Pandora Riddle - Voldemorts D...

By xchloeeex

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Pandora Riddle is the daughter of Lord Voldemort and she hates Harry Potter as much as her father does. Thank... More

The Start
The Cruciartis Curse
The Journey + The Sorting
Fifteen Year Old Delinquent?
Detention, Then Death?
The Seventh Floor...
Death Eater
Suspicions Already
Being Followed
Like Father, Like Daughter
Meeting Moody
Before The Match
Slytherin Vs Gryffindor
Being Suspended
A Baby?
Shouting Won't Help Now
Back To Normal.. In A Way
Trying To Keep It Secret
Department Of Mysteries
Back Home
The Effects Of Anger
The Truth Is Out
The Chamber Of Secrets
Trying To Help
No Getting Out Of This
Oh That's Your Form Of Torture
Say Goodbye
Safia Green My Childhood Enemy
Safia 1 - Pandora 0
The Fall
Bomb Shell x2
The Explanation
You Lie. I Hurt- Literally
Dead And Gone
I Don't Even Think She Cares.
Prove It.
Beside The River
Mood Rings
I Love You
First Date Disaster.
Elliott Blood
The end- of this book


8.2K 164 42
By xchloeeex

'Fill it in then' Narcissa instructed me with a wide grin on her face. I smiled at her and walked over to the table and began to read. My jaw dropped as I saw the job title Junior Assistant to the Minister for Magic.

'Bloody hell' I muttered. I looked up to Barty Jr 'Barty I think he gave me the wrong-'

'Scrimgeour knows you’re a smart kid' Barty reassured me, patting my shoulder as I filled in my name; Pandora Kesi Riddle. I had never told anyone my middle name; I hadn't even spoken about it to my father mainly because Kesi meant I was born at the time my father was in great trouble. I see why my mother picked the name.

Barty, Narcissa, Lucius, Bellatrix and my father left me in peace as I filled it in. I filled in the rest of the form in ten minutes and as I was checking it over I felt a tap on my shoulder. I sensed it was Draco and ignored it. After moment the tap re-accrued again. I turned my head to look over my shoulder and I could see Draco standing holding some flowers, but not just any old flowers. He was holding my favorite type of flower, Hydrangea. 

I let out a small giggle as I stood up and faced him.

'I'm sorry' he said, handing me the big bunch of flowers. I took one look at them and threw then to the ground. I looked back up at him and he looked hurt, until I pulled him into a kiss. After a few long moments of snogging we pulled apart and Draco had a huge grin, then it faded.

'You're not going back to Hogwarts are you?' Draco asked looking sad.

'I highly doubt I am now, not if I get the job. I could be junior assistant to the minister for magic, Draco' I said 

'That's... great, really great' Draco said sighing.

Draco POV

I guess it was great that she had been offered a job but I could help feeling sad that I would barely see her. 

'I'll probably be able to visit, with the minister’s permission though' Pandora said.

 'Would you be able to do magic?' I asked her. If she was leaving Hogwarts without being of age surely she would be able to do magic because she'd most likely be by the Minister's side 24/7.

'I'm not sure, I will have to ask Tuesday' she said.

'Tuesday? You have to give that to him by Tuesday? I would have thought they would give you longer to fill it in' I said.

'Maybe Scrimgeour wants me to start sooner' she said shrugging. 

The door opened and the dark lord popped his head round the door 'Pandora could I borrow you please?' he asked.

'Sure' Pandora answered smiling, she kissed my cheek and left the room following he father. She had left her application form behind. I had a odd feeling to burn it, shred it, rip it up into confetti pieces, the feeling was strong. But I suppose it was because I knew I would miss her when the time came for us to part into different lifestyles. I would be at Hogwarts while she'd be working with the Minister for Magic, but no matter what I'd do my best to keep our relationship together strong.

There was a sharp, high pitch scream which came from upstairs. The scream was unmistakable, it was Pandora's. I jump and a cold, icy shiver travelled down my spine. 

I sprinted out of the room and up the stairs two at a time. The door to the room which I guessed is where her scream came from was wide open. I rushed inside and saw a woman lying on the ground and Pandora was lying next to her while clutching her own wrist. 

I rushed to Pandora's side to see her wrist had a lightning bolt shaped scar. She wasn't watching me though, she was looking up at her father; Voldemort. He was lowering his wand away from Pandora's arm. 

'Why?' she sobbed.

