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"Ash great news! You're going to school!"
Is what I hear as I'm sitting on the island in the kitchen reading the paper.
"Excuse me?"
"You're going to school. The same school Peter goes to actually."
"Because I need you to watch him. And school will be good for you. Make some friends. You know all that stuff."
Stark says sitting down next to me.
"Well if she's going to school than she will need some new clothes. We'll go today after breakfast." Pepper says sitting down also.
"Uh I don't need new clothes or anything like that."
"Yes you do. New school means new Ash. First impressions are everything."
"My first impression with Parker was I put a magic dagger to his throat while poking around in his head."

"Then a new first impression. I need you two to be friends so you can make sure the kid doesn't go get himself killed or something."
"Ugh fine."
"Perfect! Go get dressed."
Man Pepper is way too happy to take me shopping.

I went back to my room and changed into jeans and a t-shirt with my boots and Winter's flannel shirt.

After 5 hours of shopping we came back and I'm exhausted.

"Ok so now we have to figure out what to do for your hair for tomorrow. Ash ideas."
Pepper says from my closet as I'm sitting on my bed.
"Uhhh maybe down or in a ponytail. I don't really do fancy stuff."
"Alright. Let's talk outfit. I think you would look great in this!"

"Ok I like it but I'm wearing my flannel with it

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"Ok I like it but I'm wearing my flannel with it." I said looking at the outfit she put together.

"Yeah I think that would look nice. Hey Ash how come you're so attached to that shirt? I haven't seen you without it."
"It's the last thing Winter gave me.
The day the whole getting arrested thing happened I had gotten a growth spurt and nothing fit so I stole this and it still smells like him so it's like he's here with me."

"That's sweet."
"Yeah. I'm going to shower than I'll be down for dinner."

Next day

Parker POV (Ash calls Peter just Parker.)

"Flash threw his coffee at me."
"Again seriously."
"Yeah and.... I've used up all my extra shirts."
"Ugh fine." Ben throw one of his extra shirts at me.
"Thank you friend!" I turn in to my locker take off the dirty shirt and throw on the clean one.

"Come and together we'll build my new Lego death star." Ned  says in a weird voice with a lego figure on my shoulder.
"Dude that's awesome. How many pieces?"

"Oy we need a new person in this group that isn't obsessed with StarWars like you two."
" Ben you're not into it yet because you haven't been in america long enough and you haven't finished all the movies yet."
"Oh no how tragic."
"So want to build it tonight?"
"Uh I don't know I got the star..."

"Stark internship. Yeah we know."
Ben and Ned say together in a bored voice.
"Guys it could be real job with them. Maybe."
As Ned is going on about something with the death star I'm looking at my crush. Liz. Gah she's perfect.
Wait who is she talking to?

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