Sonic Railgun

By Heroman23

3.4K 94 769

Ever wonder if there are other worlds out there that have life on them? Ever wonder if we might ever come int... More

The Blue Blur
Sonic Little Night Adventure
Anti-Esper Ambush!
The Long Waited Truth
Esper Killer
Academy City Fate Part One!
Academy City Fate Part Two!
Academy City Fate Part Three!
Miles 'Tails' Prower
To Sonic World!
Dr. Eggman!
Egg Hydra!
Chaos Emeralds
The Chemical Plant!
Tempest the Dolphin
Egg Warrior!
Meet The Freedom Fighters
Empire City Part One
Empire City Part Two
Mushroom Forest
Egg Lion!

Angel Island

88 3 32
By Heroman23

Last Time on Sonic Railgun........

Two robots begin to fly infront of Sonic path. They begin to fire their guns at Sonic. Sonic smirked and easily stepped to the side.

Sonic curled up into a ball and boosted his speed to run right through them. This sudden force of speed, caused those two robots to be launched into either trees or totem poles and blow up in the collision.

Sonic begins to run on a loopdeloop before runing up a upward ramp. In the air, Sonic spins around in the air. He saw the remaining robots behind him. He curled up into his ball form and homing attack at the some of the robots before landing on the other side of the grass road.

"Is this really as tough as Eggman robots makes them? Must be a poor manufacturing process at his HQ." said Sonic.

The last remaining robots begin to catch up with Sonic. They begin to surrounded him in a circle formation and pointed their guns at him. Sonic jumped into the air homing attack the last remaining robots.

"Hehe... That was too easy." Said Sonic before increasing his speed.

"Not so fast rodent!" Said Eggman as he appeared infront of Sonic in his Egg Mobile.

"Oh! So you decide to fight me? Well, get ready for a quick defeated you will never forget Eggman." Said Sonic.

"I will be the judge of that you little blue rat. Lets see if you can handle this! FIRE!!!" Said Eggman before pressing a button on his controls.

The sides of the Egg Mobile open up to reveal some missile launchers. They fired missiles at Sonic. Sonic smirked as he spin dashed past the missiles and crashed into the flying pod. Damaging it. Sonic uncurled in the air and leaned his right leg back for a kick.

"What?!" said Eggman before he was launched into air at high speed by Sonic kick.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" Screamed Eggman as he was launched away from the island.

"See ya latter Eggman! Next time, make sure to bring your A game for our next fight." Said Sonic. He then dashes back to the village.


Green Hills Village.............

The Mobians begin to put out the fires as they try to gather as much water as they can. The others would rebuilding their damages homes.

Sonic dashed into the village to see everyone rebuilding their village. The Mobians stopped to look at Sonic.

"Don't worry everyone. I took care of Eggman robots and sent him flying away from this island." Said Sonic as he had thumbs up at everyone.

Everyone was silent at first. Then they begin to run to Sonic and begin to cheer at him. They were expressing their gratitude for saving them.

"H...Hey... its no big deal." said Sonic as he was getting crowed by tons of Mobians.

From a little outside of the crowed, Tails, Mikoto and Alan looked on how Sonic was getting thanked by so many Mobians.

"Looks like Sonic is popular now." Said Alan.

"Hehe... Look at how many Mobians are happy that Sonic saved them. They never were this much happy when Eggman was around." Said Tails.

"Sonic has given them hope that Eggman can be beaten." Said Mikoto as she smiles.

"Yeah!" Said Alan.

Sonic and the gang have made it to Sonic home planet. They landed on the beach area of South Island. Sonic had rushed over to a village to stop Eggman and his robots. He took out the robots easily and kicked Eggman away from the island. Now Sonic is being thanked all the Mobians that lives on South Island.


Green Hills Village.........

"Thank you so much again Mr. Sonic." Said Cream as she thanked the blue hedgehog that saved her and everyone else in the village.

"It is no big deal. A hedgehog gotta do what a hedgehog gotta do. And please just call me Sonic." Said Sonic.

"Do you really have to go?" asked a bird Mobian.

"Yep. Gotta stop Eggman on what ever plan he hatches up." Said Sonic as he made a small joke there.

"Ready Sonic?" Asked Tails as he brings the Tornado near the village to take off. Mikoto was one the left wing and Alan was back in the passenger seat of the Tornado.

"Ready." Said Sonic as he hopped on the Tornado.

"All set Tails?" Asked Alan.

"Ready Alan. Take off!" Said Tails as the Tornado begins to take off into the air.

"See ya everyone!" Said Sonic as he waves goodbye at the village Mobians as the Tornado flies away from the island.

"Bye bye! Take care Sonic! Stay safe." said Cream as she waves to the good hedgehog goodbye.


In the Sky............

"You did an amazing job back on that island Sonic. Stopping Eggman for the first time. " said Mikoto.

