Naruto:God of Gods

By Lbwj1221

67.3K 991 265

What is being alone ? What is love even?....why did they forget me?...why was I choose of all people? Truly... More

Chapter 1
Chapeter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 11

3.7K 59 11
By Lbwj1221

Reveled secrets
(Dont own Naruto)

"Aww shit"

Location:Konoha's council room
As Naruto arrived to the council room he knocks on the door and hears a faint come in. Naruto walks in and watches in amazement all the commotion erupts in the council room, Naruto stands in the front of the room as people began to take notice of his presence and the room quieted , as the meeting began to start.

"Why have you all summed me today ?" Naruto asked in a bored tone
"Yes why have you summed Naruto ?" Hiruzen asked as he glared at civilians side of the council.
"Well just like you all , we believe that we she know what the De... I mean what Naruto has been doing for the pass four years" Mebuki Haruno asked

As Naruto looked around the room he of course knew all the civilians would agree with this but what caught him off guard was that the ninja side of the council also had grown curious especially Fugaku and Danzo to say the least they cared for Naruto. Hell they cared for Minato he was truly a good friend more like brother and he was an excellent Hokage. They wanted the boy to have a good life but that quickly put that was stopped for understandable reasons.

As Naruto looked on he looked at the Hokage and saw that he him self was also curious.
"Why does it matter what I have been doing" Naruto asked knowing all truly why.
"Because the Demon shouldn't be more powerful than our beloved Heirs and noble civilian kids. The demon is nothing DIE !!"  Mori Mepoko said also known as a very successful tradesmen who is well known .
"HAHAHAHA" Naruto laughed out loud as everyone looked at him as if he had gone insane.
"Why does it matter this is a ninja village and I'm a ninja so it doesn't concern you" Naruto said
" That's just the thing truth be told I could kill you right now because I honestly hate when people call me a demon but that's not important anyways , thought the four years I have been     meditating and studying" Naruto stated as he gave an innocent smile. When he said that the third Hokage and Danzo made eye contact with each other thinking the same thing...
"He been training in a mindscape that's why we never saw him." They both thought

"What are you truly hiding" Mebuki asked
"Ahh I see you've been around that husband of yours so I guess you can pick up a lie well I was quit easy to read though, but I could asked you that same thing Haruno. I mean let's be honest who would've known I got kicked out the orphanage when I was four and there just so happen to be a group of villagers waiting to beat me." Naruto stated as he looked at Mebuki with those cold blue eyes
"What the hell are you t-talking about I know nothing about that" Mebuki stated as sweat started to form on that big ass four head of hers
"What was it called....ummm"Naruto pondered and pondered building the tension in the room the ninjas wondering just what the hell had Naruto been thru as they quietly waited for Naruto to figure out the answers"
"IVE GOT IT!!" Naruto yelled out the blue spoking some people in the room
"YOU CALLED IT ..... the fox hunt"Naruto said in a cold voice as everybody was surprise that an eight year old could be this serious

"The thing about this village is that you people have so many secrets and you villagers are so blinded by hatred and I'm getting really sick of your shit and your secrets, but I guess it's fine let's be honest I know pretty much everything. I would call for your execution in attacking a Konoha citizen. You have a child and she is very much like her mother and I'm not that heartless at least not yet so I won't call for it but just know I know more than all of you think.You know Mebuki I never understand why you and villagers hate me. I mean you never even considered my life for fucks sake your a mother of your own child and you have a husband as she has a father while mine's aban..." As Naruto caught himself he just looked at her as two or three tears rolled down his face as he quickly wiped them away .

The ninja side of the council was in utter shocked at what they heard and saw. Hiruzen didn't believe what Naruto was just about to say or better yet what he knew. Things were going down hill and and they were moving at a rapid pace. Fugaku was infuriated with the civilians but was now worried. Out of all things he didn't want Naruto to neglect the people in his life especially his parents as they never wanted things to be this way in the first place . They didn't know him very long but Fugaku new that they loved him. He was the first born and the heir to three powerful seats in Konoha, then it got him thinking if Naruto was this smart or knew this much how strong was his Godson.

