the nightingale

By thebluejay1

18.8K 732 86

Louis Tomlinson is a daily customer at the local bakery. His life changes when he meets Harry Styles, the boy... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two

Chapter Six

588 24 2
By thebluejay1

A few days later, it was Halloween.

Louis loved Halloween. He always had. He loved carving pumpkins and handing out candy. Seeing all the little kids in their costumes gave him joy.

Louis wanted to dress up every year, but Scott always had something to say, so he never did. But this year Scott was filling in for someone's shift at work, so he wouldn't be able to hand out candy with him. Louis realized he didn't really care.

Louis realized this was his opportunity to dress up without Scott knowing. Louis thought long and hard on what he wanted to be. He ticked off some of the things he already was growing up. He was superheroes many times and a zombie. He wasn't too sure. He figured he'd go to the store to buy candy and see what costumes they have.

After Louis got home from the bakery, he went to the store. He looked around and picked out a bag of candy with lots of variety. He deemed it good since he loved a lot of the candy in there. Louis hoped there would be some left over candy, but he remembered that he should be dieting. Scott always had to remind him.

He went over to the costumes and looked around. There was a long range of vampire costumes and pirates. Louis didn't want to be anything scary, so he looked at the happy section. Most of it was superheroes, princesses, and cute animals.

He saw a Peter Pan costume that caught his eye. He loved that movie and Liam, Niall, and Zayn used to tell him he looked like him. Louis smiled and picked up the costume. This was perfect. He was going to be Peter Pan.

Louis was very excited since Scott wouldn't be home to berate him.

Louis went home and hid the costume under the bed. Scott never looked under there, so he was confident he wouldn't find it.

He spent the last few days before Halloween watching Halloween movies, but nothing too scary because he hated scary and gory things.

Halloween came before Louis knew it. He was very excited, but toned it down a bit because he knew Scott would hate it.

"I'll be home around ten," Scott said and opened the front door.

"Okay," Louis said and smiled, kissing him on the cheek.

"Bye," Scott said and left.

It was 5:30 and trick or treating didn't start until 6. He took out the candy and put it in a large bowl. He quickly changed into his Peter Pan costume. Louis looked at himself in the mirror.

Louis smiled. He thought he looked quite good in it, and resembled Peter Pan greatly. He felt the black sash around his waist and tapped the red feather on his head.

Louis giggled and took the bowl of candy outside.

It was somewhat warm out, so Louis didn't need a jacket. He was thankful because he didn't want his costume covered up.

Louis sat on the step of his house, and waited for the kids to come. Until he saw Harry across the street with his candy ready.

Louis lit up and waved.

Harry smiled big and waved, getting up. He took his candy bowl and came over. He sat next to him.

"Hi, Louis. Nice costume! I love Peter Pan," Harry cheered with a smile.

Louis blushed. "Thank you. I love Disney. And — And my friends used to say I looked like him."

"You do!" Harry laughed and touched his feather on his head. "You look very cute."

Louis blushed even redder. Being called cute by Harry made Louis very happy.

"I should've dressed up. I'm so boring," Harry frowned.

"It's okay," Louis said with a smile. "You have a Halloween shirt on."

Harry smiled. "Maybe next year I'll dress up. I wonder what I should be? Maybe I'll be Captain Hook!"

They handed out candy for about an hour, chatting away until the kids started going back to their houses when it got dark. Louis was happy he got lots of compliments on his costume.

"Thank you for handing out with me," Louis said shyly. "I would've been kinda lonely without Scott."

"Anytime," Harry said and picked up his candy bowl. "Where is Scott anyway?"

"He had to work," Louis said and blushed.

Harry smiled and nodded, but deep down he was raging in anger. He knew Scott hurt Louis. He seen the bruises. He wasn't going to to say anything though because it wasn't his business and it shouldn't matter to him what happens in Louis' life.

But it did. It did matter. He didn't know why, but he had a strange wish to protect Louis. Louis was so nice and shy. He was very small too. He didn't know what Scott looked like, but he knew that Louis probably didn't stand a chance to defend himself. Harry was nearly a head foot taller than him. Harry honestly didn't want to meet Scott. He'd probably have to physically restrain himself from tackling him to the ground and giving him a taste of his own medicine. Nobody deserves to be hurt by their partner, especially not Louis.

Harry was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't hear Louis calling his name.

"Harry? Harry?" Louis waved a hand in his face and giggled.

Harry jumped and laughed. "Oh, sorry. I zoned out."

"That's okay," Louis said with a giggle. "Well, I'll see you soon. Tomorrow at the bakery?"

Harry blushed and smiled. "Tomorrow, yes."

Louis waved shyly and went back inside.

There was quite some candy left, so he left it on the counter to hopefully share with Scott. He figured he'd have to sneak some candy to actually eat some.

Louis took off his costume and put it back in its bag. He decided to hide it in their closet and did so. He didn't know what excuse he'd use if Scott found it. He hated the fact that during the two years of their relationship, Louis got better and better at lying. He hated lying, but sometimes he had to, to avoid Scott's wrath.

He still had about three hours until Scott came home, so he put on another Halloween movie.

Louis dozed off while watching it, and didn't wake until Scott woke him up.

"Wake up, Louis," Scott said and shook him.

Louis sat up and smiled. "Hi."

"How was trick or treating?" Scott asked and handed him a candy bar. "Happy Halloween."

He was in a good mood. Louis was extremely grateful.

"It was good," Louis smiled and stood up. "Thank you. Happy Halloween."

Louis was happy. He usually wasn't allowed candy, cake, or sweets.

Scott kissed him. "I love you. You know that right?"

Louis nodded and kissed him back. He smiled so big. "I know. I love you too."

Louis was ecstatic. Scott hadn't told him that in so long. Louis felt terrible for thinking Scott didn't love him anymore.

But then he remembered the beatings, the hurtful words, the forcing him to change and not eat certain things. Louis pushed those thoughts away though.

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