"Eh... I thought there would be more of a challenge." Said Sonic.

"To be fair Sonic, you easily defeated Eggman and his robots." Said Tails.

"Uhh.... You have a point Tails. But I hope he gets serious next time. He hardly put up a fight." Said Sonic.

"Be careful what you wish for Sonic." Said Alan.

"Heads up. We are about to fly into some clouds!" Said Tails as he points ahead. Their were huge thick clouds ahead of them.

"Hang on!" Said Tails as he flies into the clouds. Everyone braced themselves as they hang on.

"I can't see a thing." Said Sonic as he can hardly see about two feet infront of him.

"Same!" Said Mikoto.

"How much longer Tails? I can't tell what is infront of me anymore." Said Alan.

"Almost out of here...... about... now!" Said Tails as the Tornado flies out of the clouds.

"Sweet.... huh? What is that?" asked Sonic as he points something ahead.

They looked where Sonic is pointing. What Sonic sees is a island. But what is strange about it is that it is flying in the sky.

"What is that?" Asked Mikoto as is confused on seeing the floating island.

"I don't know. But let me land the Tornado on there." Said Tails as he begins to command the Tornado to land on the mysterious island.


Angel Island..........

The Tornado begins to land on coast area of the island. Everyone hops off the Tornado. They were amazed by this.

"I don't understand how this possible. How is their plant life up here?" asked Tails.

"More important question, how is an entire island is flying in the air? That deifies the rules of gravity." Said Alan.

"Well, why not explore the area?" Asked Sonic.

"Fine but Sonic, you are going have to stick with the group alright?" Asked Alan.

"Okay." Said Sonic.

"Good. Now sis......" When Alan turned to look at his sister, she wasn't there.

"Hey! Where did she go?" asked Alan as he begins to look around for Mikoto.

"Don't tell me she went already and begin exploring the place?" Asked Sonic.

"But how did she do it without us knowing?" Asked Tails

"I don't know but we need to find her. Who knows what kind of trouble she could get into." Said Alan.

"Right." Said Tails and Sonic. They begin to run into the forest part of the island to go find Mikoto.


With Mikoto............

"I know I should have left them back there without letting them know but I could have sworn I saw something before Tails landed the Tornado." Said Mikoto as she was walking in the forest. She feels like she was getting close to what she believes she saw.

"I think I am close." Said Mikoto.

Mikoto pushed some leaf's and some bushes aside to see what something amazing. Their was a old ruins here. Most of it was damage for who knows how long.  In the middle of the ruins was the appearance of a old temple with stair case going up. Alter of the Emeralds

(Please ignore the certain red knucklehead in the photo. This was the only picture that I could find that shows the Alter of the Emeralds.)

"What is that?" Asked Mikoto as she wonder what it is. She noticed something shining at the top of the temple.

She begins to walk up the steps to the top of the temple. When she got there, she saw something amazing. Their was a massive emerald in the center of the temple. It was green colored. The Master Emerald.

"Wow...." said Mikoto as she was amazed by it. "It looks pretty...."

Mikoto begins to get close to the huge emerald. Just before she could even touch it someone stopped her.

"Hey! Back away from the Master Emerald!" Said a male voice.

Mikoto turned around to see who was talking to her. It was a Mobian like Sonic and Tails. It had the appearance of echidna and has red fur. It has white boxer gloves and has two white spikes on them. Knuckles the Echidna

"Who are you and what are you doing near the Master Emerald?!" asked Knuckles.

"Whoa whoa.... lets calm down here." Said Mikoto as she hold her hands out in defense.

"I want answers now!" Said Knuckles as he jumped into the air and dived bomb towards her.

Mikoto jumped to the side. When she look at the area where she was originally, their was a small crater where Knuckles landed.

'He... he just created a small crater when he punched the stone floor.' Thought Mikoto.

"Listen I am not here to cause trouble." Said Mikoto as she tries to reason him.

"Nice try. I am not going to fall for that same trick again!" Said Knuckles before trying to punch her.

Mikoto jumped off the temple and landed on the ground and stuck the landing. She looked back up to see Knuckles jumping down from the temple and charged at her.

"Whoa! Hey.... Whoa!. Just... Whoa! Stop trying to punch me!" Said Mikoto as she keeps jumping to the side every time Knuckles begins to try to punch her.

"Go back where you come from and leave Angel Island alone!" said Knuckles as he kicks her into a tree. Mikoto crashed into the tree hard and fell on her butt. She rubbed her back as it was in pain at the moment.

"Wait... Angel Island? Is that the name of this floating island?" Asked Mikoto as she slowly gets back up. She freaked out when Knuckles charged at her again.

She dodge to her left just in time as Knuckles punched the tree she was infront of, and the tree broke into pieces.

"Do you ever stop and try to listen to others before punching them?" asked Mikoto as she saw his powerful strength.

