Shoto's Twin Sister

By Glitter_Crazy

198K 6.8K 5.5K

NOT AN X READER AND NOT INCEST Might be a bit of an OC x Katsuki Make sure to check out the Scenarios book I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Eimi Todoroki
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Clarification Chapter
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 30

2.4K 104 78
By Glitter_Crazy

Enji's (Endeavor) POV 

Everyone seemed to be ready to fight but no one initiated it, which was probably for the best, after all, the first one to move loses.

"Hero Killer!" I exclaimed in a loud voice. I felt my flames consume my left arm and hand and was about to let them loose on the Hero Killer when someone yelled at me.

"Wait, Todoroki!" The older hero from earlier yelled at me. I was about to question why when I heard Shoto yell.

"Eimi! Keep your eyes open!"

"Huh?" Escaped from my mouth as I looked past the Hero Killer. My eyes widened a little bit as I saw Eimi bleeding on the ground.

"You false hero. I'll make this right." The Hero Killer stepped over the monster's dead body. "These streets must run with the blood of hypocrites. Hero! I will reclaim that word!"

I felt the strong menacing tone and aura he was putting out. I looked around to see that everyone seemed to be frozen in fear. I looked forward and grunted.

"Come on! Just try and stop me, you fakes!"

I felt my stance falter which caused me to take a step back.  

"There is only one man I'll let kill me. He is a true hero." He paused. "All Might is worthy!"

When he yelled that out his whole aura got 10 times worse and all we could do was stand there. I heard some people fall over while others couldn't even do so since their bodies were so struck with fear.

I felt as if I wasn't going to be able to breath soon, then everything stopped. The knife hitting the ground broke the deadly aura around us and we could all breath a little easier now. I breathed out.

"I think... he's out cold." my voice trailed out into the street. More people fell over and I just stood there collecting my composure. I was about to go to the Hero Killer when I remembered a small fact. I quickly walked forward and past the Hero Killer and put my hand on her shoulder then put my other on her head. She still has plenty of her body heat, but has lost a lot of blood.

I gently picked her up and held her in my arms while I crouched on the ground. I saw her trying to keep her eyes open, which was only putting more strain on her body. I sucked in a breath then quietly called out to her.

"It's okay Eimi, you can rest now. Everything is okay, I've got you. You're safe."

Another hero made their way over to me and assessed the situation.

"How is she?" They asked. I stood up slowly, but surely and looked out into the street.

"She's resting now, but has lost quite a lot of blood. Has anyone called an ambulance? She needs imitate care, her body is loosing heat."

Shoto's POV

Right when I fell over, I made eye contact with Midoriya, who quickly looked over to the Nomu. My eyes widened when I remembered Eimi was bleeding to death by herself. I was about to get up when I watched the old man quickly make his way over to her. I paused in my movement as I watched him gently cradling Eimi in his arms and whispering something to her.

The heroes around us helped us up while one quickly went towards Father. I looked over at the two heroes and Eimi when I heard the sounds of an ambulance. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked to my right to see it was Midoriya. He looked forward and opened his mouth to speak.

"By the looks of it, she'll be fine. Though I think she would be even more worried if you didn't get your injuries checked out." He said softly while leading me towards some medics. 

The medics sat me down and looked at my arm and cheek while I just stared out into the distance. In the corner of my eye I saw other medics rush over to where Father was and carefully look over Eimi before they brought her over to the stretcher. Iida was told to get in the same ambulance as Eimi, since he also had pretty bad injuries.

The medics talked to Father and nodded before jumping into the vehicle and speeding off. His eyes trailed over to me before he walked in my direction. He looked over me before saying something and leaving. I felt myself relax only a little bit after he left.

The remaining injured were piled into the second ambulance and were sent to the same hospital the first one was. I was sat by Midoriya while Native was on the other side of the vehicle.

"You seemed a little more relaxed. Do your cuts feel better?" Midoriya asked me. I shook my head and softly held onto my injured arm.

"No, that's not it. My dad just told me that Eimi is going to be okay and we'll see her shortly."

"Well that's good to hear! Right?" Midoriya said sweetly before I nodded and closed my eyes for a bit.

~Time Skip~

When we got to the hospital we were examined, cleaned up, and sent to a room with four beds. As we walked into the room, we were expecting to see it empty, but found that Iida was already there. He was sitting in the bed that was closest to the window on the left side of the room. He was looking down when Midoriya gratefully called out to him.

