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"Ok Ben I can walk without you leading me like a seeing eye dog." I said as we walked into the school.
I'm on crutches.

And because of that Ben is treating me like I'm some beat puppy.

"Ash we just want to make sure that you don't hurt yourself anymore than you already have." Parker said from his locker.
"Oy guys I'm fine."
"You should have taken the wheelchair. Less strain on your leg." Ben says with a scolding voice.

"Seriously. I've broken my leg before."
"Yeah but not like this."
"Actually the first time a metal door fell on it. So yeah a little like this."
Ben rolls his eyes with a "oy"

Parker noticed that people are looking at us, mostly at my leg but still more than usual.
"What do we tell people about Ash's leg and the cuts I have on my face?"
"Well people know I'm Angel and there's footage of me fighting him so we say the truth about the leg. For you.... Say you fell out of a tree."
"They would not believe that I fell out of a tree."
"We would." Ben, Ned  and I say at the same time.
Parker gives us a shocked look.
*Sigh* "fine I fell out a tree."
"Great." As I said that I saw Liz down the hall with tears on her face.
The guys followed my gaze and saw her too.
"Should I go talk to her? I'm the one who got her dad thrown in jail." Parker said turning to look at us.
"I think it would be best and remember You didn't, Spider man did." Ned says in our little circle we made.
"Ok. I'll see you guys later." With that he's gone. As is Ned.

Ben and I started walking to class when I noticed that he's just looking at my backpack.

*Sigh* "would it make you feel better if I let you carry my backpack for me?"
"Yes, yes it would."
"Ugh fine." I shrugged off my bag and he took it.
"Does your chivalrous mind feel better now?"
"Wait Ash it's not just that." I stopped and turned to him.
"Why did you feel like you couldn't tell me at the dance that you and Peter had to go do superhero stuff."

"Because.. because I didn't want you to get hurt. I don't know what I would do if you got hurt or worse."
"Ok I get that. But this goes back to you thinking you have to take the bullet. You don't. Not always. Ash I knew what I signed up for the minute I found out about Peter, you and the whole superhero world.  I know how dangerous it is and I'm ok with that."
"Yeah. You and spider man can't be the only ones risking your lives. As medic I run into the fire to pull out the injured. And I'll do that."
I moved closer and hugged him.
"Thank you."
"It's what you do for your best friends."

Around lunch time I got a text from Happy telling me to meet him outside and that's where Ben and I went.
Ben came saying he wants to help me down the stairs.
Oy, man forgets I've had worse injuries.
"Hey Happy. What's happening?"
"Tony wants to meet with you and Peter."
"About what?"
"You'll see. I'm going to go grab him. Be right back."
"Wonder what's that about?"
"I don't know. But the GPS is set for upstate. *Gasp* the new headquarters!" I said happily getting in the car.
"Really? You're just going to leave me? At school."
He gives me a look.
*Sigh* "I'll text you when we get back. I still live in the city."
"And I don't really want to live upstate. There's too much I haven't seen in the city. That you haven't shown me."
"Fine." He says with a smile.

Happy and Peter came back, Ben went off to class and we were off to the new avengers HQ.

"Whoa." We said as we pulled up the driveway.
"Cool right? They just finished the remodel."
We got out and I tried to keep up but I'm not as fast as I'd like on crutches.

"Ah there they are. Happy and my little proteges."
"Hey Stark. What's going on?"
"The future. Guys welcome to your futures."
Two glass pods came up from the ground with a iron man suit but designed like Peters suit.
A suit similar to mine with purple  iron man  style wrist gauntlets and boots with jets. Along with a left knee armored brace.

"These are for you. Now there's a bunch of news people waiting for a big announcement. So give them a look, put them on and I will announce to the world the newest members of the Avengers. Spider man and the Angel."
"Are you serious?" I asked in shock.
"Yes I am. Now there's the figuring out of rooms. Ash, you can have one next to Wanda whenever they come back and Peter I got your room next to Vision. Just a warning he hasn't really figured out walls and doors yet."
"Uh I have to say no."
"No?" Stark and I both asked looking at Parker. Parker walked closer to me to talk.
"Yeah I mean Ash, we got a pretty good thing going on back home."
"Yeah you're not wrong. And it would be nice to set some roots in our school."
"I'm sorry, you're both saying no to becoming Avengers?" Stark asked clearly confused.
"Yes. We got a good team back home and I'm not ready for the whole title and all that of being a avenger." I said with a smile.
"You're both saying no. Officially?"
"Yes." Stark looks at me next.
"Hey don't look at me. I do what he does just with more sparkles."
"Alright. Uh then you can go home."
"Thank you though for the opportunity."
With that we left.

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