"The demon think he has parents . Who whould ever want you as a child" Mori said in a laughing matter almost bursting in tears of laughter
"HOW DARE YO-" As the Hokage was stopped by that same dark huge evil aura but what was strange was that this time it was more poinent and powerful it was stronger it creamed pain even in the after life . It was an ever lasting hell.Then all of a sudden it stopped and he heard laughing.
"Maybe your right but who knows I don't have family never did never will. " As Naruto looked around the room
"Are we done? You have all pissed me off."Naruto stated as he looked at the civilians in the room.
"Naruto? Tell me will you tell us more about yourself if we be honest wit you. As the village leader I need to know about you and your mental stability." The Hokage asked. Naruto thought about this. Honestly he didn't really care it was fine if the adults knew but only the clan heads,the one elder he likes, and the Hokage in return he would get what he wants out of it.
"Very well but I have some conditions." Naruto states as he smirks as things are about to go his way. The Hokage pondered and nodded telling him to go on with the conditions.

"Well first I would like the civilians to leave and also those two council advisors of yours I don't like nun of them and those two are just as guilty as those civilian heads" as Naruto points to Hamura and Koharu.
"Second I want to be allowed to answer the question how I want, don't push me for more information I will tell you what I want. Don't interrupt me and don't try changing my way of thinking what i say is tru and there is know way of changing those things. Also only those in this room can know this information. I also ask for Rin,Obito, Kakashi, and Orochimaru to be here for the things I tell you"
"Third I want to suggest some things to each clan head to make there clans and more specifically there children stronger because personally I don't wanna be bored four the next four years but in reality I don't care"
"Lastly when I turn 13 after the chunin exams I would like to leave the full for three years" if you can agree with those terms I will comply.

Hiruzen pondered and cursed hisself for leaving the blond brat only by himself for so long. Based on how Naruto could bargain he knew the boy was smart as hell but the guts he had to talk about the clans and how they were weak was fucking scary. He looked at the the ninja side of the council as they were interested in the gutsy as kid, so interested that they kinda wanted to murder the ducked kid. Fugaku was very interested he knew his best friend had Uchiha blood but had no sharingan so it made him wonder. But what surprised was that the boy said he could make there clans better in the inside he was laughing his ass off but on the outside he was blank but nodded other wise. In a way Uchiha's where power hungry but in reality they just had a dangerous ass drive for being stronger and being the best in there village.

"I know I might regret this but very well" As the Hokage flared his chakra a anbu appeared and immediately actions were taken to meet Naruto's requirements.

"Very well, I need you to sign these papers I don't have time for you going back on your word when the time comes for me to leave" as he handed the document to the Hokage. Hiruzen made sure to read the document as he wasn't going to be tricked by the gaki.
"Also I need you all to sign these showing me that anything I show or tell you will be kept secret at all times." As he pulled more papers out and passed them around the room.Danzo looked at Naruto and thought did he prepare for this?

"Well since all that's done where do you want me to start" Naruto asked
"Let's begin with what you know of your heritage" Hiruzen asked
"Oh I see you so you headed my slip up.... well it's no point in hiding it when I was younger around the age of three I admired one Hokage over them all and that Hokage was the forth throughout my time time of growing up in the orphanage my caretaker referee to me as a demon kitsune or demon fox. As a three year old I was no dumb ass so I put two and two together and I figured I had the nine tailed fox. While still being three I went to the library and read the story of the nine tailed fox that attacked the village years ago. Ironically the was the same day as my birthday so a three year old I did my research and learned about jailers of tailed beast . I also learned that the nine tails had to be sealed inside of a newborn more specifically an Uzumaki newborn.

They say the forth sealed the fox into a baby before he left the village, so that was clearly one clue that I was the believed jail or of the nine tails. Upon further research and common sense main,y coming into the Hokages offices so much I started recognizing the resemblance between me and the fourth Hokage, so that was another clue. Finally what sold me is when I was four it was the day I had got my finale beating before disappearing from the villages eye. It's when I asked the Hokage about my parents. Now I always asked the Hokage about my parents and he slipped telling me he can't tell me for my own good. I had finally confirmed the fourth was my father and it led me to my mother Kushina and my grandparents Tsunade and Jirayia.