"Iida!" He exclaimed and tried to walk over to him but I stopped him since he had an injured leg. I lead him to the bed closest to door on the right side of the room while I took the other bed by the window.

"Hey, you guys.." He mumbled quietly while still looking down. I sat down on my chosen bed and looked over to him.

"Are you okay Iida?" I asked him while I saw him shudder a bit. It took him a few seconds to respond, and when he did, he sounded so heart broken.

"I have to wait until tomorrow to get my results back, but I'm more worried for Todo."

"What happened? Is she alright?" Midoriya quickly cut in with worry evident in his voice. We watched as Iida shook his head no and I felt my world become duller.

"Well, they told me she would be fine now. But she had an episode in the ambulance which gave us all a heart attack and I couldn't even do anything due to my arms being like this." Iida said in a small voice, but still loud enough for us to hear him still.

"What happened?" I asked with a shaky voice. I heard Iida gulp before he continued.

"Her... her heart stopped for a minute or two," I felt my breath hitch and Midoriya gasp. "But they were able to get it started again."

We all looked down for a minute before Iida broke the silence.

"She's in surgery at the moment but should be brought here after she's done. She'll be asleep though, so we can't be loud. Though we should all be asleep by that time."

"Yeah, okay." Midoriya huffed as he laid down against his bed. I soon followed suit and pulled my blanket over my body. I tried to close my eyes and sleep, but it was helpless. I knew I wasn't going to be able to get a wink of sleep until I saw Eimi was okay with my own eyes. I sat up and saw that both Iida and Midoriya were already asleep, they didn't look to comfortable considering their injuries, but it was better than nothing.

My blanket fell onto my lap as I continued to sit up and lean against my pillow. I looked out the window and at all the lights from the many buildings outside. Though the lights were bright, and there were many of them, I could still see the stars shining brightly. Eimi expressed to me how much she enjoys just staring at the stars at night and I couldn't help but smile softly at the memory. She dragged me outside when she saw the stars from the window that night and jumped like an excited puppy.

I heard a soft knock on the door, which was soon followed by it opening. The light from in the hall shown into the dark room and I saw two nurses come in with a bed. One looked up and saw me sitting up. She tapped the other nurse on the shoulder and pointed over to me before slowly walking over.

"I'm sorry, did we wake you?" She asked in a whisper. I shook my head no and looked around her and at Eimi.

"Do you need anything?"

"Not anymore." I softly responded. The nurse tilted her head to the side before speaking again.

"Anymore?" She asked as she followed to where my eyes were looking. She smiled before bowing.

"I understand now. Please rest well, and if you need something don't hesitate to call us with the call button you have located at the side of your bed." 

I nodded and watched as she went back and helped the other nurse with transferring Eimi to the other bed. They tucked her in and wheeled the bed out the door before slightly bowing to me and closing the door. I waited a few minutes before I slowly got out of my bed. I silently walked over to Eimi's bed and looked over her face.

She seemed to be sleeping soundly, but I could only hope that, as she was the one to get the worse injuries out of all of us. Her face contorted into one that of pain and I gently moved her bangs slightly out of her face. I leaned down and softly kissed her forehead, knowing that it made me feel better when she did it for me, so maybe it would do the same for her. Her face seemed to calm down and I rubbed her head a little bit before turning around to go to my bed.

I sat down and took one last look at her before laying down and closing my eyes. Only slightly being able to sleep better, though it would be even better if she was awake when she came in.

Izuku's POV

"Did you sleep, Midoriya?" Todoroki asked me as we were all sitting up on our beds, well all of us except Eimi, she was still asleep due to the medication she was on.

"No, not really." I replied honestly.

"I figured. Me neither." He said as he looked towards the sleeping Eimi. I looked up in thought before I started thinking out loud.

"Thinking about that fight now, we did something pretty amazing."

"Yeah, I agree." Todoroki commented after me.

"After everything that happened back there, it kinda feels like a miracle we're even alive." I called out while I looked down towards my leg. "With my leg messed up, I was an easy target. He probably could've killed me if he really wanted to."

"Yeah. Seems to me he let us live on purpose. He even save Eimi from that Nomu." Todoroki said while holding up his arm before he looked over to Iida. "I'm impressed by you though, Iida. He was actually trying to murder you, but you stood strong."

Iida looked over to Todoroki before replying.

