Sonic Railgun

By Heroman23

3.4K 94 769

Ever wonder if there are other worlds out there that have life on them? Ever wonder if we might ever come int... More

The Blue Blur
Sonic Little Night Adventure
Anti-Esper Ambush!
The Long Waited Truth
Esper Killer
Academy City Fate Part One!
Academy City Fate Part Two!
Academy City Fate Part Three!
Miles 'Tails' Prower
To Sonic World!
Dr. Eggman!
Angel Island
Chaos Emeralds
The Chemical Plant!
Tempest the Dolphin
Egg Warrior!
Meet The Freedom Fighters
Empire City Part One
Empire City Part Two
Mushroom Forest
Egg Lion!

Egg Hydra!

80 3 27
By Heroman23

Last Time on Sonic Railgun........

"Ah... Say no more. I will teach this knucklehead to lean some manners of not hitting girls." Said Sonic as he had a smirk on his face.

"But... wait guys, listen this is all just..." Said Mikoto as she tries to speak to stop this.

"Fine.... lets see what you got.." Said Knuckles as he put the blue emerald aside gently and bashed his boxer gloves together. He then charged at Sonic and Sonic spin dashed at Knuckles.

Knuckles tried to punch Sonic but Sonic causally dodge it and kicked Knuckles to a tree. He then homing attack at Knuckles. Knuckles put his arms infront of him to block the attack.

Knuckles put some force into his defense and pushed Sonic away from him. Sonic uncurled from his ball form. Knuckles and Sonic smirked at each other before charging at each other again. They jumped at each other and throw a punch at each other. Just before the punches could punch each another.....

"STOPPP!!" Said Mikoto as she appeared in front of them holding her arms out to them and caught their fists.

"Huh?" said everyone as they were confused of what is happening at the moment.

"Sis? What are you doing?" Asked Alan.

"Stopping a fight that will not solve anything." Said Mikoto.

Mikoto grabbed both Sonic and Knuckles and pushed them away from each other. "You need to listen here knucklehead, we are not the bad guys here." Said Mikoto.

"How do I know you are telling the truth? For all I know you could be working with Eggman in secret." Said Knuckles.

"Let me repeat my answer. WE..... ARE....NOT...WORKING... FOR... EGGMAN!!!" Said Mikoto as she yelled each work at Knuckles.

Before Knuckles could talk back to her, something crashed near them. They turned to the direction of the that crashed.

When the smoked cleared, it was not organic. It was a mechanical robot that has multiple heads and long necks. It has for robot like legs in the form of lizard feet. One of the robot heads was a lot bigger and has a circle glass dome on its forehead. Its color its red on the necks, black and yellow on the heads. The color for the metal on the legs are slightly red and green.

The glass dome reeled back to reveal a certain someone inside of it.

"OH HOHOHOHOHO!" A familiar laugh was heard.

"Eggman!" Said Sonic. Everyone got on the defensive as the mad doctor has appeared.

"Hello Sonic. Did you miss me?" asked Eggman as it was him in the glass dome. It was actually his Egg Mobile attached to the robot large head.

"Not at all Eggman." Said Sonic as he didn't miss Eggman one bit.

"Well too bad. You told me to bring my A game next time Sonic and well..... Here it is! My A game!" Said Eggman as his robot roared at the group. Everyone gets ready for a upcoming fight.

Sonic and his friends left the South Island to stop Eggman plans to rule the planet. They landed on a mysterious floating island in the sky. Mikoto went ahead of everyone else to see a old temple. When she climbed to the top and was about to touch the Master Emerald, Knuckles appeared begins to attack Mikoto. Sonic comes in and battles Knuckles. Mikoto stops them from fighting and just in time. Eggman comes back to battle Sonic again and has brought a new kind of robot. Can they beat Eggman new robot?


With Sonic.........

"Oh HOHOHOHO! Didn't expect me to find you today did you Sonic!?" Asked Eggman with a evil laugh.

"So how did you exactly find us doc?" Asked Sonic.

"Yeah, there is no way you could have found us on this island by random chance." Said Tails.

