Sempiternal Memories (TMR: Hi...

By Once_Upon_A_Glade

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It isn't exactly old news that (Y/N) has a crush on Newt. Everyone could see and notice the way she acts arou... More

Part I: Chapter 1 - The New Leader
Chapter 2 - Sorting Out Priorities
Chapter 3 - Too Close for Comfort
Chapter 4 - Fixed On A Moment
Chapter 5 - Take a Breath Let the Rest Come Easy
Chapter 6 - If We Stand for Nothing, We'll Fall for Anything
Chapter 7 - A Love That's So Demanding, I Can't Speak
Chapter 8 - Elizabeth "Sonya" Whitman
Chapter 9 - Fueling the Fires Until We Combust
Chapter 10 - A Love Like War
Chapter 11 - Be Careful What You Wish For
Chapter 12 - I Have to Let You Down
Chapter 13 - Wish Granted
Chapter 14 - Chaos Ensured
Chapter 15 - Eyes Vacant and Stained
Chapter 16 - Stuck With Me
Chapter 17 - What Is This Feeling?
Chapter 18 - Creating Memories
Chapter 19 - The Past Will Always Catch Up to You
Chapter 20 - Little Miss Obvious and Mr. Oblivious

Chapter 21 - A New Beginning

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By Once_Upon_A_Glade

- it was now the night of the dance and the class has already entered the gym
- (Y/N) was thinking about her feelings for Newt

Chapter 21 - A New Beginning

L is for the way you look at me

Before they knew it, the music has already started and they started to dance. The dance started with the boys and the girls in separate sides of the room, their backs facing each other. Then when the music starts, the boys would go over to the ôter side and get the girl's hand.

(Y/N) loved that part. There was that small excitement as she waited for Newt to grab her hand and pull her close to him. The butterflies in her stomach never fail to show up the moment Newt's hand takes hers.

O is for the only one I see

V is very very extraordinary

E is even more than anyone that you adore...

The ideal position of their heads for foxtrot was that it would never face their partners. However, everyone had a hard time with it and Coach Janson let it slide when they told him. So now, (Y/N) was staring up at Newt's face. He'd look at her from time to time, but his focus was more on his feet.

The grip he had on her hand and her waist was obvious enough to know he was nervous. She found it endearing. She knew dancing in public isn't exactly a big fear of his, but still anyone who had a lot of eyes on them would still be scared and anxious. Still, he was here. He was with her.

And love is all that I can give to you

Love is more than just a game for two

Just like earlier, she felt as if it was just her and Newt in the room. Every moment that passed felt like it was a million years and a second at the same time. 

I'm to far in the gone, she smiled to herself.

Whatever Newt did, she always found them endearing and cute. He was just a very beautiful person that she was surprised to have had the pleasure of knowing. This entire project felt like a dream. It was like it came out of a book or a movie.

What were the odds of her crush being the one who's going to ask her to be his partner for the dance? Giving them a lot of time together. And when she thought the dream or fairytale finally ended, he came back to her. He wasn't forced to do any of these things, that added to the reasons why she couldn't sleep at night.

Two in love can make it

Take my heart but please don't break it

Love was made for me and you

As the dance progressed and they were already in the instrumental part of the song, Newt was more comfortable. The grip he had on her softened a little. He wasn't also looking at his feet anymore but at her.

Normally, (Y/N) would've blushed and looked away, trying not to finally give her secret away to the only boy who didn't know about it. However, she didn't look away. But her composure couldn't stay forever because when she thought she could finally stand on her own two feet, Newt always found ways to knock her down.

"L is for the way you look at me," he sang along softly.

(Y/N)'s breath hitched. Why is he singing?

"O is for the only one I see."

As if seeing the surprised look on her face, Newt smiled nervously. But he kept on singing. (Y/N) had no intention of stopping him anyway. She just found it so cute that she couldn't stop the huge smile forming on her face.

"V is very very extraordinary."

"E is even more than anyone that you adore..."

For just a second, (Y/N) closed her eyes, savoring this moment. Her heart was beating out of her chest this moment. It wasn't because of the dance. In fact, she's forgotten all about it all at the moment. The exams, the dance, the prom, the pairs on eyes on them. None of it mattered.

She finally let herself drown in her emotions.

Even if she's admitted to herself for a long time that she's had a crush on Newt, she didn't want to think that it might've grown into something more. It was simple and easy for her to say that she had a crush on someone. She found it as common as a seed on a garden.

But she didn't think that this seed would grow into something beautiful. That it was different from the others who weren't well protected and easy crushed and ruined. She didn't think that perhaps what she felt for Newt now was more than just a simple crush.

Could it be...