"That's not true. I was..." He started as he looked at the ground but was interrupted by the door opening. I looked over to see Gran Torino and the normal hero Manual.

"Oh, so the injured youngins are awake. Well most of them." Gran Torino said while looking slightly at Eimi sleeping in her bed.

"Gran Torino!" I excitedly called out.

"And Manual, too." Iida added.

"Idiot." Gran Torino raised his voice at me. "I could yell at you for hours right now."

He angrily walked up to my bed.

"Yeah. I'm sorry." I replied with a somewhat shaky voice, scared of what he could do to me if he was super mad. 

"But before I do, you've got a visitor." Gran Torino looked back and I watched as a tall man came up from behind Manual.

"This is Hosu's chief of police. Kenji Tsuragamae." (pronouced Sir-a-guam-eyy)

I looked up to see a dog's face on a man's body.

Tsuragamae? The-the chief?

I heard both Iida and Todoroki stand up. I panicked a bit and went to stand up at well, but was quickly told I didn't need to by the chief.

"No, please, stay seated, woof."


"So, you're the UA students that took down the Hero Killer, huh?" He called out in an assertive voice. I gulped and Todoroki answered.

"We are."

"Stain has some serious injuries. Severe burns and several broken bones. Right now he's in the hospital under strict guard, woof." The chief explained.

I looked up at him as he continued.

"Here's a lesson you should have already learned. When Quirks became the norm, the police force sought to maintain the status quo. They decided they wouldn't use Quirks as weapons. That's when heroes came in."

I looked over to Gran Torino and Manual.

"They could do things we couldn't, if they were licensed of course, woof. It would be impossible for the police to condone the use of deadly Quirks. After all, we're here to stop such harm from being done. The only reason pros can use their powers now is because of the strict code of ethics that the earlier heroes decided to abide by. That's why it's against the law for uncertified people to use their Quirks to cause injury."

I looked down at my hands and held them in a fist.

"Whether you were up against the Hero Killer or not, none of you have the authority to harm the villain. That means the three of you, sorry, I mean four of you and your supervisors-- Endeavor, Manual, and Gran Torino-- should receive harsh punishments for this gross abuse of your powers."

"Now wait a minute." Todoroki called out in an angry tone and I looked behind me to see him. "If Iida had not stepped in, Native would've been murdered. And if not for Midoriya--"

"Todoroki--" Iida tried to stop him but he continued.

"--both of them would be dead. No one else even realized that the Hero Killer was in Hosu. Are you saying we should've just stood by and watched people die?"

Todoroki stepped forward a bit and I reached my arms out.

"Calm down."

"So it's okay to break the law as long as it goes your way?" The chief answered Todoroki's question. I could tell that wasn't the answer he was looking for because he growled and started to speak again.

Eimi's POV (yeye, you got that right boysss)

I woke up to the sound of many voices, though the main one that I could make out was Shoto's, and he seemed pissed.

"But, sir, isn't it a hero's job to save people?" Shoto yelled, and he like never yells, certainly not in a place like this.

"This is why you aren't full-fledged pros yet. It's obvious UA and Endeavor haven't been teaching you near enough. What a shame." Some man called out after Shoto. That got me kind of mad because Shoto isn't dumb and certainly knows the goals of a pro hero.

"You damned mutt." Shoto called out and I couldn't keep myself quiet any longer. I made myself known by sitting up and coughing, only to wince in pain and fall back onto my bed.

"Damn that hurts." I whimpered in a slight laugh. "What a pain it is to be a hero." I mumbled into my arm. "But it's the path I have chosen."

The whole room went silent and I waved my arm in the arm.

"Continue your conversation. I think we were on the part of where Shoto was calling someone a mutt."

"I, uh--" I heard Shoto stutter out which made me smile. I could feel from here, that his whole angry aura was pretty much gone now.

"Ahem, yes. What I've said is the official stance of the police department. But any punishment would only be necessary if this went public." The 'mutt' said to us. "If it did, you'd probably be applauded by citizens everywhere. But there's no way you could escape from being reprimanded."

I took my arm off my face and shimmied my way up my bed a bit, wanting to be able to sit up to see who all was talking.

"On the other hand, we could say Endeavor saved the day. Stain's burns would support this story completely, and we could pretend you weren't involved, woof."

The hell is he saying woof for? And why did Shoto call him a mutt in the first place? Isn't that what some people call dogs when they've been bad or are angry at them?

