Ethically Speaking

By Kota_G

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Young college student, Quincie Jackson, was only looking to finish her junior year without a hitch in the roa... More



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By Kota_G

•- Quincie Jackson -•

Following my classes I went straight to the school library and read every book I could find on local history. When I had found a fair amount of information through there, I hopped on the bus and took an hour ride to Boston where I collected some information from the city records. After two hours hidden in a dry and cold basement holding the cities physical archives, I grabbed a cup of coffee and set back home with a fresh mind filed with information.

When I returned to campus it was dark. The only lights igniting the area were the lanterns that's good on their long pole along the sidewalk of each path.

It would be a while before the next bus came to campus to carry the young adults from their dorms to the places they needed to be at this hour. Most of the faculty cars were gone and I had hoped to see my father, despite our unresolved issues. It would be nice to not have to walk home despite the short distance. When it came down to it, there was nothing more scary than being a woman walking alone at night in a college town. (This is why I don't leave my dorm)

I huff out a sigh as my hand pushes through my hair. I could call Grace and ask her to pick me up but I knew her schedule today and she wouldn't be here for at least another hour and waiting alone in the dark was less than appealing.

Remembering the spare key to my father's office, I begin to dig through my backpack in search for the gold key. As I was digging around through scattered papers and notebooks, my attention is brought to the sound of a car beeping as it unlocked.

I look up, finding Elijah Woods' nose buried in his phone as his eyebrows crease together with confusion I can assume.

His fingers feverishly type and I watch with no reason as he quickly hits send. At that moment my phone lets out a loud ping, causing his attention to rise and his face to settle into relief.

It was obvious I had been staring. He could see it I was sure from the soft glow of the lantern above me. Awkwardly I push my hair back and shuffle for my phone despite the intensity in the air as I knew he was now watching me.

I opened the new notification from my school email.


This is the third email I've sent regarding our meeting tonight. I'm headed home and if you don't reply by the time I get there I'll be knocking on your door. I'm sorry if that seems extreme, you've just ignored my last emails. That is very out of the ordinary. Is everything okay? Should I be worried?

Elijah Fields Dr.
Department of Philosophy
University of Kingston Wright

I glance up to meet his staring gaze to find him slowly approaching me. I shove my phone back into my pocket awkwardly as he reaches my location.

"Is everything alright? You aren't in danger or anything are you?" His eyes scan the surrounding areas in search of a student but at this hour it was more likely they were stumbling back to their dorms after a wild night out.

"I'm fine. I'm really sorry I turned my phone off and missed your emails. I was in Boston at the City Archives."

His shoulders settle as he lets out a soft sigh.

"Alright. You had me worried. I wanted to set up our meeting time for tonight but if it's too late we can begin tomorrow."

All too quickly I shake my head, causing the corners of Elijah's lips to move upwards.

"No, no. It's not too late," I say eagerly, "I was looking into Aldous Köhler. I have so much information just waiting to be told," my excitement was evident in my words and I realized just how enthralled I was to be working on this project.

It was the way the rest of lights turned on in the distance that made me realize how dark it was getting.

"Unless it's too late for you I don't want to keep you up all night," I push my hair behind my ear bashfully at the realization I was putting myself first.

"With all due respect, Quincie, I wouldn't mind if you kept me up all night."

His words made my head jerk up as if they had a double meaning. Which I am sure they didn't, he was a professional. My cheeks heat nonetheless even after assuring myself it was not meant in any other way.

Instead of acknowledging his words he motions to his car, "Can I offer you a ride home? We're going to the same place after all."

Against all those videos we had to watch at the start of each year about accepting rides from strangers, I nod. I was not keen on walking and it was not like he was wrong. It would be quite stupid of me not to accept.

"Yeah, that would be nice, thank you."

He nods as he motions towards his vehicle, navigating me in that direction. I follow closely behind and pull open the passenger door as he pushes into the driver side.

We were both quiet as he pulled away from the parking lot and as we sit waiting for the nightly traffic to pass, he breaks the silence.

"I hope this isn't too weird to ask but I don't really see a point in meeting online when we both live in the same building."

The heat in the car made my cheeks hot to the touch. Of course it was the heat, nothing else.

