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5 years later

Stark POV

Yay I figured out time travel.
I'll tell the guys tomorrow.
Right now I'm taking Morgan to bed.
We are in her room finishing our popsicles when she asks for a story.
"Ok what story?"
"No story. Tell me about my sister."
"Your sister Ash. Humm well I don't know what else to tell. I've told you pretty much everything about her."
"Why is her name my middle name?"
"Because I want you to have something to remember her by."
"Do you think you can bring her back?"
"I hope baby. Alright,
Morgan Ash Stark, bedtime."
"Love you tons." I say kissing her forehead.
"I love you 3,000."


I woke up again in the same woods in Wakanda.
"Ugh. What happened?"
I asked sitting up as Okoya ran up to us and hugged T'Challa.
"It's been 5 years. We have to help them."
"Help who? What do you mean 5 years? What happened?" Winter said standing up and pulling me up to my feet.
"The snap happened erased half of the universe. That was 5 years ago. Now the team used time travel to get the stones before Thanos did but.. now past Thanos is trying to get them from us."
"Ok we do need to go. But we'll need everyone we can get." Sam said coming up next to us with Rodes.

"And not to bring attention to me or anything but can we get my leg looked at and maybe patched up just a little before we go fight aliens? Just an idea."
They all smiled at that before Winter picked me up bridal style and we walked to the castle and found shuri in the med wing waiting.

"Yeah that's definitely broken." She says looking at it as I laid on the examination table.
"Yeah no shit. Got anything for now?"
"I do. It's new and works great."
She brings over a brace similar to Rodes robotic legs but it has Vibranium   laced enforcements.
"This will enable you to still use your leg and fight while it is slowly healing."
"Ok put it on." She lifted my leg and placed it on.
It feels interesting.
but it's doing the job.

Off to the battle.

Sam and I flew out and around before landing next to the rest and the battle began.

I'm flying around shooting magic when needed and I see Stark about to get hit.
I landed behind him with a magic shield before I flung the creature away for Scott to step on.

*Breathing heavily*
"Hey Tony."
He pulled me into a hug and held me.
"Oh sweetie I'm so glad you're back."
"Glad to be back too. I'm sorry. About how I was before and everything. I think that was teenageness but you've been added to the Ash family list." I say with tears in my eyes looking at him as he smiles.
"I love that. And there's someone back home that has wanted to meet you her whole life so don't die."
"You got it man."
I saw in his head a check list with Parker and I checked off.
I wonder what that's about.

He kissed my cheek before I flew off  only to almost get shot down when Thanos decides to rain fire on us.
I brought my wings in, crash landed  crawling under a rock.

"Anyone want to take care of the space missiles raining down on us? Or should I just go take care of that?" I asked on the comms.
"I got it Angel."
I heard a female voice I'd never heard before on the comms.
I looked up as the ship was being destroyed by a glowing ball of light.

When it stopped I saw Parker with the glove and I ran to help him.

(I couldn't find one of just the fight 😂😜 so here's this one.)

I fought some more before I heard on the comms,
"Guys he has the glove. Backup now!" I found him and Capt Marvel.
I flew in just as he was throwing her away.
I made a wip with my magic and grabbed the glove hand.
Distracting him just enough for Tony to go in and grab the stones without him noticing as he is trying to fight with one are being held back by me.
My magic got tired and the wip broke making me fly back.

The next course of events was too fast.
Too unexpected.
I wasn't ready at all when Tony snapped his fingers.
The hand that had all the infinity stones.

"And I am Iron man."

With the snap all of Thanos' mutts and himself became dust and blew away.

I stood there smiling in shock before I saw Tony fall up against a broken wall.
Pepper flew in and held him as he took his final breath.

The realization finally set in and I ran to him and collapsed infront of him crying out all emotions.

"No. Tony come on. We won. Come back. Dad we won. Please come back."
I fell forward onto him crying as Parker came running over crying.
I looked around and saw the rest of the team kneeling.
I walked over to Winter and I cried as he held me.

Tony Stark is dead.

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