The Hafiz Game

By TieDyeHijabi

22K 1.4K 621

It all started with a will. A piece of paper written by my late father. A different kind of will. Before my... More

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Chapter ٦

1.2K 81 24
By TieDyeHijabi

Edited? Don't know really lol

Chapter 6:


"Imran get up! Jafar is waiting for you" Hana screamed on the top of her lungs. I groaned and placed the pillow on my face. It was way too early for my liking. My curtains were dark and the room had a calming dull glow to it until Hana moved that too. The smell of strawberries enveloped my nose and I knew Hana was still here. I peeked through one eye and seen her brown eyes glaring at me.

"Tell him to give me five more minutes." I told her and covered my face with the pillow again. There was a small silence before I suddenly felt an enormous weight crash onto my chest. I heaved and sat up and started wide eyed at Hana who was smiling innocently at me.

"Hurry up! Jafar is waiting for you at his house. All my friends are coming over since you're leaving so hurry!" I rubbed my face with my hand and smirked at her. When did she become a morning person?

"You'd rather have fun with your friends than your brother Hana?" She frowned and raised her eyebrows at me.

"Of course now hurry!" I chuckled and chugged her off of my lap and walked to the bathroom. Last night was one of the nights where I actually had a peaceful sleep. The dreams were constantly buried deep in my thoughts, and it was refreshing to have a night of peace for once. Yesterday was pretty hectic and my back ached. I walked to the sink and splashed my face with the cold ice water. Instantly a sigh escaped my lips and smiled as it trailed down my face and dripped down my chin and trailed down my chest.

I rested my palms on the counter and looked into the mirror and studied my face. Imam Musa and mom both told me that I looked father but I didn't see him in me. Last night when I looked into the mirror I imagined that dad was on the other side cheering me on, comforting me and watching me. My eyes roamed about my face for any resemblance but I couldn't find anything. Now when I see my brown eyes looking back at me, I don't see him. I don't see the jolly face that would greet me at the parking lot after school. I don't see the happiness dad had in his eyes. I don't see the wisdom and secrets that were held in his glance. I don't see him in me at all.

I splashed the cold water on my face again and blinked as the water hovered above my eyelashes. I stood there in front of the sink, dwelling in the feeling of the water seeping into the depths of my fingers and pores. It was refreshing. In that moment, I closed my eyes and sighed. Alhamdulillah.

I blinked back into reality when I heard Hana running down the stairs, her steps light and happy. Looks like her friends are here. I quickly grabbed my toothbrush and brushed my teeth and took a quick shower. Laughter and chuckles seeped through the door from the living room. It sounded like a whole school bus of girls came. I hastily scanned the room for my jeans and t-shirt and frowned. How many friends does the little girl have?

My eyes roamed across the room as I started to search for my shirt but sighed in frustration when I remembered that mom went to the laundry. Now I have nothing to wear! Quickly, I started to panic and rummage through my closet. I threw bits and pieces of cloths everywhere when I finally found a shirt in the back. A groan escaped my mouth when I realized that the only shirt left was a pink and purple shirt with a big sun flower in the middle that mom bought me a while back.

There was no way anyone was going to see me in this.

I searched for a shirt but sighed when I couldn't find one. There goes my dignity. I hid that shirt the day mom gave it to me, hence why it was in the back of the closet. I stuffed clothes into my backpack and a toothbrush and ran down the stairs. I tried to run for the door before anyone could see me but flinched when a familiar voice beam through the kitchen.

"Wow! Love the shirt Imran, really brings out your eyes." I turned and glared at Salma who was smirking at me with her arms crossed.

"What are you doing her Salma? Don't you have anything better to do than spend the weekend with seven year old girls?" Her smile quickly went away and she glared at me.

"For your information flower boy, Mom told us to come here and babysit my sister and her friends since you're off having a slumber party with the guys." I sighed and shrugged on my backpack. It was getting kinda heavy since I packed everything I would need.

"Well, stay out of my room and make sure Hana doesn't touch the Nutella. She's addicted and it will only make her teeth worse than they already are." Salma rolled her eyes and nodded her head at me. Anisa walked in and snorted back a laugh when she seen my shirt. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Not you too." I shrugged on my hoody and slammed the door shut and shook my head when I heard their laughter through the door. I'm definitely going to have to borrow a shirt from Jafar ASAP.