I went in further and I found out that they all were actually alive this whole time and never once came back for me. I also over neared some anbu stating the fourth had two kids and he was raising them out side the village. SO THEY CAN NEVER BE FORGIVEN FOR WHAT THEY HAVE DONE!! It hurled so bad every damn birthday I went thru alone, I had to learn everything for myself , I felt that pain for years and cried myself to sleep all the time. Do you know how it feels to see every kid get that love from there mother and father. Do you know know I've never had a hug before. I've never felt that warmth of another human being and every damn day it hurts. It truly hurts, it feels as if everytime I see that one kid getting that hug it's as if a piece of my hearth drops and shatters.

Hell at one point I truly believed I was the demon. So much hate and all I did was smile. Smile Naruto just SMILE... SMILE....SMILE.....SMILE! The mask is getting old you know. But that exact same night when I was four after that one beating I went unconscious. You know what they say in those books about tailed beast and there jailers? In there darkest hours they all ways meet. But for me I never met him, that when it clicked I'm not the demon, and you knew that Hokage-sama but you never saved me you where the one I trusted but it seemed I was your puppet or better yet your rag doll but in the end I was there's too." Naruto stated as he had red tears flowing from his eyes nobody really seemed to noticed as everyone had there head down crying or ashamed after hearing the boys story. All of them held regret they all wanted to take Naruto in and raise him as their own but at the time every one thought different. They thought if they took him in he wouldn't recognize his tru family. They knew his family loved him and they wanted the family to be together but now they all regretted it. Naruto knew he was lying and he was the best of the best when it came down to it but sometimes his lying was so good it slightly made him believe in it.

"N-Naruto I'm so sor-"Hiruzed tried stating
"Save me your petty. What else would you like to know?"Naruto asked regretting his decision already but he couldn't do nothing about it. After about 20 mins of everyone recovering themselves it was time to get back to business.

"Very well my next question is what type of training have you been doing" Hiruzen asked still highly upset about Naruto's past as he sniffs the air while talking

"Well Hokage-sama with all do respect that's for me to know and you to find out. It doesn't really matter what I've been doing these four years all I will say is that i want to be a strong Konoha shinobi so there no need to worry about me. Everything about me will be revealed in due time." Naruto said wanting to avoid this question as much as possible, he didn't want to show much unless it was absolutely necessary. He had things to hide and he wanted to stick to it.

"Very well I guess I can't force you but can you give me something please anything if possible I need to know anything." The Hokage practically desperate for some type of information

"Let's see well you seen those swords in my apartment so I guess it's no point in hiding the fact that I have learned kenjutsu I've also been training my body over the four years a long with learning a taijutsu style for myself." Naruto said knowing the Hokage was desperate a long with the other people in the room.

"May I ask what kenjutsu style have you picked up" Rin asked as she had gotten very curious of the cute boy even though she was with Obito and Naruto was only eight he was damn sure an eye catcher.

"Your digging aren't you Rin-sama" Naruto bluntly stated

Everyone in the room was taking back by the boys manners. But in particular Rin was taking back the most. She wasn't expecting so much respect from the boy she was starting to like the little one more and more.

"I'm just curious Naruto I mean not many pick up kenjutsu in the hidden leaf and I was curious on your style. I learned kenjutsu from your mother. She was very good at it Naruto" Rin was informing the boy forgetting the feelings he had with he parents in all honesty she wanted the boy to love them like she did.

"Yayaya you know Rin-san I don't really care what my mother was good at  . If anything we all know what she was bad at and that was simply her job of being a mother. But that's beside the point , my kenjutsu style is something I made for myself it's not like any other. But like I said it will all be shown in due time."Naruto stated

"I have a question Narutoss" Orochimaru decided to step in as the boy started peeking is interest

"What is it Orochimaru-san"Naruto asked politely

"Well Naruto-kun I wanted to know first why did you ask for all of ussss in ssspecifically here Naruto-kun. Naruto took a few seconds to answer this question. To be frank he was in a bit of a pickle,he couldn't just say Taiyo told him.

"To be honest with you Orochimaru-san I know of all in you in one way or another except for the village heads I just felt they had the right to be here. I won't get into wax at detail but I guess I could explain. Your the last of the legendary sannin, so in away your like my uncle or grandpa something upon those lines.