"What are you suggesting then?" I tried to sound as innocent as possible despite knowing exactly where this conversation was headed.

"Well I live above you and it would be much easier to work on the project that way. The longer I'm in my office the more of a mess Max makes," he laughs at this and I can't help but think about the giant sweetheart, "I understand if this offer is completely inappropriate and if you would like we can work through online meetings as well as our in person during my free hours, or we can meet in your apartment because I know your handful of roommates would make you feel at ease. Or if none of that seems like a good working space, I promise you Max does not eat paper and he definitely misses you. I swear, when we walk by your door he stands still. I've waited to be caught idly standing by and being called a creep for it, but I swear it's the bloody dog."

His British rambling was hard to keep up with but I managed.

After quick consideration I begin to fumble with my hands.

"I'm fine with working anywhere, honestly. I really enjoyed getting to know Aldous and I think his story, at least what was documented, is very sweet. I put my education above anything else, Dr. Fields and I think working away from campus will give a clearer mind. It's hard to focus in a school environment ironically. Too much is going on."

I watch from the corner of my eye as he nods his head slightly, just as he pulls into the underground parking of our building.

"Besides," I say breaking the silence, "I miss Max too." I can't help but laugh which makes him shake his head humorously as he parks into his reserved space.

"I swear my own dog likes you more than me."


What Elijah said was true.

Max did like me more than him.

As we entered his apartment, Max held no interest in his owner as he makes a straight line towards me. I carelessly fall to the floor and scratch the dog's head kindly as he stuck his rather large and smiley tongue out, pressing it against my cheek.

"Max, come on. Don't be gross, we have a guest," Elijah Fields scolds his dog which gains his attention momentarily before he plops to the floor and rolls on his back. I begin to scratch his stomach, finding more interest in the large dog than the work I was previously excited for.

"He's such a big baby," Elijah laughs, "Spoiled too. Gets what he wants without asking and no one asks questions."

I can't help but smile as he playfully pants as I rub his tummy. His hind leg begins to kick and I can't help but want to break in and steal his dog but that was just not morally permissible and I was not going to become a dog thief.

I finally stop my actions as the large dog rolls over and onto his four feet. A loud and echoing bark sounds from his body as he looks to Elijah with a glimmer of hope in his dark brown eyes.

"Alright, alright. Settle down now," he shakes his head to his pet.

I take the time to stand and admire his apartment. It was a bit bigger than ours but surprisingly there was only one door. All his living necessities were on display in the main room. Beside the entrance to the left was his kitchen where he currently stood leaned against the island as he watched the display between Max and I.

"Would you mind if I took Max for a short walk? He's been cooped up in here for quite a while."

I shake my head, "No, I don't mind at all."

He nods as he reached for Max's leash. The large dog jumps onto his back legs nearly knocking over Elijah as he was close in height.

"Settle down, boy. You'll make the pretty lady think you're a wild beast."

His comment towards his dog did not go unnoticed as i shyly brush my hair from my cheek.

I don't know why all of a sudden I was acting so off. My cheeks were bright red as he hooked the leash to his collar and the dog jumps down onto the tiled floor of the entry and kitchen.

"Make yourself at home, it won't take that long. I have some of his published books on the coffee table if you're interested in getting a head start. I promise I only skimmed the material," he chuckles. With a whistle to Max, the dog walks to the door and within a blink they were both gone.

I let out a huff of air I did not realize I was holding. Curiosity got to the better of me as I look to the rest of his apartment.

His couch was pushed against the flat wall to my right with a picture hung above. The TV was positioned in the middle of the room with the dining table and chairs off the side next to the largest windows in his apartment. A desk was pushed against the back wall near the balcony doors and beside those were the small steps to a raised level where his bed was tucked away. Max's pet bed was at the bottom of the steps but judging by the ruffled blankets of his bed, Max sought his sleep elsewhere.

My eyes go to his scattered desk where the only empty spot was where I was sure he kept his laptop that was most likely tucked away in his work bag. I walk towards the desk curiously as it was lined in scattered papers and books. I could not help my nosy curiosity as I pick up a framed picture of him and a beautiful red head. His arms were wrapped around her torso and they both wore a warm and welcoming smile.