I parked the car and zipped the hoody all the way up to hide the flower and rang the door bell. Jafar's neighborhood was quiet and no one walked around except people walking their dogs. I just didn't want anyone seeing my looking like this.

Jafar opened the door with a pizza sticking out of his mouth and frowned at me. I could hear the TV on in the background and Abdullah talking on the phone too. Looks like he got here before I did.

"Why are you wearing a jacket? It's only ten in the morning and it's already 80 degrees. Are you out of your mind?" I sighed and unzipped the jacket. Today is seriously not my day. I almost missed salat, and my shoe laces ripped when I tried to shove them on this morning. Subhana'Allah!

Jafar's eyes widened and he doubled over laughing. I frowned and shook my head at him, what a friend he is. I narrowed my eyes at him and pushed through the door and sprinted up the stairs. When we were younger we always shared cloths, mostly jackets, so it's nothing new.

His closet was different than me, but I still memorized the order. Jafar is ocd-ish and everything is color coded and organized, which makes it easier for me to pick out the black t-shirt. This is so me. Black may seem like a depressed color but it soothes me. Mom always told me it made me look gothic but to me, black was the best color there.

I walked out of the room and smiled when I spotted the awards. I don't know what it is but I smile every time I see this, maybe because it reminded me of dad. I've never seen dad happier than the day the mualim (scholar) handed me the certificate. I sighed and walked down the stairs slowly and smirked when I seen Abdullah and Jafar immersed in a football game. I stepped down the last step and grabbed a box of pizza off the kitchen counter and sat down next to them.

The loud roars of the crowd beamed through the TV speakers as I sat down and watched. Everyone in the crowd cheered on the players and was smiling but that's not what stood out to me. I focused more on the players. Their faces were grim and held no emotion what so ever to all the commotion around them. They looked like they hated their jobs.

"What game is this?" Jafar frowned and hushed me with his hand. I shook my head and turned to Abdullah who nodded at me and grabbed a slice of pizza out of the box.

"The Chargers against the Chiefs but we all know how it's going to end." I grinned and stuffed another pizza in my mouth. This was going to be predictable.

"Why watch when you know what's going to happen? The Chargers suck man, you know that." Jafar glared at me and grabbed a pizza slice out of the box.

"No Subhana'Allah. You know better than to judge someone on something as small as scores" I snorted and shook my head. Jafar narrowed his eyes at me and continued. "I think they actually have a chance this time though. Phillip Rivers is fantastic! With him in play, they could actually win." I shook my head and watched the game. There was no point in wasting my time. The Chargers haven't won in centuries. There's no hope for them now.

The game went on for a while but I smiled and sat back when the final play happened. The Chargers were already looking with 7-17 and there was no point in getting exited anymore. I was never a fan of football or sports in general. I just watched it with Jafar and Abdullah since they liked it.

"Ooooohhhhh!!! I told you they'd lose" Abdullah screamed and laughed at Jafar when the game ended. Like always, the Chargers lost and the Chiefs won. Abdullah jumped up and down and did the happy dance while Jafar pouted and shook his head.

"They're going to win next game watch." I shook my head and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"There's no hope man. Honestly I don't see the point of football. Their just men in tights running around like maniacs with a ball in their arms. Where's the fun in that?" Jafar cracked a smile and shrugged my hand off of him.

"You just don't get it man. The adrenaline you feel when the player catches the ball. The enthusiastic roars of the crowd, the smell of victory when the team you're rooting for wins. It's a state of mind bro. You'll never get it." I shook my head and shut off the TV.

Abdullah narrowed his eyes at Jafar and smirked. "You do know that you're watching the TV from a screen right? And what smell, the Chargers stink!" I laughed and sat on the chair across from them.

"Where's Aunty Aminah?" I asked Jafar. I missed her. She was always so jolly and happy all the time.

"Oh, she went with Aunty Khadijah. You know moms, always bonding together like it's their job." I nodded my head and smiled when I remembered something.

"Hey, so I brought the will. Want to start it before duhur salat?" Jafar instantly sat up and smiled. I've been thinking about this ayah ever since the car accident.

