Julie and the Phantoms texts

By KrazyKat945

165K 4.5K 8.3K

What if Flynn and Julie got the boys cell phones? More

Reggie and Abbreviations
Insta P1
Where's Alex???
Carrie & Reggie
Luke and Alex Get Nosy
Insta P2
Band Chat
I'm Back
Heart Attack
Justin Bieber
Home Is Where My Horse Is
Alex and Reggie??
Insta P3
Ranking the Songs
Ranking the Characters
So Now What
Ranking the Ships
Has He Come Yet???
Flynn Gets Annoyed
We're Back(Insta part ??)
Luke vs Nick
Star Wars
Ray and Reggie
Our Next Gig
I'm Bored
Requests Part 2
Never Have I Ever
One Shot Book
Juke Fight
You Idiots
Exposed Pt 2
Make Out Monday
More Juke Drama
Parental Control
Ranking the Ships Pt2
Insta Part ????
Bye Bye Bye
You can't handle when other people cry
Happy Thanksgiving
Requests Pt3
Wrong Number
I Have A Question
Christmas Prep
The Night Before The Night Before Christmas
Christmas Eve
Coming A Little Later...
Should I End It
New Years
What If???
You Just Got Pranked!!!!
I'm Gonna Rant For A Second
Instagram Part ????
How Could You
Take Down Your Pillow Fort
Juke Song Lyric Prank
Valentine's Day
Reggie and Carrie?????
Where Are You Two
Why We're Called Sunset Curve
More Adventures Of Reggie and Carrie
Now Or Never
What Do They Even Think About?
Even More Adventures Of Reggie and Carrie

She Said I Was Hot

2.9K 78 348
By KrazyKat945

Luke - Some girl just told me I was smokin hot

Julie - Who

Reggie - You're jealous

Julie - No there's just one of the girls in school that tells everyone they're hot and it's not Carrie

Flynn - What was her name???

Luke - Jessica

Julie - Jessica Farland?????

Luke - Yeah I think so....

Julie - Yeah she straight up lied to you

Luke - So Julie you don't think I'm super hot

Julie - 😳😳😳😳

Flynn - She just passed out

Alex - Dude she totally thinks that you're hot!!!

Luke - I know

Reggie - That Jessica girl told me I was hot too. Was she lying then 😟😟

Alex - No you're adorable

Reggie - I am not adorable

Alex - Then explain this picture of when we poofed away and went hiking

Reggie - No Alex don't

Alex - Too late Reg

Alex -

Luke - When did you guys go hiking????

Alex - Last week

Reggie - Yeah it was fun

Luke - And you went without me???

Alex - Yes Luke glad to see you're keeping up

Luke - Hey that wasn't nice

Reggie - What wasn't nice??? He complimented you

Alex - What? No I didn't

Reggie - Yes you did. You said glad to see you're keeping up. Wasn't that you congratulating him???

Luke - No that's called sarcasm Reg

Alex - Yeah basically I was insulting him

Reggie - Well that's not nice

Alex - Kind of the point

Reggie - Well I don't like it

Reggie left the chat
Reggie rejoined the chat

Reggie - Just kidding I'm back

Reggie - I looked up sarcasm

Alex - And.....

Reggie - I still don't like it

Luke - Well try some of it maybe you'll like it better if you use it

Reggie - Okay.....

Reggie - I like cauliflower

Reggie - Boom sarcasm

Alex - Reggie that doesn't really work

Luke - Yeah you love cauliflower

Reggie - Oh right hang on....

Reggie - Luke loves wearing sleeves

Alex - It's a start

Luke - I don't mind sleeves

Reggie - Dude it's like you're allergic to them

Alex - Yeah he's not wrong

Luke - Fine agree to disagree

Alex - Nope

Reggie - Not a chance

Luke - You guys are horrible

Alex - But you love us

Luke - Nope just Reggie. I tolerate you Alex 🙃🙃

Reggie - YAY I'M LOVED

Alex - How can you love him over me

Luke - Because he's adorable

Alex - Betrayal

Reggie - Guys look outside

Luke - Why???

Reggie - There's a cloud in the shape of a bunny riding a dragon and a real bunny on the ground. He's my new friend

Alex - Okay you're right he's adorable

Reggie - I'M NOT ADORABLE!!!

Reggie - Also stop texting me the bunny doesn't like it

Reggie - Also I named the bunny

Reggie - His name is bunny

Reggie - And I'm keeping him

Reggie has ended the chat

A/N: So I'm trying to write as my outlet for my emotions rn so there could be multiple chapter coming up on stories or I might have complete writers block. Anyway hope you enjoyed and I'll try to have another one up soon. Maybe even include so Reggie/Alex or some Reggie's adventures with the bunny named bunny. - Kayla

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