"Simple, a good genius always comes up with a plan to tract their foes. When you destroyed one of my robots back on South Island, you accidently picked up one of their tracking devices in your quills." Said Eggman.

"What!?" asked Sonic. Alan and Mikoto quickly ran their hands through his quills to find it. Mikoto pulled out a small chip that has the Eggman logo on it. She crushed it in her hands.

"A little too late my dear. In my short defeat by that hedgehog, I have created this special mech to eliminate Sonic." Said Eggman as he points to the robot he is piloting.

"What is that robot exactly? It has got a lot of heads so it can't be design after any animals or any humans." asked Alan.

"Ah.... a fine question and observation indeed young man. This here is my Egg Hydra." Said Eggman as his Egg Hydra roared all of its heads at the heroes.

"Egg Hydra? Really? Pfft! Do you put 'Egg' infront of every creation you built?" asked Sonic.

"NO!.... Not... everything I have created. Just some things I have created" Said Eggman.

"Eggman..... you are going to pay for tricking me to tell you about the Chaos Emeralds!" Said Knuckles as he was furious at Eggman.

"Chaos Emeralds?" asked Sonic and Mikoto.

"Explain later." Said Knuckles.

"Ah.... my dear Knuckles. I didn't notice you there for a second. As for what you said before, I didn't mean to trick you, your just that easy to be fooled." Said Eggman as he laughs at Knuckles.

"Your name is Knuckles?" Asked Alan.

"I will introduce myself correctly after we get him off of Angel Island." Said Knuckles.

"Get rid of me? Oh HOHOHO! Good luck with that. You see, I have a little something that is powering up this Egg Hydra. A Chaos Emerald!" Said Eggman. Deep within the Egg Hydra, there is a Chaos Emerald as its power supply.

"Your using a Chaos Emerald to power you monstrosities?" Asked Knuckles.

"Monstrosities? I think you mean perfection. And I see there is another Chaos Emerald within my sights." Said Eggman as he sees a blue emerald in Knuckles hands.

"Grr...." Said Knuckles.

"I will use the Egg Hydra to dispose of you, Sonic and his little friends and take that Chaos Emerald for myself." Said Eggman before the glass dome covers him back up. One of the Egg Hydra heads launches himself at Knuckles.

Knuckles had his hand up ready for a fight. Before he could, someone pushed him out of the way.

"Look out!" Said Sonic as he pushed Knuckles out of the way. One of the Egg Hydra heads, catches Sonic in its mouth.

"Sonic!" Said Alan with a panic tone in his voice.

"Hehe." Eggman laughed as he caught Sonic in one of the Egg Hydra heads mouth.

The Egg Hydra feet begin to turn on its rocket boosters as it lifts the machine into the air. The Egg Hydra begins to fly near the ends of the island.

"Oh no.... if he drops Sonic into the ocean, he can't swim!" Said Alan.

"What?!" asked Mikoto.

"Sonic can't swim! That has been his biggest weakness ever! He tried to swim in a pool once and he just sank to the bottom of it!" Said Alan.

"Oh no...... Sonic!" Said Mikoto as she run after Eggman to save Sonic.


With Mikoto........

"Let him go Eggman!" Said Mikoto as she chases after Eggman through the forest.

"If you insist my dear." Said Eggman with a smirk on his face.

Eggman continues to pilot his mech until it was flying over the edge of the island. From there he pressed a button and the head that has Sonic in its mouth let go of him.

Sonic was in the air for a few seconds as he look down at the ocean beneath him. "Water?" asked Sonic. He slowly look back at Mikoto, who had a look of fear on her face, with a nervous look and a sweatdrop. "Uh-oh." 

Sonic tries to run in the air to get back to the island. Didn't work. "See ya." Said Sonic before he begins to fall into the ocean waters.

"There you go my dear. I have let Sonic go just liked you ask." Said Eggman with a sarcastic tone as he did what Mikoto asked him to do.

"SONIC!" Said Mikoto as she jumps off the island edge and dives bombs after Sonic.

