Angel (Marvel)

By godssoldier2045

83K 1.8K 421

Ash aka the Angel is a 13 year old Hydra experiment being raised by the winter soldier. "I don't regret it. I... More

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New book!
Aesthetics made by me!!!


9.5K 154 129
By godssoldier2045


I'm "asleep" in the cell I share with Winter he's on a mission right now.
By "asleep" I mean faking it waiting for him to come back. We arrived in Washington DC about a week ago from the base in Russia where I was mostly raised and trained.

So story time real quick.
Hey I'm Ash I'm 13. Going to be 14 in November.
My parents were Hydra scientists who tried to retire but apparently you're not allowed to retire from Hydra so when I was 3 and my brother Jackson 6 they were killed and they took us for two reasons.

1 make us into spies or soldiers or something and experiment on us like everyone else here.
2 to be companions for their prized possession the Winter soldier.
His brain was wiped so that's the only name I know him by. He gets bits and pieces of his past, stories he'll tell me when neither of us want to go sleep.
I haven't mentioned my brother in currant time because he was killed a few years ago on a mission. His death is actually what triggered my powers. Yay.
I'll get to my powers in a second.

I'm used as leverage to Winter if he won't do something they'll threaten to hurt me or hurt me like a slap or something. It works so as reward we get food and semi clean clothes.
Now powers.
I have magic very similar to my counterpart in Sokovia, code name Scarlet witch.
except my powers are purple like my wings, and I can make rope of sorts and a dagger with my magic. I'm still working on that.
Yes wings.
I have a pair of Angel wings that I can fly with and all that. When I'm not using them they go into my back and you see a awesome scar/tattoo of Angel wings on my back.
It's kinda cool and I even came up with my own fight movements that coordinate with my wings to work to my advantage. Only Winter knows about the movements because he helped me develop them. I've kicked his ass a few times and he was proud then flipped me into a arm bar and I'm reminded that I'm only 5'5 and well 13. Hahaha.
At first he was a big brother but now he's more of a father to me which is good. He's taught me stuff.
He protects me.
Haha he even braids my hair which is down to my hips.

Our cell is about medium size with a desk and chair then a twin bed which we share.
He lays on his back and I'm on top of him usually asleep in minutes where he usually is still awake thinking about stuff. I've read his mind a few times even though he's asked me not to but only a fellow telepath can sense when I'm in their head so I look in his head anyway.

"Ah! Put me down you big gorilla!"
I shriek as I'm lifted into the air.
"Hahaha nah upside to you still being tiny;I can do this." He says as he does a squat and throws me in the air.
As I land he catches me bridle style so I roll out, land on the ground put my feet around his ankles grab the ankles with my hands and I pull him down and jump on him and twist myself into a arm bar chocking him a little before he taps out, I let go doing a back roll.

"Upside to me still being tiny; I can do that." I say as I sit on the bed.
"Ok ok not bad but you forgot to truly win a arm bar with me is grab the left arm."
"Oi." I say dramatically rolling my eyes.
"Hahaha so what did you do while I was gone?"
"Drew a little, read a little, shouted in Russian at the American guard outside. I think he peed himself when I went into his head. Now how was the mission?
What was the mission?
Details man!"
"Ok the mission was take out Fury and I did. End of story."
"Blah is that all?"
"All you get to know." He says as he pushes my face into the pillow playfully.
" Rawgh When do I get to know the detailed stuff?"
"When your little brain can handle it."

"I'm smarter that most my age. I can take blood and all that stuff."
"Yeah ok then I don't want you knowing that stuff yet."
He says giving me a soft dad face.
At this the door opens and the scared american guard comes in with our dinner and I lock eyes with him giving a evil grin.
He puts it on the desk and all but runs out of room.
"I think he's warming up to me." I say with a sweet smile.
Winter laughs as he gets the tray and brings it to the bed.
On said tray is a ham sandwich cut in half.
Salad with no dressing.
And water plus nighttime meds.
I take a pain pill for my left knee that may have had a door landed on when I was 7 nearly shattering the knee cap so they put like glue on it and give me a pain pill so I just ignore it with a tiny tiny limp.
After dinner we brush our teeth and I don't want to go to bed.
"But I'm not tired so why do I have to go to bed?"
"Because you need sleep so you can grow and develop properly."
"Or I can make you go to sleep."
"Do you worst."
"Damn it." I say sleepily.
Odin is my shut down code.
Which makes me sleep.
He kisses my head.
"Goodnight my Angel."

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