Rin Nohara, Obito Uchia and Kakashi Hatake (A/N kakashi is still an half uchia like the rest of the Uchias but he took his fathers last name) there like older siblings in way. They all were my fathers students and all have some type of connection to that man and his family since there all orphans. No disrespect but it's the truth they are like his kids. Now for Holage-sama and Danzo-sama they are like my grand father and uncle due to Hokage-sama taking care of my father with Danzo-sama being like a brother to the Hokage and also having some connection with those people. As for god parents well I of course know of Fagaku-san and Mikoto-san they are my supposed god parents as they were my parents best friends and most trusted friends." Naruto finished in a bored tone as he was about ready to go but he needed to handle these things

"Now just because all of you are connected to me in some way that doesn't mean at all that I trust any of you or in that fact like any of you. You all never helped me or you betrayed me in some way. Even if u hadn't had control over that I still may not forgive you, so the topic isn't up for discussion" Naruto flat out said as it seemed he read every ones mine in the room.

Naruto didn't give them a chance to respond as he quickly change to the final subject concerning every clan.

"Well let's move on concerning you all's clans. For the past four years I've been watching through the shadows and I've noticed many ways you all could improve." Naruto stated in reality it wasn't truly Naruto who was spying on the clans it was just his clones but he wasn't going to tell them that.

"Let's start with the Hyuga's shall we. Hiashi -san with all do respect I believe your clan should  really stop treating the  side branch like slaves to start off. For one you do recognize if they decide to rebel they simply will demolish the main branch family also your people bind them with a cage bird seal which is completely in humane. I mean thank about it the side branch of the clan out numbers you all 10 to 1. I think you all should find a seal master to make a new seal for you all eyes. I'm pretty sure I understand that you all want to protect your eyes but doing this will only cause hate." Naruto said think about if he misses anything important for the huugas. What they didn't know is that Naruto was just trying to fix a problem in the village, he may not appear as that nice and happy boy he used to be but in reality it was a lie on the inside he was hoped for the right thing and wouldn't stop to fix these things.

Hiashi looked at Naruto but in a curious way. He wondered how Naruto new so much about his clan but he did think the boy for his observation. He didn't know how the main branch council would take the information . Compared to Hiashi who would consider the possibility of change mainly due to the loss of his brother he now recognize just how much the main branch controlled the clan.

"Now for the yamanakas. Inoichi-san I personally don't know  much about your clan but I do have a few suggestions for you all's bloodline. From my knowledge you all can enter a person mine and read there thoughts you also can control a person but anything that happens to said person happens to you all. Now I don't know how hard this would be but I think you all can up your bloodline and start looking into gengutsu to place on a persons mine. I also believe you all can figure out away you all can mess with a person brain and use your bloodline more like a weapon instead of a tool. Think about imagine being able to control the frequency of a person's brain being able to drive them crazy and eventually kill them." Naruto stated thinking of other ways he could make ink into his pay toy for the time being . Naruto knew he was strong but being strong often made one bored when they had no competition so his goal was to improve all clan heirs as they would be the first to learn new things in a clan especially since they were still young.

Inoichi looked at the boy and he was amazed at how the boy could think of some many ways to improve a clan that wasn't his . Hell he even thought of ways to make the clan more powerful and more of a force to reckon with.

"Who's next? Ummm... how about the Naras. Shikoku-san from my understanding those of your clan have the ability to control shadows. Also most people in your clan are very smart and are big when it comes to being battle experts. But ther down fall is there laziness. Well of course for you all's first improvement I think you should break this habit from your younger generation. Just like the Ichiahs who are hungry to become stronger I think you should also push your clan to become stronger but also smarter. Another thing I believe could be of improvement is the way you all use your shadow jutsu. I've watched and I've found you all's weakness. It's simple when using your jutsu you all can't move and sometimes your range is limited. I believe as smart as your clan you can work pass this. I also believe that you all can improve in your arsenal  of jutsu expand outside of shadows and again stop being lazy." Naruto stated thinking of more possibilities

Shikoku was astonished . Who knew a boy better yet an eight year old could fine the weakness of there clans jutsu. He was impressed to say the least and would definitely take note of the boys points.