As I look around the rest of his apartment I find that same girl in many more pictures taken in various locations.

In front of Big Ben, an ocean, the Statue of Liberty, but the one that truly caught my eyes was one placed at the corner of his kitchen on the counter. The two stood in front of the Eiffel Tower sharing a sweet kiss. You could see the love for each other as she smiled into his lips and he sunk into her body like they fit perfectly together.

I scold myself for the ping to my stomach. An unreadable but knowing reason for it's existence. Choosing to ignore it after, I sit in the couch and pull open one of the books. Just as I turn the page, the front door enters and Max pulls his owner through the threshold.

Once the door is closed behind them, Elijah let's go of the leash and Max runs up to me quickly. I laugh as he jumps on the couch and rests his head on top my lap.

As Elijah disregards the plastic bag into his trash, I find him shaking his head.

"I'm sorry about him. He thinks he's a ladies man," he jokes as he passes by, scratching the head his dog as he does. He sits at an accent chair that faced the two of us as I begin to scratch behind his ears.

"He's never warmed up to people so quickly. You must be good with dogs."

I shake my head as Max yawns tiredly.

"I always wanted one but my family throws too many parties and they thought having a pet would cause a disruption to the guests. I volunteered at the local animal shelter for a while but I never really bonded with any of them. Max on the other hand, I'm already fond of his presence."

My words seemed to cause interest to the dog as he nuzzled his head against my stomach.

"Good, because I think you will be seeing a lot more of him."

Without thinking, I scratch the top of his head where I had found he liked it most, "I sure hope so."


As the clock hit 10 I knew it was finally time to go home. Or rather downstairs where I was sure Grace was impatiently waiting for me. She had texted me earlier and I shot her a text with a simple, "Upstairs be home soon."

Our meeting was spent getting side tracked. We tried talking about Aldous R. Köhler but the only information we could manage to get out was where he was born. Elijah who I had figured to have travelled a lot considering the pictures of him and the mysterious red head, went off about Halberstadt Germany where Aldous was born in August 12th 1689.

Conversation from there shifted onto his travels but he left his information vague and never mentioned another party. I asked about some of the places he had been and that had been in my bucket list for years. Ever since I was a girl I dreamed of traveling to Venice, a place he had gone after graduating from Oxford. I was jealous to say the least.

"I should probably head home, I have class in the morning," I smile politely.

"I don't think Max will let you go to be honest," Fields laughs as I pet the top of the dogs head. He groans tiredly and I can't help but smile.

The dog stirs before Elijah whistles, among him jump off the couch and approach his owner. Elijah begins to pet his head before I stand up, brushing down my clothes to free them from the dog hair they were covered in.

"Thank you for having me, Dr. Fields," I grab my backpack from the floor and start towards the door only for the two to follow me.

"Of course. Maybe next time we'll actually get some work done," he offers me a smile before extending a book out to me.

"Read as much as you can before our next meeting. I want to hear your thoughts on the piece."

I nod, taking the leather bound book from his hand.

Maybe it was mind playing tricks on me, or maybe it was just the exhaustion but I swore I felt his fingers graze my hand as he let go.

Shaking my thoughts away I smile, "Well thank you, Dr. Fields."

I pull open the door and he holds onto the edge as I enter the hallways.

"Elijah, Quincie," he nods in my direction, "If you're comfortable with that, you can call me Elijah. Seems only fair since we have months of work ahead of us. If not you can call me whatever you want."

I smile, "Elijah is fine, thank you."

He nods and I look to Max who sat patiently. Offering the dog a soft wink I turn on my foot and head down the stairs.

As I open my apartment door, I'm bombarded by questions from my roommates asking me where I was, who I was with, why I wasn't back before what they determined to be my 'study hour.'

"I was working on the project with Dr. Fields, we were talking and lost track of time. But I'm alive and well and I would like to go study now," I can't help but laugh as I pass by my roommates who acted so much like parents.

I enter my room and strip from my clothes and into a pair of pajamas that consisted of Anthony's loose shirt and pair of pajama shorts.

I sit at my desk and begin to work on assignments I had forgotten about during my deep dive in Aldous Kölher.