"Sure man! What was the ayah again?" I took the folded paper out of my back pocket and started to read when Abdullah interrupted me.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you guys but my cousin is getting married on thanksgiving break and he wanted me to invite you guys." I nodded my head and tried to remember what cousin he was talking about.

"Oh old Muhammad is getting married again!" Old Muhammad? Wasn't he already married? Mohamed was a cool guy and we always made fun of him since he was so much older than us. He was a calm and shy guy but we liked him because he didn't treat us like kids when we were younger.

"Dude, I thought old Muhammad was already married?" Abdullah sighed and nodded his head.

"Yah, but he's only 28 and Prophet Muhammad Salalahu Alayhi Wasalam said he could marry four." I nodded my head slowly and smiled.

"That's great man." Abdullah grinned and turned to Jafar who looked puzzled. A look of confusion over took his face. He bit his lip and starred at Abdullah as if something bothered him.

"But I thought he loved Muminah? Why did he marry someone else?" Abdullah sat up and shrugged. This is also a sensitive topic. I never really discussed about it before, but it mostly bothered the women, not the men.

"Maybe he wanted double the trouble." I cracked a smile and high fived Abdullah who seemed proud with his comeback. Jafar shook his head and shrugged. I chewed at the inside of my lip and shook my head. Jafar was confused. I knew I couldn't really clear it up for him and shrugged it off. Insha'Allah someone else will clear it up for him.

"That's cool though man, can't wait." I sat up and smiled down at the will. Hopefully this little paper will tell me dad last words. I gripped the paper and smoothed it out again.

"What was the next ayah though?" Abdullah asked me, but his gaze was transfixed on the paper in front of me. I looked down at the paper and held it between my index and thumb carefully and read the ayah.

"مَّا جَعَلَ اللَّهُ لِرَجُلٍ مِّن قَلْبَيْنِ فِى جَوْفِهِ"

We all sat in the quietness and thought silently to ourselves what the ayah could be about. The silence went for too long so I looked up at Jafar and Abdullah. We all looked up at the same time and laughed since no one had an idea what it could be about.

"Man, my mind is still jumbled upon the fact that Muhammad is getting married again. I feel kinda sorry for Muminah. I thought she was perfect for him." I sat up and slowly shook my head.

"Jafar, maybe she's okay with it. Muhammad was that type of guy, he never kept secrets. He would discuss it with her before it even happened, so I think she's okay." Jafar and Abdullah grew quiet until Abdullah opened his mouth to talk and backed down instead. I frowned and raised an eyebrow; I hate it when people do that.

Abdullah seen and cracked a smile. "It's not anything special but I was thinking that Allah created each person with one heart for a reason. Let's say he does marry again, his heart will always love one more. He could have the same feelings for them, treat them the same, but he will never love them the same." I blinked and frowned until it hit me.

مَّا جَعَلَ اللَّهُ لِرَجُلٍ مِّن قَلْبَيْنِ فِى جَوْفِهِ

That's it!

I shot up and grinned widely at Abdullah. I think you got it Abdullah! Allah has not made any man two hearts. That's what the ayah meant!Muhammad could treat for them the same, care for them the same, have the same feelings for them; but he will never truly love them the same. The heart has a mind of its own. Oh it all kinda makes sense." I shoved my head into my hands and gave them a smile.

A huge grin shot up Jafar's face as he high-fived Abdullah. I smiled at them but I had a gut feeling that that's not what dad was trying to tell me.

"Okay... but what's the lesson behind that?" I tried to think when I realized that it may not have anything to do with love. Maybe it has a deeper meaning.

"Hey guys, I think I'm on to something. What if it's not about love?"Jafar sat up and rested his arms on his knees. Abdullah's smile disappeared and he sat closer too. I bit my lip and shook off all the worry deep inside me.

"I was thinking that what if it was deen wise. What is he was telling us that you can't love two things the same. I know that's what you said, but it seemed weird that dad would mean love. I thought he meant like for instance if I said that I like listening to music and reading the Quran. The heart would only have true love for one of them, the one you choose more. Like if someone strived for this world and the next; if you put more time, and effort into building a house, or music, or worldly things than your love obviously is in this dunya (world)." I paused and shook my head. "I don't think I'm going anywhere with this-"I tucked my head in my hands and jumped when I heard Jafar laughing at me.

