Chapter Thirty-Two

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It was a Saturday morning. The trial was creeping up on them. The twentieth of May was coming closer and closer, and Louis still didn't have a lawyer. Harry and Louis contacted a few, but they were so expensive.

"I guess we could just use my mum's lawyer," Harry said. "I totally forgot about that."

Louis smiled. "Yeah... let's talk to her. I still need to meet your mum and sister."

"Yeah, we can go today," Harry said and kissed him on the cheek.

Louis got out of his pajamas and into some nicer clothes. He was very excited to meet Harry's family. He just hoped they would like him.

"Don't worry, they'll love you," Harry told him, squeezing his hand.

They got into the car, Louis buckling up.

"Do you have a drivers license?" Harry asked.

"Yes, but I haven't driven a car in so long," Louis said.

Harry nodded, starting to drive. "I'll help you pick it back up again."

Louis smiled. He missed driving. He loved that Harry made him feel so free.

The drive only took about fifteen minutes. Harry's old home was medium-sized and beautiful. Louis got out when Harry parked.

"So Gemma is my older sister," Harry said, smiling. He knocked. "She's funny, you'll like her. My mum is Anne."

Anne, Harry's mother, opened the front door. Her face broke into a big smile. "Harry!"

"Mum!" Harry said and hugged her.

"I missed you," Anne said and opened the door wider. "Come in, loves."

Louis followed Harry inside.

"Lou, this is my mum," Harry said, wrapping an arm around him. "Mum, this is Louis, my boyfriend."

Anne shook his hand and kissed his cheek, smiling friendly. "Hi, love. I'm Anne. So nice to meet you."

"Hi," Louis said bashfully.

Gemma came bouncing down the steps. "Harry!"

Harry smiled and gave her a big hug. "Hi, Gem."

"Is this Louis?" asked Gemma, smiling.

"Yes, this is Louis," Harry said.

"Hi, Louis. I'm Gemma," Gemma said and smiled, shaking his hand.

Louis smiled, a little bit overwhelmed. He wasn't used to being introduced to new families. He didn't have many friends going up. He mostly played with his cousins.

"So how did you two meet?" Anne asked, sitting down at the table. "Have a seat, Louis."

Louis sat down and blushed. "I met him at the bakery. I went there every day to pick up lunch for my ex-boyfriend."

Harry gave him a wondering look. He didn't know if he was ready to open up yet to another group of strangers.

Anne smiled, deciding not to comment on the ex-boyfriend just yet. "That's sweet. You two look very cute together. Louis, you seem like a very sweet boy."

Louis blushed. "Thank you."

"So, Mum... I have to ask you something," Harry said, scratching his chin nervously.

"Yes, love?" Anne said.

Harry held Louis' hand for comfort. "We need a lawyer, and we wondered if you could inform us on your lawyer. Louis and I are pressing charges on his ex-boyfriend."

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