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"Hey Tigers don't forget homecoming is Friday be sure to get your tickets and your date!"
Is what I hear on the TV when I walked into the school Thursday morning.

"What is the big deal with the homecoming dance?"
I asked the guys as I opened my locker.
"It's a tradition. And it's fun watching guys try and fail at asking girls Evey year." Ned said with a smile.
"Fun. So Parker are you going to ask that Liz girl you were talking about?"
"Maybe. Do you think she would say yes?"
"I can read her mind to find out."
"Humm later. What about you Ash do you have a date?"
"Yeahhh I'm not going."
With that Ben chocked on his water he was drinking.
"What why not?"
"Because I don't know what happens there and it sounds boring."
"It's only boring if you don't have friends or a date to hangout with."
"Ok guys I have an idea. To encourage Peter to ask Liz and Ash come to the dance tomorrow let's all find dates. I'll ask Michelle." Ned said with his mind really happy.
"Ok but how do I ask Liz?"
With that Ben got on one knee in front of me taking my hand.
"Like this. Ash will you do me the great honor of letting me accompanying you to the dance tomorrow evening?" He said with a smile and a posh British accent.
"Uhh Parker don't do it like this."
"I agree. But Ash yes or no to Ben there?"
He said pointing to Ben.
"sure why not."
"Yay!" He says hopping back up to his feet.
"Ok that's settled. Parker go ask her." With that we all pushed him down the hallway and he speed walked to go find her.

"You think that'll work?"
Ned asked.
"Maybe." Ben and I said together with our arms crossed over our chests.

The rest of the day went on as usual and then I flew home freaking out just a little.
"Friday where's Pepper!?" I shouted through the house.
"Right here. what happened?"
Pepper says walking down the stairs.
"I have a date. For the homecoming dance tomorrow."
*Gasp* "Ash that's great! Who is it?"
"Ben. And it's not great. I'm freaking out. I don't know what happens at these things. I don't know what to wear or anything like that."
I say now pacing.
"Ok calm down, I'm going to go grab my purse than we'll go shopping for your dress." She grabs my shoulders to make me stop pacing.
"Yes. Dances usually imply dress."
"Oh boy. Should I probably tell you that I haven't worn a dress since I was like 4."
"I know. Don't worry we'll find you a beautiful dress that'll look amazing on you."
"Ok but I'm not wearing heels."
She smiles sweetly.

We went to a dress shop that apparently Pepper has been to so many times that the lady there knows her name.

"Pepper hi. How are you?"
"I'm good Jan. This is Ash she needs a dress for the homecoming dance tomorrow. Can you help?"
"You know I can. Come on." She smiles brightly taking my hand and pulling me into a dressing room.

(Imagine a video of Montage of trying on various dresses.)

"Ok try on this one."
She hands me a purple dress. Like the 5th purple dress.
"Why are we going with the purple theme?"
"Because your powers are purple so it will go together. Oh do you have a purple tie i can give her date?" Pepper said from somewhere in the store as I'm putting on the dress.
"I do. What's his name?"
"Ben. He's quite fond of Ash actually. Has been over to our house like 2 times."
Pepper said in a mom voice. (I don't know how to describe it but you know I'm talking about. 😂)

"Ohh. Alright Ash come out!"
I walked out in the purple dress. That is actually my favorite of all of them.

*Both gasp*
"That's the one." Pepper says with a smile.

" Pepper says with a smile

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"It is. Now shoes. I'm thinking just some ballet flats. Silver ones."
Jan says running off to get the shoes.

"How do you feel?" Pepper says coming up behind me as I'm looking in the mirror.
"Different. But not a bad different."
"I think you look beautiful and I know Ben will too."
I smile brightly at his name.
"You like him don't you."
"I think so. He's so sweet and funny and he's been way more understanding about everything than I expected and he's.. he's just a great guy."
"He is. I think he's perfect for you."
I gave her a hug.
It feels good to have a mom.

Jan came back with the shoes and they fit perfectly.

After we got my dress we went to another store because now that I maybe kinda like dresses Pepper wants to get me some casual dresses.

We found a couple of various colors then headed home.

The next day I actually wore one of those dresses to school.
I put on black leggings with a purple stripped dress and a black sweater with thumb holes in the sleeves with my favorite boots.

"Hey you look pretty!" Pepper said as I came into the kitchen.
"Oh give this to Ben when you see him." She said throwing the purple tie at me.
"Because matching your tie to your girls dress is tradition."
I put the tie in my bag grabbed a bagel and flew off to school.

"Hi. Wait are you wearing a dress?!"
All three of them asked me in shock as I got to our lockers.
"Yeah. Why? Does it look bad?"
"No it's great. You look great." Ben said with a smile.
I smiled back.
"Thanks. Oh Pepper told me to give you this." I said handing him the tie.
"So you're wear purple. Got it."
"Yeah. Oh Parker, what did Liz say?"
"She said yes!"
"Yeah!" We said together in celebration.
"So it's all set."
"Yes it is."

Ok school check.
Next is dance.
My first dance.
Let's see how this goes.

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