Call Me Sir.

By independentship

116K 7.2K 1.8K

A man of strong moral and another of strong attitude meet. Gulfs biggest and most important moral is "Never l... More

1: Can I see you?
2: I'm Sorry, What?
3: Be Prepared
4: Mesmerized
6: Talk To Me
7: I forgot.
8: Friends?
9: Are you sure?
10: Be careful
11: Temptation
12: The Night Before
13: I'm sorry
14: Proposal
15: I'll Consider It
16: Breakfast
17: Meet my boyfriend
18: Let's Have A Date
19: Drifting
20: I love you.
21: Tease
22: Friends
23: Single
24: Gulf
25: Family Reunion
26: Visit
27: New friend
28: Plans
29: It's over!
30: Restless
FINALE: Lets get married
~HONEYMOON... I think ~

5: Celebration

3.8K 241 90
By independentship

(In the last chapter I forgot to ask how everyone felt about Ep.1 on TharnType Season 2. All I can say was I was shook when the shower scence came up and I was surrounded by my family and had to act like I was okay, while internally dying.)

Its my first day as Mr.mew assistant and right now I'm finishing a document to turn in to him.

I've come to realize that Krista work is a big headache. She has to wake up every morning and be his alarm, has to be here an hour before he does, constantly walks back and forth from office, departments and her desk and talk on the phone all day.

"She lied to me about both of us doing the same thing. I'm so going to get a big reward from that couple. They are giving stress I never knew existed."


"Uggh. Now what does he want?"

I picked up the phone.

"Yes mr.mew"

I have a feeling that he's rolling his eyes. Since this morning everytime I talk to him he insist for me to call him sir. I would, if he didn't keep bothering me about it.

"Come to my office."

I internally screamed and imagined I was choking him.

"Yes mr.mew"

I feel like he's trying to make me mad. And me calling him mr.mew is like my remedy knowing that we both are annoyed.

Putting on my professional stance once again I walked over to his office, with the flashdrive file in hand.

Slowly poking my head in through his office door I asked

"Yes mr.mew you called for me?"

I could tell he was irritated, and I internally smirked.

The more he calls me the more I will get on his nerves.


He replied stretching out his hand. I laid the flash drive down on the table and smirked as he blew out a air of frustration.

"Anything else mr.mew?"

"No, you may leave."
Today marks the end of the 1st week of me being his assistant.


I've gotten used to the annyoing beeping sound coming from the phone. Without even looking up , I answered it.


At this point both of us are so done with each other. We no longer adress each other with names, or adress each other at all.


I walked up to the office, and poked my head in, like I always do when he calls.


"Well its the end of the week and I was wondering if you have anything you're doing tonight."

"No, I'm just planning on going home. Why?"

"Well have dinner with me."

I stood there stunned. Suddenly taken a back with the invitation. My face was still displayed as poker though, because I'm an expert in masking my feelings.

"No, thanks. I just remembered that I have soemthing to do."

"You haven't even heard my reason yet."

I really don't care, that's why I didn't bother asking for one.


"Well, I wanted to celebrate our success for signing model retna."

"Thank you."

I replied sarcastically hoping he gets the idea of my 'I don't want to be here' attitude.

"...Anyways, I also want to celebrate us getting through this stressful week. Because Krista sudden break caused us a lot more work and you managed to be on top of things. So let's celebrate."

In all honesty I'm bored of always going home right after work. I should give myself a break.

"You sure thats it?"

"Yes, nothing more."

"Okay then, I don't mind."

And with that phrase his face got brighter, and a wide smile illuminated his face.

'Did he just smile?' Gulf questioned as he saw a new facial expression on his boss.

'Did I just smile?' Mew thought to himself

"Okay, let me finish this and we can go. Are you done with your work?"


"Then you can wait for me in my office."

I don't really want to wait in his office, but I walked myself over to the couch to sit down.
His office had a really calming scent, and was a pleasant smell for my nose.

Taking a deep breathe a smile slowly crossed my face as I begin to slowly stretch parts of my stiff body. This smells familiar. Trying to remember where I smelt this first, it finally hit me. He was in my car that day. I totally forgot about it. I looked over to see him focusing intently on a document.

He always seems so busy, does he not have a lover. I'm won't be suprised if he didn't, but he just looks like the type of person who could easily get a boyfriend or girlfriend.

"Okay im done."

I could hear a faint voice.

"Hello?? Hellooo?"

I saw a blur moving in a swift side to side motion in front of my face which turned out to be his hand.

WOW that's a big hand, and very vieny too. Imagine if-

"Gulf!" His slightly loud voice drastically dragged me out of my thoughts.

"Im sorry what?"

"I said, I'm done."

I blinked trying to gather my thoughts, and noticed how close we are. Up close he just seemed to get better, and better looking.

"Uhh... Okay."

He walked over to his desk and grabbed his coat.
"So Gulf do you have anywhere specific you want to or like to eat at?"

Gulf looked at his watch before answering.

"Well, mew, I usually buy food at a restaurant besides my house area if you don't mind going there."

That sentence didn't really require him to say my name the way he did or in general, and it shocked me.

"Are you okay mew? You look kind of scared or shocked or something."

Two emotions in one day? That's a new record for me.