I frowned and looked up at him. He seen me watching and just continued cackling. Abdullah joined in and started laughing with him until I cracked a smile.

"Goodness man, you doubt yourself wallahi. You came up with that great idea and solved the ayah and you still thought you were wrong. You're so odd."I shook my head and smiled. I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders when I took all that out. It felt great.

I stared down at the will and checked the time. It was already duhur time.

"Hey guys its salat time. Imam Musa is waiting for us at the masjid, why not go there?" I asked them. Jafar shrugged and nodded his head.

When I got up a sharp pain took over my head to the point I closed my eyes and stopped moving. The pain subsided but it felt like an electric eel was pressed to my temple. I rubbed the spot and tried to control my breathing when Abdullah looked over at me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Dude, you okay?" I opened my eyes and slowly nodded my head to test whether the pain was going to return if I moved my head. When the pain didn't come I sighed and slowly smiled.

"yah, lets go." I walked to the bathroom and watched my face and hands. I smiled as I made wudu and thought that we already solved two ayahs, Inshallah the rest would be easier than the first.


I slammed the door shut and squinted when the sunlight blocked my view of the masjid. The hot sun hovered over the clear sky as we locked the car and watched the trees behind the masjid slowly sway in the soft breeze. Jafar took forever to get ready so we prayed in the house and came here to visit imam Musa at the masjid. This is how it always is when we plan to go somewhere together. Sometimes I think Jafar and Abdullah are worse than girls when their getting dressed.

"This is your fault Jafar. If you could just stop acting like a insecure girl, we would've made it for salat." I laughed and smiled when Jafar frowned and glared at Abdullah.

"Why don't you go last for the bathroom next time, then we'll see who's going to make us late." I shook my head and walked to the masjid doors.

"It's both of your faults now shut up, were in the masjid." I shrugged off my shoes and walked into the masjid. Jafar and Abdullah were still bickering behind me so I rolled my eyes and searched the masjid for Imam Musa.

I found him organizing the kitabs on the shelf and walked up to him. "Asalamu Alaykum Imam Musa." He turned to me and a smile automatically pulled at his lips.

"Imran, son how are you?" I pulled him into a hug and took the kitabs from his hands and stacked them in the right order.

"I'm okay Alhamdulillah. Nothing really big happened." He narrowed his eyes at me and rested his hands on his hips. I cracked a smile and shook my head at him.

"So you mean to tell me getting into a car accident is nothing?" I gave him a sad smile and sighed.

"It was bad but nothing came out from it." He slowly nodded his head and started to work on the kitabs again when Jafar and Abdullah came.

"Imam Musa, my man. How are you?" Jafar exclaimed and crushed uncle musa with a hug. Imam Musa chuckled and patted his back.

"I'm good Jafar. I see your energetic like always. How's Aminah and your father?" they started to get into a conversation when something caught my eye. There was someone standing at the window.

I frowned and walked to the window and opened it. A gush of wind entered the masjid, but there was no sign of the person. I shook my head and blinked. I didn't make that up right? I sighed and closed the window when suddenly someone placed a hand on my shoulder.

I jumped and smiled when Imam Musa laughed at me.

"Subhana'Allah, Imran what's wrong. You looked like you seen a ghost." I shook my head and stuffed my hands into my pockets.

"You just scared me. I thought I seen something but it's gone now." I smiled and hugged him one last time before we left. Every time I seen him, I would get flashbacks from dad and it soothed me.

"Hey Imam Musa, what to come to our house for dinner tonight? It's only me, Hana and Mom. You could come, it would be awesome to have another man in the house" I chuckled. Imam Musa nodded his head and grinned.

"Sure Imran. Tell your mother I'll be over tomorrow Insha'Allah." I nodded and waved salaam as we walked to the car. I stuffed my hands into my pockets and sighed when the breeze swiped through my t-shirt. It was already getting cold.

"Where are we going now?" I shrugged and started to walk towards the park and smiled when faint memories came rushing back at me. Every Friday, dad would take us to this park and he would let us play here until it was asar.