"OH HOHOHOHOHO! Even if you catch him, you both will still be doomed as you two sink to he bottom of the sea!" Said Eggman with a evil smile as he watches the foolish girl plummet to her doom.

"Hang on Sonic!" Said Mikoto as she continues to dive bomb after the falling Hedgehog.

"HANG ON TO WHAT!? THERE IS NOTHING TO HANG ON TO WHEN YOU ARE FALLING IN THE AIR!!!!" asked Sonic as he continues to fall and can't stead himself.

"Try to steady yourself!" Shouted Mikoto.

"Trying!" Said Sonic.

Mikoto starts to get a little bit closer to the falling Hedgehog. She grabbed his hand just as they crashed into the ocean. A massive splash raised about 5 miles into the air.

The Egg Hydra flied over to near where the splashed happened. "Oh hohoho! It seems that is the end of Sonic and his little friend." Said Eggman as he grooms his mustache with his fingers. Then a explosion in the ocean caused a massive splash to rise and get the Egg Hydra wet. 

"Huh?! What was that?!" asked Eggman as he looked at where the explosion happened.

The water starts to fall back down. When it was set and done, something has appeared over the surface of the ocean.

Or should I say someone's. Just above one inch from her foot to nearly touch the ocean water was Mikoto with her eyes closed. In her hands was Sonic all alive and not a single scratch on him.

"What the?! How is that possible!? There is no way someone could survive a fall like that and come out unscathed!" asked Eggman. He then noticed something behind Mikoto back.

Their was something forming on Mikoto back. It was massive energy wings. And lightning was surround both her and her wings.

(This was the only picture I could find of this. So please only focus on the wings in the picture below.)

"Sonic..... Are you okay?" Asked Mikoto as she still had her eyes closed.

"I am fine.... But how are you doing this? How are you flying?" asked Sonic.

"I am using a similar calculation of how I created my Iron Sand Swords. Basically, the reason I am flying is because I am over a large about of water to turn into vaper when using my Electromaster powers. In order keep flying like this, I have to be over a large body of water." Said Mikoto.

"Nice to hear that. Got a plan to get back at Eggman?" Asked Sonic.

"Yep. I have one idea. Just follow my lead." Said Mikoto with a smirk on her face.

"Roger that." Said Sonic with a confident smirk.

Mikoto slowly open her eyes back up to glare at Eggman. Eggman was too shocked at the moment to defended himself. Mikoto suddenly flied towards Eggman and the Egg Hydra at Railgun speed.

"GAH!!! Move! Move you blasted machine!" Said Eggman as orders his Egg Hydra to move.

Mikoto crashed right through one of the Egg Hydra feet, specifically, its front left foot. With the loss of one of its feet boosters, the Egg Hydra begins to lean on its side a little bit.

"GAAAH! Curse you!" Said Eggman.

Mikoto quickly turned around and crashed right through its front right foot. Now the Egg Hydra is leading on its front.

Mikoto quickly flied underneath the Egg Hydra. Sonic curled up into his ball form and Mikoto used her fingers to flick him. Sonic was then launched at Railgun speed.

Sonic crashed into the bottom of the Egg Hydra. The Egg Hydra was launched into the skies. Sonic continues to push the Egg Hydra into the air.

Sonic then titled to the right and the Egg Hydra was now heading back to Angel Island. The Egg Hydra landed on its back.

"Ow..." Eggman as he was up against the glass dome of his Eggmoblie, due to the laws of gravity of being attached to his robot which is upside down on its back at the moment. 

"Curse that little hedgehog and girl." Said Eggman. By using his foot, he pressed a button and the Egg Hydra begins to flip back over on to its belly. Having fixing that, Eggman could control his robot again.

"*Whistle*" The Whistle came a all too familiar person or Mobian.

"Huh?" asked Eggman as he looked ahead to see Sonic smirking. Right next to his left was Mikoto, whos wings have disappeared since she is back on Angel Island and not over a large body of water.

"Yo Eggman! Are you ready to get your butt kicked again?" asked Sonic.