"Thankfully there were very few witnesses, and they have been spoken to already. This could be the last of any punishments you hear of. It would mean no one would know of you, though. You'd receive no acclaim at all. The choice is yours."

I was able to successfully move myself up enough that I was in a sitting position, well, pretty much one anyways. I decided to put my input into the conversation, so I spoke up.

"That sounds like a pretty good exchange if you ask me." I called out and everyone looked over to me. I locked eyes with Shoto and gave him a closed eye'd smile.

"I don't want to damage any promising young careers. Not for a mistake like this." The dog man said. He really is a mutt.

Iida's supervisor, the hero that was looking after him for his internship started talking, which caused Iida to apologize to him. Izuku and Shoto soon followed suit. 

"I'm sorry too, even if I wasn't here for the majority of the conversation."

"That's quite alright. I'm sorry that we woke you up as well." The dog man responded to me.

"No, it's okay! I needed to wake up anyways." I laughed a bit before he bowed down to us all.

"But at least... allow me, as the chief of police, to thank you."

So that's who he is.

"You know, you could've started with that." Shoto called out in a grumbley voice.

"Todoroki." Izuku softly called out to him. I looked at the boys beside me to see that they were all softly smiling. Or, well, Izuku and Iida were, Shoto was kinda sulking.

They all said their goodbyes and left us to rest. Though as soon as they left, Shoto rushed over to my side. I looked up at him, my eyebrows slightly up and my head tilted to the side. He reached out his hand and rested it on my face, making me no longer able to see.

"Whadda you doing?" I asked, though my voice was muffled by Shoto's big hand. He didn't respond to me, all he did was keep his hand there. No one else seemed to be trying to stop him either, so I did the most logic thing I could think of, I liked his hand.

He made a sound of disgust and his hand quickly retreated from my face. I smiled triumphantly and stuck my tongue out at him. 

"Did you just really-" Shoto started and I cut him off.

"Yes, yes I did, and are you going to do something about it?" I challenged and he paused and didn't say anything. "That's what I thought."

"Eimi." He called out to me and I just looked away from him while crossing my arms.

A nurse then came in and requested that Iida go with her to do his other check up so he could get his results back. He soon left, and It was just Shoto, Izuku and I in the room. Shoto seemed to be holding something in, and Izuku could feel it so he just kinda sat there awkwardly before he stood up and grabbed his crutch.

"Well, I'm gonna go make some calls and send some texts to our classmates so they don't worry anymore. I'll be back soon." He said and left as quickly as he could with his phone in hand.

So now it was only Shoto and I. I kept looking away from Shoto, and I could sense he was getting a little irritated. 

"Eimi, can you just look at me?" He asked and I kept looking away from him. He went over to the area I was looking, so I looked the opposite way. He huffed and went to stand over there but then I turned my whole body the other way again. I winced in pain as I was doing so, but I did my best not to show it. I don't know why I wasn't just looking at him, but I felt as if I was going to get yelled at or something for how reckless I acted.

I didn't hear him move for a while until the side of my bed dipped down a bit. He was now sitting beside me and I tried to move in some way, but it only hurt to do so. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes, and before I knew it, they were falling down my face. I tried to stop them, but that only caused more to flow, which then caused me to start sniffling, in attempt to make them not fall.

I felt Shoto's arm wrap around my shoulder and pull me into his side. I winced when he did so once again, and this time I couldn't stop myself and he pulled back a bit. His eyes held concern as I brought my hands up to rub my eyes. Not soon after did I feel him move to the center of my bed and gently pull me towards him. He cradled me softly and began rocking me back and forth.

I felt his head rest on mine and I snuggled into his chest as I cried. He continued to rock me back and forth until I calmed down enough to form proper sentences. Once I was able to, Shoto cleared his throat a bit and asked me a question.

"Are you doing alright?" He asked.

"My sides hurt." I mumbled as I looked down.

"I know that, but I mean, more emotionally. You've been through a lot these past couple of days." 

I sat there in his arms for a minute before I was able to reply with anything. Shoto waited patiently with me the whole time.

"I- I don't know. I can't put it into words, but I feel something. Maybe more that something is coming? I donno, it hurts my head." I mini ranted while I gripped the sides of my head softly.

"I'll help you through anything, alright?" Shoto said and I felt more tears come to my eyes.

"And I'll do the same for you as well." I said back while I smiled.

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