I was about half an hour into my work when there is a tap on my bedroom door.

"Come in!" I call, finishing a typed sentence before leaning back in my chair as I wait for the person to enter.

"Hey!" I smile to Grace who entered cautiously.

She shuts the door behind her before sitting down on the bed.

"So, you were with the neighbor huh?"

I nod, "Yeah, we were working on the project. Is that okay?" I ask, despite knowing it really was none of her or the other's business. It sounded ruder than it was but simply put this was a professional and working relationship that only existed for the benefit of my education.

"Of course it is, Quince I don't own you. I just want you to be careful." She bashfully lowers her head and I can't help but slightly kick her with my foot.

"A penny for your thoughts?" I ask.

She sighs, meeting my gaze, "You're a smart girl Quincie. Absolutely brilliant to be honest. If you're putting your education on the line for a very, very attractive man, I want it to be worth it for you."

I shake my head at my best friend, "Elijah and I are just working. It's strictly professional and I would never risk my education for that. And he has a girlfriend, so I promise you nothing is going to come from this project."

Grace offers a weak smile, "It's not that, Quince. It's that I'm your best friend, I'm your sister. You can talk to me about anything judgement free, you know that right?" I nod, "But I also know that you haven't been with anyone, ever. And I'm worried that this project could lead to something you might want and I want that for you, I've run into him in the halls a couple times and he's mentioned you plenty, I just want you to be safe and careful and I respect any type of relationship ship you have with anyone, even if it is Elijah because you deserve someone who makes you happy. I'm rambling. What I'm getting at is that I want you to be happy and I don't want you getting hurt."

I stand from my desk and sit beside her on my bed. My arms wrap around her shoulders as I lean against her body, "You are my everything, Grace. I'm not going to let a stupid boy cloud my judgement and it certainly will not be Elijah Fields. He is my professor, my teacher, and if anything I'm only there for Max. I know you're worried because I don't understand these things but I promise you there is nothing going on between him and I and nothing ever will."

She sighs as her head rests on mine, "Good."

We sit in silence for a moment just as my computer sings with a new notification. I part from my best friend and check the new email.

It was a picture of Max laying on the couch where I had been sat looking sad.

I could not help but smile as I read the message below.

I think he misses you.

Let's set a date for the next meeting soon, yeah? Max is impatiently waiting to see you again. I've attached my phone number at the bottom of the email. I figured it would be easier for contacting.

Good night, Quincie.

I clear my throat as I look at the picture of Max one last time.

As I stand up I feel Grace's chin on my shoulder.

She wore a smug smile, "Thats just too cute, Quincie Jackson. Just too cute."


I have a geography test in 18 minutes that I didn't even know about but it's not due until tomorrow so I'm printing off the study guide once this is published and filling that out to take the test later tonight. My journalism class was cancelled this morning too so I've been in bed since I woke up. Today is a big day for protests at my Univeristy.

If you aren't caught up with my posts, they are getting rid of the journalism department to make room for a STEM building. This would be fine and dandy if my school was not an arts school. Literally our leading majors here are the arts and criminology, two programs they are downsizing on to make money for the STEM building. It's bullshit because I will have to change majors next year but they're also cutting the English department so let's be real, I'm probably fucked. But there are protests today that I am going to. SAFELY. We will be wearing masks and conducting social distancing protocol because not out here trying to get COVID. I'm mad that 2020 sucks for everyone but I didn't get prom, graduation, I was never able to get senior pictures and now, even in college, I won't be getting the full experience because I'm out of options. Yes transferring is an option but once you're established at a Univeristy it's really hard to transfer. I'm just trying to look on the bright side which is very hard because there isn't one but I have a fall back plan if college is fucked for me. I can get paid to write so that's something I'm going to look into more I'm signed with Apple Hooks just haven't published anything yet :)

Now in terms of Dalton, I spent the weekend with him against my better judgement because I'm not smart. Things progressed further than I ever wanted but I did consent to what we did and it's fine I'll just live with it I guess. I'm still a virgin if you're wondering but I just hate the decisions I make so that was DEFINITELY the last time. Thought I'd share because my friends don't listen it's fine it's cool I need to get some shit done before my French class so au revoir.

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