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Peter just told me what happened and how he ended up in the Netherlands and I'm telling him I got nothing when my computer goes off.

"SOS Angel has fallen." I hear her voice on the computer from Mia.

"Peter did you hear that?"
I said into the phone.
"Yeah where is she?"
I hit some buttons and found her location.
"She's in Brussels Belgium."

I heard him tell Happy and now they are off to get her.
"Ok what's next for you guys?"
"We're going to the airport to fly to London in a half hour."
"Got it. I gotta go."
"Peter! Bring her back. Alive."
"You know I will."
With that he hung up and I collapsed on my bed.

"Lord in heaven. Keep her safe. Bring them both home. I know their missions aren't done yet."

Parker POV

We tracked her to a old warehouse, took out the guard and there she is.

She pale and sickly looking as she's passed out on the floor with a IV in her left arm going up to a bag.

I ran over to the bag it had a meter that said 96%.
"Mia what is this?"
"That is a Hydra device meant to drain her of her powers."
"Can we reverse it?"
"Yes. Take the tube and place it in the other nozel of the bag."
I did that and the number went down to 85% immediately.

I let out a sigh before moving to Ash.
I sat down and placed her head on my lap.
I felt for a pulse and it's very weak.
"Oh come on Ash. Don't do this. You have to wake up. Come-on."

I started doing chest compressions to get her just a little more alive.
She shot up gasping before I caught her as she fell back.
I picked her up bridal style grabbed the IV bag and ran back to the jet where I laid her down on the medic bed as Happy flew us to London.


I woke up on a jet.
"Ugh what happened?" I asked anyone before I saw Parker sitting on the bed.
" Your powers were being drained but I reversed it so you're getting them back."

Without saying anything I hugged him.
"Thank you."
"I couldn't lose you too."
I got up and looked at the Meter that said 36% so almost zero that means my powers will be fully back momentarily.

"Uh Ash what are you doing? Sit  sit back down you need to rest."
"No Parker I need to help you stop this psychopath then I'll rest. Now I need a suit. Do we have one on this?"

He smiled before opening a lab of sorts and a screen popped up.
"I got some ideas for a new suit you can build on. We got hour and a half till we get there."

I found a design I loved and Mia started with the bones of it and I worked on the sparkle.

It's a silver suit with purple detailing and a knee brace for my left leg with wrist gauntlets for fighting and magic.
The material is like the iron spider suit but a little less metal. The back has the design of my wings and my boots have a dagger in each of them.

I finished the suit and my powers were returned just as we were arriving.
Parker went to take care of the drones while I went to find our team.

Now the fight Begins.

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