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So our plane leaves at 8, it takes us about a half hour to get to the airport by the nice lady driving us.
A half hour to an hour to get through TSA taking into account of Winter's arm that we might have to explain beyond what the papers we have say, stating that he has a prosthetic.
So why is he waking me up at 5:00am?
I don't know.
But he said that we can get donuts there so not going to complain too much and I'll probably just sleep on the plane.

We got dressed, him in jeans, a long sleeve shirt and a zip up hoodie with combat boots. Me in jeans a long sleeve shirt and a flannel shirt with sneakers. I put in my earrings and brush my teeth then we are good to go.
The lady who runs the motel insisted on driving us so we loaded up into her car and she drove us to the airport.
After about a half hour we are there and waiting at TSA with our passports and boarding passes.
I'm trying not to read all the thoughts of the people around us but it's hard when there are so many people.
Finally it's out turn.
We take off our shoes and put them and our bags in the bucket.
Winter wrapped his socks around the handgun so many times not even a dog could find it. Just like they taught him.
I went into the metal detector first with him behind me watching everything and everyone especially the agent motioning me to move forward saying I was clear. Next is Winter.
He comes forward holds his arms above his head and there's a beep but I give the guy the papers about his prosthetic arm and he hits some buttons and Winter is good.
I release a sigh I didn't know I was holding.
"That went better than expected."
I said as we are putting our shoes back on.
"Yeah it did. Alright let's go find our gate then I need coffee."
"Haha and you owe me a donut."
He puts his arm around my shoulder as we walk to find our gate.

We found our gate then went on the hunt for food.
He got a coffee and I got my donut. Strawberry frosting with sprinkles.
We got some time to kill so we are in one of the shops looking around and something just caught my eye.
Up on a shelf sits a medium size wolf stuffed animal with pretty blue eyes and a fluffy tail.
"See something you like?" Winter asks coming up next to me.
I point to the wolf pup stuffy and he smiles reaching up to get it.
*Gasp* "really!?"
"Yeah you need a little friend."
I give a big hug before we go to adopt my new friend. Who I have named Hunter.

We get back to our gate with about 15 minutes before they start boarding so we just sit down.
"What are we going to do about school for me?"
"I was thinking I just homeschool you till we get settled somewhere safe. And you're already pretty smart from all the reading you do."
"Oh that's a good enough plan."
I say with my voice unintentionally sounding sadder.
"What is it?"
"I was just hoping maybe I can go to school. Have friends. Maybe a semi normal life."
He kneels in front of me and holds my hand.
"One day. One day when we aren't hiding or running I'll try my best to give you the amazing life you deserve. I promise."
With tears in my eyes I move forward and give him a hug around his shoulders.
"I love you."
"I love you my angel."

"Flight 656 to London now boarding at gate 9."
"That's us. Ready for the new world?"
"Ready for the new world."
We get up, wait in line and board the plane.
We are in the front of the plane and I of course took the window he took the aisle.
There's only two seats in our row which is lucky so we don't have to talk to anyone.
The flight attendant goes through the emergency procedures for the plane then we start to taxi and take off.
"Wow." I say see the world from the air for the first time.
New world here we come.

Winter POV

About a hour after we took off Ash fell asleep on my shoulder and I moved my arm so she is now on me dead asleep holding her new wolf puppy.
The conversation we had before starts going through my head.
What if I can't give her the life she deserves?
What if I fail as a Father?
What if none of this works?
I guess I'll try my best and see what God has planned for us.

I'm writing down stuff in my notebook with some difficulty because of where Ash is on me but I manage, when a flight attendant with blonde and with pink highlights comes up with a smile asking if I want anything to drink.
"Just water thanks."
"And your daughter?"
"Haha no thanks. I think she's out for the rest of the flight."
"She's precious. You're doing a great job."
"Thank you." I say with a smile.
She gives me my water I thank her and she goes on to the rest of the passengers.
That was definitely God telling me, "you got this."
"Maybe I can do this."
We'll have to see.

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