And love is all that I can give to you

Looking back on it, it makes a lot of sense. But (Y/N) was hesitant to call it that. How could she know? How could she tell?

Love, love, love is more than just a game for two

What if it wasn't that? What if it was just still a crush? But she's never felt something this strong before. Never has anyone made her heart beat like this before. Never before has anyone made her smile and has given her sleepless nights like Newt.

Two in love can make it

Is it truly love? Could this strong surge of emotions be what they call love?

Take my heart but please dont break it

If it was, then it would mean that Newt would be her first.

Cause love was made for me and you

Newt has given her a lot of firsts dung this school year. He's granted her a lot of experiences that she never thought she'd have. He's given her happiness and smiles throughout the entire school year.

If this was love and Newt was her first, what could be wrong with that?

What's wrong with having Newt as her first love?

I said love was made for me and you

(Y/N) smiled and looked at Newt. Fine then, she thought to herself.

You know that love was made for me and you

The final beat of the dance played and just like that, the dance was done. (Y/N) found herself back inside the gym. The claps and of the other teens filled her ears. She looked around and saw her classmates with smiles on their faces. They were all glad that it was done. That their hard work has payed off.

The class bowed and started to leave the gym. When they were in the hallways, her classmates cheered and laughed. There were some who were sharing the parts where they made some mistakes. While the others were already planning what to do for the night.

Coach Janson came in and congratulated them on their dance. As he was congratulating them and telling them that they could stay, as long as they don't make any trouble, (Y/N) noticed that Newt still held her hand and she was still holding his. She had no idea when Newt would let go of her hand, but she didn't know why he was still holding it in the first place. The dance ended minutes ago.

But the smile on her face faded away and dread started to creep at her chest. Dread of when Newt would let go of her hand and never hold it again.

"Are you going to stay?" She asked Newt.

"I think so. I want to enjoy the night a little. What about you?"

"I'll also stay."


In the end, there were some who stayed and some who left. Teresa was one of those who left early with their other classmates. While Minho and Harriet stayed behind, although it didn't look like they were going to stay in the prom but just wanted to stay in school to go to the track field. Mark and Trina were also some of the ones who stayed and were enjoying the prom. Along with them were (Y/N) and Newt.

The dread (Y/N) was feeling earlier was now gone. She didn't want to worry about that imminent future but just enjoyed the moment. So far, she and Newt said their goodbyes to their classmates who left, walked around the gym, and tried some of their food. They did all this without unclasping their hands.

When was he going to let go?

That was the question that was first spiraling in her mind.

The night was so eventful for her and the dance was just a minor detail. She realized and accepted that she was in love with Newt. That he took that spot in her life as her first love. He's placed a mark in her life that she won't be able to take away.

Then the question earlier turned into a different one.

Why isn't he letting go?

Could it be that she was as special to him as he is to her? (Y/N) looked at their intertwined hands and brushed the thought away. She didn't want to assume. She knew her emotions but she didn't know his. It would be foolish to get her hopes up like she did before...

"Do you want to dance?" Newt asked her.

"You're not nervous anymore?" She asked in a playful tone, remembering what he said in the park.

"As long as I'm with you, it's alright."

Words like those made it hard not to assume.

Once again, the two went to the dance floor. But unlike earlier, no one was watching them. There were no steps to follow and no pressure of perfection.

We were strangers starting out on a journey...

As the song started, both Newt and (Y/N) swayed with the music. There were some parts where they tried to fit some of the choreography they had earlier in the song. However, the song wasn't exactly made for foxtrot so they made a few blunders and mistakes. Nothing they didn't laugh at.

When the song ended and a new song started, they still didn't leave the dance floor.

"(Y/N), I want to thank you for being a good dance partner."

Her heart skipped a beat. Once again, a huge smile was trying to form on her face, which she tried to control.

"The past few weeks were really fun," he continued. "And I couldn't have imagined it with someone else."

Why did it sound like he was saying goodbye?

"Me too. You've been a fantastic partner Newt," she smiled at him. Better than the ones I had before, she wanted to add. "I know I've said this before, but thank you for coming back."

"I told you right? You're stuck with me."

So she was.


For (Y/N), the night ended when she and Newt said goodbyes. As she was heading home with Brenda, she tried not to think of the empty and cold feeling on her hand. She missed him. She missed his smile. She missed his warmth.

Is that what it means to be in love?

The dance was now done. The school year was also coming to an end. To the others, it may be the end. But for (Y/N), it was just the beginning.

End of Part I

A/N: This doesn't mean I'm ending the book. It's just that I tend to separate most of my books now through three parts. So this book has three parts and the first has been completed.

No, I won't put it on hold.

The songs were L O V E by Michael Buble and At the Beginning.

Lastly, thank you for the support this book has been getting.







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

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