I walked to the nearest swing set and slowly sat down. It was a windy day, and the wind weaved through my hair and shirt but I completely forgot about them all and savored the moment. The smell of grass and sand filled my senses and I started to smile. Jafar sighed and sat down on the one next to me and waved his hands in my face.

"Hello? Earth to Imran? You there bro?" I raised an eyebrow and pushed forward and back until it was slowly swaying me back and forth. The wind picked up and the trees around started to sway with the breeze as well.

"Shut up Jafar, your ruining the moment." He laughed and started to sway when a ball landed smack into his face. I stopped and snorted when Jafar turned and spit the sand out that landed in his mouth.

"Whose ball is this?!" Abdullah started to laugh uncontrollably and pointed soundlessly at a little girl standing not a few feet away from us. Her face was mirrored with shock and panic as she starred at her ball.

I smiled and bent down to pick up her ball. The small yellow ball was filled with sand so I dusted it with my hands and handed it to her. Her green eyes sparkled as she looked up at me and smiled.

"Here you go sweetie." I handed her the ball and walked away but froze when her little arms wrapped themselves around my waist.

"Thank you sir." I cracked a smile and patted her back. Her blonde hair reminded me of my little sister and my smile widened. Kids always liked me. She gave me one last smile and ran to her mother who was talking on the phone.

"Awe, you and your new girlfriend have a good time there Imran?" I smirked and shoved at his shoulder and walked away but stopped when a voice interrupted us.

"Mommy, that kind man gave me back my ball." I turned around to introduce myself but frowned when I seen the look on her mother's face. She frowned at me and pointed to Jafar smiling. The little girl looked at me confused and shook her head.

"You mean that man sweetie?" The little girl pointed to me again, but the mom scolded her and whispered in her ear. Shock rippled through me as I silently watched them. Was it because I wasn't blonde or white?

I silently whispered 'Subhana'Allah' to myself and started to walk away but panicked when Jafar started to storm towards them. Determination and ager framed his face and instantly I knew that he heard everything. I grabbed his shoulder and pushed him back but it was no use. The mother already saw us coming towards her. She turned towards us and froze as her jaw dropped.

Jafar clenched his hands and jaws and went up to her and screamed. "What the hell is your problem? You think we didn't hear what you just told you daughter?" He paused and shoook his head in disgust. "How could you? What kind of a mother are you, lying to your daughter like that? It wasn't me who gave her the freaking ball it was Imran. You're supposed to be a role model, a mother to your god-dame daughter and teaching her to be a racist person isn't what I call being a mother. You're a disgrace, and believe me when I tell you what goes around comes around." He turned around and froze as his shoulders stiffened and tensed.

He slowly turned around and glared right into her eyes. "It is people like you that make me wish I was never white. You make me sick." He glared into her eyes one last time and walked off to the car. The mother stood frozen as she watched him slowly walk away.

She turned to me and tried to explain herself but I shook my head and looked away. "The next time you try to teach her that whites are more superior; think about how it would affect her and her future. Trust me, it will only make her life miserable." I shook my head and gave the little girl a small smile and walked to the car.

Abdullah was sitting in the back staring off in space as Jafar had his head in his palms, hiding his face from us. I silently walked to the driver's seat and started the car. I knew better than to talk to him. Jafar was always the type of guy that didn't like talking when he was angered.

When we got home I locked myself in the room and sighed as I lay down on the bed watched the ceiling. I breathed in and out and tried to clear my head but I couldn't. I had this odd feeling deep in me that Jaffa's outbreak was personal. I could see the sadness and distress in his eyes when he spoke to her.

I shrugged the feeling off and walked to the bathroom and changed out of the cloths I had bowered from Jafar. I grabbed my backpack and took out my homework and began to work on it but threw it all back in my backpack and launched myself on the bed. I couldn't do homework when my brain was somewhere else. Frustration and confusion clouded my mind and it was bothering me. There's definitely something going on with Jafar. But I was his best friend; wouldn't he tell me if something was wrong?


Sorry for the late update but inshallah I'll try to go faster. School is such a distraction you know? ;) Tell me if there are any mistakes, I'm seriously falling asleep while writing this. SALAM!

Oh and one more thing, I need a cast... Any ideas?  Comment here or PM me if you have an idea of who could be the cast. I'll try to update tomorrow  inshallah Salam.

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