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I'm in the jet about half way there when I felt a magic jolt through the universe and saw a orange magic strand go by me.
"Ah crap. I guess I'm going tomorrow."
I hit my bracelet that made my lose pencil skirt and purple suit blouse leave before I was put in my semi nano tech Angel suit.
I went to the cargo hold and opened the door before I just jumped out and flew back to New York.
"Mia find me Parker."
"He's on the highway heading to the airport fighting an octopus."
"He's doing what?" I said and flew faster but came to a stop seeing a car hanging by spider webs and some guy with mechanical octopus arms holding Parker upside down.
I sighed and landed on the non active train tracks beneath them.

"To the crazy haired octopus human holding my friend. Put him and the car down!" I shouted from the ground and the guy looked down at me waving as Parker got the nano suit to take control of the arms without him noticing.
I flew up and hovered there.
"Who are you?" The guy asked.
"The Angel. Who are you science experiment?"
"I am...ah..what?" He looked as Parker used his hands to control the mechanical octopus arms to bring the car and themselves up to the road.
I chuckled and followed them up as he made one arm go around the guy and he went to the car.
"Peter Parker. You're a hero. I'm going to talk to the board personally about you and your friends."
I smiled hearing that.
"No ma'am this isn't about me..I."
I went over and held his shoulders.
"He's so grateful ma'am thank you."
"No thank you Spider man and Angel." She smiled and got out going to her security guy yelling at him.

"Yay you guys are good. Now who the hell is that guy?" I asked Parker pointing to our prisoner.
"First promise me you won't get mad."
"Oh Parker you know I can't promise that at all...now tell..." As I'm talking an orange ring surrounds the 3 of us and we're transported to a dungeon with us in the middle and our bad guy in a magic cell.

"The hell is going on....?" I asked looking around processing.
"Oh good you're here Ash." I looked as Dr. Strange is walking over with a spell in a box.
"Yes I am. What is happening?" I walked over to him with the heels on my boots clicking on the stone dungeon floor.

Strange points to Parker.
"This one came to me to do a forgetfulness spell so everyone would forget that he's Spider-Man but the kept changing the spell as I was casting it and then the spell exploded and the multiverse showed up so bad guys from other universes have come."
"Well when you say it that way you make it sound bad." Parker says and I throw a small rock at his head.
"You deserved it. Ok Strange so you're telling me that octopus man is from another spider man universe so there's more than one spider man?"
"Let me put it this way." He turned to the guy in the cell and pointed to Parker.
"Is that Peter Parker?"
"No. And I have no idea who the girl is." The man responded.
I sighed and grabbed Parker by his shirt collar and dragged him to the little office area.
"Ok so when I say, ""I'll be back, I'm going to go talk to MIT don't do anything stupid." You heard, "I'm going to go talk to our wizard friend and try a dangerous spell that could tear apart the universe?"
Parker looked at me a little nervous.
"Again when you say it that way it sounds bad but my intentions were completely innocent.... I just messed up.. are you mad?"
I put him down and ran my hands through my hair, letting out a breath.
"Surprisingly I'm not. Just frustrated yet happy because Pepper and Morgan are safely in Europe so, what do we do to fix this?" I asked and looked at Strange.
"First you guys need to go get the rest of the bad guys then we'll send them back."
"How do we catch them?" Parker asks walking over and Strange takes his nano suit and makes a spell on it.
"Shoots this at the person and in the cell they go."
"Sounds good. Ash we'll need our team?" Parker looks at me as my nano suit goes back into my bracelet so I'm back in my outfit.
"Who's we?" I asked jokingly and he just looks annoyed.
"Please this is a team situation."
"Yeah I know, let's go. Strange we'll be back." With that Parker and I went to get our team.

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