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The funeral is set for Saturday and it's Friday.
I'm at the new york house driving to Ben's house. I need to talk to him.

*Knock knock.* The door opened to reveal his mother.
She pulled me into a hug and held me as I cried a little.
"I'm so sorry about Tony."
"Thank you. Where's Ben?"
"He's in the backyard love."
"Thank you."
I walked through the house and saw Ben in the backyard with a crossbow?
He was so focused he didn't even notice that I came up behind him.
As he released the arrow I threw a magic dagger that took out the arrow.

He turned around with tears in his eyes.
"Hey." I say looking at him also with tears in my eyes.
He dropped the bow and hugged me tight.
As if I would disappear.

"I thought I lost you." He says pulling out of the hug and running his hand through my hair.

"I told you I would come back. Were you waiting 5 years?"
"No, I turned to dust too. I can still remember my mother's scream."
I let out a little laugh with him.
"Before this happened there was something I needed to tell and still want to tell you because I don't know how many people I have left and...."
Before I can continue he kissed me.
A passionate soft kiss.
"I love you."
"I love you too."

He pulled me back into the kiss and we stayed there for a few minutes before going to sit on the outside couch.

We're sitting on the couch and I'm laying on his lap as he looks down at me lovingly.

"Why did you decide to take up archery?"
I asked looking over at the target and back at him.
"I started when I came back from being dust. As much as I love being the medic I don't want to be just the medic who pulls you from danger. I want to be shooting the bad guys too."

"I get that. Did you pick the bow so you can be the hawkeye of the new avengers.?"
He smiles.
"No. The bow just agreed with me. Now as you said the new avengers, does that mean you're in charge now?"
"Yeah it does. Haha it's funny. When  Tony asked Parker and I to be avengers I told him that I wasn't ready for the whole title and stuff that goes with being an avenger. Now I'm the leader of the team and because the old team are either dead or retired. I have to build the new  avengers."
He takes my hand gently rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.
"You'll be a great leader. and remember that I'll be with you every step of the way."
"Thank you." I say moving my hand and his kissing his hand.
I sat up and looked at him.
"Will you come to the funeral with me?"
"Do you think it would be ok?"
"Yeah. Besides everyone says they want to meet you." I said with a smile as he gets a scared look on his face.
"Oh great, time for the father  meets boyfriend talk."
I started laughing and fell over back onto his lap.
"You'll be fine. They'll love you. Like I love you."
He smiles before pulling me up into a kiss.

"It's tomorrow and I was going to spend the night at the new york house before going. Do you want to stay with me?"
"Over night? Are you sure?"
"Yeah. We could order pizza or something and watch movies. I just don't want to be alone with my thoughts."
"Only if we can order bacon and sausage pizza with cheese fries."
I let out a laugh.

After he packed up his stuff including his funeral suit  and I drove us to the house.

We ordered the pizza, I went upstairs to change into comfy clothes and came back down to see Ben in the kitchen looking at avengers tower.

"I'm thinking about buying it back for the team." I said from the kitchen door.
I walked over next to him by the window.
"Yeah. I don't really like the HQ upstate. Too far from the action of the city. So I think I'll find out who owns it and buy it back."
"Sounds great."
He says hugging my waist placing his chin on my head.
"Thanks for the reminder of my shortness."
I can feel his smile.
"You're welcome."
I abruptly turn my head up to him.
He gave me a smile before kissing me.
"Love you...." He says in a high pitched singsong voice.
"I love you too you dumb Brit."

The pizza showed up and we set up the first movie.
Little women.
Than Harry Potter and the sorcerer's Stone.
After that Race to witch mountain.
Nanny Mcphee.

After the last movie I decided it was probably best to get some sleep.
We have a long day tomorrow
The cabin is in maine so we are going to take the jet that is in the pool.

We walked upstairs and I gave him a kiss goodnight before going into my room.
"Alright goodnight love."
He says as he goes to shut the door.
"Will you stay with me?"
"Yeah of course."
He climbs into bed next to me and I lay on his chest.
"I love you."
"I love you too."

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