"I see nothing wrong with the akimichi clan besides the fact they you depend so much on brute strength I also believe you all should expand your horizon. Same with the Aburame clan I think you all shouldn't really on your bugs so much look into ninjutsu if you wish. Now the Inuzuka clan, if I'm correct your clans use wolfs and dogs as your partners in action. I also believe you fight with your animals during battle. Something that I know of your clan is even though you fight with your life long partners you all don't open up your powers with them. Did you know that just like you animals more specific ninja animals have chakra natures that they can use when fighting. So I think you should open your arsenal to your pets I also believe that you all should start breeding in pure breeding with wolfs but that's something that can happen in the future." Naruto said feeling like he got thru with his point

The clan heads of the three clans where fucking speechless. Especially Tsume who was usually loud and brash she was as quite as ever mainly due to her surprise of the brat but he still wasn't done.

"Finally we have the Uchiha clan. Well Fugaku-san nothing much is wrong with your clan beside three things. The first thing is there drive , I know that Uchihas drive to be the most powerful it's a big thing that inspires your pride but this could also lead to problems. The Uchihas could plan coup against the village and that can't be allowed so I want you to change the mind set of the clan I want them to think of the village as there home and where there precious people live not where they can be the most powerful. Next is your eyes I believe it's the sharningan. Same with the hyugas even though you all never had a seal on your eyes I think you all should find one. To be quit honest the seal should consist of those with your blood can use the eyes. Now I'm aware of the possibility or rape and stuff so make a seal for that to quit simple." Naruto said thinking that he should really really asked Taiyo about this Judi jutsu he was quit interested in it.

Fugaku looked at the boy as a miracle worker he knew a problem such as this might come and bite him in the ass and effect the clan but the boy only at the age of eight literally solved this damn problem. If the boy was anything it was damn sure smart. Hiashi also looked at the boy in amazement he solved the problem of there bloodline and this would kill the problem in there clan as everybody would get this seal. Now the problem was to fine a seal master but till then they could handle everything the Uchihas weren't losing it just that damn son of his but that could be handle and the Hyugas weren't that angry even though he knew they held strong grudges.

"Now about your eyes I've learned some things while watching you all. Your clan can unlock those eyes through genjutsu just put the person through fear and from there leave them to handle there own eyes." Naruto finished as that's all they needed to know he wouldn't tell him how to unlock the Mongekyu he would save that for himself.

Fugaku was again fucking stunned the boy even knew of the Uchihas bloodline and found a way to unlock it for everyone in the clan.

"My final thing to say is the Hokage-same your growing soft. With all do respect you have becomes the civil cancel main bitch while the clan heads have become the side bitches. But I'm not going to spell that out for you I believe you can figure those things out in your own." Naruto said as he put his heads behind his back.

Everybody again was fucking shocked. Nobody had ever talked to the old Hokage like that I mean for Kami's sake he was knowing as the God of Shinobi. But everybody turned there faces to the Hokage he said nothing. In the way it seemed like he agreed and found his wrong doing. But he fix it all in due time.

"I've think I have said all I need to say now my final thing to say is simple really. For the next four years it will be a living hell for everyone in this village. You all have to serve your punishment and you will in due time now if you excuse me I will take my leave I've already missed my first day of school." Naruto said as he broke the silence and soon  left the room quit tired but felt welled accomplished.

As the boy left everybody in the room gulped more specifically the Hokage knowing in these years massive headaches were on the way. They all could confirm the boy was smart to damn smart. Way fucking smart . The question now was how smart was he and of course with the still hanged question on how power level.

"Well umm the boy is damn sure smart."Hiruzen said as he rubbed his templates

Everybody nodded there heads as the room stayed silent just thinking of the next moves for the village and there clans. But what was on there mind was Naruto. There was much to be discussed and a lot to prepare for.

"I assume just like me you all want to further discuss these things. Well for now we will leave and take a break. It seems we all have things to fix don't way.... it's completely your option if you want to take the boys advise but in a way it seems he has pointed out some find things" Hiruzen stood up fixed his clothes he hated council meetings but this one was all to fucking worth it.

"I will sommon you all again In due time so don't worry go think about some things and everything we have learned remember we are under oath and contract to keep it a secret. The boy even made sure I didn't tell his parents lord knows how that would turn out but it seems we can't do nothing" Hiruzen states as he takes his leave. He had some research to do and plenty to fix but it all will happen in due time.

(A/N I learned that little thing I don't think I'm going to put when I close out all the time but it's helpful. Anyways I'm sorry this is late I try posting every Sunday but this is definitely my longest chapter coming at 5000 words. Things are about to get interesting but till next time bye)

PS: I'm not posting this Sunday i need a brake and a reset

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