"Um sorry I was just taken a back with you suddenly calling me by my name."

"Don't get me confused mew. After office hours I keep everything professional away from me. So me addressing you formally outside office hours doesn't fit this situation."

Mew still looked astonished at was happening.

"Im sorry, I don't get you clearly."

"What I'm trying to say is, another reason why I didn't take you up on the offer of calling you your name during work hours is because that would be unprofessional. And if you don't like how I am right now then it's fine with me if everything about us stays strictly professional."

"N- No. I'm fine with it."

Stutter too? This day just keeps getting weirder.

"Okay then mew. Do you want to try the resturant by my house."

Why does he have to keep saying my name like that. It really rolls off his tongue. For someone who meets intimidating business men and women without even flinching at their presence, it drives me crazy to know that an employee, MY EMPLOYEE, can make me this nervous.

"So what type of food do they make."

"Well I know you're probably used to fancy food, I've seen the company's resturant, but the foods there are really simple but heavenly. It's better to taste then describe."

"Mm o-okay"

I just nodded my head. The rest of the drive consisted of gulf talking about himself. Where as from time to time I would contribute to the convo. It's weird because its like he has a whole different personality when not working.

"I have a question."

He looked over at me for a brief second then nodded slowly.

"What made you chose to work in my company."

"I wanted a job, and your company was hiring."

He told me without hesitation. Was that really his only reason.


He had a small smile spread on his face.

"Why are you so tense. I'm just kidding. Well your secretary is a close friend of mine, and said your company was hiring, and I just moved back to the city and was looking for a job. So she reccomended I work at your company until I'm stable enough to find a new job."

"Then are you?"

The question suddenly flew from my lips. I don't like to pry but that's what it seems like now.

"Am I what?"

"Your living situation. Is it stable?"

"No, I live in an apartment not stable."

I was dumbfounded by his answer. I looked over to see him grinning widely from ear to ear, a few seconds after he burst out laughing.

"Come on mew. You're so tense."

He said with his voice half filled with amusement.

"Ahh. Ha ha."

I just awkwardly laughed to ease off my tension. Can he not feel the tension or am I the only one.

"Well I'm very close to being stable, if I do say so myself."


That means he has plans to quit soon then.

"We're here."


I looked at my surroundings through the car glass. We were at a mall.

"Is the resturant in the mall or across the street?"


We walked out the car together, and he ran over to me.


I stopped in my tracks as per his order, confused.


He walked up really close to me. Took off my jacket, and loosened 2 buttons of my shirt, showing a bit of my upper shirt, which I had buttoned earlier in the day when I got cold.

My body immensely started heating up with the close presence.

He took a black hoodie from the back of his car and wore it over his polo shirt. Now he was wearing a black hoodie with black jeans.

"We came here to have fun and eat, so let's not dress so formally for the atmosphere we're going to be in."

He threw my jacket in his car and slammed the door shut, throwing me back to the present.

He walked towards the resturant, leaving me trailing behind. The place looked more like a bar, except the part of blinding color lights and blasting loud music.

(I've never been to a bar, but I've seen a lot descriptions and what not. So whichever description or picture best fits your imagination, use it.)

"Let's sit here."

He reached for my hands and dragged me to a table nearest the order counter.

"This is the menu. Pick what you want then we can order."

I looked through the menu, it had many delicious food, best part about the menu is you can order things spicy, extra spicy, or with barely noticeable spice.

"What are you going to order."

I asked averting my eyes from the menu to look up at him.

"Spicy chicken feet. Rice, and spicy shrimp."

I cringed everytime he said 'spicy'. His taste matches his work persona.

"Then I will take the salad."


He looked at me weirdly.

"Why salad only?"

"Because I don't really know what to order from the menu. And I don't like spicy things."

"Then I hope you don't mind me ordering for you."

He raised his menu in the air, I guess that's their signal for wanting to order.

A waiter walked over to us. He was dressed casually in all black top with black jeans, followed by a maroon colored apron wrapped on his lower body. Light brown fluffy hair flowed on the middle and left side of his face. He looked pretty decent.

"Owh hello gulfie, what can I get for you."

I looked at the waiter in front of me, kind of understandable that he would know gulf. They both have bright features, but unlike gulf this guy smiles at work. Also 'gulfie' is that his full name or what?

"Owh kao, I didn't know you had a shift today."

"I wasn't supposed to, but I have nothing to do today and decided getting extra hours in won't hurt."

They sound like they're close, if they weren't then gulf wouldn't know his schedule.

"Oh. Okay then just give me the usual."

"What about the gentlemen across from you."

'The usual?' So he comes here often then? Of course he does, he said that in the car.

"Give him crispy pork rice. Will that be okay with you?"

"Y-yes. Its fine."

I wasn't paying any attention to what he ordered for me, and ended up just agreeing to what he said randomly.

"Anything to drink then?"

"Pink Lemonade and Yellow Lemonade, separately." Gulf said.

Did he just order for me?

"Mew, he's still waiting for you."

I guess not.

"I'll take water then."

"Okay then I will be back with your orders shortly."

He strutted away, like he was on a runway.

'He could be a model, if he really wanted to.'

(Turns out I don't start school until the 10th of November.)

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