Sonic Railgun

By Heroman23

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Ever wonder if there are other worlds out there that have life on them? Ever wonder if we might ever come int... More

The Blue Blur
Sonic Little Night Adventure
Anti-Esper Ambush!
The Long Waited Truth
Esper Killer
Academy City Fate Part One!
Academy City Fate Part Three!
Miles 'Tails' Prower
To Sonic World!
Dr. Eggman!
Angel Island
Egg Hydra!
Chaos Emeralds
The Chemical Plant!
Tempest the Dolphin
Egg Warrior!
Meet The Freedom Fighters
Empire City Part One
Empire City Part Two
Mushroom Forest
Egg Lion!

Academy City Fate Part Two!

99 4 20
By Heroman23

Last Time on Sonic Railgun.........

"Time to go!" Said Mikoto before she picks up Sonic and begins to use her Electromaster powers to pull herself and Sonic towards a street lamp at the end of the alleyway. Just as she did that, the place they were originally got sliced into pieces.

"We got to defeat that thing and take out the pilot controlling inside of it!" Said Sonic.

"How do you suppose that? I bet they also modify that thing to withstand my Railgun attack. My coins that I use to launch my attack won't be effective at that thing." Said Mikoto.

The Exo Suit begins to slowly walk towards the heroes through the alleyway all creepy like. The moment it exited the alleyway, it pointed it sword at them, signaling that it was ready to end them.

"What about a hedgehog Railgun proof?" asked Sonic as he got an idea.

"What are you saying?" Asked Mikoto.

"Why don't you use me as you a way to use your attack at that thing?" asked Sonic.

"Okay that is a crazy and stupid plan. That could hurt you and/or kill you as well!" Said Mikoto.

"Just trust me." Said Sonic before curling up into his ball form and hopping into the air. The moment, Sonic begins to fall back down to the ground, the Exo Suit begins to charge at them.

"Alright....... I trust you Sonic!" Said Mikoto as she begins to surrounded her self with electricity. Once Sonic came back down to her at her height level, Mikoto flicked her fingers and Sonic was launched at incredible speeds.

The Exo Suit quickly blocks with his sword. The force of the impact when Sonic crashed into it was enough to make the sword shake a bit.

Sonic continues to clash against the sword. In a matter of minutes, the sounds of cracking was from the sword. The evidence of cracks forming on it confirms it. When the sword break, Sonic crashed right through the Exo suit and pushed himself and the pilot out of the Exo suit.

With no pilot no longer inside of it, the Exo Suit fell to its knees and then onto its front side. It then twitched before exploded into million of pieces. The Anti-Esper pilot is knocked out cold when Sonic collided with him and pushed him out of the Exo Suit.

"Well, that was a rush." Said Sonic as he already feels refreshed and ready to go.

"You okay Sonic?" asked Mikoto.

"All good and ready for more!" Said Sonic as he did a little pose.

"Hehehehe..... Hahaha! Your one strange little hedgehog Sonic." Said Mikoto as she laughed a little.

"Why thank you Mikoto." Said Sonic.

"Now then, lets find the others." Said Mikoto.

"Right lets go." Said Sonic as he grabs Mikoto hand and gets into a running start position.

"No no wait! Sonic wait! Sonic!!!!" Mikoto said before Sonic begins to run extremely fast, with Mikoto along too.

Sonic and Mikoto were angry for the destruction that is going on in the city. Mikoto feels guilty for not noticing for anyone that had hatred for Espers. Sonic was able to cheer her up. Sonic and Mikoto begin to battle a upgraded Exo Suit. Thanks to Mikoto, Sonic was able to beat the Exo Suit and knock out the pilot. But can they find a way to stop the Anti-Esper forces and save Academy City?


Judgement Office...........

It was chaos at the Judgement Office. Kuroko and Uiharu are getting so many reports of where each attack is happening. Kuroko is trying her best to teleport their as fast as she can. And Uiharu is trying to find a way to stop Anti-Espers mechs but no luck. Saten and Alan at the moment is staying at the Judgment Office where it is safe at the moment.

Kuroko then teleported ack into the room. And she was breathing hard from how tired she is. "Haa..... Haa.......... This can't go on forever." Said a tired Kuroko as she took a seat on the couch.

"Here." Said Alan as he hands her some water.

"Thanks...." Said Kuroko as she drinks the entire water.

"Uiharu... please tell me you have found a way at least to turn off those Anti-Espers weapons or their Exo Suits?" Asked Alan as he sees Uiharu on her computer typing away at it without taking her eyes of the computer screen.

"Unfortunately no." Said Uiharu as she shakes her head no. "I tied to hack into their network to see if I can stop their Exo Suits at least but they got a extremely advance firewall that just keeps adding new layers of security every time I get through just one of the firewalls."

"To think that they would go so far to protect their own systems. I had to use a lot of my pins just to jam their weapons and to jam the joints of those Exo Suits gears. The Anti-Espers were really came prepared." Said Kuroko.

"It is kind of scary the way these Anti-Espers think. Like they are one step ahead of us." Said Saten.

"I just wish we had a plan at least. To stop Anti-Espers attack." Said Alan.

Suddenly, the sound of the door opening caught their attention. They look to see it was Mikoto opening the door and came in with Sonic behind her. They look okay but Mikoto hair......

"Sis...... why is your hair like that?" asked Alan.

After Sonic grabbed Mikoto hand and ran to get both of them back here, Mikoto hair become a messy result with strands of her hair sticking straight up everywhere.

"Please don't ask." Said Mikoto as she begins to try to fix her messy hair.