"I get it now.... learning about the emeralds wasn't enough, your boss is after the Master Emerald now!" Said Knuckles as he looks at Mikoto in anger.

"Boss? What boss? Who are you talking about?!" asked Mikoto.

"That fat man and his stupid metal machines!" Said Knuckles.

"Fat man? Metal machines? You mean Eggman?" Asked Mikoto before rolling on the ground to dodge a incoming flying kick.

"So you do know him. I knew it! That means you are working with him!" said Knuckles.

"No no! You got it all wrong! I don't work with him!" Said Mikoto as she slowly stands back up. She was then kicked in the stomach by Knuckles.

When she was rolling on the ground after getting kicked by Knuckles, something felled out of her pockets. It was the shiny thing that felled into her pockets back on South Island, without her knowing.

Knuckles saw the shiny object. He walked over to it. "What's this?" Asked Knuckles as he picked up in his boxer gloves.

As he brought it closer to examine it he saw what it is. It was a small blue emerald that was shining.

"Hey you human. Where did you get this?" asked Knuckles.

"What?" asked Mikoto as she noticed the blue emerald in his hands. "I don't know. I don't even remember seeing that before until now."

"Hmm.." Said Knuckles as he begins to rethink his opinion from before. Suddenly he was attacked by something at super fast speed in a ball form.

Knuckles was launched into a tree. Knuckles shakes his head to see it was Sonic that attacked him. Tails and Alan came out from the trees and run over to Mikoto to help her up get back on her feet.

"Grrr." Said Knuckles as he growled at the new intruder that appeared.

"Hey Mikoto. We heard some commotion going on over here and thought you were in trouble. So I rushed here as fast as I could and found out you where." Said Sonic.

"Yeah but wait Sonic.." Said Mikoto.

"It is okay, let Sonic handle this. Sonic, teach that guy a lesson." Said Alan

"Ah... Say no more. I will teach this knucklehead to lean some manners of not hitting girls." Said Sonic as he had a smirk on his face.

"But... wait guys, listen this is all just..." Said Mikoto as she tries to speak to stop this.

"Fine.... lets see what you got.." Said Knuckles as he put the blue emerald aside gently and bashed his boxer gloves together. He then charged at Sonic and Sonic spin dashed at Knuckles.

Knuckles tried to punch Sonic but Sonic causally dodge it and kicked Knuckles to a tree. He then homing attack at Knuckles. Knuckles put his arms infront of him to block the attack.

Knuckles put some force into his defense and pushed Sonic away from him. Sonic uncurled from his ball form. Knuckles and Sonic smirked at each other before charging at each other again. They jumped at each other and throw a punch at each other. Just before the punches could punch each another.....

"STOPPP!!" Said Mikoto as she appeared in front of them holding her arms out to them and caught their fists.

"Huh?" said everyone as they were confused of what is happening at the moment.

"Sis? What are you doing?" Asked Alan.

"Stopping a fight that will not solve anything." Said Mikoto.

Mikoto grabbed both Sonic and Knuckles and pushed them away from each other. "You need to listen here knucklehead, we are not the bad guys here." Said Mikoto.

"How do I know you are telling the truth? For all I know you could be working with Eggman in secret." Said Knuckles.

"Let me repeat my answer. WE..... ARE....NOT...WORKING... FOR... EGGMAN!!!" Said Mikoto as she yelled each work at Knuckles.

Before Knuckles could talk back to her, something crashed near them. They turned to the direction of the that crashed.

When the smoked cleared, it was not organic. It was a mechanical robot that has multiple heads and long necks. It has for robot like legs in the form of lizard feet. One of the robot heads was a lot bigger and has a circle glass dome on its forehead. Its color its red on the necks, black and yellow on the heads. The color for the metal on the legs are slightly red and green.

The glass dome reeled back to reveal a certain someone inside of it.

"OH HOHOHOHOHO!" A familiar laugh was heard.

"Eggman!" Said Sonic. Everyone got on the defensive as the mad doctor has appeared.

"Hello Sonic. Did you miss me?" asked Eggman as it was him in the glass dome. It was actually his Egg Mobile attached to the robot large head.

"Not at all Eggman." Said Sonic as he didn't miss Eggman one bit.

"Well too bad. You told me to bring my A game next time Sonic and well..... Here it is! My A game!" Said Eggman as his robot roared at the group. Everyone gets ready for a upcoming fight.

Sonic and his friends left the South Island to stop Eggman plans to rule the planet. They landed on a mysterious floating island in the sky. Mikoto went ahead of everyone else to see a old temple. When she climbed to the top and was about to touch the Master Emerald, Knuckles appeared begins to attack Mikoto. Sonic comes in and battles Knuckles. Mikoto stops them from fighting and just in time. Eggman comes back to battle Sonic again and has brought a new kind of robot. Can they beat Eggman new robot?


To Be Continued..............

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