that?" He places a notebook and pen beside me. While I look over the phone I write down Nathan without looking up. "Why do you have Nathan's phone?" I don't know. I will though.

Crawler looks concerned and I can't say I blame him. I am too. Why was Wil taking it? What does he know? Does it have to do with why he wants to talk? Should I be worried? Is Nathan hiding something? Is Wil? Are they all? Right before the bell rings I spot something in the phone. What the fuck is that doing there?

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