'You're the only chance I have to live, I have a feeling Dumbledore knows' the Dark Lord answered her question, but what the hell was he on about?

'Then don't make me one, move them- hide them somewhere different!' she screeched.

'It's better off this way, Dumbledore is too clever. But what I do know is that he will never guess you're one'

I tried to figure out what they were talking about but instead turned my attention to the lifeless woman on the floor and realized who it was; Clarissa Green, Pandora's mother.

'She died for me' Pandora whispered and a tear spilled down her cheek. She put her hand to Clarissa's heart and began to cry harder. I looked up to the dark lord and gave him a questioning look, gosh I had nerve.

'Later' he muttered to me and walked out of the room leaving Clarissa's corpse, Pandora and I.

I wanted to find out why Pandora had that scar like Potter does. I watched her sob for a few moments but when I could take any more of seeing her in pain I helped her up.

She flung herself into my arms and I tried my best to comfort her. She muttered something in my ear but her sobs muffled it so I couldn't make out what she said, I had a hunch it wasn't something nice though.

'What did he do?' I asked her.

'M-made me the s-s-second person to survive t-the killing curse' she said sobbing even harder. She suddenly pulled away wiping away her tears 'help me take her back to the the Weasley's please Draco' 

I felt myself tense, this means we'll see Fred; the blood traitor that got my girlfriend pregnant. 'Ok' I said stiffly.

We picked Clarissa up and Pandora apperated us to the Weasley's home. I saw a pain in Pandora's eyes as she knocked on the door. 

The door opened immediately, revealing a worried looking Fred and George.

Pandora POV

I covered my wrist with my jumper sleeve.

'Fred, George' I said weakly nodding my head at them in a respectful manner. 

'What have you done to her?' George yelled at me.

'Nothing' I said in a weaker tone 'we found her like this'

George pulled her away from me and Draco. Fred stayed at the doorway watching me with a fragment of hope glistening in his eyes.

'Let's go Pandora' Draco said grabbing my hand.

I shook my head, locking my gaze with Fred's 'I want to say goodbye, properly'.

'I don't think so' a angry voice said coming from behind Fred, it was Ron.

I swallowed a sad lump in my throat and felt tears well up in my eyes, I felt my legs go wobbly, the next thing I knew I was on the ground crying my heart out.

I felt two pairs of arms wrap around me, I looked around to see one pair was Draco and the other pair belonged to Fred. I didn't have the energy to push Fred away so I just brought my knees to my chest and placed my head in my knees.

Fred POV

I couldn't deny having my arms wrapped around her wasn't making my feelings stronger for her now, but I couldn't have her she was Malfoy's not mine and I respect that. There was also a extra large problem to why I couldn't have her; she was a death eater, I wouldn't be surprised if she was almost equal to Voldemort.

I let go of her 'you can say your goodbye, then you'll leave' I instructed her. She lifted her head from her knees, her eyes were red and her cheeks were blotchy.

Safia POV

Ron re-entered the room looking upset and angry.

'What's wrong?' Hermione asked pulling him to sit down with her next to Harry.

'It's Clarissa, is d-dead' he said.

I froze, my mother is dead. I couldn't help but feel guilty knowing she died with her own children hating her.

'And Pandora is here too' Ron added.

I jumped up and ran downstairs to see Pandora standing a few meters away from our mother. I walked over to Pandora and placed my hand on her shoulder. 

'How?' I asked the simple but complicated question.

'Our father' she whispered back as she let out a small sigh.

It was hard to think that he was my father and that me and Pandora are twins when we don't look a thing like each other, our hair was different colours, our eyes were different colours, although our heights were pretty much the same.

'It's sort of like when we were babies' Pandora said turning to me. I dropped my hand and tilted my head. 'When we mum left us and we got separated. We'll never have one of them twin bonds like Fred and George have' she waved her hand to me and departed with Draco Malfoy. 

She's right, it is like when we were babies, mum really has gone and she's never coming back. She said we'd never have a twin bond. What if I wanted one,? What if we could put everything aside? But where would that leave me with Fred, George, Hermione, Ron, Harry, Ginny, Luna and Neville?


Mwhahaha :) I thought I'd kill someone because I felt like it :) she wasn't a very fun character anyway :L

Sooo COMMENT on what you think Safia will do or just comment because you're cool.

VOTE if you likey 

FAN and I'll love you more than I already do :)

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