"Sonic........ what did you do?" asked Alan having a feeling who was responsible for having Mikoto hair all messy like.

"What? All I did is just take her along the ride for getting back here fast." Said Sonic like it was no big deal.

"And that is what I was afraid of." Said Alan as he left out a sigh from his mouth.

After a few minutes, Sonic explained to everyone what he has learned from Esper Killer from his first battle with him. And lets just say it is making everyone nervous.

"So he is going to just wipe out all Espers just because of what happened to him in the past?" asked Uiharu.

"And he has a nation size army?" asked Alan.

"And he is convinced that anyone with power can't control it?" asked Saten.

"Yep. If you ask me, I think he has a few screw losses in the head." Said Sonic as he twirls his finger near his head to prove his point.

"Even if we know what he plans to do, that doesn't give us a way to shut down his organization and save this city." Said Mikoto.

"Hmm......." Said everyone as they are trying to think of way to save this city.

Sonic on the other hand looked at his right hand. He then remembers the words that Esper Killer said about him not controlling his power. He slowly closed his hand in a anger. In just a second, a small blue electricity surrounded his hand before disappearing. Sonic then has an idea.

"Alan........ I might have a idea." Said Sonic.

"Sonic, no.... I know what you are thinking but the answer is no." Said Alan.

"What are you talking about?" asked Mikoto.

"He plans to created a sonic boom and also as a result to make a EMP wave that will knock out every electrical device and other stuff as well." Said Alan.

"How do you know this?" Asked Kuroko.

"On time, he was running fast in the past and he was slowly surrounded by blue electricity. If I hadn't told him to stop, he would have knock out power in a few mile radius. And everyone would have notice something was going on and might have tried to find the one responsible that knocked out their power." Said Alan.

"Alan....... this might be our only way to stop Anti-Esper." Said Uiharu.

"It might. But it will also gain the attention that Sonic exists in Academy City." Said Alan.

"I know you still want to keep Sonic secret from everyone else but this might be the only way Alan. To save the city." Said Saten.

"Yeah but....." Said Alan.

"Please. I know you are not agreeing this idea but you have to understand that saving a city is more important than keeping Sonic existence a secret." Said Kuroko.

"But... but..." Said Alan as he was slowly losing this argument.

"Alan........ please. This is the only way and you and I both know their is no other option." Said Sonic.

"Alright...... Sonic. You will have to run at each district and gain enough speed in order for this plan of yours to work." Said Alan.

"Hey. Remember who you are talking to. I am the worlds fastest hedgehog! Speed is my game." Said Sonic before opening up the door and runing out of the building.

"I know." Said Alan with a smile on his face.


With Sonic.......

Sonic ran to the middle of Academy City. He begins to breath in and out to calm down before what is about to happen next.

"Okay Sonic. You can do this. You just gotta go fast." Said Sonic. As the he tries to remember the plan.

"Remember Sonic........ You have to do this. You can show that stupid Esper Killer that you can control your power." Said Sonic as he a confidant smirk on his face.

Sonic begins to stretch his arms and then his legs next. He then slowly got into a runner starting position. He then looked forward before runing. He ran though two School Districts until he reached the walls of Academy City. He then turned around and did the same thing again.

Every time he got to the edge of Academy City, he turns around and increase his speed. As he continues to get faster and faster he begins to be surrounded by electricity.

From somewhere in Academy City, Esper Killer noticed a blue blur running by and going the opposite direction again. "What was that just now?" asked Esper Killer.

He took to the skies to see what is happening. He saw large blue blur lights going every direction to each district in Academy City. The blue blur lights continue to get brighter and brighter. So bright that you might see it from space.

"What is that hedgehog up to now?" Asked Esper Killer.

Sonic continues to do what he is doing. When he was about to reach the middle of Academy City again, a sonic boom was heard. A burst of electricity and a bright blue light was seen in the middle of Academy City. And a blue electricity wave begin to spread out everywhere in Academy City.

When the Anti-Espers saw this blue wave coming, they tried to outrun it but it was too late. The moment the blue way went through them, all their weapons were short circuited. All their tanks suddenly stopped working. All the Anti-Espers helicopters begin to slowly lose power and crash onto the streets. All of the Anti-Espers Exo Suits begin to shut down and impossible to get back online.

"Oh no.......Thats not good......." Said Esper Killer

Esper Killer quickly flied to a sewer lid entrance and lift it up and dived into the sewers to avoid the blue wave. When the blue wave has spread out through out Academy City, it slowly disappear. In the middle of Academy City, Sonic was on his knees and taking deep breaths.

"Well..... that was a rush..... phew...." Said Sonic. Sonic then begin put his hands near his ears to hear any sounds.

He didn't hear any explosions or gun fire. That means his plan work. "What do you know? It actually worked! The score reads Sonic The Hedgehog: 1! Anti-Espers: 0. I am so awesome and I rock!" Said Sonic as he did a little happy victory dance for this success.

"You....." Said a familiar male voice. Sonic turned to his left just in time to see get grabbed by the neck by Esper Killer.

"You are going to pay for what you have done!" Said Esper Killer as furious look on his eyes before tossing Sonic to the ground.

"I am going to make you beg for mercy for ruining our plan Sonic!" Said Esper Killer.

Sonic had a plan to stop the attack on Academy City. Alan was against it but he slowly started to accept the plan. Sonic had to run at extreme speeds through each School District before creating a large EMP blue wave. The plan work but Esper Killer is angry is planning to punish Sonic for stopping the attack on Academy City.


To Be Continued........

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