"Why you little rodent.... Egg Hydra! Attack!" Said Eggman.

All the heads of the Egg Hydra opened up their mouths and fired yellow beams at Sonic and Mikoto. Sonic easily steps to the side and doges it. Mikoto jumps away from the yellow beams.

She had her right hand out to the ground and lighting came from it. The lightning begins to strike the ground as black particles begins to come out of it. It then forms in Mikoto open right hand to form a Iron Sand Sword.

"What the......." Said Eggman as he sees the weapon formed in Mikoto hands.

One of the Egg Hydra heads stretch out to chomp Mikoto into pieces. Mikoto did a single swing with her Iron Sand Sword, and the head was cut off from the neck.

"What? Impossible!" Said Eggman.

"Heh. Shows what you know!" Said Mikoto as the sword turn into a whip form and Mikoto begin to swing her Iron Sand Whip at the two of the Egg Hydra heads and neck and slice them into tiny pieces.

"How is she doing this?" Asked Eggman. He looked at his monitor inside of his Eggmoblie. The monito then scans Mikoto to figure out how she is doing this.

"Oh.... I see. She is using her electricity to not only levitate those iron sand particles but vibrate them to cut anything it touches." Said Eggman. "Smart..... but not smart enough!"

His remaining Egg Hydra heads begin to fire their laser beams again. Mikoto quickly used the iron sand to form a barrier infront of her. When the laser beams come into contact with her Iron Sand Barrier, Mikoto could feel the force of impact when the attack connected to her defense.

"Sonic.... finish this would ya? I can't hold this any longer." Said Mikoto. She doesn't know how long she can keep up this barrier before it gives out.

"Roger that." Said Sonic. "Time to pull the plug on this machine." Sonic then curls into his ball form and charged straight at the Egg Hydra.

Before Eggman could react, Sonic crashed right into the main body of the Egg Hydra. Sonic then came out from of the Egg Hydra side. In his right hand, he was holding a yellow emerald. 

With its power supply gone, all the remaining heads powered down and stop firing their beams at Mikoto. With no more laser beams firing at her, Mikoto turned off her Iron Sand Barrier.

"AHHH! Not my Chaos Emerald!" Said Eggman as he sees Sonic holding a yellow Chaos Emerald.

The yellow emerald begins to shine. Sonic then begins to strike at the Egg Hydra at blinding speeds. Sonic then strike at all the Egg Hydra heads, except the main one. Sonic continues to strike the robot until it begins to glow and exploded.

Eggman Eggmoblie was on the ground, all burn up. Eggman was covered up in explosion's dust. Sonic appeared right infront of Eggman flying pod with a smirk on his face.

"You lose." Said Sonic.

Eggman had a angry look on his face. "This isn't over, blue boy..... You have not heard the last of Dr. Eggman. You and your friends will know my wraith! And this world will know to fear my genius and my Eggman Empire will become a reality!" Said Eggman as he begins to pilot his Eggmoblie far away from Angel Island.

Sonic watches him leave until he can't see Eggman Eggmoblie anymore. Mikoto walks up to him.

"You okay Sonic?" Asked Mikoto.

"Yep. But I got to say........" Said Sonic as he looks at the emerald in his hand. "This little thing gave me quite a energy boost back there."

"I will say. When you were striking that robot, you going faster than I remember." Said Mikoto.

"Eggman and that knucklehead called this a Chaos Emerald. Huh...... Wonder what that means?" asked Sonic.

"Maybe the 'knucklehead' can explain more about this." Said Mikoto with a confident smile on her face.

"Good call there Mikoto. Lets meet back up with the others." Said Sonic before grabbing Mikoto hand and dashing back to the others.

Eggman has returned with a new kind of robot. He explained how he figured out where Sonic and his friends are. Sonic was nearly defeated when Eggman dropped him into the sea but was saved by Mikoto. Sonic was able to get the Chaos Emerald from the Egg Hydra and used it to defeat that robot. Now they head back to the others to learn the truth of these Chaos Emeralds.


To Be Continued........

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